John Cena Says HHH & Vince Wanted To Fire Him Years Ago

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
Advice to younger wrestlers: "Never give up. Back in 2003, 2002, when I was just wearing boots and tights and I was supposed to be the ruthless aggression young good guy, nobody in the company liked me. I know Vince McMahon won't admit this, but he wanted me fired, Triple H wanted me fired, everybody hated me. They just wouldn't give me a forum to showcase my talents. I've always been able to connect with the audience if given the ability to speak.

"I got that ability and I was off to the races. I was up against all odds. I wasn't born into this business. I'm not a third generation guy or a second generation guy. I'm just a dude who grew up a fan like all you guys and I wanted to do this my whole life. And I never gave up. That's the advice I give to all the young cats, all the guys who have been trying and trying, trying to make it, attempt after attempt. I've failed many times, but you never ever give up."

What if they did fire John Cena years ago? What do you think WWE would be like today?
If he got fired he would have gotten hired back and would probably be the same guy we see today. The only change may have been his rise would have happened a few years after the fact.
I hate to sound like one of those guys that thinks everything is a work, but this does look like a work to me. If it's not then it's really interesting, but it kinda triggered my inner "smark" when he said Vince McMahon won't admit this... Then my spidey senses really went off in the second paragraph. Read it! It looks like one big shot at The Rock to me. The whole I'm just like all the fans and I'm not second or third generation is the epitome of this feud. I'm on Team Cena come Sunday, but this still looks like a huge work to me.
Y2J said in his undisputed autobiography that Vince didn't like Cena at first and only agreed to push him after pressure from other guys like himself, even then killing his push and placing him back on the bottom of the card after an initial mini-push including a clean win over Jericho. He said Vince only really got on board after he was allowed to do his first rap. So it does seem like Cena is telling the truth.
If he is telling the truth, then I wonder who it was constantly going to bat for him. It wouldn't surprise me if it was none other than Paul Heyman, who was writing Smackdown around this time. Oh, how I would love that to be true.
Y2J said in his undisputed autobiography that Vince didn't like Cena at first and only agreed to push him after pressure from other guys like himself, even then killing his push and placing him back on the bottom of the card after an initial mini-push including a clean win over Jericho. He said Vince only really got on board after he was allowed to do his first rap. So it does seem like Cena is telling the truth.

Thanks for that. Don't have Jericho's autobiography so didn't know that.
How long has John Cena's dad been doing wrestling promotion related stuff?

Anyway, I don't believe anything that is predicated on Vince McMahon not being able to do what he wants in the WWE.
If he is telling the truth, then I wonder who it was constantly going to bat for him. It wouldn't surprise me if it was none other than Paul Heyman, who was writing Smackdown around this time. Oh, how I would love that to be true.
I'd heard a rumour a while back that Steph was his white knight with management.

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