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Jesse "The Body" Ventura Sues Homeland Security & TSA

Smooth Sexual Chocolate

Grapefruits of Wrath
So we all remember hearing about the ridiculous full body searches that began taking place at airports over the Holidays, 85 year old lady's forced to strip down for full body searches and what not.

Well, somebody has finally decided to take a stand, and that somebody is Jesse Ventura, former WWF Superstar as well as former Governor of Minnesota.

Ventura says the airlines "violate his right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures." You know what, I more than agree with him, these searches are ridiculous, invasive, and degrading...


Do you Agree with TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and there full body strip searches, public groping Patdowns, and various other methods used to screen the general public?

Do you think Ventura has a chance of winning this case?

Are these searches and "pat-downs" not a direct violation of the 4th amendment?

Is there change on the Horizon? Is Jesse Ventura going to help Americans get there balls back?

Discuss this pressing issue here....
Smooth Sexual Chocolate has spread that Nutella goodness once again. Well done.

Do you Agree with TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and there full body strip searches, public groping Patdowns, and various other methods used to screen the general public?
Hell No. It's a violation of the 4th amendment as far as I'm concerned. Having to go through this everytime you travel is complete bullshit. I'm not saying that security is unnessesary, but this security is certainly overboard.

Do you think Ventura has a chance of winning this case?
I'm worried that he won't. The Body is right, but being right doesn't mean you'll win. Hopefully if not, than at least it'll get enough attention to get other people to stand up.

Are these searches and "pat-downs" not a direct violation of the 4th amendment?
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
It's not warranted. Traveling on an airplane doesn't make me a suspect.

Is there change on the Horizon? Is Jesse Ventura going to help Americans get there balls back? I certaintly hope so. I can't say for sure though, because Americans will do anything to feel a little safer- even if it's giving up their fundamental rights.
I don't know if he will win, but based on the arguments he is making, I think he has a very good point. Ventura is raising some very specific Constitutional concerns that need to be addressed. Based on his arguments, I am inclined to agree with him. He will be subjected to this type of pat down every time he flies for no other reason than having a metal hip, like many other ex-athletes and others who have sustained some type of injury that required a metal plate or something. Those people are going to be searched based on an injury that may have happened 30+ years previously. If the TSA was still just doing the wand thing, I would probably say that doesn't qualify as unreasonable or invasive...but the way they do it now? Absolutely.
Do you Agree with TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and there full body strip searches, public groping Patdowns, and various other methods used to screen the general public?

Hell no, those pat downs are so embarrassing and annoying. As much as I love a middle aged black lesbian touching my balls, I really think that's just a violation of peoples privacy, I swear they always say they're patting me down because "my clothes are baggy".

A full body strip is obviously taking it to far as well, might as well start giving people cavity searches while they're at it, just to make sure the guy trying to make his flight on time doesn't have a bomb in his ass....
I think this is a case of people seeing how much they can get away with before someone draws the line. Normally I can understand (even if I don't agree with) the extra security, but strip searches on citizens because a metal detector goes off is pushing it too far.

What I really don't understand about the whole thing is why did they suddenly amp up their tactics as of late? Were they just looking for an excuse (more travelers over the holidays) to implement more rules? Or was there something going on that they were anticipating? I'm really at a loss.

As for The Body, I commend him for taking action. If people don't finally stand up and tell them to chill with all these extra tactics, than they'll be administrating mandatory cavity searches by next autumn. I don't know enough of the details surrounding the case to know what kind of chance he has, but even if he loses, hopefully he can make enough noise and get the TSA to back off a bit.
I think the TSA searches a load of shit. I just got done reading about a woman being sexually assulted by a TSA agent without even knowing it. That's how thin the line is between searching and vaginal grabbing (lulz). I mean, if we allow this to continue happening, what's going to happen a few years down the road? Will we be forced to wear nothing but underwear on the plane?

On the other hand, wouldn't searching a student at school to protect other student be the same? For example right after Columbine. I'm sure there's a reason to search people as such. Really, they're just trying to protect us. They're not doing this to piss us off. But clearly there are other ways to search a traveler without using such demeaning searches.

