Jinder Mahal Is #1 Contender For The WWE Championship....Yes, *THAT* Jinder Mahal


In a very surprising upset on tonight's episode of SmackDown Live, Jinder Mahal, with some slight assistance from the Bollywood Boyz, won a six pack challenge to become the #1 contender for the WWE Championship.

Now, there are some different ways of looking at this. For instance, this does fit in with the whole brand gimmick of SmackDown Live being "the land of opportunity." From an overall perspective, given that Orton is likely to not be around as much whenever he drops the WWE Championship and that John Cena is going to be gone for months, you can also look at it as an example of SmackDown Live ultimately doing more with less star power, which is something that Team Blue has been doing ever since the WWE Draft last year. It also seems that Jinder and the Bollywood Boyz may well form a faction of Indian wrestlers, a first in WWE if I'm not mistaken.

I'm not really sure how to take this right now, but I'm not gonna shit all over it just because it's new, different and something I didn't expect though I'm suspect some will blast it for one or more of those very reasons. I can't say I've ever been overly impressed with Mahal, though I will say that I liked his post match promo, the intensity that he showed and the heat he generated with the live crowd. As for the Bollywood Boyz, I can't say I've ever been impressed with either of them based on what I've seen of them in NXT as a tag team or the few times I've seen them in Cruiserweight action as singles wrestlers. I will say that it'll be a big improvement if they don't come to the ring doing that dance thing that they do; it might be something well thought of and respected in India and I don't mean to sound offensive, but it just looks pretty damn stupid to me.
Its because he works out more now. Vince loves when people lift weights. Now that he's Jacked Jinder, look at the position he's in now.
‪I know wwe wants in on the Indian market but juicer mahal? The ONLY good thing to come from this is Bollywood boys are a welcome addition to abysmal tag division. But I am willing to give jinder a chance. He cut a good little promo and if he can learn to be less Stiff and try to control his roid rage maybe I will change my toon.‬ I also want to say notice that for the past 2 weeks the US TITLE feud has ended smackdown meanwhile the Wwe title has been in early first hour barely making a reaction.
Did JBL let it slip that this is for the a title shot at Backlash? Did I miss that they said that during the night? Did JBL just stuff up like he does every other time? Regardless with Mahal winning, it basically seals the deal with Randy Orton beating Bray at Payback. I thought WWE were going to fake us out with the Jericho having to come to Smackdown thing but never mentioning it about Bray.

More on Mahal though, tbh I don't mind the guy. I was unsure on why WWE just brought him back to job when he isn't really terrible at anything and has a good look. I'm unsure what to think is going to happen though. Is it going to be a Randy squash. I mean the competitors weren't Smackdown best tonight vying for the title so this could be a perfect way to get someone to job to Orton to hopefully gain him some momentum. Is it more of a push for the Bollywood guys or maybe even the stable? Maybe Mahal just goes from jobber to world champion in 1 month. So many factors for this match and I guess that's why I am not hating on this match, though if it is on Backlash then maybe my excitement just died a little.
Jinder Mahal can be in the same position Del Rio was in as an upper card talent. He has a better look than Del Rio & is more intense & aggressive. Hopefully he wins the WWE title, he's worked hard & paid his dues.
Yeah. There are two World Titles. This is what happens.

I tried to warn you.

Now there will be someone, somewhere who attempts to argue that this is the great thing about the brandsplit. Look! New opportunities for guys! The problem is that there is more opportunity than talent. This is the perfect example. Jinder Mahal is brutal and he's in a #1 contender spot. This is similar to when Dolph Ziggler won a random 6-pack challenge on SmackDown and we got fucking Ziggler vs. Ambrose for the WWE Title in a match that bombed at SummerSlam. It was random, came out of nowhere with no build, and produced a challenger with no credibility... and surprise, fans were sitting on their hands.

And Dolph Ziggler is much better than Jinder Mahal.

