John Cena's Tweets...


Pre-Show Stalwart
Are really making me dislike him as a person. Keeping things Kayfabe is one thing, but his Tweets just make him seem a douche-bag. The one thing I could always say was that even though I hated the Cena character, I liked Cena the man. Now, that's starting to change.

Unless his Tweets are Kayfabe. Reading his Twitter page, I'm not sure.
I follow Cena on Twitter and it seems like most of what he posts, at least in regards to wrestling, are kayfabe. Recently he has been posting a lot about the Rock and his abandoning the WWE. To me it seems like he's just posting things to spice up the whole storyline heading into Wrestlemania. We always hear Cena is the ideal "company guy" and I wouldn't be surprised that he's just doing as much as he can to help the WWE going into the big event. Other than that, most of what Cena says on Twitter is the typical "never give up, Cenation" stuff which doesn't bother me at all. Yeah I'm bored off my ass with Cena's character but a lot of people love it and he's just doing his part. Some of his tweets are pretty funny as well. He just posted one yesterday about the TSA pat downs where he refers to his Johnson as a "yogurt slinger." I see no problem with Cena's twitter. He can post whatever he wants on it and none of what he posts make me think he's a bad person.

I really can't see how anyone can't like Cena as a person. He devotes his life to the wrestling industry and would do absolutely anything for the WWE and the fans. Not to mention he does a tremendous amount of charity work for foundations such as Make a Wish. We also got a glimpse of Cena as a person on his My Life DVD and he seems like a down to earth guy who has a good time backstage. I'm curious as to what tweets in particular he posted that make him seem like a douche.
I haven't gotten around to making a Twitter account, but from what I've read about Twitter post from guy's like Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarett, Miz, and Cena it is certainly Kay-fabe. Take this Facebook fiasco with Rock and Cena for instance.

Professional wrestling is trying to merge with the recent surge in Social net-working. And too tell you the truth, I am sure it is fun for a guy like Jeff Jarett to write something completly obsence and distasteful about Angle and vice versa for Angle and have 1,000 of commenters on both their pages.
There's nothing wrong with what John Cena posts on his twitter. When he's talking about other wrestlers, he's staying in character by calling Miz a douche, taking shots at Rock and other wrestlers he's feuded with and don't forget after he was forced to join Nexus he posted a tweet saying something like "CeNation, Wade Barret and Nexus have banned me from using twitter unless they approve it first" or something like that so John Cena is keeping kayfabe by acting the way he does on twitter.

He would be breaking kayfabe by saying stuff like "Playing the newest video game, WWE all stars backstage with Alex Riley and Michael Cole, in stores soon near you" or something like that or even posting pictures backstage with everyone getting along.

Nothing wrong with his twitter dude.
It's obviously kay-fabe. If anything, the "person" John Cena probably looks up to The Rock and is friends with the Miz. Etc, etc.

Now his grammar and his constant use of smiley faces bother the hell out of me, but that doesn't alter my opinion of the man too much.
i love the SuperCena character. He is the standard bearer for the WWE and the face of pro wrestling right now as far as the cultural zeitgeist and those who did not stop watching wrestling after Rock and SCSA left. His tweets=irrelevant chatter:lol:
Dude, he's advancing angles, he's doing his job. Do you really think that when he goes home he thinks about how The Rock made fun of him? No. He ALWAYS sticks to storylines. Unless you're about 5 years old or just re-he-he-eally stupid, you know what he says is kayfabe.

Plus, why would you start to hate "Cena the man?" You don't know him. You don't have any idea what he's like. Just because dude says something on Twitter, because he's more than likely told to, doesn't mean that he's like that outside of wrestling.
I don't understand why he needs to put 'CeNation' at the start of every tweet.

If his Twitter username was CeNation that'd be sorta cool, but nah he does post some dumb crap at times. Using smiley faces and whatnot. But I guess he does do a good job of continuing the kayfabe storylines.

Anyone every read what Dolph Ziggler has to tweet? Shit, some things he posts are damn hilarious!
John Cena is this generation's Hulk Hogan... Bret Hart... Stone Cold/The Rock... depending on when you started watching WWF/E.

He's the face of the company, and Vince will ride him until he quits or something better comes along.

Cena loves the businesss, and if he didn't, he wouldn't tweet at all.

And really, how can you hate the guy that has done more personally for The Make-A-Wish Foundation than any other star/entertainer/athlete/company?
For the record, I don't hate the man. I don't like the little pieces of his personality that he portrays. Perhaps that's a better way to state it. I respect his work ethic, his charitable contributions. I simply think that even though he's probably using Twitter to simply advance the storyline, he comes off like a troll, responding with little tweets instead of saving it and coming at The Rock directly. Even if it's kayfabe, it rubs me the wrong way.

Does that explain it any better?
Cena is a tool. Vince will use him as a tool for as long as he makes money. That means Vince is going to throw him into any form of media to get attention. We have seen his movies and commercials and now its Twitter. Its all an act and its all about getting ratings Monday night. Though I do agree his Twitter makes him sound like a douche.
IT's not Cena's real twitter, it's his characters. nothing he posts on there is what he would actually think. I like it, how many kids would be following him to see what he says? It's a good way to further storylines without actually having any mic time. and it can be done anytime of the week. More wrestlers should actually have Twitters like Cena's it wouldn't be that hard to have two, one for real life and one for the character.

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