Jeff Hardy's Heel Turn: Two Months Later

Sting's Bat

The True Icon
I decided to post a bit of a questionarre of what people thing of Jeffs turn now that some time has passed and the shock and awe factor has worn off.

Now for me I think his turn has largely stalled due to a lack of heat generation and heat maintance. Other than reaction he hardly cuts any promos, Does little interaction with the crowd, and the promos he does on reaction sound forced and frankly the writing makes him sound like a middle school aged satanist.

Now do you guys think his turn has stalled? and if not why?

Do you think that perhaps Mr Andersons injury screwed up his intended storyline with him and the lackluster replacement fued with Morgan has been responsible for the derailing of his Heel angle?

Are you still high on Hardy as a heel? or do you not really care anymore?

Do you think that he relies too much on Eric Bishoff and Immortal to do the heavy lifting of his Heel persona?

Do the reaction promos that Hardy cuts good or lackluster?

Do you believe he could do more to Help his heat? ie going out and insulting the crowd, random attacks, perhaps doing his promos on impact instead of reaction, and maybe getting a KO to be his valet.
I think the same now that I did then — it was shocking and something no one could have/would have predicted, and it's worked wonders for Jeff, personally. Hardy was a bore as a face in TNA prior to that, and constantly played second fiddle to guys like RVD.

While I'm admittedly a fan of Hardy, I'm a bigger fan of his heel work than I am of his face work, because frankly, as a face he's about as interesting as a bunt cake.
I'm not sure if it's because of the court case or what, but TNA seems to be taking a "less is more" approach with Hardy so far since his heel turn. Truthfully, I wasn't sold on him being the bad guy in TNA back at BFG. In the little bit that he has done, he has grown on me though. Before, I wasn't convinced that there was enough there for him to be the top heel in the company. Now, it could happen but both TNA and Hardy need to step it up.

Yes, I agree that Immortal is doing the "heavy lifting" as you put it for Hardy. In my opinion, Hardy isn't there yet. There is a good foundation, and he has been in the business a fairly long time... that's to say that people know who he is. However, he needs to be more active in getting that persona over. The promos he has given have, although abbreviated, been solid. He believes in his character and that's a big plus for convincing the audience and suspending disbelief.

We just need to see and hear more of him though... over-emphasize the fact that Hardy ruthlessly (and puposely) gave Anderson a concusion. He doesn't just want to beat Ken, he wants to destroy him and put him out of the business. "Shoot" about how injury-prone Anderson is and why he's been forced to feud with Morgan instead because of it. Continue to play up to the fact he doesn't need the fans or anyone anymore, as he's a bonafide superstar.

I still have high hopes for Hardy retaining his top heel spot, but in any case, he needs to be more visible and talk either a lot more or a lot more frequently.
Now do you guys think his turn has stalled? and if not why?

A little, but I still think he and TNA are much better off now than if they hadn't turned him. Like your next question alludes to, some of the "stall" has been due to the uncontrollable circumstance of Anderson's injury and a break in the storyline flow.

Do you think that perhaps Mr Andersons injury screwed up his intended storyline with him and the lackluster replacement fued with Morgan has been responsible for the derailing of his Heel angle?

I would argue that his feud with Morgan hasn't been that "lackluster," or at least not anymore than the original feud with Anderson would have been. Morgan definitely has gone over now and you have to give them some credit for that despite the improvisational nature of the angle.

Are you still high on Hardy as a heel? or do you not really care anymore?

I never was "high" on him, but as I said before I still think it was the right move and it's gone fairly well. My biggest issue would be that TNA's top star, Kurt Angle, has been almost invisible during all of this and they really needed him to help sell everything that's happened with Immortal, including Hardy.

Do you think that he relies too much on Eric Bishoff and Immortal to do the heavy lifting of his Heel persona?

ABSOLUTELY! Last night was a great example; Bischoff talks, announce's Hardy's entrance, then keeps talking. Hardy has to take the mic there and stand on his own if he wants to be credible.

Do the reaction promos that Hardy cuts good or lackluster?

Honestly, I've stopped watching Reaction. Too many other things on TV for me to spend 40 mins watching repetitive promos that don't do anything to progress storylines.

Do you believe he could do more to Help his heat? ie going out and insulting the crowd, random attacks, perhaps doing his promos on impact instead of reaction, and maybe getting a KO to be his valet.