The saving grace will be that the title match is just on an episode of SmackDown after the pointless PPV called Payback. That used to hapen all the time. Just a feeder challenger for the belt. But this is not a PPV main event. This can't be a PPV main event. Jesus Christ. This can't even be a PPV match.

It's also been argued that the WWE Title has been used in the middle of the show, and the US Title is the closer. Apparently this is a great thing for the US Title.

No it isn't.

It doesn't help to elevate the US Title, it just devalues the WWE Title. If AJ Styles is your top babyface and Kevin Owens is your top heel, have them fight for the top belt. Jinder Mahal if booked properly could be a fine US Title contender, and Randy Orton is a moderately over babyface that is clearly just going through the motions and got zero reaction at WrestleMania. It kills the credibility of the premiere title to have this as the feud. Again, back to my Ziggler vs. Ambrose comparison. They were fighting over the belt on the same show as AJ Styles vs. John Cena. That was the real top feud, with the real top guys. Not involving the title just made the title seem second rate.
I think this is a great move. He's been around long enough to deserve this and let's not forget the Indian fans that he'll bring to the show. WWE has a huge fan following here in India so this surely is "best for business".

The Indian heel stable will bring something new to the blue brand and I'd rather have such a stable hold a championship than Orton who's been average at best in recent times.
Did JBL let it slip that this is for the a title shot at Backlash? Did I miss that they said that during the night? Did JBL just stuff up like he does every other time? Regardless with Mahal winning, it basically seals the deal with Randy Orton beating Bray at Payback. I thought WWE were going to fake us out with the Jericho having to come to Smackdown thing but never mentioning it about Bray.
WWE Twitter account confirmed it so its hardly a slip. Plus, did anyone really believe that title is going to RAW? Only reason its defended on RAW PPV is because Lesnar walked away on vacation with their title.

Read the report yesterday about Ginger Indian winning even before Smackdown. Couldnt believe it but it turned out to be true. There were much better opponents there. Go with Sami, at least we know he is good. Heck, go with Harper, there is already history there and Harper ring work is good. Heck, even failed build of heel Ziggler would be better opponent for Orton. Roid Rage Jinder is someone no one wants to see in main event.
It's not a great move AT ALL. Nothing to do with Jinder's ability, and all to do with his presentation. Since his return Jinder has only been presented as jobber, and now within two weeks of the brand split, he becomes number 1 contender for the WWE title at a ppv?? That would be like if Barry Horowitz main evented In Your House 2 against Diesel when they first decided to push Horrowitz. Ridiculous.

All this does is highlight that, despite all the talk, Vince still sees Smackdown as very much the B show, and that the Smackdown roster is now severely weaker than Raws, despite Owens, Styles and Orton. Wyatt and the Miz should NEVER have been switched.

FFS WWE, one step forward and two steps back, as usual.

Nb. I'd not have a problem with Mahal getting a title shot if built correctly. A fresh start on Smackdown, a few months of wins, then maybe he can earn his shot for the ppv after Summerslam. But this is FAR too early
I'm going to reserve judgment on this completely until we see what is to come in the next few weeks. Honestly though, how can you go from AJ Styles and John Cena to Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal? No problem with either men, but Orton's run has already gotten boring to me, and assuming he retains against Bray, which he probably will, then this could be majorly boring. Or, it could be fantastic and Jinder will show us what WWE are seeing.

One thing is for certain. WWE truly believe in the whole "land of opportunity" thing. And I get that. But don't pull the trigger too early. It could ruin something that could be so prosperous at a later date. I fear that is what could happen here.

Also, I am perfectly okay for them to be raising the standard with the United States Championship, but your MAIN championship title cannot become secondary. Come on. It's the WWE Championship. I don't see this closing Backlash, unless Jinder wins the title. That surely can't happen can it?
Did JBL let it slip that this is for the a title shot at Backlash? Did I miss that they said that during the night? Did JBL just stuff up like he does every other time? Regardless with Mahal winning, it basically seals the deal with Randy Orton beating Bray at Payback. I thought WWE were going to fake us out with the Jericho having to come to Smackdown thing but never mentioning it about Bray.

