Joey Styles and Twitter

Razor Blade Dream

The Thread Killah
Joey Styles has a twitter account and I was flabbergasted this weekend. He had some choice things about Obama:
Even those misled Americans who voted for the Marxist Barack Hussein Obama are invited to join the Judgment Day Live Chat on
12:59 PM May 17th from txt

The (Catholic) University of Notre Dame should be ashamed of themselves for having pro-abortion President Obama speak at their graduation.
12:56 PM May 17th from txt

Can he say this? I mean, yeah it is his own account, but still . . .

I did enjoy this though:

I love watching RAW while Twittering myself. Wow. That didn't sound PG. I'd like to wish myself the best in my future endeavors.
9:57 PM Apr 20th from txt
He can say whatever the hell he wants on his own Twitter page. Doesn't make them particularly intelligent things to say. I get the feeling Joey Styles doesn't actually know what Marxism is.

Seriously though, saying things like that are only going to alienate people from your Twitter and the live discussion he was promoting. Keep your politics to yourself if you want people to actually join your live discussion.

As for the whole Notre Dame's almost as ridiculious as the Arizona State controversy. If Obama can't get an honorary degree because he isn't blatantly pro-life, then why should anyone else? Just make it mandatory for all incoming students to be pro-life. What's that, you can't do that and it's absurd to even suggest it? Well no shit.

The Arizona State thing though is hilarious. If someone has a degree from Harvard, I'm pretty sure thats worth like 300 Arizona State diplomas. That school is easier to get into then a hooker's panties.
He can say whatever the hell he wants on his own Twitter page. Doesn't make them particularly intelligent things to say. I get the feeling Joey Styles doesn't actually know what Marxism is.

Seriously though, saying things like that are only going to alienate people from your Twitter and the live discussion he was promoting. Keep your politics to yourself if you want people to actually join your live discussion.

Yeah, I mean his updates are generally tame, but that was just like, "Holy shit man, own account or not can he still get in deep over this?" I know WWE keeps a neutral stance with politics, other than Kane and others who are vocal outside of the wrestling world, but he is still promoting a WWE "event" while expressing his views.
I think WWE should say something to him about this only because his Twitter username has WWE in it. He is on Twitter representing the company and therefore should not express personal views unless they can be backed up by the company. if he wants to makes these opinionated statements he should set up a personal twitter account and save his WWEJOEYSTYLES account for promoting WWE things.
I think WWE should say something to him about this only because his Twitter username has WWE in it. He is on Twitter representing the company and therefore should not express personal views unless they can be backed up by the company. if he wants to makes these opinionated statements he should set up a personal twitter account and save his WWEJOEYSTYLES account for promoting WWE things.

Yeah but since reports we have seen suggest that Vince himself is not a big supporter of our current president (good for him), Joey probably won't have anything said to him. Hell, maybe Vince told him to put something like that up. Controversy = chat room attendees, or so I hear.
Was browsing the Observer earlier today and came across this, thought it would be a good idea to give everyone a little update on the whole Joey Styles-Twitter fiasco.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter said:
- WWE officials recently told Joey Styles he is no longer permitted to make posts on his Twitter account concerning politics. There was tremendous heat on him on the part of corporate officials for fear of an advertiser backlash towards the company website, where he reigns as the Director of Digital Media Content. There was also concern that his comments could reflect badly on Linda McMahon as she is a member of the Connecticut State Board of Education, not to mention the SmackDown Your Vote! campaign as it is supposed to be nonpartisan. Styles last made political comments on his Twitter account on June 5th. Vince McMahon was said to be enjoying Styles' pro-Republican beliefs, which is why he was able to do them for a few weeks. Internally, it was noted that the former ECW announcer went from beind a red-headed stepchild in the company to being a favorite of McMahon. Even though those close to Styles say those are his real political views, others say knocking Obama gets over big with McMahon. One person who was in the company's "inner circle" a few years ago said employees have gotten favored status based on being outrageously outspoken towards the ultra conservative side. The person also said political discussions occur all the time on McMahon's personal jet (which the writers also take to and from television) and in internal meetings as there are always anti-Democrat discussions.

Glad to see Styles won't be alienating more people with his personal beliefs. I'm also glad to see even someone as far-right as Vince sees how having the man who runs your website post things like "Obama is a Marxist" is simply bad for business.

I used to have a lot of respect for Joey Styles. Now...not so much. Still love his announcing, but he's lost alot of my respect for him as a person.
I never really got to comment on this so I'll do so now.

