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John Cena As WHC - Could It Mean A Title Unification At Long Last?


Like everyone else, I was taken aback by the announcement of John Cena taking on Alberto Del Rio at HIAC for the World Heavyweight Championship. It was announced only minutes ago and I find myself wondering if WWE will try to pull some sort of bait & switch or if Cena will genuinely return.

If it's legit and Cena is medically cleared to return, it's a surprise to see him in the WHC picture considering that:

A. The WWE Championship has almost always been booked as THE top title.

B. Daniel Bryan defeated Cena cleanly for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam and is, therefore, entitled to a rematch.

It's the 2nd thing that has me wondering as to whether or not Cena winning the WHC is the beginning of WWE heading down the road of unifying the WWE & World Championships. If Bryan wins the WWE Championship at HIAC, which I think is almost a given at this point, then I see him having a long run as champ. If Cena is genuinely returning, I expect him to win the WHC at the ppv as well. It's unusual for Cena to be WHC considering, as I said, the WWE Championship has almost always been THE top strap. Since there's unfinished business between Cena & Bryan because of how SummerSlam ended, I'm wondering if WWE MIGHT be heading down the road to having only one World Championship again with a unification match at some point.

The most obvious time for such as match is WM XXX. However, where does that ultimately leave the winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble winner? Now, obviously, this is just an idea that popped into my head. No stories have been put out on it, no rumors have been spread. It's just something that popped into my head due simply to someone of Cena's star power possibly winning the World Heavyweight Championship.
Most likely we'll see a short match with a flash pin and Sandow 're-injuring' Cena. I get that he's insane when it comes to rehab, but I've been around sports my whole life and have never seen someone come back to any kind of non rehab lifting in two months.
As I said in the other thread I think this will be one night only and he will be written off again at HIAC with another injury to the already damaged arm, it's perfect given Del Rio's finisher. I could see the flash pin followed by the brutal attack on the arm and the Sandow cash in, basically Cena helping two guys in one go and also promoting the Breast Cancer fight in the build up to the event, something I read he'd wanted to do a few weeks back.

To play devils advocate though, lets say Cena does win the WHC, then yes, I think they would be setting up a unification match at WrestleMania 30. The way they could do it is have Cena and Bryan as Champions and have Punk win the Rumble, Punk then says that he wants to face them both and unify the titles since this is a historical Mania, both accept and the triple threat is set.
i hope not. i enjoy the two champions. what i do want is for the brand extension to re-occur and have some top guys on smackdown to fight for the world title and have the WWE title for it's own show and then push them both as the best titles to have and not have the WWE title as the title for being the face of the WWE. also would like to add, if i were a wrestler, i'd rather have the World title then the WWE title anyway since the World title is better looking.
I think you have to factor in the possibility of WWE using Cena's return as the perfect opportunity for a shocking Damien Sandow cash-in, so he can ruin the feel good moment of Cena's return. With the title off of Del Rio, Sandow is free to cash-in on a face, and after the title win, Sandow can brag about having a WHC victory over John Cena.

OR Cena beats Del Rio (there's no scenario, where Cena doesn't win, and he's not losing to Del Rio of all people. WWE wouldn't bring Cena back on pay per view in a title match to lose.), and after the win, Cena goes on to have a nice run with the WHC, bringing some much needed prestige and credibility to the title. Months and months later, Sandow cashes in, and becomes WHC, because Sandow still has until 2014 (of July, I think) to cash-in the briefcase. Personally, I think this scenario works better. Cena establishes the WHC as a title worthy of prestige in WWE again, and Sandow can be the guy to succeed Cena as champion.

Although, I could see the title unification as a possibility. You're right about Cena and Bryan having unfinished business, and Cena has the automatic rematch coming to him.

My only problem is, a WHC VS WWE Champion unification match would have to main event Wrestlemania XXX. So you have to ask yourself one unavoidable question: Is Daniel Bryan ready to main event Wrestlemania against John Cena? Oddly enough, I don't think the answer is a decisive no. On one hand, I'm sure Bryan would have the crowd support (I still remember being in the sea of people, who were going NUTS with the "YES!!!" chants at Wrestlemania 28), and the crowd would be white-hot throughout the match. But is Bryan capable of generating a significant amount of buzz as an opponent for Cena leading up to Wrestlemania XXX? Plus, Wrestlemania crowds are notoriously smarky, full of the type of fans, who won't hesitate to start a "We are awesome!" chant. It's a real slippery slope, when you start weighing all the negatives and positives

I think it's too tough to call now, because you have to wonder how WWE will use guys like Lesnar, Orton, and Punk. Still a lot of time before Mania XXX rolls around, and there are so many possibilities and scenarios to think of.
No, I do not think so. Cena is still not 100%, I think this is solely a knee jerk reaction to the rubbish ratings, which are completely due to Vince booking Daniel Bryan in a shitty way and now having Big Show getting the rub that Bryan should have been getting as the payoff in this story line. This will solely be a ploy to increase buy rates after the backlash caused by the shitful ppv Battleground was. Having Cena pit over Sandow will hopefully give him the much needed push as he is getting buried week after week. Lets hope when Sandow cashes in, people give a shit
I can't see WWE having two 'face' world champions at the same time. I think Orton will find a way to beat Bryan (Michaels sweet chin music to Bryan when he's about to win) and Cena will beat ADR to give the WHC some much-needed star power and some interesting potential feuds for Cena
Sandow will cash in, and "re-injure" John Cena. Keeping him out until the Rumble.