I was confused by that too. But if you check the WWE website,


The match is NOT for the WWE Championship. I wondered when the stip for Jericho/Owens was if Jericho wins, he goes to SDLive with no mention of Bray going back to SDLive if he beat Orton. Now it makes sense. Just wasn't explicitly made clear. Orton and Bray is not for the WWE Championship.
I guess those extra chemically-induced veins that Jinder is sporting since he came back really got Vince's juices flowing below the waist.
Oh no, WWE is sullying the good name of the holy shrine that is Backlash. /sarcasm

This Is cool. It is something different. I would rather Jinder gets this bottom of the barrel PPV opportunity rather than Sami.

I would like to see Jinder change or alter that finisher though. It may work better if he holds it as more of a sleeper before doing the slam. The slam by itself looks kind of weak. Then again, before last night I didn't really know what Jinder's finisher was since I can't remember him ever getting a pin.

In summary, if you're upset by this, get over it, it's Backlash. Sami, AJ, KO, Cena, and Nakamura will have brighter days in the sun. This is a hiccup. One that is likely to exceed your basement expectations.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it shows us the lack of main event quality depth on Smackdown.

On the other hand though, it's giving a guy a chance and although he won't win, maybe it propels him into some decent storylines.

I have never liked any incarnation of Jinder Mahal. I thought he was the typical Indian/Arab jobber we've seen over the years. However, he's starting to grow on me. He's getting better on the mic AND he has gotten really big from a physique standpoint.

This is sort of a "buying time" feud so to speak before the loser of AJ-KO is ready for Orton and then eventually Nakamura will be in the title picture.

I could see Jinder Mahal being a solid midcarder if he does well with this feud.
I like that Jinder is given a title shot and a push, but I don't like how he came about it. He came back a year ago and reality has been enhancement talent for others. A little momentum and a few big wins would have been better than the way they went about it. Quite frankly, he (not judging his talent, just the buildup he's been given) should not have been qualified to even be in that #1 contenders match
Whatever. As long as stupid shit like this doesn't happen continuously, it doesn't really matter to me who gets a shot at a PPV that I likely won't even watch. In fact, when something like this does happen once in a blue moon, it's actually a good thing in my opinion. It adds unpredictability, stops us from having to watch the same 4 guys battle for the title over and over and over again, and can put a new guy in a strong position quickly enough to make him a mid-card threat for at least a couple of months, in turn, strengthening the roster.

I had a feeling that Jinder was going to be doing something notable eventually, especially once he started getting some decent TV time and came out of a tag team looking stronger than Rusev. Why they picked Jinder, I don't know. The guy is jacked and basically sucks at everything else but it is what it is. He'll get his match, which likely won't main event, and than he'll drop to the mid-card, which is a stronger spot than he's ever had in his career. It's not like he's all of the sudden going to become a main event mainstay... anybody who's assuming that obviously hasn't watched much wrestling over the years.

Like I said, as long as we don't get repeatedly weak challengers and WWE Champions like we were getting with Swagger, Del Rio, Henry, etc. 6 years ago, than I could care less about a nobody getting a random WWE title match.
I'm not mad at this. It reminds me somewhat of when Cena fought Brock for the WWE Championship at Backlash back in 2003. Cena was still almost a good 2 years out from being a main eventer and was even a far cry from what he would become just a year later as the US Champion. Granted he had wins over guys like Chris Jericho, etc. he was probably in a better position than Jinder is currently in but there's definitely similarities between the two.

The simple fact is, Smackdown is greatly lacking strong heels. Now that AJ has turned face, all that's left is Kevin Owens and Baron Corbin. Kevin is occupied with the US Championship and according to reports, the WWE has insanely high hopes for Corbin and they probably didn't want to feed him to Orton at this time. They could've went with Dolph but that's a been there, done that kind of thing. Jinder's alright in the ring, he's better on the mic than I ever would've expected, it was honestly the right move.

