John Laurinaitis Doing A Good Job As IGM?


Dark Match Winner
Hy guys,first of all happy Christmas and holidays to everyone..

Now back to my question,what do you guys think,is John good Interim General Menager or??

I think his doing great job and for me Raw is a little more excitement...I was just watching last night Raw and he say that Raw is now unpredictable but still he get a lot of heat(ofc cuz he's heal IGM) but except that he's doing great job for now...What do you guys thing about him and his ability of leading Raw???
I honestly think the only reason he gets heat is because he is boring and his voice just puts people to sleep.

But i will say that this week, the whole thing with taking punk's entrance in the beginning was a start.

Other than that, he is not making the show anymore interesting and I could very well do without him.
His character is a heel GM that is supposed to be disliked.

To achieve this mean, they gave his characters the traits of being boring, dull and uninterested. John Laurinaitis is playing it greatly, and it's been working nicely. People hate him because he's dull, exactly how it's supposed to be.

So, is John Laurinaitis playing well his character? Absolutely. He's definitely achieving his goal as a heel GM.

In-keyfabe, is John Laurinaitis a good GM? Well, he could be worse, to be fair. He's actually decent.
I think he's doing a lot better than the "Mystery GM."

I wish they would explain who it was. Let HHH injure Johnny Ace, and then let them bring back out that stupid lap top. It would be pretty funny and smart to say the Mystery GM was Y2J.
As the heel GM he's doing his part. I was glad to see him get back at CM Punk first by mocking his entrance then putting him in a gauntlet match that wasn't going to be easy. You need that sort of thing in the battle between boss and employee(Austin/McMahon 101). We need more of him like that. CM Punk can't continue to get the upper hand all the time the heel boss has to be an asshole to the top faces it builds up the hatred for the character. All he has to do is keep up the back and forth and he'll be fine.

If you don't have it get, if you don't get it........figure it out.
Having Laryngitis as GM is better than seeing Michael Cole stand behind a podium and saying, "And I quote..." three plus times episode, and it's also better than Mike Adamle.
He's doing a good job of being comedic gold. "My name is John Laurinaitis, the Vice President...of Raw..." on his way to the ring tonight cracked me up, the way he botched his own title and just gave up on it. To be honest, he's got this bumbling dad quality that makes him a little more likable than Punk at times, who at times is uncreative and repetitive with his insults. The finish of the gauntlet match with him distracting the ref from the pin while "giving the people what they want!" and ejecting Vickie was really unique to his character. He didn't do it in an over the top, villainous way like Vince or Bischoff would, he really tries hard to cover his manipulating ways by acting like an out of touch moron. He's an interesting character in my book.
I think he's done a good job with his character. Ol' Johnny Ace's character is a perfect example of wrestling psychology. Even though he calls himself "Mr. Excitement", he isn't very exciting and it just makes it that much easier to boo him. Laurinaitis comes off like a soulless, corporate dick that really only cares about being in power. It's easy to dislike his character because that's exactly what you're supposed to do.

He doesn't try to be a "cool heel" or a generally charismatic authority figure like Eric Bischoff and it wouldn't work at all if he portrayed such a character. They're playing to his strengths and not trying to go in directions with his character that feel unnatural. As I said, he comes off like a soulless executive and, especially in this day and age, who is more easier to dislike than a corporate flunky?
I dislike Laurinaitis in his current role. He is getting "go away" heat rather than legit heel heat. The whole thing between him and Punk is a bad attempt at trying to recreate Austin VS McMahon. Laurinaitis is a boring boss, not an evil one like Vince was. Punk, as much as I like him, will never be at the level of Stone Cold. They should have just kept Trips as the authority figure on Raw because that was a lot more interesting. Placing Laurinaitis in charge did make sense with the conspiracy angle, but now what? He's boring and it amounted to nothing significant. Get rid of him. Hopefully he gets replaced soon, and by someone who ISN'T Vince since we need someone new who doesn't suck like Laurinaitis does.
I love him! When he comes out I start laughing because I know something is going to happen. His voice is spot on for a general manager. He's like Jack Swagger in a way, but he is over. His smile make him even better.
I really can't decide if he's doing a good job. On one hand, as Jack-Hammer said, he's portraying his corporate goon character really well. He's so ridiculously bland that it's fun to boo him. I think it's hilarious, too--he's like a dad that tries to impress his teenage son by buying him Pokemon stuff, or something. He's "out of it!"

