Favorite 3 (or so) Movie Scenes

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
I don't think I can explain this much better than the title can. They don't have to be from the same movie or genre or anything like that. Just what are your three (or so) favorite movie scenes.

Keep in mind you MUST give reasons why it makes your list or you will be penalized for spamming.

1. Luke is Leia's Brother (Return of the Jedi). At the end of the movie, the Death Star is destroyed and Luke might have been on it. Leia looks at it and is nervous so Han tells her Luke wasn't on it. After Leia says she loves Luke, Han says he'll step aside. Leis says it's not like that and that Luke is her brother. The look on Han's face is absolutely hilarious as he appears to be playing the whole trilogy back in his head, trying to figure out how this could be possible. It makes me laugh every time.

2. Wild Thing (Major League) In the final game of the movie, the Yankees are playing the Indians and their best hitter is coming up. Cleveland manager Lou Brown calls for Wild Thing Rick Vaughn. Cue up Joan Jett and the Blackhearts to play him in as the stadium goes NUTS. Everyone sings the song and the Yankees come out of their dugout with these stunned looks on their faces as the whole place is rocking.

3. The Castration (Hard Candy) Most of you haven't seen or heard of this I'd bet but the idea is a 14 year old more or less kidnaps a pedophile and tortures him, the climax of which is her attempting to castrate him. Just before she does, she mentions she could just send his ex-girlfriend that he is obsessed with an e-mail and just leave. He FREAKS, screaming at the top of his lungs for her to please let her go, more or less blacking out from the yelling and screaming. With him exhausted, she says that was wrong of her and that she shouldn't have hinted he could actually get out of this. It comes off as pure raw emotion and fear on his part as he is completely broken down and the once suave man from earlier in the film is a crying miserable shell of his former self, brought down by a 14 year old girl.

4. Smith's Final Plea (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) For days Smith has argued on the Senate floor that he is not a crook and that the people will prove him right. He goes into a massive rant and finally begins to win people over, but letters are brought in showing that he is wrong and no one believes him. Completely broken, he promises to keep fighting until someone believes him, before collapsing onto the floor. His mentor then runs in saying everything Smith says is true and that Smith isn't corrupt at all. It's the best example I can think of where a man gives everything he has but just isn't enough, yet he is able to inspire someone else to change, ultimately winning.

Remember to give reasons why you picked your's. You don't have to explain what the scene is like I did, but it would be nice if it's not well known.
Pretty good picks KB. I have seen all the movies and scenes you described except for Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Here are some of mine.

Pulp Fiction: I could use several scenes here, but the most memorable would be the ending where Samuel L Jackson finds redemption and doesn't decide to kill two amateur robbers in a restaurant known as Ringo/ Pumpkin and Yolando/ Honey Bunny. He tells them his famous bible verse: Ezekiel 25:17. He tells them usually if someone heard that verse, it meant their ass. Jackson quotes the verse saying Ringo is the weak and he is the tyranny of evil men. He then says he is trying real hard to be the shepherd in the valley of darkness. I always got chills when I would watch that scene.


The Big Lebowski: Another great film with The Dude, Walter, and Donny bowling together. I loved the arguments between Dude and Walter while Donny is continuously ignored. My favorite scene would be the beginning of the movie where Dude, Walter and Donny are bowling. They have a discussion about the Dude's rug being pissed on. A great high school flick for me.


Full Metal Jacket: The opening scene as the first day of Marine Corps boot camp during the Vietnam war is one of the most famous scenes in movie history. Long before I ever watched it I always heard the quotes from people about Sgt. Hartman. R Lee Ermey was a real life Drill Sergeant in the Marines before he acted in any movie. I think the director Stanley Kubrick told him to go out and be himself and improvise lines. The man calls the cadets every racist homophobic name in the book. He even strikes a cadet. The scene is so powerful that the rest of the movie is a bit of a letdown after the troops leave boot camp. I have fond memories watching this scene in high school and before I went to boot camp. The scene was more terrifying then real life boot camp at least.


Porky's: This movie didn't really win any awards, but next to Animal House it was one of the original raunchy teen dramas. The most memorable scene for me was when the high school boys went to spy on the girls in the shower. The girls saw the boys peeking and one of the boys put his penis through the hole. Most know the rest of the story. An overweight angry female gym teacher sees the boy's member and runs for it and grabs it calling for the principal. The whole scene and the scene after it are classic. I would always watch this movie with friends and a few beers over the weekend when I was in high school. Here is the scene following the shower scene.


