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Jaw-Dropping Movie Scenes

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Movies can always provide us with memorable moments. Some of these moments are unforgettable, and certain scenes will stick in our minds forever, but which ones are your favorites? Which shocking movie scenes left you speechless? I can remember plenty of jaw-dropping and unforgettable movie scenes, but I'll try to keep it short with three picks:


This scene ranks very high on my list of unforgettable movie moments. John Travolta completely lost it during this scene. He was freaking out the entire time, and the constant reactions of panic from Travolta were just priceless. This scene was full of chaos, and I'll never forget how I felt, when I first saw this movie years ago. Will Uma Thurman survive? If she does, how will they keep this bizarre incident a secret? Will Vincent Vega become another dead man on Marsellus Wallace's hit list? I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. This scene can be shocking, intense, and the tension is just unreal.

Also, they were able to mix in a good amount of humor here. The constant bickering between Lance, Jody, and Vincent was hilarious, and Jody perfectly summed up the entire situation with the "that was fucking trippy" line. It was funny, but at the same time, she was 1000% right. Reviving Mia was one giant clusterfuck of a situation, but it was something that you could laugh about afterwards, and you could really feel the tremendous sense of relief, when Mia finally came back around.


The Star Wars saga is filled with many great moments, but it's hard to put anything over this one. Darth Vader was the powerful and coldhearted Sith Lord, who helped spread chaos throughout the galaxy. Around this time, Luke Skywalker was still training to become a Jedi, but he hadn't reached his full potential just yet. Despite the many warnings from Yoda and Obi-Wan, Luke decided to travel to Cloud City to rescue Han Solo, Princess Leia, C-3P0, R2-D2, and Chewbacca. Luke was walking into a trap, and he would soon engage Darth Vader in a viscous lightsaber duel.

Luke would eventually lose the battle and one of his arms, but he would soon learn the very devastating secret, that would change his life forever. Luke was without his lightsaber and one of his arms. He was cornered with nowhere to go. He refused Darth Vader's invitation to join the Dark Side, and then Vader dropped the enormous bombshell on him. Vader revealed the true identity of Luke's father, and it was non other than the Dark Lord himself. Luke previously believed Darth Vader was responsible for his father's death, but Obi-Wan didn't fully explain his point of view surrounding the entire situation.

First of all, unless you learned about it from some other source before seeing this film for the first time, this was a secret that NOBODY saw coming. It was truly shocking, and you could feel the look of devastation and heartbreak on Luke's face, as he tried to deny the shocking truth. Luke was supposed to be the Rebel Alliance's next hope. He was supposed to be the man, who could be the symbol of hope for the Rebel Alliance, but how could Luke kill his own father? The Empire Strikes Back was a phenomenal film, and this scene provided one of the best cliffhangers ever.


The Godfather trilogy is filled with many unforgettable scenes, but for me, nothing can top this. Kay (Diane Keaton) was prepared to leave Michael once and for all. She wanted to take the children with her, because she couldn't handle the mafia lifestyle anymore, and she didn't want the kids to grow up in a world of organized crime. Realizing the serious nature of the situation, Pacino tried to calm Kay down. He made heartfelt promises, and he wanted to change. Pacino wanted to become a better man, but Kay was ready to move on, and she delivered a shocking secret, that would cause Michael to explode.

Michael had no reasons to doubt Kay's supposed "miscarriage." They didn't always get along, but Kay was was Michael's wife, and he did trust her. But Michael completely lost it, when Kay finally revealed the truth. It wasn't a miscarriage. Kay willingly chose to have an abortion, and she "killed" their son, because she didn't want to bring another child into their lifestyle. Kay made a heartbreaking decision, but at the same time, she believed she did the right thing. You could see the seething rage slowly build on Al Pacino's face, as Kay explained the reasons for her decision. He eventually snapped, and Michael violently slapped Kay.

When I first watched The Godfather II, this scene left me speechless. I wanted to feel for the kay character, because she was stuck in an impossible situation. There was a good amount of tension in this scene, and Pacino was serious about making a change at first. Everything was calm for a while, but things take a drastic turn for the worst, when Kay tells the truth about the miscarriage. This moment could bring a stunned silence into any room, and this scene really did bring that "Whoa. I can't believe what just happened" reaction out of me the first time around. The Michael Corleone character had become a coldblooded and evil man in this film, and this is one of the scenes that showcases his dark and chilling transformation. Michael was trying to become a new man, but he quickly became the feared and dangerous mob boss again, once Kay informed him of the abortion.

