John Cena vs Darren Young = WWE Listening to Fans?

The Decrypter

Now we all know that for the past few months, there has been endless comparisons between John Cena & Darren Young by the IWC, mostly in terms of looks and such. Young even acknowledged this himself on a past Raw sayin' "Heh, some people even say I'm the black John Cena!" And now, at the end of today's RAW of July 5th, 2010, we had an interestin' 5 minute segment with John Cena fighting Darren Young. Do you think this is a gradual build toward somethin' bigger, or is it just WWE panderin' to its fans for various, random segments?
I think it was just John Cena relentlessly beating the snot out of him. Nothing more. That or there pushing a John Cena is racist gimmick. You choose.
Sorry there was just nothing else to it.
I think there's a slight possibility. Darren Young DOES have a build similar to Cena's, he DOES look similar to him sometimes, but I see a few differences. 1) Cena has botched his fair share of moves, but he seems to do it in a less obvious way. I believe Darren Young has botched bad a bit more often. May or may not be inexperience. 2) After what I've seen, Cena may be corny and lame with his promos, but I'm pretty sure Darren can't even get a promo over when he's not doing that.
So in essence, Darren may resemble him physically, but I'm pretty sure, promo/charisma-wise, Cena is much beyond Darren's level, and therefore, it was probably just them randomly picking somebody from Nexus to go first. (And this is not Cena favoritism, I actually hate the character, I just thing he can sell it.)
If you'll notice, the WWE has been slipping in sly refernces to the IWC for a while now. It started with the relentless mocking of Cole's "vintage" catchphrase on the 10th Anniversary of Smackdown. It continued a few months ago with Bryan Danielson, and then with his feud with Cole. Then Titus O'Neil turned the mistake we all rode him for ("Make it a win") into his catchphrase. And finally Darren Young himself acknowledged the resemblance between him and Cena.

It's just a way of getting us all excited and for WWE to keep us happy. They throw us a bone once in a while, and we smile and appreciate it. The WWE is a business, and while they can't please everyone all of the time, they can still acknowledge that we're out there.

I like it. It's kinda cool.
I thought Young was an interchangable rookie in that segment.I assumed that they were supposed to run,and whoever got left behind was to stay and be punished and then leave the group next week for being abandoned.The segment was generic to me,but that was a passionate beatdown,no doubt.
To be honest, I felt like Young was just kind of the guy who got caught. With that said, out of all the Nexus members, it's my opinion at least that Darren Young is the weakest link. I'm sure there could be some subtlety in there with the "Black John Cena" reference pointed out a few weeks prior, but in this case, it was just the guy who got caught.

On a side note, if there really was marketability to the "Black John Cena" thing, it would have been wise, and amusing, to debut Young as "Juwan Seena" or something. Have him with the same haircut, similar attire, etc. Would have made for great comedy, but the dude would have been dead on arrival as there's absolutely nowhere else to go with a gimmick like that. It would have been Gillberg, but darker.

Lucky for Young, he's involved in a greater storyline, one that will get more out of him than anything else ever will I predict. I would advise no one to look deeper into this than need be. Young won't be out of the group, nor will he face consequences for getting beat up. He got caught when Nexus was outnumbered and he took a beating, simple as that. If you are Nexus, why let your group continue to dwindle in number. It is the sheer numbers game and interchangeable parts that have gotten them this far, hasn't it?
Who says that Darren Young is "the black John Cena." Does not look or wrestle like the guy. Young got beat down because he was the guy that fought Cena last as the locker room hit the ring. He got clobbered by Cena to posibly make it 6 on 1 instead of 7 on 1 next week.
WWE & Cena finally did a top notch job tonight of getting Cena over legitimately, he gained a lot of respect tonight, the storyline is working in terms of getting Cena respect as a face.
I think it's just a case of Young (kayfabe) being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. He was left behind, and payed for it. John Cena found that Young was still in the ring, and made an example out of him.