There isn't a way that see's Del Rio keep the title though. It just won't happen.
I'm not sold on Cena being back long term. This seems like a ratings ploy to bulk up burates.

As for Sandow cashing in, for his sake, I hope not. There's no way with his current booking he could have a good title run. It'll just piss all his marks around here off with how shitty it will turn out. He's been booked almost as badly as Swagger before his run. He needs to be built up first. Though, anyone other than ADR would be nice.

And unification? I hate these ideas right now because there's no thought process involved. They just changed the WWE Title. There's no way they're going to change it again due to a unification. :disappointed:
Until I saw this topic it I hadn't honestly thought about this. To be honest I don't think it'll happen. Without 2 world titles PPVs will seem very thin on the ground.

My initial thought was that the match was set up for Cena to fight valiantly against the arm injury and win the title, only to lose it to Damien Sandow. I also think that his injury wasn't as serious as first made out.
I'm not entirely sure that Cena will actually return. Although I would like to see it I am sceptical. If, however, he is returning full time and was to win the World Title, a unification angle could be fantastic. Cena as World Champion, Orton as WWE Champion, CM Punk as Royal Rumble and Daniel Bryan in a mini-tournament at WM30. That would be incredible and would be a memorable way to crown a new Undisputed Champion. There would be three classic matches and a new champion.

I really don't think they will go down this route but it is a great prospect. I don't even want the belts unified but the months leading up to Mania and the night itself would be fantastic to watch.
Wow in 1 day john cena has gotten the wwe universe stirred up,
i would'nt be concered for john cena i see 4 ways of happening.
1 john cena win's the whc and becomes top face of smackdown.
2 alberto del rio wins and injures john cena "kayfabe"
3 john cena wins and sandow cashes in
4 alberto wins and sandow cashes in and turns face.
either way what ever happens im fine!
i think john cena needs to do something, if cena is ready to return bring him back cause the ratings has been bad!
Like everyone else, I was taken aback by the announcement of John Cena taking on Alberto Del Rio at HIAC for the World Heavyweight Championship. It was announced only minutes ago and I find myself wondering if WWE will try to pull some sort of bait & switch or if Cena will genuinely return.

If it's legit and Cena is medically cleared to return, it's a surprise to see him in the WHC picture considering that:

A. The WWE Championship has almost always been booked as THE top title.

B. Daniel Bryan defeated Cena cleanly for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam and is, therefore, entitled to a rematch.

It's the 2nd thing that has me wondering as to whether or not Cena winning the WHC is the beginning of WWE heading down the road of unifying the WWE & World Championships. If Bryan wins the WWE Championship at HIAC, which I think is almost a given at this point, then I see him having a long run as champ. If Cena is genuinely returning, I expect him to win the WHC at the ppv as well. It's unusual for Cena to be WHC considering, as I said, the WWE Championship has almost always been THE top strap. Since there's unfinished business between Cena & Bryan because of how SummerSlam ended, I'm wondering if WWE MIGHT be heading down the road to having only one World Championship again with a unification match at some point.

The most obvious time for such as match is WM XXX. However, where does that ultimately leave the winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble winner? Now, obviously, this is just an idea that popped into my head. No stories have been put out on it, no rumors have been spread. It's just something that popped into my head due simply to someone of Cena's star power possibly winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

This screams out to me unification and Cena vs Bryan. I don't see any value in Sandow cashing in and winning but they can almost re-run the Warrior/Hogan feud here... Indeed Triple H can manipulate things if needed, cost Sandow his case but Hogan v Warrior started with a basic situation of two guys forced into facing each other for a couple of minutes...

Now they won't wait till the Rumble to do this, but I can see Bryan and Cena both going over, with Bryan's being the last match... Cena comes out and congratulates him, passes the torch etc... Then it goes awry and the Shield, Wyatts, whoever get involved and Sandow attempts the cash in... Bryan saves Cena from losing his title.

This enrages Triple H and he orders them to face the Shield and Sandow at Survivor Series, perhaps Handicap Survivor rules. It's going great when D-Bry inadvertantly causes Cena to be pinned or misses a move that hits Cena and Cena takes it wrong... something to start building the tension between the 2.

