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Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
Word is that JBL has pulled out of sponsoring OVW and that the Vyper Fight League MMA promotion is no more.

Is JBL TNA bound? Hint Hint.

I'm not sure if this article is credible or not but is interesting to say the least. We all know JBL is now a retired stock market investor and guest on CNBC along with being a best selling author. We also know that the way he left WWE at Wrestlemania 25 was pretty pathetic. Now that JBL isn't involved in OVW and his MMA promotion has died off maybe it's not a far fetched idea after all. I think JBL was a great heel, one of the best heel's WWE has had in the past 10 years. He wasn't amazing in the ring but didn't have to be. If JBL does go to TNA it would be a great addition to the staff. He doesn't necessarily have to wrestle, as long as he is cutting promos or announcing matches it would be golden. That's my opinion if that ever happens. What do you think? Do you think JBL would ever go to TNA or would TNA even want him? Could he be a great asset or just drag the company down?
JBL is a rich man and he doesn't need TNA. Especially since he seems the kind of guy who actually has some loyalty towards his former company. They didn't have to let him back to wrestle when his Dr told him to quit, they didn't have to put him on commentary, but they did and I think he'd stand by that.

Not as if he doesn't have anything else to keep him occupied. Besides, he's retired twice, I think he knows when to call it a day
I'd love it, absolutely love it, I'd probably go nuts if I am watching iMPACT one day and that music goes off, you know the one with the cowbell or whatever it is. The first thing JBL does when he comes out to the TNA crowd is start bragging how he's a wrestling god. He'll call himself the longest running champion on the B-show of that other company's history, everybody would hate it, I would love it.

Can I see it happening? Well despite the fact that I really hope so I am not sure, JBL has got all those other ventures going, plenty of money and he is on good terms with the E from what I can tell. The only thing that'll drag him back is love of the business. Still I can but hope.
Somehow I doubt that JBL will be of much use in TNA. I mean, he might take over a position as a color commentator, and it would be nice if he did it. But apart from that, that's about it. Either that, or have some kind of role as a general manager, or "part-owner" of TNA.

Apart from that, I even doubt that TNA would want him, but I might be wrong since TNA has that tendency to hire WWE veterans. Right now, I'm on a wait and see approach but I won't be surprised if JBL gets hired.
WTF would JBL do in TNA? Nothing. He would run his mouth about his money and how great he is. I'm sure though that everyone in the IMPACT Zone would go crazy over another WWE vet "crossing the line".
I don't like the fit. Simply put there is no more room for another big name on the show. The show is only two hours and they have like 50-60 wrestlers under contract. There just isn't enough time in the week for it. They don't have time to work with all the athletes they have now what the hell would they do with JBL. The Taz signing will work because he is a manager, what would JBL do? Jarrett and President Carter both like the announce team the way it is. I personally hope it doesn't happen.
I was talking with Ty and Marquis the other night about this possibility, and have to agree with their feelings on the matter. Generally, J.B.L is too wrapped up in what has come to make him a lot of money - to no longer need the Professional Wrestling world.

I still believe that a possible cameo or two in T.N.A is possible, but he'll doubtfully ever return to the sport in a full-time role. I think J.B.L is smart enough to realize most people were growing to despise him - and not for his character, but for his in-ring talent overall.

Now, here's my thoughts on a possible T.N.A cameo. He doesn't need to return as J.B.L, so much as bring Ron Simmons along (you know, Ron, the guy who also isn't with the W.W.E any longer) and reform an A.P.A type group in T.N.A. I think that might be his best option, as far as a return to the Wrestling business goes.
i loved JBL's work on comentary and he could sell a story as good as any1 is the business. his in ring skills weren't the best of course but he is a decent power house. joining the MEM would be good. hell just him being in the company would give TNA a boost. i say go for it
i wouldnt mind JBL in TNA. he could be a great commentator, though as a Don West fan i wouldnt want him to replace west,but maybe a 3 man commentary team. i dont see JBL wrestling again though. but i think he should stay out of the Main Event Mafia though if he does come to TNA. i like the MEM but they dont need anymore star power or else they will be the NWO 2.0
JBL was pretty good on the mic, but I never particularly cared to watch the guy in the ring. If he were to head to TNA, it wouldn't increase my interest really. JBL's best days are behind him, I think even he knows that, though I'm sure he's still physically able to go in there and perform. The problem is that the guy really isn't all that good in the ring, so his subpar matches would rank along side those of most of the MEM. If he were to head to TNA, however, I'd be ok with him replacing Don West as a commentator. But, TNA management seems to like West and Tenay, so that's out. He could do the managerial thing like Taz, but I'm not interested in seeing yet another over the hiller standing around in a suit.

But, when it all boils down to it, JBL doesn't need TNA. I'm sure TNA would take him if he wanted to come, but JBL has a lot of other things going on.
I'm a big JBL mark. I know a lot of people don't like him, but I thought he was a terrific heel. Great on the mic, charismatic, and pretty decent in the ring. In fact, he'd be better than or at least as a lot of the guys in TNA right now. He could really make some noise in TNA.