I don't think he has to do much to make a big difference. He needs to cut more live promos (if he can't, then get the damn belt off of him and stop wasting time). I'd like to see him take a more active role in fucking with the minds of his opponents, pushing his dark side gimmick to a more aggressive level. If you're going to keep calling him the "Charismatic Enigma" then the dude needs to talk.
Hardy was extremely dull as a face in TNA and, thus far, he's been extremely dull as a heel. Hardy as a face was playing second fiddle to Anderson & RVD, now he's playing second fiddle to Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair as a heel.

Following up big happenings or goings on has always been a huge problem in TNA and Jeff Hardy's heel turn has proven no exception. It was shocking when he turned heel, it got people talking and interested in what was going on. People watched iMPACT! after BFG to see what would happen and were turned off because TNA dropped the ball. Instead of seeing Jeff Hardy take center stage as a charismatic heel leader of a hugely powerful faction, viewers saw that Hardy is still nothing more than a supporting character that just happens to be on the opposite side of the aisle than he was before. Hardy occassionally spouts off some sort of darkly poetic mumbo jumbo and I suppose TNA is hoping that fans will just swoon over Hardy's character because of it. It's worked for some as some will take any sort of change as an improvement, but it's still just meh in my view.
With Jeff's unique look, I saw no problem with him turning heel someday. It fits his whole "Satanic" character perfectly. But, where has he been?

Since turning heel, we really haven't gotten much out of him. He's cut a few promo's, saying the same shit. He's bashed Anderson over the head with a chair, and a had a few not-so-great matches with Matt Morgan.

Jeff's strength has always been in the ring. He's an exciting, high-flying guy. But since turning heel (actually, since he came back to TNA), he hasn't lived up to that persona. His matches haven't been anything special, and he's never on television. He just isn't the same guy he was a year and a half ago, and that's a fact.

Jeff has done better on the mic during this heel turn than at any point in his career. But let's face it, he's not The Rock or Steve Austin on the stick. He's not good enough for his mic skills to carry him through this whole thing. Also, as I said earlier, he's not what he once was in the ring. So no, at this point in time, I'm really not buying into his heel run. Why? Because he really isn't doing much.
I decided to post a bit of a questionarre of what people thing of Jeffs turn now that some time has passed and the shock and awe factor has worn off..

I would respectfully disagree. I think the shock and awe level is still there. That being that he has been able to carry on that heel persona so well when he's never been anything but a face his entire career.

Now do you guys think his turn has stalled? and if not why?

Not at all. when they do have Jeff wrestle, its been almost as a "special attraction" match. It has more of a big match feel. We're just used to the champion wrestling every week, and being all over the show. The less is more approach has worked wonders on me with Hardy, whom I was initially against turning heel.

Do you think that perhaps Mr Andersons injury screwed up his intended storyline with him and the lackluster replacement fued with Morgan has been responsible for the derailing of his Heel angle?

I don't think so. While the match quality may not have been as good as the Anderson/Hardy matches may have been, Morgan was a fine replacement. He's always had a great connection with the crowd, be it as a heel or a face. Ive never seen any neutrality with Morgan. I thought the feud was far from lackluster, and the only real mistake that was made was that they didn't necessarily interact with each other much during the feud.

Are you still high on Hardy as a heel? or do you not really care anymore?

Very much so. His backstage promos in the eerie lighting are still very effective to me, and I find myself digging the heel character itself. It seems very natural to Jeff, which is why as when his face promos always felt forced, his heel ones have not. No, Im digging Hardy as a heel.
Do you think that he relies too much on Eric Bishoff and Immortal to do the heavy lifting of his Heel persona?

I do. Even though Bischoff is the smarmy heel whose perfected his gimmick to a "T", it felt as if Morgan was feuding with Bischoff moreso then Hardy for much of the past two months. In that aspect, more interaction with Morgan would have gone a long way in furthering my interest in their PPV matches.

Do the reaction promos that Hardy cuts good or lackluster?

They're very, very good. he seems so focused and controlled at them, and has just an evil presence about him while cutting them at the same time. In comparison, his face promos always felt out of control and seemed to have him scream into the microphone ineviatbly at some point. Here, hes having great success, and its because he's showing great restraint, while being a wretched heel at the same time.

