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John Cena's new character


I <3 Wrestling and Soccer
Guys, this is my first thread so pls forgive the mistakes and I know that there are many threads on this, but this time, I'm suggesting a character and you guys tell me if it'll work or not. Here's the character:

We all know that Cena has many fans... kids and ladies all over the world and also some adults. Believe me, there are many adults in Asia who love (and I will use the word "love") Cena. And after this Nexus thing is over, we all know Cena's not gonna turn heel and he's going to end Nexus. So, by ending Nexus, maybe he'll gain more teens and male fans. So then, he can come out and say that he has more fans than SCSA, Rock (I know he doesn't, but look at it from a WWE storyline point of view), Orton, Hunter, Taker and so on. He could call himself The Global Icon. Then, we'll all know him by the name "The Global Icon" John Cena. He can become a younger Triple H... meaning he could be funny and at the same time, serious. He'll have new moves and thus, will keep on gaining more and more fans. And the most important thing, he'll drop the Superman and "Never Give up" persona!!!

So, I ask you guys how do you feel about the character? Will it work? Could Cena get more respect? and How much will he (Cena) benifit from this character?

Side note: I got my username from this persona;)
No. It's a stupid, moronic, idiotic idea. How in the HELL is Cena going to get more teen/male fans by beating Nexus? Are they going to spawn out of nowhere?

It's pretty illogical for Cena of all people to get cocky over having more fans. And it's not true too. Don't have WWE's mentality, don't insult my intelligence. "The Global Icon" is the crappiest, cheesiest thing I've ever heard in my life.

No, this will not work. There is NO WAY to make Cena interesting. None. He's bland by nature. Even if turned heel he'll turn stale in a jiffy. Cena's a lost cause, WWE fucked him up.

Very much agreed.
Cena is well loved with many fans and viewers worldwide. Having somebody comprehend and state that they have more fans then any other superstar is a stupid statement ,kayfabe or not.

I enjoy Cena as a performer and what he contributes daily to the wwe and community,and Im pretty sure hes not a up himself person outside his proffesion.
If anything this Nexus storyline is probably the best work of his character in terms of storylines.And to say Cena will beatdown the Nexus is a rumor itself.
Why kill something that is bettering both the Nexus superstars and Mr Cena?
Only way Cena can garner more fans if he turns heel. Look at all the guys who were top of WWE, Rock, Austin, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Hogan. They were all heals at one point or another when they were main eventing and it helped make their characters immensely more popular. Even Austin, his face character was growing stale and once he teamed up with Mcmahon, we all got to see the funny side of Austin, with his what chants and playing guitar and crappy singing. People loved heel Rock in 03 when he was putting everyone down. Cenas only been in a heel when was a jobber. Cena is too corny now to be taken seriously by adults, his jokes are just lame. Giving him a darker character will bring out the cooler side of Cena which will ultimatley garner him more fans. Look at Orton, when he was a heel people slowly started to cheer for him and the WWE had no choice but to turn him face cuz he was getting cheered everywhere he went.

Bottom line is, fans love heels, especially the crazy lunatic characters like Triple H when he was the cerebral assassin, Orton the insane lunatic who punted Vince and DDted Stephanie, Stone Cold who relentlessly beat up a crippled Bret Hart in a wheel chair in 1997.
He needs to go back to his rap heel turn to break out of his boring and bland baby face character and make himself fun to watch again. Obviously it will never happen so the WWE did the next best thing and forced him to join Nexus even though he's a baby face. It's interesting, but silly at the same time because it's ruining the group. Yes that's right I find Nexus interesting because they brought a fresh angle to the WWE that it sorely needed. A breath of fresh air so to speak.
No. It's a stupid, moronic, idiotic idea. How in the HELL is Cena going to get more teen/male fans by beating Nexus? Are they going to spawn out of nowhere?

That's a little bit harsh considering it's just a fans idea. Chill out man.

I don't think John Cena is ever going to change. Ever. He will always be the superman face. Saying he couldn't get more fans is ridiculous. No they won't spawn out of nowhere but more people get into wrestling and more people could become fans of John Cena.
Guys, this is my first thread so pls forgive the mistakes and I know that there are many threads on this, but this time, I'm suggesting a character and you guys tell me if it'll work or not. Here's the character:

We all know that Cena has many fans... kids and ladies all over the world and also some adults. Believe me, there are many adults in Asia who love (and I will use the word "love") Cena. And after this Nexus thing is over, we all know Cena's not gonna turn heel and he's going to end Nexus. So, by ending Nexus, maybe he'll gain more teens and male fans. So then, he can come out and say that he has more fans than SCSA, Rock (I know he doesn't, but look at it from a WWE storyline point of view), Orton, Hunter, Taker and so on. He could call himself The Global Icon. Then, we'll all know him by the name "The Global Icon" John Cena. He can become a younger Triple H... meaning he could be funny and at the same time, serious. He'll have new moves and thus, will keep on gaining more and more fans. And the most important thing, he'll drop the Superman and "Never Give up" persona!!!

