Jeff Jarrett to Turn on Immortal?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
Hi, I haven't posted for a while, and I was just guessing if I'm the only one expecting Jeff Jarrett to turn on Immortal.

I don't know if they already taped next week IMPACT Wrestling, if they did, and that's what happens, sorry, I didn't mean to spoil you, because I didn't knew it anyway.

So, my theory is this: Jeff Jarrett and Karen are making for two/three weeks promos about their big Fiesta when they come back next week to IMPACT Wrestling show, they say that they will never forget that Fiesta. And that they have presents for each one of the Immortal members, they referred to Abyss, Gunner, Bubba and even said that they had a special gift for Eric and Hogan.

This to me, screams face turn. Or at least, siding with another group, it makes sense: JJ was exiled from TNA and his buddies from Immortal didn't do a thing to prevent it. So he wants payback. How can he get payback? Betraying them and joining with some invading group from Mexico. I'm not a big fan of huge stables but in this case it might work and give this war between TNA and AAA a big boost.

What do you think? Does it make sense? Will it happen? Other theories?
Just straight up..No

first you say that he (Jeff) could use the fact that he had to move to mexico well if you remember a couple of weeks ago Jeff & Eric were talking and Eric told him Immortal couldn't help because Jeff signed something or another. basically Immortal couldn't help because of some stipulation.

i am stumped at what "Immortals gifts" could be, possibly something minor. possibly huge.

I am 99% sure Jeffs surprise is that he has recruited more Mexican members into immortal, the week that Jeff left for mexico eric told him something along the lines of "think of it as a promotion, if immortal wants to take over they have to take over mexico" so i think Jeff probably went over to AAA or CMLL and recruited some guys for immortal.

Just my 2 cents.
Well, I don't mean to spoil anything myself, even though this isn't any kind of a spoiler, but I'll refrain from saying what JJ did in Mexico. I'm sure it has to do with that, and I doubt he's turning face. He's too good of a heel.
Well JJ is now the AAA champ so perhaps he will present the title to Hogan and co. Two world titles from two different countries...
It was reported two weeks ago that Jeff Jarrett had won the AAA Heavyweight Championship. AAA and TNA have had a working relationship for years. Jeff Jarrett's GIFT could be coming to TNA with that belt.
No chance, Immortal is too weak as it is. I think the 'gifts' are going to be something minor, you won't even remember what they are the following week. Turning on them serves no purpose right's not like he's going to go team with Angle to fight Immortal on a whim now.
I thought the exact same thing when I was watching Impact. His promo screamed face turn to me.

And when you throw in that both Steiner and Anderson have joined Immortal in recent weeks, it makes sense that you would have someone switching sides the other way.
I thought the exact same thing when I was watching Impact. His promo screamed face turn to me.

And when you throw in that both Steiner and Anderson have joined Immortal in recent weeks, it makes sense that you would have someone switching sides the other way.

And Jarrett is going to side with who if he turns face? Angle, no chance in hell. For satan's sake they were in a 6 + months feud, no way Angle is going to side with him after that. Sting, no chance in hell either. Sting calls Jarrett "the cancer of TNA". Fortune, Hell no. Fortune split from Immortal about 6 months ago.
And Jarrett is going to side with who if he turns face? Angle, no chance in hell. For satan's sake they were in a 6 + months feud, no way Angle is going to side with him after that. Sting, no chance in hell either. Sting calls Jarrett "the cancer of TNA". Fortune, Hell no. Fortune split from Immortal about 6 months ago.

I'm sure they could find a way to get him aligned with somebody. Hell, just to use Immortal/Fortune examples...

Morgan left Fortune and he and Storm were teaming up. There was tension because of the BFG series but other than that they got along fine.

Doug Williams left Fortune and he and Rob Terry (from Immortal) are now part of British Invasion together.

Scott Steiner came back to help Kurt Angle fight Immortal and now he's joined them.

There's always a way to turn someone face/heel and have them team up with someone.
I'm sure they could find a way to get him aligned with somebody. Hell, just to use Immortal/Fortune examples...

Morgan left Fortune and he and Storm were teaming up. There was tension because of the BFG series but other than that they got along fine.

Doug Williams left Fortune and he and Rob Terry (from Immortal) are now part of British Invasion together.

Scott Steiner came back to help Kurt Angle fight Immortal and now he's joined them.

There's always a way to turn someone face/heel and have them team up with someone.

Maybe, but people complain that TNA's booking is shitty. Having Jarrett turn on Immortal and becoming face will not help this situation. Jarrett Staying put in Immortal is good, until they disband.
Oh and by the way yzermaniac, Terry rejoinning The British Invasion made sense. What was TNA suppose to do with him? Again, my bet is that Jarrett is staying with Immortal and is bringing something with him.
Well, if you're right, I wouldn't mind seeing Konnan again. I doubt it's him, as I don't think he can do very much in the ring anymore, but I always liked him.

Plus, it would fit in with the whole taking over Mexico thing, since he's one of the heads in Mexico from what I understand.
Jeff is going to present them with the AAA Championship.

Hernandez will win it from him in the future... that's my theory... why else would AAA let him take the title to Impact Wrestling?
As had been said a couple other times, Jeff won the AAA heavyweight belt, they have a working relationship with them so they can show the belt on tv, so now Jeff is their champ, so they can say they're "running" two promotions now with the belts, ala Kurt Angle a couple years ago when he had all the different belts. Simple wrestling 101 people....
I would have to disagree, bully ray is the number two heel in all of wrestling rite now, and once cm punk leaves WWE, he goes to number 1 IMO.
Jarrett is a great heel, after all the stuff he has been doing with Kurt Angle, it would take a MAJOR storyline to turn him face, and I really don't see that happening in the near future. He has become more relevant as a heel in Immortal than he has been for years, and I don't think there would be anything for him to gain by turning face soon.

Karen Angle is also so unlikeable that I could not see the fans accepting her as a face right now, and as TNA has some kind of working relationship with the Mexican companies, I expect it will simply be bringing some Mexican talent into Immortal, or showing up with the AAA title belt, therefore bringing another championship to the faction.

I do not expect a Jarrett face turn, nor do I want one. He is doing well as a heel in Immortal and shouldnt change.
I dont think JJ will turn on Immortal but I can see a storyline from him feeling underappreciated now that they have Anderson and the TNA title, somethng along the lines that Immortal might not care as much about what he accomplished in Mexico, so he shows some jealousy towards Anderson and resentment to HH/Bishoff.
I dont think JJ will turn on Immortal but I can see a storyline from him feeling underappreciated now that they have Anderson and the TNA title, somethng along the lines that Immortal might not care as much about what he accomplished in Mexico, so he shows some jealousy towards Anderson and resentment to HH/Bishoff.
That's exactly what I meant. I didn't mean to say that Jeff Jarrett would turn face. That would not make sense at least in the beggining. After all he was one of the biggest heels in recent history of TNA Wrestling.

So for him to turn face, it would be hard to be believable and be well done. But that doesn't mean he can't turn himself against Immortal, and eventually create his own side in this whole equation...

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