I guess when I sit down and think about it, having my dignity destroyed is better than having many people die in some kind of terrorist attack. I'm really torn on the issue. They really need to relax, but on the other hand, we haven't had any real threatening attempt such as the Underwear bomber, since they've started these searches.

Jesse Ventura, best of luck to ya. Maybe you'll get these guys to back off a tad bit so we feel less violated when we fly.
Yeah, it's pretty stupid. I think it definitely violates your 4th amendment. Anything for people to feel safer I guess. Not to mention that a ton of the pictures leaked out on the internet courtesy of the TSA. I think it's just another dumb effort. People today are so fucking paranoid about every little thing. Granted, I can see why.. 9/11 and such. Still..
I guess when I sit down and think about it, having my dignity destroyed is better than having many people die in some kind of terrorist attack. I'm really torn on the issue.

I'm glad someone made that point. I agree that the methods being used are often offensive and sometimes degrading, but if the agents are instructed to ease off and a passenger gets on board with a destructive device, we'll be blaming the government for failing to protect us.

It's the same principle as when young men of Arabian extraction complained that they were being singled out and harassed. But isn't it a fact that the terrorist threats came almost entirely from that group of people? But because of the outcry, the agents now have to detain their fair share of 82 year old women too, so no one will be offended. It's as if we're saying to our government:

"We demand that you protect us......but while you're doing it, make sure you don't hurt anyone's feelings."
"Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither" -Benjamin Franklin

The problem is that the US Constitution specifically addresses unreasonable searches and seizures. Jesse Ventura isn't suing because it was merely unpleasant, he is suing because he feels that it amounts to a blatant violation of his Constitutionally protected rights. It has nothing to do with not wanting to be safer, but if the methods used to bring that safety are Consitutional or not. Essentially he is making the same argument that many have made against aspects of the Patriot Act. Its about doing it within the framework of the law.
Do you Agree with TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and there full body strip searches, public groping Patdowns, and various other methods used to screen the general public?..

Absolutely not. TSA abuse in airports is completely out of control with more and more cases of security workers groping women, fondling children, abusing naked body scanners, and interrogating passengers emerging every week. Despite this, the government’s answer to the epidemic of oppression is to hand TSA thugs more power with which to harass American citizens.

The aggressive campaign on behalf of governments and the media to sell the public on invasive body scanners has been accompanied by the reassurance that the devices do not show details of genitals. To me, this is an obvious attempt to counter the fact that the machines represent a virtual strip search as well as violating laws against child pornography.

Despite assurances from the TSA that the scanners do not show the shape of genitalia, several media outlets have reported that sample images from TSA's own website clearly display the outline of the penis. In addition, after nearly a year of authorities lying in claiming that the technology used in airports did not allow the naked images to be saved or transmitted, it emerged that police agencies, including the U.S. Marshals Service who were using the same systems, were storing naked body scanner images. The TSA’s own documents also confirmed that the machines must “allow exporting of image data in real time” and provide a mechanism for “high-speed transfer of image data over the network.” Tell me how that is somehow justification for these intrusive measures?

Do you think Ventura has a chance of winning this case?

I would think not, because it would essentially make these types of patdowns illegal, which isn't going to happen. It may be a battle that cannot be won. My hope is that with a "celebrity" taking a stand, the current rules in place will be done away with in favor of a practical, common sense guide used instead.

Are these searches and "pat-downs" not a direct violation of the 4th amendment?

I would look at it and pose the question from the other angle — if a terrorist in the future is caught hiding explosives in his rectum, does this mean that everyone will routinely get body cavity searches and that too, then, is entirely Constitutional? Hell no. These searches are a direct violation of our fourth amendment rights and it makes me wonder how much further our freedom will be taken away "for our own safety", if more people don't take a stand.

Is there change on the Horizon?