On the other hand, though, he's not exactly making current storylines very compelling. He's a heel GM, yeah, but he's not done much extremely heelish--I kind of can't understand why CM Punk is so adamantly against him. I almost feel bad for Laurinaitis, because it seems like he's trying to be a cool dude (by making crazy matches, telling the fans he's exciting, giving thumbs up, etc.), but CM Punk is just being so plain mean to him. Punk seemed justified in his complaints in July; now it just seems like it's in his nature to complain about anything and everything.
John Laurinaitis is a guy who has been around for decades and obviously knows the business quite well. If you don't think what he does on television is purposely done then you are kidding yourself. Aside from stumbling over his lines here and there I like the fact that he is there. The only thing I dislike is that its obvious that they are trying to re-create McMahon/Austin. John is not Vince and Punk is not Austin. It will still be entertaining if they halfway succeed but it'll never be Vince/Austin.

Laurinaitis is doing his job very well. He claims to give the "dubba dubba E Uniwerse, verse" what it wants and I agree. There is an art to portraying a heel authority figure and he does it well. Hell, if Long was on RAW that main event would have been a "taaag teeeaam match beginning right NOW!" God, who really wants that crap?
I agree with Dagger Dias, he's getting GO AWAY heat, i think it was more interesting when HHH was in charge, now a days we have too many heel bosses, so in my opinion, he's just one more, don't get me wrong, he's doing a decent job, but there are too many heel bosses, but wit HHH it was different because he was a no BS, bruttaly honest, not affraid of bad guys kind of boss, it was refreshing to see a kickass GM, but with Laurinaitis it's a back to the evil boss thing, it was cool at the time,but now it's gettin stale......
Personally, I can't stand Laurinaitis. Every time he comes out, I know that there's gonna be 20 minutes of lousy acting, OBVIOUS dropped lines(he referred to himself as the executive vice president of RAW last night)and pathetically stupid attempts at proving how creative he is. I realize that he's playing a part that WWE Creative asked him to, but he's horrible at it. Seriously, his in-ring segments are just drawn out and boring, I agree with Dagger Dias, he's getting go-away heat, not heel heat. Very similar to Micheal Cole, I don't hate him because he's playing his part right; I hate him because he's boring, annoying, and just plain pointless. That's just my opinion.
I think the whole role of GM is quiet outdated but I do like Mr. Laryngitis character. Yes he is quite boring on screen, but he is what a true heel is all about much like Michael Cole...and Vickie Guerrero. If he can rile and piss off the crowd and get a reaction out them then he is doing his job as a heel.
Scofield, I agree with you that the GM thing is lame. I also agree about Vickie Guerrero, she really exemplifies the heel manager very well. However, I think back to the Attitude days for example, when VKM used to screw with Austin at every turn. I hated Vince then, but unlike Laryngitis, I found it compelling. I couldn't wait to see what he was gonna do next. I have the opposite reaction to Laryngitits and Cole, they just make me want to change the channel. Just sayin, bro. =P
Well thats why we need a big enough & over face to humiliate them. Would love it when you have a mouthy heel be mouthy for weeks on end escaping a severe beatdown only to recieve it weeks later from the ultimate anti-hero.
He needs to go. It's a joke to compare him to Vince McMahon's evil authority figure that had iconic clashes with Stone Cold. JL is boring, can't act to save his life and doesn't have an ounce of charisma, which will ultimately result in people getting bored and not watching the show.

