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John Cena + Randy Orton = Tag Team

Should they go for Tag Team Belts?

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  • No

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John McCass

You talkin' to me?
John Cena and Randy Orton :-
These two are the most experienced popular wrestlers on the currend roster (minus those giants Kane, The Big Show and Mark Henry). These two have accomplished almost everything available in WWE. They are the most talented wrestlers.

Now about tag team division. The tag team division has lost its lustre. It has been discussed numerous times on this forum. Also,there are only young tag teams on the current roster and they need some older talents to elevate them. No, I am not saying make them jobbers. They can become tag team champs and even increase its prestige.

Adding Randy Orton + John Cena on the tag team division will also make it must watchable division.

Hell,another idea is let them hunt the midcard belts.
No, Both Cena & Orton are needed to continue working the main event scene with the young crop of up & coming next generation of main eventers, Rollins, Reigns,Wyatt, Bryan, Ziggler & Ambrose
It would be a great way to further degrade the Cena character by not just making him tag but having him tag with the guy that keeps on beating up his dad. Continuity be dammed. Put then in matching singlets and call them Friendship Power. They can come to the ring holding hands.

I can't list all the no's I am mentally screaming right now.

Having watched them face off against each other over a thousand bajillion in the last decade (or just under or whatever), I don't want these guys anywhere near each other. Whether it's a singles match, triple threat or a tag team.

... my answer is no.
They have worked numerous times as a tag team. Rivalries occur and finish. This is the rule of wrestling. Almost,every tag teams have been split. They can also go as singles for the mid-card belts either IC or US to increase their prestige.
I went for Yes. Although not sure how you get two guys who are supposed to really not like each other suddenly become a tag team unless forced together somehow.

Could do an angle where Orton returns against Seth, the authority decide to punish both Orton and Cena but they end up taking all the belts between them against the authority
I would love to see John Cena and Randy Orton form the 2015 version of the Mega Powers in honor and in tribute to Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man Randy Savage. They could also be the 2015 version of the Two Man Power Trip in honor and in tribute to Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H, should they decide to turn Heel during their reign. I’d like to see them win the Tag Team Championship together. I’d also like to see John Cena win the Intercontinental Championship and I’d also like to see Randy Orton win the United States Championship while they are the Tag Team Champions. Doing this would elevate the 3 Championship Titles as well as help push the younger guys by lowering the glass ceiling. I’d call them the Mega Power Trip and go as far as having Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Triple H as their part time managers. Just thinking of having them under the Authority’s control interesting to me.
Triple H and SCSA did, why can't they? I'm sure there would need to be a story behind it before they casually do it and go. The tag belts would need more attention in the main event scene. Given the right build and timeframe then yeah, a heel team working for the Authority could oppose them and involve the belts. I'm no good with fantasy booking.

Cena and Orton deciding to drop into the tag team division may be seen as a downgrade, so the belts would have to ascend to the ME scene before they descend to the TT division.
I remember doing that in my universe mode in a past WWE game. I think it could work, but WWE may need some people to fill in their spot. CM Punk would've been perfect if he was still here. Hell we have The shield members available. Remember hell in a cell 2014? There match was after the Cena/Orton one. These guys could carry the company. Even Ziggler, but someone who is not Daniel Bryan. That boring ass troll deserves to stay out of T.V(unless they do away with his stupid Yes chants and turn him heel).
I think they would be a good team but since the tag division isnt really that strong right now I don't it helps as they need more higher caliber teams. Them running over the current tag teams doesn't help that division. I also don't think the WWE has a strong enough roster to where you could move Orton and Cena from singles to tag. Those two are main event guys and they would have to be put up against someone that could be a main event match. Having said that I hate just throwing two guys together for a few matches, it has to be a long program and pretty much say you are now a tag team but there's no teams to feud with. Cena is Vince's main guy and will be until Vince dies or John retires and since I don't see anyone in the sport right now coming along to challenge him for his spot people are just going to have to get use to Cena always being involved in the top matches as annoying as it is.
Nope. They should not become a tag team. They have a history together as two of the fiercest rivals of the modern times. Yes, they have tagged along before but either it was a forced tag or a temporary alliance. As much as we think that the fans are fickle, these two have too much history to totally ignore.

Tag division needs solid booking and good teams. Let these two main event on their own and let WWE book their tag teams properly. We have enough teams, all they need is direction.
I don't see the need for them to be a tag team. They both still got plenty to offer as singles wrestlers. It would have been nice to see them as a tag team 10 years ago.
I can see them teaming up on a limited basis, not so much for the purpose of going after the tag team title.....but rather, to combat the Authority, which has so far managed to divide and conquer the people they want to put in their places (example: they isolate Roman Reigns, isolate Daniel Bryan, isolate John Cena.....that's been their M.O. to this point)

It will take a formidable force to deal with the Authority, and I can't think of two better guys than Cena and Orton. After all, there's history already; Orton has been a rather unwilling Authority henchman, a role that he will be abandoning.....while Cena's problems with Authority are obvious enough to not need further explanation.