I just hope the WWE Championship doesn't become what the World Heavyweight Championship became in the final years before it's demise.
It's tough for us to see Jinder as anything more than a joke given his history in the WWE, but here he is now. He's still somewhat goofy, but now he's a little more intimidating when he clobbers someone with a forearm.

We're coming up on a filler PPV, so the WWE wants to test the waters with some random people. I'm not super excited to see Jinder Mahal vs Randy Orton, but I'm willing to give them five minutes of my attention to see if anything can be made of that.

I quit watching Smackdown last night with about twenty minutes left in the show because I was nodding off from boredom. I sat through a six-pack challenge featuring six people who I didn't see as being worthy of competing for the top belt, and I was happy that Jinder won because at least a program featuring him will be a little different than what we're often force-fed.
I'm seeing a lot of "well SmackDown lacks heel depth, what are they supposed to do?"

1. Don't book the Superstar Shakeup such that SmackDown has no heels. It's their own fault they are in this situation to beign with.

2. Book a triple threat. Styles vs. Owens vs. Orton. Fuck you could even do a two-fall triple threat with both titles on the line.

3. Book a tag team match with both titles on the line. Again, by being creative you can book around this situation. Orton and Owens, the two champions, forced to co-exist because both their titles are on the line. Owens just turned on Jericho, Orton just turned on Wyatt. Now they have to trust one another. Hey, there's an angle there. For their opponents you could do two babyfaces like AJ Styles and Sami Zayn. Styles going for the WWE Title, Zayn going for the US Title. Zayn would work given the "you can't trust Kevin Owens" storyline in the build-up.

4. Turn Randy Orton heel, book him against a babyface challenger. AJ Styles is the real face of SmackDown, and the guy everyone wants to cheer. Plus Nakamura is coming up as a babyface and is already more over than your babyface world champion, so Orton will eventually be in the number three babyface slot. Turn Orton heel and do a long Styles vs. Orton feud in the summer. If you book Orton such that his encounters with Bray have "pushed him over the edge," he could work a more psychotic heel gimmick. Maybe he forms his own "famiy" with Luke Harper and Erik Rowan. Or maybe he's just nuts and a heel now. Or just a heel now. Pick one. You have four legit world title contenders on SmackDown. Styles, Nakamura eventually (like, by the end of the summer), Kevin Owens, and Randy Orton. Any combination of matches between those four would be really good, so make two of them face and two of them heel.

Option #4 I think is probably the best, but it could be used in combination with the tag team or triple threat ideas if you wanted. At Backlash you do Orton & Owens vs. Styles & Zayn, with both the WWE Title and US Title on the line. Leading up to Backlash you have Orton growing paranoid, he has to rely on Owens to help him defend the WWE Title, plus he just went through the "terrifying" House of Horrors match with Bray. It has lingering effects and he's becoming more unhinged. Owens pins Zayn to win the tag team match, after the match Orton RKOs Owens, then he RKOs Styles, then he RKOs Sami Zayn, then the referee, then security. He's snapped.

AJ Styles wasn't pinned at Backlash, he wants his one-on-one title shot against Orton. At MITB, it's Styles vs. Orton for the WWE Title. None of the referees want to officiate this match, since a bunch of refs got RKO'd by Orton at Backlash, so at MITB Shane McMahon names himself the Special Guest Referee out of necessity. Plus, you have the history between Styles and Shane. At MITB, Styles beats Orton for the belt, Shane counts the 1-2-3. Styles celebrates with the belt and walks out, the angry Orton RKOs Shane McMahon and blames him for the loss. Nakamura can continue his undefeated streak, and settle his feud with Dolph Ziggler. Kevin Owens should win the MITB ladder match, he seems like a fitting Mr. MITB.

