Jeff Jarrett off TNA for 'personal reasons'

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Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
JJ, this wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you're allegedly the reason behind Karen Angle being taken off TV, namely her marriage failing?

On to the serious matter... if these rumours do in fact have substance to them and Jeff is actually living with the wife of his company's current champion, will this damage TNA.

Clearly Jeff is being kept off TV because of the obvious fact that Kurt can't be too happy to have got a name to the alleged other man he cited to Howard Stern, and less so with it being, for lack of a better term, the boss.

I mean, if Vince got the leg over on his top talent's spouses (except HHH for obvious reasons), it wouldn't exactly lead to a tenable relationship with the employee.

So will Kurt stick around or stick it to JJ for his indiscretions?

Personally, I could see Kurt being in the position of getting the ultimate revenge by walking out as champion and going back to WWE. I'm sure given the light schedules worked by the big names such as Rey, Kurt would be handed a contract on his terms (assuming the drugs are no longer an issue) and Vince would happily grant it.

Your thoughts?
If it turns out that Jeff is banging Karen, that will be fucking epic. I'll feel kinda bad for Kurt, but hey, whatever. It's gotta be good news then, surely. It would pretty much make sure that Kurt will be leaving for the big shiny E once again in October.
This is 100% TNA trying to keep Angle when his contract is up. He's not going to stay in TNA so long as Jarrett is around after Karengate went public.

Another thing that seems kinda scuzzy: Didn't JJ's wife just die this past year? So if he was the one who split up Angle's marriage then it means he was cheating on his dying wife as well. That's just shitty.

Simply put, Angle's their most valuable asset, far more so than Jarrett. They have to do whatever they can to keep him because he is by far the biggest name that McMahon would love to take from TNA.
Angle is the most valuable asset in the company, but Kurt is just an asset, not the whole company. Whatever the case, I think this is just a bu!!$#!+ rumor.
I honestly hope that this is just a rumor. But, in this business, it's very possible. How many times have we seen marriages get torn apart by this business? Too many.

Let's look at this from both sides. Jarrett taking "personal time off" when he's in the middle of a huge angle with Mick Foley and the Main Event Mafia does strike me as odd. With this rumor of his being involved with Karen Angle coming out, that makes it even worse. But, he could just be laying low while all of this gets settled and the truth comes out, if in fact the story is fabricated. I wouldn't want my face out there unless I was out there working to clear my name.

Also, if you think about it, most of the time stuff like this doesn't get out of the locker room (but that is changing now with the advent of the internet and insider reports). Why would this "TNA employee" call Bubba the Love Sponge and put this info out there? What does this person have to gain? Do they have a grudge against Jarrett, or are they just trying to publicize behavior that is just deplorable.

When Kurt went on the Howard Stern show in March and said that Karen had been having an affair with someone in TNA, could that "someone" have been Jarrett? If so, how long was it going on? And, with Jeff's wife passing in 2007 (on the same day Owen Hart died, BTW), that really puts Jeff in a negative light.

I truly hope that all this talk of Jarrett and Karen Angle is just rumor, for the sake of everyone involved. I'm not passing judgment on anyone, because it's not my place. But, as the saying goes, every rumor usually holds at least a shred of truth.
It's a well publicised fact that Jeff and Kurt don't like each other, and regardless of which version of reports is actually true, it says a lot when JJ is taking time of and Kurt isn't. It's clear that Angle is the draw and Carter appears to want to keep him sweet for renewal time
On the surface, my first inclination is to just roll my eyes. However, when thinking about it for a minute, it's entirely plausible that Jeff is making the beast with two backs with Angle's ex. Stranger things in wrestling have happened.

On the other hand, it's also well known that Angle and Jarrett ain't exactly bosom buddies. No matter which version is true, Dixie Carter is going to bend over backwards for Kurt Angle. She's done as much to keep him with the company already. Even though neither guy has exactly brought stellar ratings to TNA, Angle is clearly the draw. Angle basically gets time off when he wants to, has major clout with upper management, gets the money he wants, the schedule he wants and is even starting to act now with a little help from TNA. Let's face it, Kurt Angle is the Hulk Hogan of TNA. and
source: www.prowrestling.NET

As reported earlier, Jeff Jarrett was not at last night's pay-per-view event in Orlando with employees being informed that he is taking some personal time away. In an update on the situation, word from the locker room is that Jarrett has been removed from television indefinitely.

It should be noted that Kurt Angle was grumbling about Jarrett to friends over the weekend, and openly said he had been pulled from television. Angle made it clear to people he's unhappy with Jarrett, with many feeling he's making a power play for creative control of the company.

Jarrett celebrated his 42nd birthday last Tuesday with his allies telling people that he was simply on vacation
when he wasn't in the office late last week. However, all indications point to Jarrett taking an indefinite leave of absence from the company.

The timing of the situation is interesting because it occurred immediately after a caller who claimed to be an employee of TNA stated on Bubba The Love Sponge's satellite show last week that Karen Angle is living with Jarrett at his residence in Nashville.