He doesn't come close to inspiring the hatred and anger that Vince did, where people wanted to see him get his @ss kicked, and would therefore make sure to watch.
He does it well.

Honestly, having a masterful heel GM is the best way to go about RAW. Without one it's less interesting. I wish they made him the actual GM so I can take it seriously when he comes out, and even though his terrible execution, his terrible voice, and his very boring persona puts me on the stages of him as a JBL (a character way too boring you change the channel, not actually just boo and hate), it's still a good thing to have.
you gotta love johnny ace his goof last night was funny as hell!! He messed up his own title that was great!! He is doing a good job drawing boos major heat on himself!! Isnt that supposed to be his job drawing heat sticking up for the heels while givng punk the business? From executive vice president of talent relations and raw Interim GM gotta love that title!! Maybe its his haircut that belongs on a 8 year old boy
I will leave the verdict out on Mr. Laryngitis as it is too soon to really give a significant verdict of what his on screen character has done, though thus far he has done a fantastic job of been a slimey heel that riles and pisses off the crowd aswell as the IWC, so far he is doing ok. By far better than that of Teddy Long..
I rather enjoyed Lauranitis last night. But i wasnt a fan of him coming out before punk. I think he would of gotten more heat if he interupted punk before he got a chance to speak.
Laurinitis has done well with his character, its improved. But everytime he talks its like nails on a chalkboard, really dont like hearing it.
Lately hes been making me laugh alot.

" Punk , im MR EXCITEMENT "

" Punk, You dont want none of this "

Im getting use to him actually each week.
sorry, but those who slate john laurinaitis are wrong.
atleast that's my opinion, anyway.

can you not see a comedic genius at work? i do believe he will continue to turn more people over time, to see that he's actually doing a very good job in his on-screen role.
he has been responsible for some of the best moments in the last few months of raw. his 'out of touch dad' act is done to perfection. as is the 'bumbling old timer' act. his interaction with cm punk is improving by the weeks, and he's clearly not taking himself too seriously.(which was my major worry, when he began on-screen) p.s whisper it quietly, but cm punk is really enjoying working with john. and its helping cm punk aswell. who im afraid to say, was growing somewhat stale around the time of his 'choking' on the mic escapades with nash and hhh.
John Laurinaitis' constant phone calls to his wife, during his debut weeks were hilarious. ("honey, how did my tie look?....and my hair?") as someone else stated, when he screws punk. he makes it look like he's made another cock-up. rather than the evil grinning masterminds of g.m's past. i personally think its a refreshing humorous change.
the guy is one of the main reasons i still tune into raw. during triple h's tenure i was fast becoming sick of the show, and switched off a fair few times because of triple h hogging the tv time. and his penchant for burying rather than pushing. you dont get that from john on screen, even if he is supposedly one of the worst for it behind the scenes.

but anyway, back to the humour of the man. his main asset is that he's bringing to the fore, some of the finest comic relief seen in a long time. if you dont believe me that he is a master of comedy, i'll leave you with three further examples for you to watch.
the first, is in keeping with the term most of us know him for coining, whilst in his real off screen job. "wishing(insert name) all the best in their future endeavors." in this case, the catchphrase is debuted on air. and the recipient is none other than JoMo.

now, come on. talk about delivery! and the boy can also do an off screen ad-lib with the best of them! ladies and gentlemen, i give you clip #2. skip to 1:25 for the start of some genius ad libbing. "Alright. Don't make me take off my jacket."

and finally. well, its my favorite. in this clip, we see that all the man wants is to take advantage of a fantastic photo op.
as ever with john, its business first. he orders the photographer to ring for a group shot of himself and the match participants for TLC.
It's Dry comedy at its finest. made even better by that rarity. good, well timed input from cole and lawler.

And if that lasting still of the last clip, doesn't raise atleast a chuckle.....well, frankly i worry for you. i hope these examples have made a few see that johnny ace aka the funk man is doing some rather stellar work. but, even if not. i have my theory that as time creeps along. more and more will have their eyes opened to his genius.

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