Change is exactly what I hope comes of all of this. Win or lose, the primary objective of this should be to lessen the authority of the TSA employees and actually employ policies that enforce the Fourth Amendment. Surely the intellectuals within our government system can come up with a way to do so without such blatant violations of our rights. One man isn't going to be enough, obviously, but it could be a darn good start.
The searches aren't unreasonable. Flying with said airline means that the person has agreed to undergo the search the search is not forced on the individual. If the metal detector or whtaever goes off, that would probably be considered a probable cause to search now wouldn't it? Again, I'm not for these searches, but I'm not totally against them. It seems as if people want protection but are willing to snap the first time they think our fouth admendment is being violated. The patriot's act allows the government to do this in protection of our country. I don't really see the big issue here, if you have nothing to hide, then what's the problem?
The searches aren't unreasonable. Flying with said airline means that the person has agreed to undergo the search the search is not forced on the individual. If the metal detector or whtaever goes off, that would probably be considered a probable cause to search now wouldn't it? Again, I'm not for these searches, but I'm not totally against them. It seems as if people want protection but are willing to snap the first time they think our fouth admendment is being violated. The patriot's act allows the government to do this in protection of our country. I don't really see the big issue here, if you have nothing to hide, then what's the problem?

This is kind of a 180 from your previous post. Don't know why you're posting again. Did a family member sneak on?

The searches ARE unreasonable. Flying with an airline doesn't mean I've actually agreed to it. It means that it's required to fly. Which is fucked up because people have to fly. I don't have a problem with metal detector being there. I have a problem with being strip searched. If the metal detector DOES go off on me, then yeah by all means. The TSA machine isn't a metal detector- it's a strip search machine. And the optional pat down is no better.
I already posted the 4th Amendment, so I won't bother again. The point is that I am being searched without warrant. Traveling on a plane doesn't make me a criminal, so why am I being searched like a drug dog just caught me? I'm not a criminal, so why am I being searched like one just to travel?

2. I'm sick of hearing that phrase-
"If you've got nothing to hide, then you've got nothing to fear."

I DO have something to hide. My white german ass. And my privacy in general to be honest. That's the point of things being private. Thank you very much.

LSN80 made a good point.- If the terrorists start hiding stuff up their rectal cavity with frequency, does that mean everyone should be required to have a cavity check? I'd love to hear your point on that then. If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear....now come here and let me shove me fingers up you.

Oh and the Patriot Act is a slimy piece of shit.
This is kind of a 180 from your previous post. Don't know why you're posting again. Did a family member sneak on?

Lulz, no it's me. Just reading a bit about it influenced my opinion a little. Like I said, I still torn on this issue. I'm not really for it, nor against it.

The searches ARE unreasonable. Flying with an airline doesn't mean I've actually agreed to it. It means that it's required to fly. Which is fucked up because people have to fly.

If you want to fly so bad then you obviously have to go through these searches. Flying with an airline isn't a necessity. It isn't a garenteed right that's promised by our contitution. If you don't want to go through these searches, then by all means don't fly.

I don't have a problem with metal detector being there. I have a problem with being strip searched. If the metal detector DOES go off on me, then yeah by all means. The TSA machine isn't a metal detector- it's a strip search machine. And the optional pat down is no better. I already posted the 4th Amendment, so I won't bother again. The point is that I am being searched without warrant.

What most people are not aware of is that the 9th Circuit Court of the United States ruled on the search of passengers in airports back in 1973, which effectively suspends limited aspects of the Fourth Amendment while undergoing airport security screening.

Key wording in the ruling included-“...noting that airport screenings are considered to be administrative searches because they are conducted as part of a general regulatory scheme, where the essential administrative purpose is to prevent the carrying of weapons or explosives aboard aircraft.”

Traveling on a plane doesn't make me a criminal, so why am I being searched like a drug dog just caught me? I'm not a criminal, so why am I being searched like one just to travel?

2. I'm sick of hearing that phrase-
"If you've got nothing to hide, then you've got nothing to fear."

I DO have something to hide. My white german ass. And my privacy in general to be honest. That's the point of things being private. Thank you very much.

Very true.

LSN80 made a good point.- If the terrorists start hiding stuff up their rectal cavity with frequency, does that mean everyone should be required to have a cavity check? I'd love to hear your point on that then. If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear....now come here and let me shove me fingers up you.

I see what you're saying. No real dispute there buddy. I get it. I don't really have a strong opinion on the matter as you do, I am still on the fence about it.

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