There is a well rumored incident that Jeff Jarret has had the ex wife of Kurt Angle Karen move in to his home and is rumored to be the cause of the Angles breakup, this situation is turning to an as the world turns storyline, but most are saying that Kurt is attempting to take over the companies booking side due to the fact that he feels his character is being misused.

Whats your opinion on this matter?

My Opinion:

If Jarret did something as distasteful as breaking up the Angles relationship then truthfully he has all right to be removed, it quite frankly as an abuse of his position and shouldn't be allowed, but if angle has made a play for power in TNA the landscape may get abit more difficult with alot of Pro Jarret supporters maybe leaving with the Boss, to go further maybe well see Jeff making a play for the WWE to get back at his TNA peers and at the man who cause his career in the company to take a Landslide.... Kurt Angle.
Jarrett's wife died 2 years ago and if he wants to move on I say let him. It doesn't matter who it is as long as it doesn't effect the business.

Karen is no longer with the company, there is no proof that she was having an affair, she didn't get pregnant with another man's baby and never admitted to an affair. So anything Kurt says is suspect until an affair is admitted.

When your top star doesn't like your booker things will sooner or later go wrong. However if you go around to the position above the booker and start making threats and hurting the company with no solid proof other than "I don't like him" then you become the problem, not the booker.

If Dixie Carter only punishes one then that isn't good. However at the same time she is in a tough spot because Angle has a contract negotiation coming up. If this was anyone besides Kurt Angle it is a non-issue, I will say that now. However I can understand President Carter here. Keep Kurt happy until you can ink him to a new 3-5 year deal then deal with the situation more directly.

To be honest I wouldn't want to be Dixie Carter and have to deal with this situation. It will be very complicated.
Jarrett's wife died 2 years ago and if he wants to move on I say let him. It doesn't matter who it is as long as it doesn't effect the business.

Ahh, but therein lies the problem. If, and I do mean if, Jeff Jarrett is having a relationship with Karen Angle, it is going to have an effect on TNA business-wise. Even if Karen Angle is no longer with the company and is no longer involved with Kurt, there's still history there. It wouldn't exactly thrill me all that much to find out a woman I was married to fairly recently and was the mother of my children was involved with someone that I wasn't personally all that fond of. It might not make logical sense, might not even be fair, but it's just the cold hard facts of life.

When your top star doesn't like your booker things will sooner or later go wrong. However if you go around to the position above the booker and start making threats and hurting the company with no solid proof other than "I don't like him" then you become the problem, not the booker.

I agree, but Dixie Carter doesn't. Carter has, for all intents and purposes, spread TNA wide open for Kurt Angle. And Carter isn't going to do anything to jeopardize Kurt's relationship with TNA. Whenever the time comes for Kurt to ink a new deal, he's obviously going to have provisions put into the contract tht basically gives him the same sort of powerful position that he enjoys right now.
Wow! Imagine if this is true! Kurt thought he had problems with Vince!! Holy crap!! If I were Kurt, I'd say to TNA, "It's him or me!" This could be very bad for business!
I thought it was well-documented and even admitted by Kurt that he cheated on Karen first. However, he said he thought Karen slept around behind his back as a way to get back, after she knew that Kurt was doing the same.

Two wrongs don't make a right, though. But Karen alone, shouldn't be made out to be the bad guy here. Jeff, however, should have known better. I feel bad for the guy since his wife passed away, and I suppose he was lonely. But still. There have to be other fish in the sea besides the wife of one of your talents ... who has children with the guy, nonetheless.
Well first hings first. If Kurts wife left him for another wrestler its not that surprising. Kurt and KAren were having marital problems way before he went to TNA. She almost left him while he was working for WWE. So there were already problems in there household.

Now if Double J is in fact seeing her then I guess he will be "With His Baby Tonight"! In all reality even if Kurt is pissed at Jarret for w/e reason he has you can not expect Dixie to just up and get rid of Jeff. Being the founder of the company will give him a reason to stay. That would be like Steph taking the reigns of WWE and her first order of biz is to publicly Fire Vince.

I wouldnt doubt that they told Jeff to take this time off to make it look like he is in "trouble" as Dixie negotiates with Kurt on a new contract. But once he re-signs Jeff will be making his return. Lets face it TNA with out Jeff wouldn't be the same. We all know Kurt wines to get his way. Its nothing new. But time will only tell what will happen with this story.
The problem with giving Kurt Angle that type of power would be turning him into Hulk Hogan. Giving him too much guaranteed money, creative control, and that sort of thing is bad. Hogan buried WCW when he had that control refusing to lose to certain people including Jeff Jarrett. If Angle get's that kind of contract I guarantee that it will hurt TNA more than it can ever help them. I hope to god President Carter doesn't make the same mistake with Angle that Eric Bischoff did with Hogan.