This sets us up for SummerSlam. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. AJ Styles for the WWE Title as SmackDown's main event. Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon in a Street Fight. Kevin Owens has the MITB briefcase. He can defend his US Title against Tye Dillinger in the undercard at SummerSlam, and even drop it to him if you want. Or he can drop it to the returning John Cena at SummerSlam, if you revisit the Cena/Owens US Title rivalry. Either way, Owens is in a position to cash-in against Styles or Nakamura down the road and set up a feud with either one of them for the belt. Nakamura ultimately is your champion heading into WrestleMania, where John Cena will challenge him for the WWE Title. It's Cena vs. Nakamura for the first time ever at WrestleMania, with Cena going for the historic 17th title win. Going into WrestleMania you can have Stephanie challenger Shane to a Raw vs. SmackDown interpromotional match. Stephanie names Samoa Joe as RAW's guy, Shane names AJ Styles as SmackDown's guy. There's another big WrestleMania match.

It's not fuckng rocket science people. Creativity with Randy Orton gets you out of this hole you're in on SmakDown. Jinder Mahal getting fed to Orton isn't going to help Orton.
Why not? SMACKDOWN says it is the show of opppurtunity and this solidifies that claim. There is no glass ceiling. If it works then they have created a main event player, if it doesn't no harm done.
I do wonder how long this has been planned? Weeks ago I started a thread that said the WWE missed an oppurtunity with Jinder. I proposed then he should have been the one to 'take out' Rusev. Just think of the progression: takes out Rusev, Andre finalist, #1 contender.
I always thought (feared) in the back of my mind that Jinder would get pushed when he showed up with his new sinewy physique. I'd never guess he'd get pushed this fast.

The whole time during the six pack challenge, the announcers kept proclaiming that "someone's life will be forever changed." They were really trying to sell the dramatic role change for Jinder Mahal. You'd think Jinder might have won the Andre Trophy in anticipation of this. Or won a match at all.

This reminds me of the old brand extension. I couldn't help but remember beer swilling brawler Bradshaw suddenly becoming JBL, then becoming world champion. People also said JBL would never beat Eddie. He did.

Hardcore Holly fought Lesnar on PPV for the WWE title. Another example of a jobber climbing too high, Holly went straight back down though. Backlash 03 saw a very young heel John Cena challenge Lesnar. Cena didn't even have a match at Mania 19, the month before.

This Jinder push reminds me of Sheamus' push in 09, the difference being that Sheamus had just debuted that year. We've seen Jinder Mahal as a leather clad comedy heel for years.

Both had no momentum going into their title pushes. Sheamus had just been seen beating up Jamie Noble and Jerry Lawler, while Mahal was recently seen losing to Mojo due to interference from a non-wrestler.

Had they planned anything out, Mahal and Sheamus might have had some momentum coming in. Imagine if Jinder had won the AMBR at Mania? Imagine if Jinder had injured Rusev, or if he and the Bulgarian had been any kind of a threat to New Day or Enzo and Cass?

Jidner Mahal lost, a lot. What he did do is build some heat. He's got heat because he's Indian. That's about it, and now we're supposed to see him as a threat to Randy Orton when he's barely a threat to Enzo Amore?

Mahal could have been built so much better coming into this win. He has to have been on Vince's radar ever since his body fat plummeted and his traps went up. They could have started him off with a nice midcard push, leading to a US title then eventually the WWE title scene near years' end.

Instead were expected to see a perennial jobber as a threat to a man that has burned down houses, broken into houses, and kicked people's heads in. Randy Orton has fought Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Mick Foley, Triple H, The Undertaker, and Brock Lesnar. He's not going to lose to the turban guy from 3MB is he?

We would forget 3MB if the Mahal push had been at all organic. But this is just killing time isn't it?

What if it's not? No one thought JBL was going to beat Eddie, they thought they were killing time for Angle to get better. No one thought Sheamus would be Super John Cena, but he sure did.

That push might have hurt Sheamus, because he fell back down the card. Fans were given the opportunity to connect with Sheamus because he was always presented as someone you're supposed to get behind, no someone you can't help but get behind.

Brock Lesnar was also similarly rocket shipped to the top with no major feuds under his belt (unless you count beating up the Hardy boys). Sure, he won KOTR, but he was an unknown quantity.

