John Cena & Big E to feud post-Summerslam?


Doink Stan
Sorry if this has already been talked about in another thread, couldn't see one. Been reading a couple of reports that John Cena at least wishes to work with Big E after Summerslam. It's no secret that they're friends out of the ring, and maybe this could be something to light the fire beneath Big E after his disappointingly flat Intercontinental title run.

Do you think this would be a good feud? Will it be a face vs face feud, or will they consider turning Big E heel? I think it's unlikely he'll turn heel considering he only turned face back in October last year, I believe it was. I'd be interested to see how they build this one up, but surely the only outcome will be to try and get Big E over with the crowd and regain some momentum, which he's slowly lost over the last few months. I don't remember him getting any sort of pop other than when he turned face to help out Punk against Rybaxel, and when he won the IC title from Axel, who ironically was in the same position of irrelevance despite being IC champion that Big E was in before Extreme Rules. Whether feuding with Cena is the right thing for him or not, he needs something to light a fire under his ass.
I don't hate this. I'm neither a Cena fan nor a Big E fan, but I am a fan of the occasional hoss match. It takes me back. And these aren't 1980s/90s strongmen. Cena can go, and Big E moves well for a guy who looks like he's too musclebound to wipe. The storyline will have to work, sure, but in the ring I could see myself enjoying it. It'll be a good rub for Big E so long as creative doesn't toss him on the heap after Cena beats him. Cena's jokey promos can be grating against an opponent like Bray, but they might be the perfect catalyst for Big E to show his witty real life personality. This just might work.
It sounds kind of intriguing on the surface while, at the same time, it also strikes me as something of a waste for Cena. Big E just hasn't really clicked as a babyface in the long run and he was stuck playing the one dimensional, heel powerhouse heavy/bodyguard so I'm just not all that sure if Big E is worth the effort of feuding with a top guy like Cena right now.

If they go through with the feud and E still just doesn't click with fans, then he'll ultimately wind up being another powerhouse heel that gets fed to Cena before WWE cuts their feud short. I dig the notion of Cena wanting to work with Big E and given that they're pretty close, maybe Cena's been able to see if what fans have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. A feud with Cena strikes me as something of a last ditch effort to get Big E over but, then again, if he can't get over feuding against Cena then there's pretty much no hope for him.
Having Big E feud with ANYONE would be a welcome development. A "feud" means that there is an actual storyline. All he does now is come out onto the ramp, clap his powdered hands, and then have a match. His backstage "interviews" have been cookie-cutter nonsense where nothing really "happens". We don't even know who Big E "is" still. I think he's a pretty good big man, but he is in some serious need of character development.

A heel turn and feud w/ Cena is something I'll sign up for. At least that means that he will be presented as something other than a two-dimensional babyface with no personality.
If this happens I imagine it will be a heel turn for Big E, but I am not sure how well that would work as it's hard to turn heel on Cena given his split reaction.
If this happens I imagine it will be a heel turn for Big E, but I am not sure how well that would work as it's hard to turn heel on Cena given his split reaction.

It may be hard to turn heel against Cena, but it's easy to get a reaction against him. Cena's detractors will cheer whoever opposes him, so maybe if Big E shines while facing Cena he'll earn a fanbase in the process.
Big E needs to be fired, plain and simple. They tried him as a heel, it flopped. They tried him as a face, it flopped worse. He's quite possibly the worst wrestler on the roster and the worst mic worker of the past decade. Big E has no upside and is just a waste of space that could be better utilized on another talent. Release Big E!
It may be hard to turn heel against Cena, but it's easy to get a reaction against him. Cena's detractors will cheer whoever opposes him, so maybe if Big E shines while facing Cena he'll earn a fanbase in the process.

That's true if Big E can demonstrate some charisma during the program, I'm just not sure his immediate future lies as a face and Cena isn't the ideal opponent for a newly minted heel as you don't want those cheers.
I'm ok with this feud possibly happening. Cena is not going anywhere and they might as well give him some new talent to work with. Big E is a heavyweight and would certainly look believable going against Cena. It also keeps Cena out of the title picture and let's Bryan have his time to shine. I would rather Cena work with some new talent rather another recycled feud against someone like Orton, Big Show, Miz. If they turn Big E heel and build him back up he could easily be a credible opponent for Cena.
you know im not the biggest fan of cena ever since he complete gave up the entire rap gimmick, but people say he doesn't put anyone over. in the bigginging of his career he was winning so much bc everyone else was putting him over, beniot michaels big show guys that have been there for years. last few years what has cena done.... put people over. ziggler, wyatts, sheamus, miz. some times he beat them and they beat him but even if he beat them the fact young guys were with cena in a program on PPV is putting them on the map, its WWE fault for not running with them after that.
again after wyatt getting over cena going to help another young taent in Big E. I think if WWE does this right they could have a good heel in big E for while to come
I would be really excited to see this! I was wondering when these 2 power houses would clash ever since Big E. showed up as Dolph Ziggler's bodyguard and started attacking Cena. I wanna see some brutal matches between these guys.
Having Big E feud with ANYONE would be a welcome development. A "feud" means that there is an actual storyline. All he does now is come out onto the ramp, clap his powdered hands, and then have a match. His backstage "interviews" have been cookie-cutter nonsense where nothing really "happens". We don't even know who Big E "is" still. I think he's a pretty good big man, but he is in some serious need of character development.

A heel turn and feud w/ Cena is something I'll sign up for. At least that means that he will be presented as something other than a two-dimensional babyface with no personality.

I agree. However, I wouldn't want to see him turn heel and feud with Cena. I'd like to see him show some character development.

See how he acts if they choose to book him to chase the IC Championship again, how bad does he want to win the IC Championship again. If they choose to have him move on, I'd love to see how he'd handle feuding with somebody with more personality like Bray Wyatt. Wyatt could make Big E look like a threat

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