It's A Wonderful Life: This is probably one of the greatest scenes and endings to a movie. George Bailey was minutes away from killing himself on Christmas Eve and a Guardian Angel named Clarence came to his rescue. He showed him what his life would be like if he was never born. George decides to live and rushes home to his family not taking anything for granted. All of his friends and family stop by to donate money to him for his failing business. Clarence gets his wings and everyone is happy. This scene reminds of the great times I had with my family over the holidays.

Major League: When Vaughn goes to the mound for the first time. One of the greatest Bob Euker scenes of all time. How can you not repeat the classic line: "JUUUUST a bit outside!"

Roxanne: The bar scene. If I need to explain any more you have not seen the movie. Yeah a romantic comedy, but one I grew up around and still think is funny as hell. All the jokes he comes up with, which I'm pretty sure is more than the 20 he's supposed to, are just hilarious. "You're name wouldn't be Dick, would it?"

Predator: The final fight scene from when he's caught in the water to the explosion. IMO Arnold's best action movie. One of my all time favorites growing up. Plus it's just the final culmination of a long buildup over the entire movie. The final face off where Arnold, who demonstrates he's a great warrior throughout the entire movie, after about 2 seconds knows he's completely outmatched. Not to mention an awesome action movie line: "You're one ugly mothafucka."
Wow, KB. It's going to be tough for me not to go crazy here, but I'll try.

The Empire Strikes Back- Vader tells Luke he is his father: Not only is this my favorite Star Wars film of all time, but the ending here is just classic. After an amazing lightsaber fight, Luke loses his hand(courtesy of Vader) and then Darth drops the bomb on him. Vader offers him a spot on the dark side, but of course Luke refuses. Then Vader mentions how Obi-Wan never told him what happened to his father, and when Vader said, "I am your father" Luke was crushed and shocked at the same time. The look on Mark Hamil's face was priceless. What a great ending to a great movie.

Pulp Fiction- Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta go to retrieve "the briefcase": The buildup to this scene was so great. Jackson and Travolta came in so cool and calm. Jackson even ate their food! I just love how Sam slowly terrorizes the guys in the apartment, and then out of no where, he kills the guy laying on the couch. And his interrogation of Bret was hilarious.

A Few Good Men- Tom Cruise VS Jack Nicholson in the courtroom: This by far one of the greatest scenes in the history of cinema. The disgust Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise's characters had for each other made this scene so intense. The verbal dueling between the two was something to admire, and this scene can still keep me on the edge of my seat, and Jack's explanation of why Cruise couldn't "handle the truth" was so well written.

Rocky III- Adrian still believes in Rocky: After Rocky gets his ass handed to him by Clubber Lang, Rocky is demoralized. He also had to deal with the death of Mick in this one. Apollo Creed offers to train him, but Rocky still doesn't have "the eye of the tiger". When Rocky gives up during a race with Apollo on the beach, Adrian confronts him. She pushes Rocky to tell her what's wrong with him, and he finally admits he's afraid. The pep talk Talia Shire gives him is just amazing. She delivered it with so much emotion. This was truly a moving scene.

Fight Club: Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter watch Tyler Durden's master plan "explode": I really, really love this movie, and there are so many great scenes here, but I'm going to have to go with the final one. After Edward Norton realizes he's batshit crazy, he"fights" Tyler, and he is able to get rid of his dark side. Then, his followers bring Bonham Carter, and after a brief tantrum from Carter, she calms down and offers her help to Norton, as she sees the gruesome wound on his face. The two hold hands, and watch building after building explode. The master plan was successful. The image of Norton and Carter holding hands as the buildings blew up was just such a breath taking sight.

Scarface: Tony kills Frank and Mel: After a botched hit, Tony gathers his buddies and takes a trip to Frank's house to settle the score. Tony made sure take of Frank first, and then he plugged the dirty cop Mel, but at least he spared Erine. This was just gutsy on so many levels. He walks into his boss's house, kills him, his partner, and takes control of his empire. This scene was crucial, because this is really where Tony's rise to the top took off. Pacino(just like he was throughout the entire movie) was great in this scene. Pacino was so cold and menacing here, and the part where he's looking at the blimp which reads, "the world is yours" is a goosebump moment.
I'm going to go for three that no one else will say, I will even include video's for you! (Edit flipping Kenny didn't have vids until I made my post!)

The Lion King: The Circle of Life

The music and the animation on this goes hand in hand, it makes me feel emotional any time I watch it, it shows everyone getting on all nicey nicey, the Disney ideal and in turn it builds up to a great great movie.


Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the black Pearl - Cpt Jack Sparrows Introduction

The single greatest character intro in cinema history. Here you've had the movie seem really serious, we've seen the Pearl, medallion, Turner etc we know what's going on. It's all nice and serious and wait... Ah yes a Pirate hero who's erm boat is tiny, sinking and just makes it to port. Cracking.


Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - You were the chose one Anakin


"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"


"You were my brother Anakin, I loved you."

Everything about this, it's the end of an epic battle, a scene we knew about for almost 30 years and it happened. Granted the acting is terrible by Christiansen but meh, Obi Wan picking the lightsaber for Luke, the past tense of loved. Obi Wan being genuinely upset that everything he's worked for in his life wasn't what he thought it was.
Jaws- When the shark pops out of the water next to the boat for the very first time. Brody is in shock and stumbles back to the cabin and says what is possible my favorite movie quote ever, "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat." I love that scene and never get tired of it.

Animal House- The toga party. Every part of this scene is funny. I love when Belushi comes down the stairs and starts listening the guitar player in the stairway and then proceeds to destroy his guitar. And then everyone dancing to Shout.

The Godfather-I haven't sat with my back facing the door since I watched this movie. The scene where Michael is meeting with the police chief and Sollozzo and goes to the bathroom to get a gun. I just love how calm and full of revenge he is, that is the scene where we truly see the future Godfather come out of Michael. He is ruthless but with a purpose.

Reservoir Dogs- The scene where the entire group is walking down the street and are being introduced. I just find the scene filmed really well and because it was it is an iconic scene in all of film history.
3. The Castration (Hard Candy) Most of you haven't seen or heard of this I'd bet but the idea is a 14 year old more or less kidnaps a pedophile and tortures him, the climax of which is her attempting to castrate him.

I've seen this movie. It came on one night, read the info about it and decided to watch. Holly shit was it fucked up. Ellen Page did a great job in it. Who woulda thought Juno was that fucked up lol.

My picks,

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead man's Chest - The end scene where Barbossa returns. The remaining crew go to see Tia Dalma and are all down because Jack Sparrow was taken down with the Black Pearl by the Kraken to Davey Jone's locker. Tia Dalma then asks the crew if they would sail to the ends of the Earth and beyond to bring back Jack and the Pearl. The crew all agrees, so she tells them they will need a Captian that knows those waters. You then see and hear Barbossa's feet coming down the stairs, as he gets to the bottom he asks, "Tell me, Whats become of my ship?" while taking a bite out of an apple (if you remember from the 1st movie he said thats all he wanted to do is taste an apple), then Jack (the monkey) turns his head screetches. That scene I always liked because after the miss fortune of events towards the end of the film, it leaves you hanging on ready to watch the 3rd movie. Plus it's the return of Barbossa, even though it was for a mere couple seconds he was in it, you know it was leading him to be in the 3rd movie.

Braveheart - So many good scences out of this movie put for some reason my favorite scence is when Wallace is hunting the deer. It was right after Stephen the crazy Irshman and the would be assassin introduced themselves and to pledge fighting with Wallace and the other Scotts. After that it cuts right to deer hunt. As Wallace is aiming at the deer, the deer is startled which causes him to turn and look at what just startled it and he sees Stephen getting ready to throw a sword (which he thinks is directed at him) right before he shoots at Stephen, Stephen throws the sword right by him and hits the other guy that came in with him to fight alongside Wallace, as he was about to get Wallace from behind. Stephen then asks Wallace "You sure the almighty didn't send me to watch your back? I didn't like him anyway, he wasn't right in the head." Wallace is just looking up in the sky then like maybe he did. That was just funny as hell to me because Stephen is obviously not all there in the head, and he says the guy he just killed wasn't right in the head.

The Boondock Saints - Courtroom scene

This scene I liked because it they finally get Poppa Joe Yakavetta, and are now joined by their father and the detectives. Plus how they forewarn everyone what they are about and what they will do to everyone they see is bad in their eyes and we get to hear their family prayer again this time with the father.
Scarface- Tony killing his best friend and his sisters lover, I thought the look on Tony's face after he shoots him was amazing so filled with confusion,anger and sorrow.

Goodfellas- The scene when Tommy(Joe Pesci) has everyone at the table and everyone is laughing with him cause he's cracking some jokes somebody says that he's funny, this was epic acting from Joe Pesci with the slow change of expression on his face then he seems really offended then begins to degrade the guy who said he was funny and threaten him, this guy was filled with regret and fear but then Tommy bursts out laughing. My favourite scene of this fantastic movie.

Toy Story 3- The ending of this movie was so emotional and I can see how people could get tearful from it, it was heartbreaking and very sad knowing that this was the ending of the Toy Story trilogy.
It took me a while but I think I've come to my three favourites:

Dirty Harry - Do You Feel Lucky; Punk?!?
This single scene sums up how great Clint Eastwood is. Eastwood brings a bit of humour & a bucket load of intensity. In the mere three minutes or so this scene takes, you're opinion of Harry changes from 'He's a no nonsense cop' to 'That is One Bad-Ass Mother Fucker'.