This scene is packed with a lot of emotion. Pacino and Keaton did a great job of showing some genuine anger here, and the excellent acting in this scene is something to remember.
There's one film that springs to mind for me here; Come and See.

No other war film has had the effect on me that Come and See had. I'd read bits and pieces about this film over the years and had always been intrigued by it, as it seemed to be a breed apart from the standard hollywood war film. For one, it was a Russian film about some atrocities that happened in Belarus, and the director also used live ammunition and explosions in some parts of the film to truly install terror in the actors.

For the first hour or so I was taken out of some moments due to the dubbing, but then after a while I realised this was becoming less of an issue; the characters were talking less as the horrifying spectacles of war followed one another in rapid succession. The main character also has a huge story arc as he goes from a young boy playing soldiers on a beach with his friend to being thrust into the horrors of war and conflict within a matter of days. His face visibly changes throughout the film too as each new terror is etched into his appearance.

I couldn't find the full scene on youtube, but this is a shortened version with music overlaid that still offers a powerful message at the end. As the young hero pops off rounds from a rifle into a framed picture of Hitler that is lying atop a puddle. A body, perhaps more, are suggested to be underneath as blood bubbles up from the picture frame and various bits of footage from the war are played backwards until it ends on Hitler as a toddler, yet the hero is a boy who looks much older due to the effects of war.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone."

The Usual Suspects


This was one of the first movies I'd ever seen where I didn't figure out the ending. I didn't know who Keyser Soze was, and as an 18 year old kid, I missed the clues Kevin Spacey placed all along while being grilled by Chazz Palmenteri. Just as Chazz dropped his coffee cup as he was putting together the clues as to what Spacey was telling him, I dropped my gatorade all over my dorm room carpet when Spacey's incredible limp turned into a straight walk. He had been ridiculed the entire movie by Chazz for being dumb, stupid, and a myriad of other colorful words, and he had completely pulled the wool over the eyes of someone who was an expert at "catching murderers and figuring the truth". And yet, Spacey was so believable in the stories he told throughout while maintaining his pathetic image. There was no way this cripple with the deformed hand could be an unknown, infamous killer who voluntarily stuck around to tell the story of the entire sequence of events, after all!

It was almost too obvious, it should have been so simple, but Spacey was so convincing in his storytelling that I remember staring at the screen for several minutes as the credits rolled, not saying a thing. My best friend, who was watching with me, finally broke the silence by saying "I guessed it halfway through!", although we both spent half the movie trying to figure out who Keyser Soze truly was, with no luck. After seeing the ending, I rewound several times to watch the last five minutes again, because I truly felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks. Then it becomes obsessive, where you have to watch the movie a second and third time, just to find the clues that were staring you in the face the first time. It's kind of like an "Uh Huh!" moment, and you see something new every time you see it. To this date, it's easily in the top three in terms of twist endings I've ever seen, and Spacey rightfully deserved the Best Supporting Actor Oscar he won.

If you can truly you saw this one coming, you're a smarter guy or gal then I. Probably my first jaw dropping moment.
I just got done watching this movie Hanger it was pretty cool

It's about a guy who surrvived a hanger abortion and he is now out for revenge to get the pimp that killed his mother while preforming the abortion. The guy name is Hanger and he has a friend who drinks tea useing bloody tampons as tea bags. Then there is this one scene where this one guy dressed like Santa gives Hanger and his friend pizza topped with the date rape drug. After they get knocked the Santa guy butt rapes Hanger's friend and then sticks his dick in Hanger's open wound. To tell you the truth my jaw was dropped for most of the movie. It was really good for anyone with a netflix I suggest you watch it
I was going to go with ''The Usual Suspects'' but that bloody LSN, fella, stole it :p. Anyway, my second pick would have to be: ''Lucky Number Slevin''


In the movie, Sleven (Joshua Harnett) is thrust into a crime war between two rival crime bosses living in opposites buildings to each other due to completely mistaken identity. Both crime bosses (Morgan Freeman and Sir Ben Kingsley) ask Harnett to commit crimes against each other. After much doubt about whether to murder Sir Ben Kingsley's gay son, the movie reaches a climax with Kingsley and Freeman tied together, Harnett murders both of them, shocking the viewer completely.