It's pretty clear to me (and anyone who isn't completely blind and/or retarted) that Barrett is the focus of this group. Right now, the group is the focus, but Barrett is clearly the leader, and has a title shot when he wants it.

I can't say for certain that Cena and Barrett are going to feud, in a one-on-one fashion, after this next PPV. But, if it's going to be anyone from NEXUS, it will be Barrett, guaranteed. Barrett won season 1 for a reason; he was the best they had (minus Danielson). But I highly, highly doubt the WWE is going to take Young and stick him in a feud with Cena.

If the WWE is going the route of having Cena and Barrett be the focus of this angle, look for Cena to take out just about every member of NEXUS before getting ahold of Barrett. It builds anticipation. But then again, this is the era of instant gratification, so we might see 10-15 Cena/Barrett matches before and after they have a PPV clash. You never know.
And what makes you think Young is the weakest? He certainly doesn't appear that way.

The fact that he is the worst on the mic, has proven the least in the ring and has very little presence in the ring. Cena had to take out somebody who else?

Barrett? Obviously not

Otunga? Too big to be dominated like that

Slater? Wouldn't make sense and used to be face

Gabriel? Being built up as a high flyer, why bring him down

Sheffield? Probably the most underrated of the group

Tarver? Also being given a bigger role

It HAD to be Young.
it was a "we have nothing to do so lets throw this random white guy beating up black guy segment in" either that, or they recognize Darren Young for what he truly is...a Weak, crappy wrestler, who is actually a living breathing black Troll Doll...
Sorry to the guy who said Cena botched his fair share of moves, he's botched a very few actually. Cena actually does a good job in making the moves look believable. So maybe you got confused somehow and was thinking of Kane, triple h or Batista. Far as d. young, i don't see any comparison to cena because there is none. Their not built the same, don't look the same, or have any of the same mannerisms. Not similiar in any way so this is really a dumb thread.
The fact that he is the worst on the mic, has proven the least in the ring and has very little presence in the ring. Cena had to take out somebody who else?

Barrett? Obviously not

Otunga? Too big to be dominated like that

Slater? Wouldn't make sense and used to be face

Gabriel? Being built up as a high flyer, why bring him down

Sheffield? Probably the most underrated of the group

Tarver? Also being given a bigger role

It HAD to be Young.

What has any of the guys proven in the ring? And what do you mean by "Otunga is too big to be dominated like that?" If you mean size wise Otunga isn't bigger than Darren young by very much at all if even that. Otunga, slater, gabriel, and young none of them have a strong ring presence. And what the hell does mic work have to do with being assaulted? Everyone else ran, and he just was the last one left, so he got beat down, simple as that.
I really doubt it's anything more than a small thing just for the fans to have something to get all worked up about.

It's obvious that WWE isn't gonna neglect one talent over all the others when it comes to The Nexus. John is gonna get his hands on the majority of them I'm sure about that. But in the end it's Wade Barrett who's the star of that faction. It's gonna be Wade Barrett who's gonna be the focus point coming out of this feud as well as this faction.

Darren Young vs John Cena won't happen as a one on one match. I think it's merely a small hint here and there for the sake of poking fun at some coincidences. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And the reason I believe it won't happen is as I stated above. Wade is the star. Wade is the one WWE is gonna want to push. Not someone who wasn't ment to be moving to the main rosters in the first place.
On a side note, if there really was marketability to the "Black John Cena" thing, it would have been wise, and amusing, to debut Young as "Juwan Seena" or something. Have him with the same haircut, similar attire, etc. Would have made for great comedy, but the dude would have been dead on arrival as there's absolutely nowhere else to go with a gimmick like that. It would have been Gillberg, but darker.


Wow the name could possibly dismantle the minds of many fans.. apart from kids who probably would get 'it'.
There would be more criticism towards creative from the bunch of IWC know it alls who love to keytap their flaws.And furthermore would kill any if any..momentum Darren Young gains from Nexus.

With that said the only resemblance I see between the two is their jawline,which in theory is not much to compare between a human.

