John Cena reportedly suffering from a back injury. What should the WWE do with him?

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I want everyone to keep in mind that this thread is NOT about discussing John Cena's character in any way. This thread is specifically about discussing how John Cena should be booked at this point. Should he be protected in Tag Team matches? Should he necessarily be involved in any feuds? Should he even be booked at all, or should he stay home and rest? Is having him wrestle jeopardizing his Mania match? Please keep the thread ON TOPIC.

Thank you.

Hey everyone,

Just found this a few minutes ago. Wanted to get your thoughts.
Source: The Wrestling Observer

The word going around WWE is that John Cena is suffering from a back injury.

Reports indicate that Cena is suffering from a few bulging discs, which has created some discomfort. As nothing more about the reported injury, such as which discs are affected, has been released, the severity of the injury is hard to assess.

Nonetheless, it does appear that the back issue was responsible for WWE dropping plans to hold a John Cena vs. Sheamus match at the Royal Rumble.

More shortly.

If this is true, what do you think the plan for John Cena as of now would be?
I think they are going to "protect" Cena until Wrestlemania so he could get surgery if needed after. This troubles me as Cena has been injured a lot in the past two and a half years. He's becoming injury-prone like Edge and that is bad for the WWE. I'm not saying they are in dire trouble right now, but if the injury further progresses than they could be in some trouble down the road. They should keep Cena on a easy schedule until Wrestlemania. If he needs surgery after it, then he could take the time off.
I believe that as soon as Cena returns he will try to dig out a WM opponent (if he comes back just in time) and the rumors going around are that Vinny Mac is pushing harder than he ever has for a Cena vs Rock match... Cena will come out and try to convince people that if The Rock is what he truly says ("The Peoples Champ") then he will come out and accept his challenge for a match at Mania... He would also try to convince the fans that The Rock was using the WWE as a stepping stone for Bigger things (Hollywood.)

There are other options around, but this is the big one...
If John Cena is indeed suffering from a back injury, then it makes sense for the WWE to take him out of the title programme for the time being. With that being said, I don't see him being out of it for long. He will likely take a few weeks to rest up and then he will be ready to go again. If he takes it easy over the next few weeks and keeps wrestling in long matches to a minimum, he should be back in the title picture after the Royal Rumble.

That brings me onto my next point neatly. With John Cena very likely to take it easy over the next couple of weeks, it would make a whole lot of sense to have him win the Royal Rumble. I have seen it coming for a while now and I was always held back by the thought that he would be in the Championship match. Now that is our of the way, I think the road is clear for him to go on and win the Rumble. I also expect Triple H to take the title in the next few months or Randy Orton and that will be the main event of the Wrestlemania. It all is making sense now and with Cena, you could have him come in and work from number 27 and win it without it being too much of a workload that will make his injury worse.
Dave said it the best, he will probably rest up for the time being, come back in a few weeks ready to go. I'm not sure if he has Royal Rumble plans yet, but if he is on the card, I assume it is just in the Rumble where really, he could last but a few minutes, getting eliminated by someone who he could challenge at Mania.

Then he has a few months to get ready for Wrestlemania, staying back and cutting promos until he has recovered. He is a hard worker and I assume he will try to be there in some capacity for the WWE.
If this injury doesn't require surgery, they'll probably have Sheamus retain at the Rumble and then have Cena beat him at EC. He should be alright by that time. I highly doubt (and hope) Cena will win the Rumble though, with or without this injury.

If he does need surgery, then they'll probably take it easier on him until after Wrestlemania, when he can get his back fixed. However, if he needs the procedure now, then that's really going to hurt 'Mania since he most likely won't be there. On the flip side, his absence would force the WWE to push somone new to the top like Kofi.
The only thing that needs to happen now is Cena taking time off from the business to heal and rehab his injury. We sometimes forget that our favourite wrestlers are humans who suffer from problems like this, and consequently we look straight at the effects for the business, or what he could be doing now. But, if he wants this problem to go away and not worsen, a while off should do him some good, and make sure he can wrestler comfortably and at his best for many more years.
This would make sense as to why he was taken out of the title picture. I hope everything is okay for him. I'd hate to see him go out with another injury. This would be like what, his 3rd or 4th in recent years? Hopefully somewheres down the road, if it's not a serious injury, he gets some time off to rehab the injury, and if he does need surgery down the line, best of luck to him and a speedy recovery.