Do you believe he could do more to Help his heat? ie going out and insulting the crowd, random attacks, perhaps doing his promos on impact instead of reaction, and maybe getting a KO to be his valet.

No, because thats what HALF of the heels do. Insulting the crowd has become such a bland, generic form of cutting a promo that it seems to be sheer laziness on the part of either the person cutting the promo, or whomever wrote it. and he has been engaging in random attacks, look at 2 of the past 3 Impacts, one of which he beat down Morgan until he completely busted him open. The heat for Hardy has been fantastic, a pretty great feat if you think about the reaction he used to garner as a face.
The only way Hardy's heel turn will be worth anything is if he takes his heel persona to the WWE. But the reason he'll never return to the WWE is because like any drug dealer, it is difficult for him to work a 9 to 5; he's comfortable at TNA because administration are pushover, unprofessionals.


First of all, and I've said this before, TNA turned Hardy heel and pushed him in this THEY angle solely for the swerve at the expense of logic and long term success. I still feel that's the case now as I did before, in fact, I feel that's the case even MORE now then I did when this whole thing happened.

Hardy as a heel, and certainly within the ranks of Immortal, just doesn't work. He sticks out like a sore thumb. It would've been much better, if they were determined to turn him heel, to have him surrounded by a stable that actually fits with his character. Abyss works, but no one else in Immortal works with Hardy. Hardy doesn't work in the Immortal angle itself.

His heel turns been entirely lackluster from the start, he's used sporadically and he can't cut a promo for the life of him. Even when it's filmed before hand he still comes across as dull, mechanical, and rambling on nonsense. The whole angle has certainly stalled, too, and it feels like the nWo did later on.. the same shit every single week. It just took the nWo angle far longer to get there.
The heel persona suits him because in real life nobody would ever cheer for somebody like Jeff Hardy. Hardy is a guy that was given every opportunity to succeed in the big league (WWE), he used the excuse of being burnt out and tired to get his release from the company while at the top. He basically burnt his bridge with the WWE by going to TNA for an easier schedule. For Jeff this was the best thing he could have done, but in true form he is using the same excuses again in TNA about being burnt and tired hence the recent videos he's been seen in right before a court case none the less. Personally I liked Hardy in the WWE but either way he is doomed to fail if he continues on his current path. With the exception of TLC Hardy has never had a standout match, and his only feud worth mentioning is with CM Punk. Sadly he is fooling himself by joining the Hogan wagon and actually thinking he will make a difference in a start up company. Jeff will soon be forgotten and will have never made any major impact in the business. He'll turn out to be just a whisper in the wind...
i dont know why hardy had to be a heel for he was a good face but this tna heel face hardy coould be bad ass if done right it could a great thing. the way i saw hardy a great heel was when he gave rvd the twist of fate on on top anderson arm that bad ass when
tenay said more like the twist of hate
Definitely a swerve and an initial shock, but yeah, that's about all it amounts too. Hardy was ok in WWE, but has went downhill quick and is just boring now. There are so many things that he could do to make this heel turn very successful, but quite frankly I just don't see any enthusiasm or effort put into anything on his part. I think he probably even brought up the idea of going heel so he could be "less energetic" and just putz around like he's doing now because he wants to be lazy. He's definitely being held up by the other players in Immortal and it's just not enough to throw a suit on him. He should have amped up the heel persona, did some mean mic work, looked a little more angry or diabolical, changed his face paint, and told whoever came up with his Divas belt look-a-like title that it was a bad idea. That has to be one of the dumbest ideas for a title belt I think I've ever seen in my life. But anyway, I think a combination of bad writing and lack of effort on Hardy's part are to blame for this angle sucking worse than it should. Hell, if he came across as a totally evil bastard instead of sounding like a forced, lackluster sounding Raven knock-off, they could have even written in a very good story about his absence if he does end up a shower notch for Bubba. They could have said he did something so horrible and terrible that he had been arrested, maybe did another RVD-type thing showing somebody covered in blood or going to the hospital and then wearing a cast and/or bandages, saying he crossed the line, etc. etc. Plus, if I was Hardy looking at a possible stint in the big house, I'd be training my ass off so I wouldn't be easy pickin's in the "fresh meat" dept...
Well, The Hardy heel turn in my opinion isn't that great. I really can't buy a high flying heel. Especially a guy like Hardy. A guy like Hardy is a risk taker, gets the crowd pumped up when he does something insane.