If they wanted the 'black' John Cena or a lookalike then they could surely better suit someone for that role.
I think it was just a coincidence. Young just happened to be the one that got stuck in the ring. I don't think the WWE deliberately chose Darren Young to be that guy because he looks like Cena. Darren Young vs Cena one on one will not happen. Young isn't the star of the faction, Wade is. The only meaningful one on one match to come from this whole thing will be Cena vs Wade.
I think you might be looking too far into it. While I do think WWE has been subtly pandering to the IWC, at the same time I don't think Cena beating up on young means much. As was said before, he was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. The beating on Young will simply further the storyline of Cena's promise to take out every member of the Nexus. Like he said at the end of Raw, "one down, six to go."
The reason John Cena took out Darren Young last night was because Young was the last one in the ring and he needed to take one of the members of Nexus out. But I definitely think the reason it was Young was because he's the weakest member, he has the most to learn so logically it would be him.
I have to agree with the people saying that this was merly a case of Darren young being the last one standing when the music stopped. I highly doubt they were pandering to the iwc with that slaughter of a beatdown. Plus it may be a start of a program where every week JC catches 1 member of the nexus for karmic payback till he finally works his way to Barrett at a PPV.
I dont see the comparison between them at all and i think the beat down cena gave him was just that i dont think it had any special meaning. Did anyone else see when cena flipped the table and it didn't even land on young?
I don't think there's anything big behind this. Young just happened to be first on Cena's hit list. I highly doubt we will see a Cena VS Young match headline a PPV or even an episode of Monday Night Raw. Cena will eventually go after Wade Barrett as his main target. It's obvious WWE wants to have Cena feud with the winner of NXT season 1.

Although, this was a nice little treat for the IWC. I've seen a good amount of threads/posts on here comparing Young to Cena as far as looks go, so the WWE probably decided to acknowledge the IWC in their own way, but still, I just can't see a Young/Cena feud taking ever.
I don't think there's anything big behind this. Young just happened to be first on Cena's hit list. I highly doubt we will see a Cena VS Young match headline a PPV or even an episode of Monday Night Raw. Cena will eventually go after Wade Barrett as his main target. It's obvious WWE wants to have Cena feud with the winner of NXT season 1.

Although, this was a nice little treat for the IWC. I've seen a good amount of threads/posts on here comparing Young to Cena as far as looks go, so the WWE probably decided to acknowledge the IWC in their own way, but still, I just can't see a Young/Cena feud taking ever.

I dunno, never say never. Some of the greats in wrestling have had rough starts and ended up bein' well placed into the main event later into their careers. Just sayin'. >_>
I dunno, never say never. Some of the greats in wrestling have had rough starts and ended up bein' well placed into the main event later into their careers. Just sayin'. >_>

I just don't buy Young as a future main all. First of all, he looks like John Cena. That's a HUGE strike against him already. If WWE does decide to do anything significant with Young, he will be used as a Cena look-alike. He will be a comedy guy, and nothing more. He won't be used in a serious way. They'll probably have him mock Cena in every way imaginable, and of course Cena will beat the crap out of him every chance he gets. And as I said in my earlier post, I find it very hard to believe that a Cena VS Young match would headline a PPV or a Monday Night Raw. Think about it, who would take a feud solely based on Young looking like Cena seriously? Why would WWE want to have Young in the main event, when they have better options? Edge, Orton, Sheamus, Cena, and Jericho will continue to headline Raw, because they are main event guys.
This interaction was brilliant, for crying out loud, the whole arena cheered for Cena, but its not going to lead to a one on one encounter between Young and Cena, John is just takking down each Nexus member one at a time until he gets to Wade. I must say though it was a passionate and emotional beating Cena gave that made everyone cheer and give a reaction, WWE has been giving us what we want for some time now and its been good they are giving us exciting new moments on RAW. John Cena is basically on a war path hunting the Nexus members because ultimately we will be given John Cena vs Wade Barrett in the near future.

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