The only thing that needs to happen now is Cena taking time off from the business to heal and rehab his injury. We sometimes forget that our favourite wrestlers are humans who suffer from problems like this, and consequently we look straight at the effects for the business, or what he could be doing now. But, if he wants this problem to go away and not worsen, a while off should do him some good, and make sure he can wrestler comfortably and at his best for many more years.

I think Becca said it best. We do often times forget that our favorite wrestlers are only human and that they go out there and risk their necks to entertain us.
This is my first post so please bare with me people.

If Cena is seriously that hurt then why would they want to have him in a major fued for the title right now? It wouldn't make any sense.

What they should do with him now is let him rest for the few weeks leading up the rumble, they can play out that the steel stair shot he recieved for Rhodes was damaging and he will be out for a few weeks. Then have him come back at the rumble towards the end that way they have their big name in the final four and then have get thrown over by triple h or whomever. This wouldn't really effect his injury as much as having him wrestle a full match. This is just my opinion though!
That was the best thing for Cena was not letting him be a part of the match with Sheamus. All he needs to do now is rest up and let himself heal up. Who cares about business right now, they should think ahead to the future where if Cena doesn't rest and keeps at it he may get worse and business will be a lot worse in the long run. Hopefully he's not out too long and is back by Wrestlemania time.
if his back is hurting then wwe should stop making him lift 3-4-5 hundred pound men! also if he is hurting everyone is right he wont fight as much so he is saved for mania in case vince pulls the rock in to fight cena! then cena will take time off have sergurey if needed come back and b given the title as usual...however wwe needs to think about this...if cena takes time off u better start making new eventers now bc after mania they gonna lose hbk and undertaker so that will b the 3 top draws in history of wwe out for a decent amount of time. plus batista is due for a injury so im sure thats coming soon to.
Junior here brings up an excellent point. With a sore back, maybe Cena should lay off the Attitude Adjuster and think of a new finisher moving into Mania. I am not one to say that Cena needs more than his signature five moves, because really, most people only have around that many. But a new finisher might protect his back. In fact, to really make it interesting, reading all the rumours that I don't buy into about The Rock coming back, I think Cena should use the Rock Bottom.
I think that Cena should take it easy for a couple of weeks, or a month or however long he needs. We are approaching Wrestlemania and the couple of months and PPV’s leading up to this are the most important of the year for the WWE. Since Cena is probably going to be involved in WM in an important capacity it seems the wisest choice to have him lie low until his WM program is ready to begin. Cena is a good enough mic worker that he can get by on this, he doesn’t always have to get involved in physical confrontations, sometimes the promise of something to come can be just as effective so he could just put an emphasis on his promos.

I feel that this may not happen however, as Cena has always pushed himself unbelievably hard to recover from injuries in the past. He almost always returns far ahead of the estimated time, due to his outstanding work ethic and pure determination to recover. His wrestling style leans heavily towards power moves and shows of strength, so the best course of action could be to have him engage in a feud that requires little physical effort on his part. Something similar to Shawn Michael’s feud with either Kurt Angle or Chris Jericho (first time around) could work, where the antagonist has something to prove and seeks to outdo the past achievements of their opponent. This could see someone trying to prove a point to Cena, while his contribution consists mostly of promo work, with an occasional brawl while resting his injury.

If Cena’s feud with the Rock actually went ahead then that would probably be perfect for Cena at the moment. The Rock’s schedule would mean that he cannot appear at Raw frequently, so Cena would only be obliged to have a promo each week to remind people of their impending confrontation. The WWE would also most likely want to save the action for the actual match, as the return of the Rock would be such a momentous occasion. If this angle does not go ahead then Cena should rest up and focus on WM rather than the present, so that his health can recover enough to perform to the best of his abilities where it is the most important.
Gee whiz!!!!! several bulged discs in his back? This should be no big surprise to anyone at all. With all the attitude adjustments he has given, especially to the Big Show, this injury really does not surprise me at all.