I'm glad that they put a stop to him making such comments on his twitter. I don't mind him speaking his mind as he is allowed to, but there comes a time when someone goes to far. I think Styles did go a little bit to far with some of the comments he decided to make on his twitter page. I wouldn't have minded the comments if he didn't work for the WWE. He is in a great position within the WWE and he really needs to be careful and watch what he says because he is working for a global company and he doesn't want to really do anything or say anything that can mess up what he is currently doing.
I was never really a fan of Joey Styles and his tweets made him worse in my eyes.
For full disclosure, I'm very progressive and did vote for the president. However, I can say that Obama is no marxist or even a liberal by my standards. So when I hear fact-resistant folks like Joey Styles (who's very much a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity republican) talk about marxism and makes me realize that he really has no idea what he's talking about. Setting aside the fact American politics would never allow for a socalist or marxist to be elected with all the coporate involvement in both political parties, IF Obama was a Socialist, we would have had a bigger stimulus package, nationalizing of the banks, and true universal healthcare reform and debate rather than the dilly-dallying that's going on. As a liberal/progressive, I don't like Obama anymore but Joey Styles has no freaking idea what he's talking about. Seeing as anyone who works in ECW where you had porn stars, man-on-woman violence, and adult themes...complaining about Notre Dame not being catholic enough... well I can't even begin to take you seriously.
Styles should have never opened his mouth on this subject, because people are putting his foot in it. However, the fact hat anybody lost respect for the man is asinine. So he spoke very bluntly about politics. WHO CARES. He was probably angry about something Obama did right before he wrote, and he let out frustration. If somebody said similar crap about George W. Bush (LORD KNOWS THEY DID), you know there wouldn't be this much Backlash. He should have known better then to speak about politics, because 50% of the country will hate you, because they do not agree with you.

I for one was not upset that somebody was calling out Obama (it's about time, somebody verbalized their disagreement with what he was doing), but he went WAY too far, considering he was trying to promote a event.

By the way, if you want to see some VERY conservative opinions, go check out Eric Bischoff's Twitter page (EBischoff).
Yes, Styles has freedom of speech. Yes, that's what Twitter is for. Yes, he should have been reprimanded for what he said.

As a private citizen, Styles can have whatever view of politics he wants and there's not a thing wrong with him voicing his opinion on them. It's his Constitutional right to be able to say what he wants. The problem here is simple: in this case, he wasn't a private citizen, but a representative of the WWE. It's like things are here: yes, in the real world you have freedom of speech, but not here. Things aren't the same everywhere, and you can't voice your personal opinions in an arena where you're representing something else. Styles was very wrong here and deserved to be punished.
There is a freedom of speech in our country. You can go march over taxes that don't exist yet, *cough Tea Parties cough*, you can go grab a blo****n and spout "Obama's a Marxist!" all you want, you can go write out your views on Twitter.

However, WWE also has the right to say "If you want a job from us, you'll stop saying things that will alienate our viewers." When he goes around saying stuff he's viewed as an outlet from WWE. If the WWE doesn't like what he's saying they can tell him to stop, or lose his job.

To get at what Styles was saying...he's completely ignorant. I really don't think he knows what a Marxist is. I saw his statements, thought "Meh. He's being stupid." and moved on. The WWE did the right thing and stopped him though. Styles was risking a loss in viewers everyday he had those Tweets up.
Not a particularly smart thing to say seeing as the majority of the population voted Obama. Adding on to the fact that it has NOTHING to do with wrestling. Not surprised he got reprimanded, but I can definetly buy people saying stuff like that to suck up to Vicne McMahon.
He can say whatever the hell he wants on his own Twitter page...

I'm not so sure about that... Judging by the WWE-oriented design of his Twitter page, I get the feeling that it's being monitored by WWE management. Not that this excuses him from making wild accusations, mind you.
I have no idea what he said about the president but it is still early to say things about him especially when somethings have not come yet. America just survived 8 years under George Bush and to say he is a Marxist when he is cleaning up is wrong. No wonder why he went to ECW.
This is quite interesting. I wonder how big of a deal this would beif he were pro-Obama.

Regardless, stating your political views on twitter is wrong if you work for the WWE. Now whether or not this thread is actually to bash or debate with Style's own personal right to his views, I would have to say I'm fine with it overall.

I may not agree with him exactly, but I ultimately respect his opinion and his beliefs. That of course won't get him any hits or fans unless the pro wrestling insider sites continue to use his controversial twitter updates as news.

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