However, I don't see it happening. I'm pretty sure JBL is done with the wrestling business and has better ways to spend his life. It's not really and ideal fit for either party, which is sad because I'd love to see JBL on my TV again.
To be honest, I don’t think it will happen. Do I want it to happen? No. Now, let me explain. Yes, he was and probably could still be a great heel and had top notch mic skills. But what would be the point if TNA is going to still be in the same hole they are now. They must have lost a lot of money last month because of the Slammiversary pay per view. If it’s true that they only got 7,000 pay per view buys and if they pay the wrestlers with the money they generate from the pay per views like WWE does, then they didn’t make much of a profit.

What TNA needs to do is stop hiring wrestlers. They have a great talent pool and they don’t need anyone else. If they hire more wrestlers then they’re just going to be wasting money because no wrestler they hire is going to change how things are, unless it’s someone like Hulk Hogan. If they want to hire someone, then they need to hire a new creative/writing and marketing team. Why? Because neither one of them is doing the company any good. It especially showed that they need to desperately change their creative/writing team from what we saw at Victory Road. That show was atrocious and I honestly don’t understand why they seem to be able to have solid episodes of Impact but they can’t deliver at pay per view. And if they can’t deliver at pay per views then they need to go.

That’s the reason why I don’t want to see JBL join the company. Because things aren’t going to change. They might have the millions of dollars from Panda Energy backing them, but why waste money when they aren’t going to get anything in return?
He doesn't need TNA, but I think he should go there just to save us from Don West and take his job, I know it's not likely but a guy can dream right? Well not much left to say. Short and simple
This would prove that TNA is a retirement home for retired wrestlers. Wasting TNA's money when they can get fresher talent and all to have JBL put more "star power" on their show. They have enough older guys. Taz, Sting, Foley, Nash, Stiener, Booker T, all too old and getting past their time and JBL is in the same boat.
Regardless of whether it is necessary or not, JBL could certainly lend something to TNA. He would make an excellent commentator for them. I loathe the TNA announce team. I've never liked Mike Tenay and I hate Don West even more! Another option would be to have JBL "manage" or "mentor" a wrestler such as Jethro Holliday. Jethro has a lot of potential and he his misused. Hell, throw in James Storm and Robert Roode. All four of these men would find things in common and could make for some good television.
it'd be pretty awesome and JBL has soo much heat he could pretty much say or do anything because all he does is make fans hate him i could picture JBL debuting on TNA one day by screwing over a TNA original like AJ styles. then on iMPACT just start saying shit like "just as Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the 3rd day, THE WRESTLING GOD HAS RETURNED" or something offensive along those lines. but I'd be fine with him taking any role being a wrestler, commentator, backstage interviewer, some kind of backstage management to feud wit mick Foley. the possibilities are endless
Let's face it. JBL is worth more than TNA itself, and that's saying a lot cuz he's not even the main draw of WWE. JBL is too far above TNA to even go there. You don't go to TNA unless you can't handle the WWE cuz you're too soft or they couldn't use you i.e. Sting, Steiner, Nash, Tazz, and Mick Foley. WWE could still use the heck out of JBL, so therefore JBL would just be a joke in TNA like Kurt Angle is now. Can't you tell?? I absolutely hate TNA as a promotion!!! hahaha
If JBL wanted to return to wrestling, which I don't believe he does, why would he not go back to the WWE and resume his commentating duties ??

Aside from the legend that is The King, it's been quite a while since we had a color guy who possessed the skills JBL had. He reminded a lot of Jessie "The Body" Ventura and his way of working as a heel, yet also commenting as a face made him the perfect fit with J.R. IMO.

There's absolutely no need for him to go to TNA. It would simply be another past his prime wrestler doing nothing for his legacy (what little legacy he has) in a second rate wrestling promotion. There's enough former "E" stars in TNA taking valuable spots away from bright, young talent that could eventually become superstars in the WWE.
An Update:

-- Apparently JBL has pulled out of sponsoring both OVW and the Vyper Fight League MMA promotion. There are rumors going around the net that JBL is in serious talks with TNA, but we'd like to stress that those are simply rumors right now.

I would love him to be in the Mafia and possibly take over Kurt's role or even
Oddly, in a blog over at WWE.com, JBL had the following to say concerning rumors that he is currently in talks with TNA: "I have not had talks with TNA about joining TNA. I wish TNA the very best and Dixie Carter has been nothing but great to me as a fellow supporter of the troops where I have met her a couple of times as my role of emcee with The American Freedom Foundation, a fundraiser for our wounded heroes-perhaps this is where the misinformation came from, or from our connection in Nashville since we both have homes there and business. Mrs. Carter has never approached me about joining TNA, nor has anyone else from the company. Let me repeat-I have never had talks with TNA and they have never approached me about joining their company. I wish all of them the very best, but I am a WWE guy and will never be anything but a WWE guy."

That pretty much says it all right there.
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