Jesse Sorensen in ROH

Bischoff's Knob Slobberer

Getting Noticed By Management
Last week I saw a match in ROH featuring Jesse Sorrensen and Tommasi Ciampa. It was a good match and Ciampa didn't take it easy on Sorrensen and the neck.

Why didn't TNA bring this guy back? Is the neck completely healed or one slip up and old Jesse's in a wheelchair sipping soup the rest of his life?

Jesse looked to be in amazing shape. He looked bigger than he was in TNA.

I would love to see his feud with Xema Ion continue. That's considering Xema's healthy as well.
Well Zema had some trouble with his anus didn't he? I'm not sure if we'll see him again in TNA, is he back to wrestling now?

As for Jesse well he was a good X Division wrestler IMO but his football gimmick was necessary as he was incredibly bland otherwise. But very good in the ring he'd have been a fine champion.

I think the feud will happen but not in TNA.
I didn't like Jessy Sorensen, until this promo, then his match with Tommaso was solid. Ciampa is a hard-hitting dude, Jessy seemed just fine against him.

I think it's admirable he's come back but now he's done it...he should stop.

One broken neck is enough, guys like Kurt Angle and even Cena get held up but once you neck is gone you're on borrowed time. Edge's speech when he retired summed it up - the surgery he had was so long ago he practically had all his success with it... but he pushed it too far and it cost him his career anyway. Not everyone gets to go out the way he did, some go like Misawa or Droz. Guy has to make a living and I get that, but whatever ROH are paying it shouldn't be enough...

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