So, I ask you guys how do you feel about the character? Will it work? Could Cena get more respect? and How much will he (Cena) benifit from this character?

Side note: I got my username from this persona;)

I'm not gonna shit all over your idea but it's not going to work. In my opinion the only way this would have worked is if Cena turned heel without ever having to be a part of Nexus. If Cena was the leader of Nexus from day one people could buy it but WWE creative is WWE creative
he can come out and say that he has more fans than SCSA, Rock (I know he doesn't, but look at it from a WWE storyline point of view), Orton, Hunter, Taker and so on. He could call himself The Global Icon.

If John ever said this, He would lose fans. Actually this may be a good way to turn him heel.

He dose need a change for him to gain more fans, but calling himself a "Global Icon" is not it. I think the Nexus angle they are going with now, is actually gaining him some fans and there is a lot of good story positional in it. I think that the WWE is on the right track right now with John, to help gain him more fans in the teen male demographic.
Cena should turn heel for his character to grow, and IMO and alot of others he is turning semi heel atleast, "My time is up, my time is now", sure they could hold it off for a while, but it is happening, it's only a matter of time. the last year you can clearly see the change occuring, and they have the reasons written throughout

He's been screwed time and time again by management, he's been cheated by the heels and rarely does anyone come to his rescue, and now the face lockeroom will start to turn on him.
or it could be a Hogan type change, blaming the fans for turning on him and cheering his attackers.

dunno who's gonna replace him as the major face though, seems Randy Orton is being pushed as the new face of RAW atm but i dunno his current title run is flat.

everything is overshadowed by Cena and the GM interrupts/Michael Cole hate

If he was to beat the Nexus from inside, I don't think it would change anything for the better as far as his character is concerned, it would change nothing, the same people would still hate him for the same reason, maybe even more so, I think those fans you think he's gonna gain are actually rooting for Cena being held back, not for him battling to win his freedom. conversly the kids/Cena fans would still lap him up if he did remain as he is.

or look at it this way, all the major players had heel runs, then they came back as even bigger faces with more fans. and Cena has been a face for 6yrs and his character basically hasn't changed in that whole time.
I may be coming out of left field here, but what if they turned Cena into a tweener? Yeah, that would freshen up his character and he could still keep the kids and women as fans and maybe be a little more edgy to attract the teens and adult males. I think Cena could pull it off. I know for one, i would hate to have to explain to my 4 year old son why the mighty John Cena is now a bad guy.

Check it out, Cena stays with the Nexus, and does what Barret says. But he takes it out on any and everybody. He would kinda be like the lone wolf of the wwe. He comes out and says all he needs is the fans. I like that idea, and i think not knowing if Cena is gonna beat up a face or heal would be interesting.
Agreed with Zeven Zeon. No offence, but your whole statement is ridiculous. John Cena can't gain anymore fans. Even if he gets new moves and a new persona. The problem is that, nobody wants to see SuperCena anymore. Only little kids and women. Adults and teens don't like him because they rather see better wrestlers. Say, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, CM Punk, and Undertaker. John Cena is crap, he always will be from here on end. John Cena can`t get the message that he`s so boring. Call him charismatic all you want, the guy talks about how to never give up or how I let you fans down and all that shit. He`s not a younger version of the Rock. The Rock never moaned and whine when he was forced to be with a group. The Rock never cried about losing a champion, he was always mad and pissed off. And John Cena always pretends to be. Sure, the Rock does pretend, but he made it looked real. But since John Cena appeals to his younger fans, he gets mad in a way that his younger fans can believe him. John Cena is far from being another Rock, and especially Triple H. Basically, the only way I'll ever respect the man if he turns heel and stops being selfish by stealing the main event.
I don't think it's a good idea for a slew of different reasons.

1. The WWE isn't trying to go for a demographic of teens and adults. It's not like they're struggling to grab that demographic of viewers. Cena is appealing to his demographic intentionally, and I would imagine it has a lot to do with the mountain of merchandise he sells weekly. It would make no sense for their top face to start appealing to teenagers when the rest of the company are appealing to something completely different.

2. How many times has an "icon" gimmick been done? Let's just be honest here, we have like 4 "icons" a year.

3. Generally, when people start labeling themselves as great, and they start talking about how much of an "icon" they are, they get cocky, and slowly turn into a heel. Again, with the mountain of merchandise he's selling, they can't afford to turn him heel until they can manage to build up a new star that can rival his merchandise sales.