Anyway, that's the gist of the twist but, the movie has more to it than that. The most surprising part of the twist is just how well Harnett plays the small fish in a big sea role, having no idea what's going on, to being finally revealed as a criminal mastermind. It came out of absolutely nowhere and I doubt anyone would have thought it one their first view. There were no hints, no insinuating, nothing. Then, boom, it's revealed and everything clicks into place. And, that to me, is the definition of a perfect twist. Lucky Number Slevin is a very good movie, and I do recommend you seeing it, if you haven't already but, it wouldn't make much sense after I've revealed the finale, now! That's not true, though, the acting and casting was really spot-on. I thought Harnett would go on huge things after but he seems to have just fizzed. He reminds me of a young Leo DiCaprio, and I love Leo DiCaprio.
Well, Mitch beat me to it with the Darth Vader scene where he reveals the truth about Luke's father. So I'll take that one step further. A jaw dropping scene from the same series for me was in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin and Obi Wan had their big duel after Anakin had joined the Dark Side.


I found it jaw dropping at the time and still do, due to how Anakin shows absolutely no remorse at this point for the path he has chosen. Even Obi Wan pleading with him to realize that he was meant to be the Chosen One (7:01) does nothing. Obviously it will never top the iconic "Luke, I am your father!" from the older trilogy, but this moment ranks up there for me with the more jaw-dropping moments in movies.

A slightly lighter pick than last time, the end of the original Wicker Man is without a doubt one of my favourite endings of any film.

The first time I saw this film I wasn't really paying attention throughout and so didn't really get why the film was such a big deal. I mean sure, the massive wicker man was impressive and all but that was it for me.
A couple of years later it's on tv one night and I decide to give it another go. What an absolute ASS I felt for having not paid attention first time around and dismissing it in some conversations about great British films. I'd missed how the policeman is a proud and devout Christian who looked down at the pagan island folk. I'd missed the symbolism of him being dressed as 'the fool' for the parade at the end. Fuck, I'd missed noticing it was Christoper Lee as the leader of the island!

"Oh God! Oh Jesus Christ!"

5 words that could so easily be throwaway reaction dialogue in other films mean so much here. The audience do not see what has frightened this man of God so much, we instead see an extreme close up of his face, wide-eyed and fearful, as his outburst of blasphemy echoes in the air. Then we see the titular wicker man, looming large with 4 islanders standing guard with their torches as the steady drum beat guides the procession and sacrifice forwards. Just seconds after his outburst, the policeman then says, "No... God! No... Christ!" While he is protesting and praying, the coupling of a word used with denial and words associated with his faith are perhaps a happy accident, with Christopher Lee still looking on impassively.

Like I said, one of the best endings to any film, and a true jaw-dropper for the RIGHT reasons, unlike the other one.
The rape scene from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The American version is a bit more graphic, however both convey how this independent woman can be made helpless and raped, showing the scene were she's let go makes it all the more jaw dropping (her walking home), you actually feel as if she got raped.

Also the following scene where Lisbeth gets her revenge by sodomising the guy and then tattooing onto his chest 'I am a filthy rapist' is pretty jaw dropping as she took it into her own hands on how to get her own back.
I think the shower rape scene in American History X is truly shocking.

After turning his back on the Nazi gang while in prison, Edward Norton is cornered in the showers by the gang, and the leader shoves him up against the wall and rapes him. As much as I love that movie, that scene still makes me cringe. Norton is then left lying on the floor of the showers.

You then see him in a hospital bed after having had stitches in tears and clearly traumatised from the experience. To think things like that go on in prisons on a regular basis is horrible. But wonderful acting from Norton as always.

Fucked up ending to a fucked up movie.

"What's in the box!" Classic line. Brad Pitt does some excellent acting throughout especially here in this clip and Kevin Spacey was "prefect creepy". I don't need to say how great Freeman is, he's great in everything he does. But the real shining moment in this scene is the internal conflict in Pitt's character. Do I shoot him and play right into his game while becoming no better than him or do I take the high road? Great stuff. DO NOT watch if you haven't seen the movie. Do yourself a favor and go buy it NOW.

Martin Scorsese does storyboards for his movies. I know why after watching this scene from Goodfellas.

This scene has a direct image, with an even more direct soundtrack. The overture from Layla, matched with the ever-amassing fallout, delivers a knockout blow in a movie full of them.
Saw I

At the time it was some new horror flick which was coming out for Halloween and it was made by a couple of individuals who I dont think had produced anything else before, turned out to be one of my favourite films of all time.

The ending to the first Saw film was absolutely amazing. I love a film with a good twist and I thought I had it picked until Jigsaw stood up and was in the room the whole time.

Absolutely fantastic If you haven't seen it, go out and get a copy.
The sequel to this one was equally as good and climatic as the first.


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