Jericho to lead the Dynasty?

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Pope of Dope
Well, Chris is gone from RAW, and the tag team scene. So what now? Leader of the Hart Dynasty perhaps. He would be a great candidate, and he can turn it into a stable. Give it more prestige. Jericho could be either the IC or World Champ (preferebly World) and the Dynasty could be tag champs, and Nattie could stop being the mouth of the group and get into the Womans title hunt. Jericho will give them the momentum they need, and definetly give them a push. Bret Hart could manage or lead them as well, but he's busy with Vince, so Jericho is the second best choice, and he can still wrestle.

Jericho for Hart Dynasty leader!
I think this is a very interesting idea, very interesting indeed. If Jericho were to lead the Hart Dynasty it would definitley help get them over and maybe they would be put in some more high profile matches. Jericho did have a convo with them on Smackdown (I can't remeber wtf he said) so I actually wouldn't be all that suprised at a partenership of sorts.
yeah they mos def need a veteran to lead them and get them over, because right now on their own, they really are not doing anything, and that could almost lead into an edge and christian reunion to get them over as a tag team a lot of possible angles, great idea
Well, Chris is gone from RAW, and the tag team scene. So what now? Leader of the Hart Dynasty perhaps. He would be a great candidate, and he can turn it into a stable. Give it more prestige. Jericho could be either the IC or World Champ (preferebly World) and the Dynasty could be tag champs, and Nattie could stop being the mouth of the group and get into the Womans title hunt. Jericho will give them the momentum they need, and definetly give them a push. Bret Hart could manage or lead them as well, but he's busy with Vince, so Jericho is the second best choice, and he can still wrestle.

First of all, they are already a stable without Jericho leading them. However, him leading them would add to the prestige because he was trained in the dungeon too. He isn't a Hart family member though. It would make more sense for Bret to lead them. He could be in a mentor role while Tyson and Smith go after the tag titles and Natalya goes after one of the female titles. Jericho leading them could help them, but Bret would be a better candidate because he is related to them. Who's to say they can't help Bret in return by helping him against Vince? I agree though that Jericho would be the next best pick and that would still be interesting to see. It would also give Jericho something to do before Edge returns for their inevitable feud.
I don't like Jericho leading the Hart Foundation. He isn't a member of the Hart Family. While that may not really matter, seeing as Kidd isn't either, we have a member of the Hart family right here in front of us. And he's signed a good 5 month deal with the WWE. His name is Bret "That's right, motherfuckers" Hart.

Who gives a shit if he's feuding with McMahon? Have McMahon recruit DX as his lackeys and have Hart go to the Hart Foundation as backup. Hart Foundation can feud with DX and win the Tag Titles, and Hart can do what he does best. Talk.

However, if you simply have to have Hart not partnered with the Hart Foundation, sure. Give them Jericho. Though I think a resurrection of Regal from ECW would be a better shot. Regal has that air about him, and it still leaves Jericho open for the feud with a returning Edge that we all want.
I don't like Jericho leading the Hart Foundation. He isn't a member of the Hart Family.

I agree with Razor on that point. But I do think Jericho should lead them as a Canadian stable.

Yes it may have been done before. But hear me out.

TNA had Team Canada and this could be a below the belt shot to them without officially acknowledging the other company.

You have Jericho, Smith, Kidd and Nattie as a Canadian Stable. Then Edge returns to feud with Jericho and says that not all Canadians are like him and he'll prove it later tonight when he faces Smith and Kidd- The Hart Dynasty.

That's when we see Christian! (Shock!) team with Edge on SmackDown!

At Wrestlemania in a match between Jericho and Edge, one of Kidd/Smith could interfere when Edge has momentum but get speared. But then the other of the two comes out with the referee down and attacks Edge only for Christian to seemingly make the save... BUT SCREWS EDGE. Jericho wins and then the Canadian group have a defining moment at Wrestlemania 26 with Christian, Jericho, Smith, Kidd and then Natalya coming out and standing over Edge.

Then from here Edge could form his own stable including some young stars to combat them.

There, by associating with Jericho, you could officially put over Kidd/Smith/Natalya over, and then put over some young guys on Edge's side during a stable war. Then of course, what normally happens, you'd have a breakout star. This is a great way to push Kidd whilst he's over to maybe break out and betray Jericho and turn face. Who knows?