Cena "accepts" it was unintentional but it's destined to happen again... when Cena gets a "receipt" and costs Bryan a match and the two begin to disintegrate.

At this point you have to decide whether it's a simple Bryan v Cena or a 4 man situation. Had they had a winner this weekend, a vacant title/tourney would have worked but now with the title vacant for over 2 months it can't... So you have to really have that 4 man situation... Bryan and Cena face off and Bryan puts over Cena but "softens" him for the final match.

Then you add Jericho. As the first Undisputed champ, I think he has fair claim to be involved as it adds some pedigree to the proceedings and his own storyline with recapturing his title he is confident as he's beaten both champs before until the Rumble and he finds out he has to face off against the Rumble winner in the opening match of Mania.... Undertaker... Taker v Cena for the Unified title... Cena ends the streak and wins it all and WM30 ends with Taker finally retiring and the new era beginning...

You get the titles unified, a dream match in Jericho v Taker and Cena taking the torch as the "elder statesman" from Taker...

If Taker can handle one longish match then he could do 2 shortened ones, by having Bryan v Cena first you can put the time into that one so it almost evens things up with Taker's age etc. Hell they could even have him go into the final match as Mark Calaway in commentary if he is gonna transition into the office.

Realistically this is Taker's last Mania, so it'd be fitting he was in whatever final match takes place and if he loses to Cena and the match is as good as it could be the fans won't be rioting that the streak is over... the final image could even be the roster coming out to the ramp, maybe even kneeling and Cena leaving him the belts as Taker does his kneel in the ring (as he'd have a nice shiny new one on RAW)... then the lights go out... come back up and Taker is gone forever... That thought alone is pretty much goosebumps and worth seeing.
A lot of people seem to think so but I just don't buy it. I mean, the writing is on the wall that it will be the re-ignition of Cena vs Orton that everyone has been talking about as well. And while I could see that happening, I can't put my finger on why, but I just don't see it as a unification.

It really ought to be too, WHC title is just the new IC title from 1990; the workers belt. maybe that's part of why I don't buy it. ADR is definitely the best non-main-event-ready worker in the WWE today, Cena? /shrug Cena is Cena.

I could see it being a bait and switch as has been suggested, but at this point I'd rather just wait and see what happens and take the announcement of Cena vs ADR in 3 weeks with a grain of salt until I know more. Until then I think it's just premature speculation.
Personally if it happens and Cena wins then the possibility of a unification match excites me. In fact its been about 5 years overdue.Where does the Unification match take place - Royal Rumble of course as we will know by the end of the night the Undisputed champion and No 1 contender. This also leaves the next couple of months for rematches new no 1 contenders etc and makes the Rumble very watchable as it leaves several possibilities of potential winners Orton, Cena, Bryan, Punk,ADR and even The Show
Sorry - just an after thought they could potentially have a unification match at survivor series like they did a few years ago when jericho beat The rock and Austin in one night - if that happened only one winner then - Daniel bryan - hopefully minus his silly beard
I think if they did it correctly, they could fit a unification in with the "authority" storyline. Cena could win the World title and then Orton would have to win the WWE title (for this theory to work). On RAW, Triple H and Stephanie would declare that Orton is once again the "best for business" and the "face of the WWE." Then Vince's music could hit and he could say that John Cena is what's best for business and the numbers don't lie. Eventually, this would lead to Vince's champ -Cena, the World Champ, against Triple H's guy - Orton, the WWE champ, to unify the two belts and for control of WWE. Cena would of course win and Vince would "regain" control of WWE.
i hate it but cena is gonna louse. ADR will retain the belt. just like with RVD Cena will put over ADR. idk y wwe likes this guy so much but they do and they thring hard to get him over. like i said Adr will win and i hate it.
Cena should win the belt whether there's a title unification or not. John Cena as World Heavyweight Champion is what's best for business. It's a very easy means to keep him on TV as a safety net supplemental draw while keeping him from overshadowing the product and allowing the focus to remain on Daniel Bryan. And since the World Title doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, having Cena win all the time isn't going to be a big issue for the fans.

If they don't unify the belts, then the best thing for the product as a whole would be for WWE to let Cena keep the World Title forever as his vanity prop. Instead of giving stars a run with the World Heavyweight Title that would ultimately do nothing for them other than making them a paper "world champion", use the prospect of looking strong in a feud with John Cena (who just happens to have the World Title) to test their main event worthiness. Cena can retain the belt, but the other guy looks good in losing and the fact that he's able to hang with Cena would test if he's worthy of being a main eventer or not.
John cena need's to be the whc again, the belt sucks now! i think if cena say's he wants it and he gets it and then sandow trying to get it every chance he get's i think wwe will build up the whc again! and maybe make it special again/.

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