I would rather have Jeff Jarrett doing what he does now than have Angle with too much pull. That will only lead to disaster and TNA will go the same way as WCW and Angle will be known the same way Hogan is now...the man who killed a company.
If this rumor is true (which I seriously doubt),then I don't blame for banging Karen.She's fucking gorgeous,and if I were him,'d tear that ass up.But if being forced to take a leave of abscence is the problem,I seriously think he should put work,y'know the company he founded,ahead of his sexual desire.And if Kurt uses this to get some more power or control,that shouldn't be allowed.I hate to keep repeating this idea that TNA is WCW,but when wrestlers like Nash and Hogan were given creative control,it all fell apart.

Kurt's valuable,but he's not worth the company.If he leaves because he can't get control,fuck him.But he is worth more than a few nights in bed with a babe.Jarrett needs to realise that.
How many of you would stay at your job if one of your co-workers, or even worse, one of your bosses, started banging your wife? I can assure you, I wouldn't be sticking around to long! I am not excusing what Kurt did before. He was wrong. What Karen is doing, if true, is also wrong. What's worse is, Kurt would be forced to watch it every week at work. That's why I don't think he should or will stay.
You know I have said this time and time again TNA is just like WCW and now iam right Kurt Angle is a Winey little prick and for as i am concerened who gives a fuck if Jeff Jarrett is havin sex with Karen Angle Jill Jarrett is gone god rest her soul and Karen Angle well Come On just look at her shes smokin hott but but if Jeff is dating her so what Karen cant date anyone I thought She and Kurt were divorced already and if so why is it our problem Jarrett's a big boy and for TNA to pull this Jeff Jarrett is off tv for '' Personal Reasons '' its just fuckin stupid hes the founder of TNA no one can fire him Angle has a nother thing coming if he thinks that iam gunna start callin Angle Hogan Jr
Jeff Jarrett is off TV for a while?

Whatever the reason, 99.9% of wrestlings fans are throwing a party right now, the guy just doesn't deserve to be in the spotlight of any company.

I seriously can't think of another guy who has main evented as long as Jarrett has with the level of apathy amongst the fans that Jarrett creates.

We simply do not care about Jeff Jarrett.
You won't call Angle, Hogan Jr. He is Hogan Jr. He is looking for full creative control in his contract and beyond that he wants creative control over the entire company. He wants more power than Hogan ever did. Biggest star in the company or not Angle's head has gotten too big; he needs to go.
It's way more than it seems, folks.

In an update to the developing Jeff Jarrett/TNA situation, The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Kurt Angle was overheard telling people at the house show in Winston-Salem, NC this past Saturday night that he will NOT sign a new TNA contract if Jeff Jarrett remains in control of creative. He furthered his comments by saying that he wants control of the booking team and that if he does not receive such control he will not re-sign with TNA when his contract expires in the fall.

The current booking plans that are in place are expected to last throughout the next several weeks, and it's interesting to note that plans to have a Jarrett/Eric Young feud have been scrapped.

Many backstage are said to be in total agreement with Kurt Angle as they are unhappy with the way Jarrett has been booking TNA TV for quite sometime now. The only ones in the company who are siding with Jarrett in this matter are those who have been die hard Jarrett supporters from the very beginning.

I can't lie, Victory Road brought out the worst in their writing staff and booking. I would love to see what Kurt Angle would do if he was in charge, It can't be any worse than Russo or Jarret at this point.

It's already being noted that Dixie Carter will be taking Kurt Angle's ultimatum and Jeff is definitely out of any sort of Backstage work.
you are right he needs to go hes not as big as Sting and you dont hear anything about Sting pullin this shit now Nash did back in WCW and maybe Booker and Stiener but iam not sure but if I were Jarrett I would do something when I get back I dont know what but i would do something
I agree with angle cause tna doesnt really have anything going for them with him in creative i mean the nonsence storyline the sucky storylines of course i agreee with angle get someone new but keep angle away from booking and we might have something good.
Surely Jeff still owns a part of tna?

I think that this is stupid for Kurt to try and get full control of tna. The power will goto his head and it will be the downfall of tna and they will go the same way as WCW.
Angle just needs to go if he's talking shit like this. Such disrespect for the founder of a company you are now working for is ridiculous. Even if this is how you and others truly feel, keep it water cooler conversation. Does anyone actually watch TNA for Angle anyway? He may be an Olympic champion, but he isn't the reason I tune in thursday nights.
If this prompts a booking change and moved Mick Foley out of his 'I'm crazy every other week!' routine then I'll be very happy.

On top of that, Russo is a great idea guy (see: Attitude era) but when he is actually the guy in charge things go to hell quickly. I don't care who they put in charge, it can't be worse than Russo.

Plus, Angle and Hogan comparisons are way off. First, Hogan has a much bigger ego and simply wouldn't job. Angle has shown no such proclivities. Second, Hogan was a much bigger star.

I'm hoping this turns out for the best in TNA. Give me more lethal consequences. Emphasize the war going on between the MEM. Is Foley the leader of the resistance now? Make things clearer and add some more chaos. That'd be fantastic.
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