Now, as a heel, he just as a couple of moves, and on top of that but his entrance music is just lame. The Anti-Chirst of professional Wrestling is a lame gimmick in my opinion.

It's really dull seeing these promos of his. Saying his Twist of "Hate" will take on any comers. Then on top of that, his feud with Morgan wasn't that great, and not mostly because of Matt Morgan, but because it's hard to take in. Morgan did a good job with the feud, but, Jeff really can't work with a big guy like that, especially in regular matches. If these were Ladder Matches or Cage Matches, then we would have a better effect on this feud. For example his Ladder Match with the Undertaker was amazing... A ladder match with Morgan could of been sold a lot better.

I will give him this though. Only few appearances on Impact before a PPV has worked out. It has built value on the guy as the champ. Can't lie about that.

However, giving him the He-man masters of the universe world title belt hurts his heel status. TNA wants to be the alternative to WWE, then why give him such a child-endorsed item to push his heel status. Hell, why not give him the actually belt. That is such a stupid prop.
I think Hardy is an interesting heel. The few promos he has are good and fit in with his new persona.

But the problem is, that despite the people in TNA saying all the time that Hardy is the leader of Immortal, Hardy never leads anyone. Bischoff, Flair and Hogan are the ones giving the orders. Jeff has nearly no interaction with the other members of immortal in general.
I'm not a fan of it. While his mic work has been good and I like the dark potential of the gimmick, he has been overshadowed by the factions and is in danger of getting lost in the mix simply due to a lack of exposure. It should be him that we are seeing everywhere, not Bischoff or Jarrett.

So maybe it's poor booking that I am mainly unimpressed at but when he has worked, he has not been impressive either. TNA had the chance to make a huge impact (not intended) by turning him heel but I can't say they have capitalised on it. So I remain unconvinced.
I really am not fond of his heel turn. Sure it was good for a shock factor, but that's it. A shock factor. I've been watching his promos just trying to get interested, but I can't. They sound robotic and he's trying to be a poor man's Raven. And like someone earlier said, I can't buy a high-flier as a heel.

His in-ring work has not really improved and he's just about the same as ever, since his time on top of the world in WWE. I also just had to absolutely shake my head after he said that he'd no longer entertain the crowd and do a Swanton Bomb...then later in the night and thereafter, he does the Swanton Bomb.

I just can't get behind this heel turn and I feel it's just going to continue being lackluster.
Much like almost everything else in TNA at the moment...Jeff Hardy sucks. He doesn't fit in to Immortal. He's not even recognizable during most of the immortal segments. He just stands there while Bischoff, Flair, or Hogan do the talking. He's a nobody. Just as much of a nobody as he was before he turned. His matches have sucked, his promos sound forced and aren't getting any heat, and he gets louder pops than Morgan when they fight. I'd say that's a tell-tale sign that he sucks as a heel.
Now do you guys think his turn has stalled? and if not why?

Well it has somewhat stalled in my opinion mostly because it looks like Jeff is the one playing second fiddle to guys like Bischoff and Hogan. They are the ones cutting most of the promos and making the plans for Immortal whereas Jeff seems to be used like this special weapon in their ammo that they bring out only for the PPV's. Jeff needs to take a more active part in this storyline to be taken seriously as a heel.

Do you think that perhaps Mr Andersons injury screwed up his intended storyline with him and the lackluster replacement fued with Morgan has been responsible for the derailing of his Heel angle?

I wouldn't say so. Actually I would say that Anderson's injury has been a blessing in disguise for TNA. It allowed Morgan to turn face, a role in which he has shone in so far, and it also allowed Jeff to look like this badass heel when he took Anderson out. The storyline with Morgan has been okay but it certainly could have been better if Hardy had been at those Impacts when Morgan turned face and went on to become No 1 contender. Again it comes back to the same thing, Hardy needs to attend Impact tapings to make any sort of impact.

Are you still high on Hardy as a heel? or do you not really care anymore?

I sure as hell am high on Hardy as a heel because the storyline has just begun. I am interested to see how things pan out and how the TNA roster finally take Immortal down.

Do you think that he relies too much on Eric Bishoff and Immortal to do the heavy lifting of his Heel persona

Yes he does. Because Eric and the rest of the Immortal actually attend Impact tapings while Hardy does drugs in his basement.