That's just my two cents.
yes of course,hart dynasty need two things to make them to be taken seriously,1 a fellow canadian,2 a mouth piece jericho ticks both boxes,he can claim that wwe has treated his felllow canadians like dirt,and he will no longer stand for it,make them feud with morrison, or dx,a little montreal screwjob reference wouldn't hurt and they can go by that.
i was thinking this exact thing when i was watching Smackdown. Before their match Jericho was giving them a talk like he was already their role model. and after their Match the way he was talking to them and interecting to them was the same. I think it would be great for him. it gives him something to do before the Edge feud, and what better way to give a push for the Hart Dynasty.

Also people are saying that he isnt a part of the Hart Family but he did train in the Hart Dungeon. And thats more than anybody else in the WWE at the moment.
I think there is a huge missed opportunity for rub of the century by not putting the Hart Dynasty with Bret Hart. However, let us assume that this is not the case, and that Hart is out of the picture. Jericho would be a good leader for the Hart Dynasty because being around him will rub off on their, frankly, lacklustre microphone performances. Well hopefully, anyway. Even though it is essentially a tag team plus manager combo, Natalya's regular ring work and attire mean that it is sort of a stable as it is. Natalya is the de facto leader as the best talker, which is something, sexist as it may be, wrestling fans are not going to buy into. Strong leaders are the maker of quality stables, and Jericho would be exactly that as a man with mic skills and kayfabe credentials.

As for him not being a Hart, well neither was Brian Pillman and neither is Tyson Kidd, but they have both been members. It has been established that Jericho trained in the Dungeon, so there's logic to it. If this does happen, I imagine it will begin with Jericho "managing" them to a title shot, so he can get onto Raw, which isn't how I'd do it, but probably the easiest, laziest way to do it.
If its not gonna be Bret- it needs to be Chris. I think THD needs someone strong to work beside them, so they can become stronger themselves. Who cares if Jericho isnt part of the hart family- its wrestling for christs-sake!

Plus: has anyone noticed The Hart Dynasty seems to be talking down to Bret in thier promos? "the best ever- period" seems like a dig on Brets: best there is, was & ever will be- catchphrase.

Would Bret try to convince Vince to bring Teddy Hart back?
This would be great for the Hart Dynasty if Bret Hart doesn't come in and swoop them over to RAW. Their mic skills definitely need some work, especially Tyson Kidd's as it's apparent he only knows how to say their catch phrase. Jericho can get them over with the crowd. It would be a most excellent screwjob if DX came to defend their titles against the Hart Dynasty, and Jericho costs DX the win and the titles. It would not only be a huge push for the Dynasty, but Jericho would be getting his revenge.
I could really get behind this idea, it's not as obvious as just sticking them with Bret and gives Jericho something to do until Edge is back and gives the Dynasty a rub. There's nothing saying that they can't get Bret with them aswell and turn them into a kind of Canadian Evolution.

Have Dynasty win the tag titles with Bret's accidental involvement and then have tensions between him and HBK rise again. Stick DX with McMachon and let it play out.

As I believe it Tyson Kid is Teddy Hart's adoptive brother. So I guess it kinda makes him a Hart, well about as much as Sim Snuka is a Snuka, and Jericho has always been billed as the last student of the Dungeon, so it deserves the title of Hart. I think a Canadian stable is too cliched these days, Edge already has a built in feud with Jericho.

What ever they do, don't bring in Teddy Hart, time and time again that guy has proved his an unprofessional arse!
Yeah, Jericho would make a good leader for the Hart Dynasty, I just wish he we're an actual Hart, or that I believed wither Kidd or Smith has Main-Event staying power, unfortunately I don't really see much of a future for either of them outside the Tag-Division, and if Jericho joined it would probably elevate him more than it elevated them.

But there many good storyline possibilities for a Jericho led Dynasty, I just wish ther was a future Main-Eventer somehwere in the bunch.
Most everything Jericho touches seems to turn to gold, I see no reason to believe that this would be any different.

As already stated he did train in the Hart Dungeon, and the possibility of a DX screw job for the titles is a great idea. Only good things will come of this, and it will make the Hart Dynasty much more legit.
i think that jericho should not lead because he is not a hart(or trained as one). most stables consider havin something in common:

Dx-all had something to avenge the wwe for

Legacy- all had a father in wwf/e

and most other ones-the brothers of destruction, Edge and christian, Latino heat

so think about it in that way
Thats a terrible argument. If anything Jericho has more in common with the Hart Dynasty than any of DX did.

Nail on the head Sexual Chocolate - Jericho is untouchable right now, he is consistently the best all round performer of any promotion right now and has been for over 18 months now. Everything he does turns to gold, Hart Dynasty can only benefit from his invovlement.
If anyone were to lead the Hart Dynasty it should be Bret simply because Bret was part of the original Hart Foundation while Jericho did train in the dungeon
he's not a Hart
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