Now as far as what they are going to do with him.. Knowing how much he loves the business he will stick around till Mania, probably in tag matches, or being protected in other ways till then. At Mania he will have a great match and be taken out for a story line so he can have a fued when he comes back.
They could try and re-do the Austin with a broken neck storylines from the attitude era I guess. I.e. have him appear every week in street clothes cutting promos, raising hell, attacking people. Of course his finisher requires lifting so it might damage his back further but I don't know the full extent of his injuries. He could still do something. Going this direction supports the argument to kill the guest hosts and have a GM, someone who Cena could battle week in and week out, but if they insist on keeping it he can come out and just interact with the celebrities every week.
Cena will do promos, get a VERY late entrance into the Rumble, where he only has to be in the ring 5-10 minutes, probably win the Rumble because the WWE is not very creative with its Rumble winners, do promos for a few more weeks as they build up to No Way Out, and by then, his back will probably be okay. Basically, they will minimize Cena's time wrestling, but keep him on screen every week doing promos or something.
Simple solution....have him enter late in the rumble so he isnt in there very long and have him win the rumble. Next few weeks have him just do promo's and saying he is going to challenge the Raw champion at WM. Have him as the ref for the Raw elimination it as will Cena screw ppl to get who he wants at WM or will he call it right down the middle. After that he still will do mainly promo's..occassional matches and physical interactions till WM. Its really the perfect strategy.
In my opinion, they should take Cena off TV now, or if they knew 2 weeks ago at the end of the WWE Championship match, gave him time off, to get things better, and have him ready for mania which is really still 2 months away. Especially if WWE creative is trying to get The Rock (which i still think is dreamland chances, but then again who would of thought bret would be back) to face Cena, He would need to be in great shape for that.
Cena needs to be at WrestleMania, and around in the build up towards it. It isn't hard to keep someone onscreen without them fighting - they did it for a month with Big Show - and that is what they should do. He should be taken out of house shows, given a high number in the Royal Rumble, so he isn't in for too long without looking shit. Cena should do more interview segments etc until he is in a position to wrestlie. If he's injured at all, he shouldn't be getting in the ring in any capacity. The potential long term injury is not worth the short term gain to be had from putting him in a tag match.
Cena's injured, so let's keep him wrestling! Yeah! That makes perfect sense!

If Cena is really as injured as the front page says, (which has a long and storied history of being utter shit when it comes to reporting anything more than a weekend in advance), then he should be written off of TV and given his surgery/rehab. Have Sheamus attack his ass, and wow. You have instant, mega heat for your champion. You know, the champion that you threw into the picture without much of a build. He needs every bit of heat he can get.

If we don't want him off of TV until Wrestlemania, then keep him in promos. Don't let him get anywhere near the ring. Have him say "Okay, I broke my promise to you fans. I lost the three way last Monday. While it doesn't count in the record books as a loss, I count it as a loss. So I will not be wrestling until Sheamus loses that championship. And I have just the person to win it from him." Introduce some mid-carder like MVP who hella needs the push, and BAM. Cena has a job as a manager, MVP gets a push, and Sheamus gets his feud. Everyone wins.
If this report is true and if Cena needs surgery, I see three opponents being at WM capable of taking Cena off TV.

1) Sheamus. He is obviously still very dominant right now. He could go on a rampage at WM on Cena and take him off the air. Though that might not happen with HHH being Sheamus's rumored WM opponent.

2) Randy Orton. Obviously, we got the rivalry going on between these two and we saw what Orton did in their, " I quit" match to Cena. Orton has to take it a step further and punt Cena and he is off TV. Though this interferes with the Diabase rumored feud.

3) The Undertaker. Cena goes to win the Royal Rumble and instead of going after Orton/Sheamus, he decides to go after 'Taker in a Streak vs Streak match at WM( since Cena claims he will not lose a match until he is champ again). 'Taker wins and puts Cena out of commission. I still see this as the back up match for Cena if Vince can't get The Rock to wrestle Cena at WM.
I think they should, at the very least, limit his appearances on TV. Last night he was in a tag match, where Kofi did most of the work, and then showed up at the end of the night for a promo. I think from here on out they should have him only appear in promos up to the Rumble, then have him participate and be eliminated quickly. That way, whoever eliminates him can get a push, because, hey, they just eliminated John Freakin' Cena! After that, they could have a match on Raw between Cena and whoever eliminated him (I'd say HHH would be the most likely candidate), and have whoever go crazy on Cena, thusly putting him off TV for a while.
....A dream scenario would be during the Rumble telecast someone lays out Cena later to be revealed as The Rock taking his spot in the Rumble match. Cena could take a month off and comeback red hot to set up the feud for Mania.

......Realistically the best case scenario is for him to go at the Rumble and get taken out the next night at RAW if they cant book Rock for Mania. If they can then maybe have Cena take ring time off but still be on TV doing things to antogonize The Rock. Either traveling to his movie sets, Univerisity of Miami and other important things to The Rock. This way it will build up fuel for the match without Cena risking injury and the Rock not even being there until a week or so before Mania.
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