Do you believe he could do more to Help his heat? ie going out and insulting the crowd, random attacks, perhaps doing his promos on impact instead of reaction, and maybe getting a KO to be his valet.

Yes he could firstly be on Impact for a change. I think the way his character has been developed random attacks on babyfaces would help him build up his heat more than insulting the crowd or getting a valet would.
Personally I think TNA made a horrible mistake when they turned Jeff Hardy heel and put him in the role he is now as the "star" of Immortal. It was done for the benefit of the swerve and nothing more, and I think it's not only gone nowhere but long term it'll be easily deemed a failure. Jeff Hardy doesn't fit into the Immortal stable at all, he sticks out like a sore thumb, and not in a good way. Hardy can't cut a promo, his heel promos sound wooden, forced, and are just made up of nonsense. He doesn't even cut promos live, he's overshadowed by Bischoff and Hogan because of it, too. His appearances are sparce, and his in ring matches are something to be desired, especially being a heel who still does high flying moves and still gets a bigger face response then he does any heel response.

In my opinion I believe TNA made a very bad mistake in choosing Jeff Hardy for the role he's in right now and I actually think TNA should've chosen Mr. Anderson for that role, instead. If you look at things right now, in the storylines of TNA, if you reversed Jeff Hardy and Mister Anderson's roles I think that scenario would've been far better then the current scenario. Mister Anderson should be the heel at the top of Immortal and Jeff Hardy should be the face whose just waiting to get his opportunity to dethrone the heel.

Anderson is a natural heel, and he does it as good if not better then he is as a face right now. Anderson is great on the mic and that's pretty much a necessity for any good heel, especially one whose the main heel of an angle like Immortal. Anderson wouldn't need Bischoff or Hogan or anyone else speaking for him, and he'd be able to cut promos in much more frequency and not even need to wrestle more often, he could get over as a monster heel just through his mic work if needed. He certainly wouldn't be kept in the shadow of others, or forced to do pretaped promos because of necessity. He'd also fit much better into the whole Immortal stable, and with Fourtune and Flair, too.

Jeff Hardy is a much better face. Some people can claim they didn't like him as a face, he was stale and boring to them, but the fact is is that those people are in the minority and Hardy had a huge following who didn't feel that way. Hardy as a face sells crazy merchandize and is a draw, Hardy as a heel is not. Instead of doing something just for the sake of a swerve they could've made Hardy into the top face, and he'd be far more successful there then even Mister Anderson is right now. Plus, Andersons' been out with an injury and only used sparcely and it's been good for his character.. well, they could've done that with Hardy, too, based on his legal problems and other issues that would've benefitted him being used in that way.

Oh, and we wouldn't have to have the horrible World championship belt that looks like the Divas title.

Those are my opinions, though.
After two months I'm very unimpressed. Jeff Hardy working as a main event works the same as any other major player turning heel: 1. Exposure, 2. Moveset, and 3. Actions.

Exposure - After two months, Hardy has been on Impact only a few times. Now, maybe it's his right, but I firmly believe if you're a World Champion in 2010 you need to be on every show. You need to show and tell the people you're the best and dare people to beat. Whether you're a leader heel, a cowardly heel or a monster heel or even a psycho heel, you need to get the exposure of a champion. All Jeff has done is be this odd gothic champion who doesn't fit in with his own group. He's not the Immortals leader; he's more like the Knight of the Immortals chess pieces. Of all the heel World Champions that stables, Hardy is the only one I remember not being an active leader.

Moveset - most heels have to update their moveset and add more offense since they're usually beating up the face. If a wrestler is a high flyer or has signature moves, they usually have to adjust them to elicit boos. Hardy still does Whisper in the Wind, still takes off his shirt to the delight of the crowd, and uses the Swanton Bomb. Renaming your ground finisher Twist of Hate isn't enough. Hardy should do more to add to his offensive repertoire.

Actions - the best thing Jeff did was hit Anderson in the back of the head with a chair, and even that was a screw-up. He should do more of those creepy promos and sneak up on the face while they're watching. He should do more live promos and get the crowd against him a hell of a lot more. If he gets the live crowds against him, that's how he'll become a much more effective heel. So far the televised promos and random backstage stuff is leaving him in limbo.