Brock was great though. He didn't just look great, he was a collegiate wrestling champion with charisma and outstanding ring presence. Something Jinder Mahal and Sheamus do not have. Brock can barely work the stick to save his life, but that's his one weak point.

Jinder Mahal has an excellent look, but nothing about his skill or his ability suggests he has any major charisma or storytelling ability. Fans never rejected Brock because of his greatness, they will likely reject Mahal because of his averageness.
It reminds me of Swagger. A guy who never would have gotten the chance without a brand split.

JBL was a hard sell for people at the time, but in hindsight it was a pretty good move. By the end of it you bought JBL as a main eventer, but he was superlative on the stick.

Mahal? I thought he had a good look when they brought him in originally and he was wearing the suit...they could have given him Del Rio's gimmick.

I can see why they're doing it. They should keep Styles and Nakamura away from the title until they're going to put the belt on them. Harper I like but he can't lose a high profile match clean again, Corbin needs to be protected, they shifted Miz who could have and deserved to move into the main event scene. Rusev is out but he's someone else who they need to protect too. Mojo Rawley is pretty bland. So it's out of necessity, really.

I've not seen the Bollywood Boyz in NXT or elsewhere. Assuming American Alpha dispatch The Shining Stars quickly, then a feud that helps elevate them and gives them something to sink their teeth in and help get their personalities across would be interesting while Usos are busy with maybe New Day.

Honestly, if they'd kept Ambrose on Smackdown and Jinder took the IC title from him then it wouldn't seem so bizarre. I like the idea of the stable. I'm not opposed to Jinder. I just think it's such a sudden change that it's doomed to be rejected. He may surprise us and this may end up in fantastic heat rather than crickets. Given the reports about the business in India I have this worry that they'll actually put the belt on him. The alternative is Orton fending off the interference of the Bollywood Boyz and defeating him which makes the stable look weak immediately. Mahal as champ and BB as tag champs? I could see Vince doing it.

I'd have had Zayn win and Orton destroy him in the match to turn heel, build it as Zayn not being able to hang at the top, have Orton throw everything at him but Zayn keep surviving (which is why kicking out of finishers should be used sparingly), and have Orton turn heel by using a chair to win. Orton has Zayn, Harper, Rusev (I think he'll be face when he returns and embrace the side of him that loves American culture), and possibly Big E to go through none of who Orton needs to beat clean, giving them an out until dropping the title to Styles, building to Styles/Nakamura at Mania with the latter winning the Rumble.
Given the reports about the business in India I have this worry that they'll actually put the belt on him. The alternative is Orton fending off the interference of the Bollywood Boyz and defeating him which makes the stable look weak immediately. Mahal as champ and BB as tag champs? I could see Vince doing it.

If Jinder doesn't get the sort of response Vince is hoping for, then there's less than zero chance of him winning the title. In regards to India, Vince would be better off doing what's going on in the UK: developing a TV show that could be shot in India, broadcast on the WWE Network and featuring Indian talent primarily. If that wouldn't draw in India, then you might as well just wash your hands of the Indian market altogether.

If Jinder doesn't come off clownish, if he continues to cut his promos in English instead of saying half or most of what he has to say in his native language, which irritates me to no end because it's so tired and cliché, then this could be a step up in the world for him. My biggest problem with Jinder is that he's just so average in the ring although, to be fair, it's not like we've really had a helluva lot of opportunity to see what he can do in lengthy matches since he's been a jobber in WWE the entire time he's been associated with the company. As a character, on the mic, in the ring, MAYBE, just MAYBE, there's a wellspring of untapped potential that we had no idea was there.
They won't do this right.

I mean I have seen this with many people that WWE pushes, and people go 'oh ok let's see, maybe Mr. X can do smtg here."


Lose clean to champion and back to jobbing.

Mahal doesn't need to win the Championship but a series of one ups on the Champion week after week to atleast establish him.

Also, Randy is boring again.

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