4. The reason he has the determined "never give up" persona in the first place is because people can easily relate to him. It's one of the biggest reasons why his gimmick works so well. Not too many people can relate to a guy strutting around the ring talking about how great he is, which is why those guys are always heels. If he loses the number one reason why casual fans are so into him, then he's got nothing.

tl;dr: I'm being completely blunt, this idea is terrible.
That is kindof how rock turned heel when he beat austin in WM 19 by saying he was like the biggest and the best and hollywood and if we remember he was still entertaining but he wasnt really as a good a heel as he was in 1999 with the corporation and his feuds with foley and that is my reasoning for saying it may not work. May be a communism idea, sound good on paper but put into practice and it kindof falls to shit because its quite hard to pull off
Well first of all, let me say the crowd was mostly dead yesterday. Just watch it. Anyway, I noticed that Cena got a little pop from the older audience during his entrance. It wasn't the usual high-pitched voices from the little kiddies. After the match, when Cena was sent to ringside, the older audienced cheered Cena on for a little while. Then of course, it went silent and the little kiddies went on cheering. :shrug: What do you think? I think this Nexus angle is what Cena needs to transition into a different gimmick. Not that I'm saying it's going to happen any time soon.
Was watching Summerslam last night (downloaded by a friend) and couldn't help but notice that on Cena's T-Shirt the N of Cena and Never Give Up is the same font as the N for the NEXUS logo. Coincidence?
Agreed with Zeven Zeon. No offence, but your whole statement is ridiculous. John Cena can't gain anymore fans. Even if he gets new moves and a new persona. The problem is that, nobody wants to see SuperCena anymore. Only little kids and women.

Seriously man, did you start watching wrestling last week? Cena is, and will be remembered, as one of the best performers of this era. From Kurt Angle to Batista, Cena has consistently been having good to great matches with everyone he performs in. You name the match stipulation, and Cena has shined in it. Last Man Standing? Watch his matches against Umaga, Edge and Batista. I Quit? He got damn good matches out of JBL and Batista, and one of the better matches, from a psychological standpoint, from Randy Orton last year. He shined in both his first TLC, and IronMan matches. Name the match, and the opponent, and Cena has delivered.

Adults and teens don't like him because they rather see better wrestlers. Say, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, CM Punk, and Undertaker. John Cena is crap, he always will be from here on end. John Cena can`t get the message that he`s so boring.

Cena's every bit the performer of any of the guys you just named. And your logic that Cena is crap and boring is what? Over the past year, he's been responsible for helping to elevate Sheamus, Miz and Barrett into the main event picture. Have you seen ANY of those guys you just named do that this year? Let me answer it, no.

Call him charismatic all you want, the guy talks about how to never give up or how I let you fans down and all that shit. He`s not a younger version of the Rock. The Rock never moaned and whine when he was forced to be with a group. The Rock never cried about losing a champion, he was always mad and pissed off. And John Cena always pretends to be. Sure, the Rock does pretend, but he made it looked real.

Can we stop with the Rock comparisons already? The Rock and Cena have always, and always will be, two different characters. The only thing they have in common are the fact that they'll be remembered as two of the most outstanding, well-rounded performers in history. Rock's gimmick was that he spoke in the third person all of the time, just as Cena's is "Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect." The best performers take their gimmick, and combine them with aspects of their own personality. And Cena's carried the company on his back with that gimmick the past five years.

Basically, the only way I'll ever respect the man if he turns heel and stops being selfish by stealing the main event

Because Cena's in charge of creative and dictates how booking goes, right? You do realize that this isn't real, right? Or did I just ruin that for you? For f----s sake man, you didn't make a valid point in your entire post. Yeah, turn Cena heel! That hasn't been suggested before. But he hogs the main event! He's a main event performer. Are you suggesting he steps into the mid-card, and feuds with guys like Zack Ryder, or R-Truth? Maybe you'ld like to see him in a pose-off with Ezekiel Jackson? Bottom line, people pay to see Cena. He's one of the most charismatic, well-rounded, dynamic wrestlers the company has ever had.

And as I said before, while in the main event, he's been responsible for giving Barrett and Sheamus the pushes they've gotten. The Miz' push began as a result of his feud with Cena. Cena's put more up and coming talent over alone then than any of the other veterans in the WWE. How is that something you fail to grasp, and cannot respect? Go ahead, turn him heel. He'll be the best damn heel in the WWE, immediately. Whether or not you give him a gimmick change is immeterial, honestly.

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