Now do you guys think his turn has stalled? and if not why?

-Not really. It's been only two months, there's still time for it to become boring even though it's going there. The heel turn lost some of its sparkle, though, I must admit. Hardy needs to become relevant again, soon and fast. This wrestling only at PPVs and being treated as a God thing is good but it can't last forever.

Do you think that perhaps Mr Andersons injury screwed up his intended storyline with him and the lackluster replacement fued with Morgan has been responsible for the derailing of his Heel angle?

Absolutely not. Anderson's injury was the best thing that ever happened to this storyline. It was bad and all, I'm glad that Anderson's okay, but the injury forced TNA to turn Morgan face, which trimmed down Fourtune. Morgan has been very good at this role and Main Evented two PPVs in a row, having decent matches with Hardy. As a filler - he's great, but he'd NEVER get this push if it wasn't for Anderson.

However, I think TNA will turn Anderson heel soon. It just feels like it. He's pissed off, he said he's sick and tired of BS like this keeping him out of action. If not a heel, then a tweener that beats everyone up, Austin-like.

Are you still high on Hardy as a heel? or do you not really care anymore?

I still care but he could do more. He's very basic so far. Nothing fancy, nothing to wow me. I'd like to see him cut meaningful promos and not rely on Eric Bischoff to put him over and sell PPVs for him. I know he's not good on the mic, but he's not horrible either.

Do you think that he relies too much on Eric Bishoff and Immortal to do the heavy lifting of his Heel persona?
It's what I just wrote, I didn't even see this question before that, but yeah, he does. Maybe this is just his role, who knows, but I'm SICK and tired of cheap heel Champions. Newsflash: not every heel champ must be cheap. It will be refreshing to see an ass-kicker heel champion. It makes him more credible. Especially now when Immortal is in turmoil. It'd seem like Hardy's the only stable and powerful guy in it. It's good.

Do the reaction promos that Hardy cuts good or lackluster?
I like them more than his in-ring promos, that's for sure.

Do you believe he could do more to Help his heat? ie going out and insulting the crowd, random attacks, perhaps doing his promos on impact instead of reaction, and maybe getting a KO to be his valet.

I came to the conclusion that a heel Jeff Hardy can't draw heat from the crowd even if his life depended on it. He just does not know how to do it, and props to TNA for realizing that and hiding his negatives.


Overall, I like Hardy now, he's interesting, lacks in the ring. I don't think I'll be able to stand him a month from now. I think he should lose the title very soon, hopefully to AJ Styles. AJ seems to be upset with Bischoff, Doug said that AJ could've beaten him if he relied on his entire moveset, like he used to do when he was a fair-player ( a face ), and that to me was a hint. I think TNA will turn AJ face soon and possibly have him take down Immortal. I'd love that.
Hardy's heel turn is pretty much the only thing keeping me interested in TNA and the only thing that is fresh and new. He's creating his character well too, he's really becoming someone you can hate. His manerisms and promos have been great which is something I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to say, Hardy is doing great promos... hmmm that's new.

I'm really hoping he holds the Championship for at least a good 6 months to really cement himself as a top heel and I think he'll accomplish that. His way of heeling on people is great and I think he's succeeding in his current role.

As I said earlier, he's the only thing keeping me watching TNA in way of storylines. TNA still has pretty good matches but the storylines have gotten so absurdly stupid it's really hard to sit through an episode but Hardy (in my opinion) is rocking it as a heel and I'm loving seeing it progress.
I thought hardy's recent promo on Ken Anderson and Matt Morgan was pretty good, BUT it would have worked for his old character, it just seemed too normal for this quiet mysterious Anti Christ character, he even called them bitch ass punks or something to that effect which I think takes away from his normal mystique.
I do have to admit the delivery of the promo was done quite well in my eyes, he was confident, clear in speaking and just in general sounded like he knew what he was on about for once
See tonight is what I like to see real effort being put forth on Jeffs part, this whole Undertaker style reign he had going previous to tonight just doesnt do it for me, hopefully he will continue to be at the forefront doing what he can to generate heat which is hard to gauge in the Mark infested Impact zone I will admit.

Did anyone else feel like that "your welcome bitches" line was directed at people that were complaining about his lack of tv time/promos(like me) or am I just overthinking that parting line.

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