So, let 'em team up, but not exclusively as a permanent tag team. As others have stated in this topic, Cena and Orton are needed to work with the stars of tomorrow; some of whom are already in the Authority, so it's not as if this program comes out of left field.

It's also true that Cena vs. Orton has been done & dusted. Maybe it's time to see them as a united force.....not necessarily as friends, but as highly potent allies.
I can see them teaming up on a limited basis, not so much for the purpose of going after the tag team title.....but rather, to combat the Authority, which has so far managed to divide and conquer the people they want to put in their places (example: they isolate Roman Reigns, isolate Daniel Bryan, isolate John Cena.....that's been their M.O. to this point)

It will take a formidable force to deal with the Authority, and I can't think of two better guys than Cena and Orton. After all, there's history already; Orton has been a rather unwilling Authority henchman, a role that he will be abandoning.....while Cena's problems with Authority are obvious enough to not need further explanation.

So, let 'em team up, but not exclusively as a permanent tag team. As others have stated in this topic, Cena and Orton are needed to work with the stars of tomorrow; some of whom are already in the Authority, so it's not as if this program comes out of left field.

It's also true that Cena vs. Orton has been done & dusted. Maybe it's time to see them as a united force.....not necessarily as friends, but as highly potent allies.

Can't agree with this Sally.

Orton and Cena both, do not need to be the 'ones' to go after the Authority and bring them down, when there are up and comers available that should be put in that hero position to bring down the Authority(Ambreigns, for eg.). I honestly was hoping that Lesnar was used as a way to get John Cena away from being the one colliding with HHH and Stephanie, but that hasn't happened and I feel it has been a detriment to programming since Cena vs the Authority(any Authority figure, that is.) isn't anything new or interesting given it always follows the same formula.

Rather, Cena and Orton are so established, that they should be used to legitimise other superstars moving up in seperate, but Well-Written Storylines.
For instance, I felt that Cena elevated Wyatt very well in their feud, but After that feud, is where WWE weren't able to capitalise on the Eater of Worlds... similarly, Orton vs Reigns was a good way to get Reigns ready for the possibility of HHH and then Brock Lesnar, but injury derailed him, unfortunately.

Now, if after the Authority moves on, and they decide to do a "Two-Man Power Trip" type storyline with Cena and Orton, using their established careers as a reason to take all the titles available to them and sit on top of the WWE.... that would be an interesting storyline to do with them at some point, though they would both need to be Heels in such a storyline.

While Cena and Orton involved in the tag team picture would be an unexpected, and possibly interesting, way of doing something different with them and getting them out of the main event picture, teaming them with each other just doesn't work for me. Orton & Cena have had too big of a rivalry, have been at one another's throats so many times over the past 10 years, Orton has screwed Cena over on so many different occasions and in so many different ways that it's simply asking too much for fans to just gloss over a bitter, decade long rivalry that's seen Orton do everything from cost Cena championships against other opponents to beating up his old man.

Realistically speaking, it'd probably also be seen as insulting by both Orton and Cena, most definitely Orton as the guy's had a shitty attitude off & on for years. It'd be seen as a major demotion of two guys that the company has known can make them money in the long haul. It'd freshen things up to some degree sure, but you also have to look at it from a business perspective. While I'm sure some would have no problem with this particular double standard, given how much some dislike Orton & Cena, such a big demotion isn't how you treat guys who've consistently delivered for you over the span of years. It could also send a message to the rest of the locker room that company loyalty doesn't mean squat.

It's really something of a catch 22 with Cena and Orton. As has been pointed out in so many threads, WWE pushed Orton & Cena too soon and management put so many of the company's eggs so often in those two baskets that there's just nothing fresh to do with them anymore. Aside from doing something hugely drastic, like this tag team idea for instance, how can you help keep two guys who've a combined total of 28 World Championships fresh? Cena's done everything, he's beaten everybody and there's honestly a lot of places to go from a character perspective but Vince won't let it happen. He will not alter the formula, won't even consider it and will knock up & coming talent several steps back whenever any degree of paranoia that fans are no longer interested in Cena creeps into his head. As for Orton, what do you do with someone who was a 6 time World Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Tag Team Champion and Royal Rumble winner before he was 30 years old? Vince has kept Orton as a stone cold sociopath and that's how he intends to keep him.

I think there's just one thing we can do as far as Cena & Orton are concerned no matter how burned out some of us are on them and/or want to see them evolve: grin and bear it.
It would be something really cool to see and could help add something big to the tag team division. However, there is one massive problem with this idea. Look at the tag team division. Is there ANYBODY in there who would be believable defeating a tag team made up of the two biggest stars of the past decade? No. I've wanted to see a tag team made up of John Cena and Randy Orton somewhere down the line ever since the two of them had a very brief alliance (forced, but it still happened) against the entire Raw roster in a match. This would be potentially the best Tag Team Championship reign in an extremely long time and would free up two more spots for at least a couple of PPV cycles in the main event tier, but it would ONLY work if a team who was meant to dethrone them were to get built up. The Usos would NEVER be believable in defeating a Cena & Orton team. Neither would Goldust & Stardust. Even The Ascension would have to get built up much, and I mean MUCH, better than they currently are.

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