The Lion King - Mufasa's Death
Some kids grew up with Bambi's mother's death, I grew up with Mufasa's death as the great Disney tragedy. Mufasa was the epitome of what a king should be; Strong, Noble & a Man of the People. But one man couldn't stand him; his brother Scar. So Scar took it upon himself to arrange a little 'accident' to happen:

Seven - What's in the Box?
This is one of my favourite movies of all time and this whole scene wraps things up in a deeply horrible way. Kevin Spacey plays this brilliantly and Brad Pitt puts in one hell of a performance as Morgan Freeman tries to save him before it's too late.
1) The Fast and the Furious - The scene were after Brian/Bryan O'Connor loses his car to Dominic Torreto, and where Brian/Bryan says "dude i almost had you" then Dom says "almost had me?, you never had me, you never had your car". That was just ownage, and also the rest of that scene is cool aswell when they run away from the cops after that convo.

2) Ninja Assassin - One of my favourite movie openings for a action move, gets striaght to the gore and blood right off the bat. After those bad guys were talking about a ninja assaissn and saying there is no such thing, bang out of no where his head gets slipt in half, then the rest of the guys get brutally killed. i know its not the full scene, but i just broke it down.

Cant think of a third one.
In no particular order:

Resevoir Doge
The first scene where their all at the restaurant drinking coffee. With the Tarantino Like a Virgin synopsis and Steve Buscemi's rant on not tipping. The movie would have been different without it, but our view of the characters would be even more. Without it they just seem like ruthless Robbers and Killers. With it, they're human, normal even. This scene showed that they're not just Psychos, Killers, and Thieves, but that they have personalities likable ones at that. It made the movie that much more believable for me.

No Country For Old Men
The scene where Javier Bardem is talking to the old man at the gas station. He flips the coin to decide whether he lives or dies. That alone made it a great scene but the conversation that brought them to that was so intense and terrifying it left me feeling uneasy. It showed that Javier's character was truly a real life monster. His voice, his mannerisms, his overall lack of caring for what seemed like a nice old man's life.

Dead Alive
The scene where the main character's house is full of zombies and he fucks them all up with the lawn mower. This scene defines this movie and how Jackson wanted people to look at it. The over the top gore and violence and the way it was hilarious, is what that movie was all about. When I saw him with the lawn mower I was like WTF? When he turned the lawn mower over, I was like HOLY SHIT!

Tae Guk Gi
The scene toward the end of the movie when Jin-Tae and Jin-Seok fight on the battlefield. The whole movie everything Jin-Tae does his for his brother. But when he thinks he dies in a battle, he joins the North Koreans. In reality Jin-Seok is at a military hospital. Jin-Tae lost so much when he thought his brothers died and is so enraged, that when they meet on the battlefield he angrily tries to kill his brother he's protected his whole life. Then after Jin-Seok repeatedly tries to convince him who it is, Jin-Tae snaps out of his hysteria. He then shares and emotional moment with his brother where he is given a silver pen (big part of the movie) and tells him to retreat. He then provides serious cover fire until he was ultimately killed. Great scene that showed the true brutality of war and how much it effects everyone.
The Wizard of Oz
The sequence where the Wicked Witch of the West has Dorothy locked up in the castle and tells her that she is going to kill her still puts a chill up my back when I watch this. I mentioned this in another thread about movie villains in this section, but it still rings true; Margaret Hamiltons' performance, especially in this scene helped make this a truly great movie. I think the completely cold remorselessness of the Witch in this scene is what grabbed me here, followed by her appearing on the crystal ball to intimidate Dorothy some more during Dorothy's darkest moment of fear cements this scene for me.
Raging Bull
Jake LaMotta sobbing in the dressing room after throwing the Billy Fox fight has always struck me for some reason or another. DeNiro captures LaMotta's hidden self loathing and insecurity perfectly in this scene, and definitely gives insight to why Jake behaves as he does. Well acted and portrayed.
Will Munny shows up at Greely's to kill Little Bill Dagget.
"Who's the owner of this shithole?". The moment that particular piece of dialogue comes out of Eastwoods mouth in this scene, who can turn themselves away from what is about to happen next? From the expressions on the faces of the prostitutes, to Daggets self righteous speech, to Munny's cold blooded attack on the Sherriff and his deputies, everything in this scene is critical to tying up all that preceded in this film. i particularly like how the Will Munny character unahamedly admits to all at Greely's when questioned by Dagget," That's right, I've killed women and children. I've killed every thing that's walked or crawled at one time or another. And now I've come to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned." Absolutely awesome.
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