Jason Webb vs. Jeff Smulan (WHC Touney)

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Cut Promos, matches will happen after the RP deadline.
People who signup to write get to write, but they have to write it as going both ways, then submit it to the WZCW Board.
So then this isnt an e-fed, its a recorded federation. I was under the impression that in e-feds, one person starts the match (RP'ing), then the opponent continues, then they both go once more, then the person with the best RP (as voted by the match judges) is told to finish the match.
There are different types of E-Feds.
We just happen to be one who write the matches for you. If you wanna write the match, sign up in the Carnage Week 1 thread.
Paul Tomhave is standing in the middle of the ring holding a microphone.

Paul: I would like to call out my guest, "Bad Ass" Jason Webb!

"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC starts to play loudly in the arena as the lights go out in the arena. A red spotlight lights up the stage as a big cloud of smoke appears on the entrance ramp. After a few seconds Bobby "The Brain" Lewis appears. "Bad Ass" Jason Webb walks out from the smoke, turns around 360 degrees, and then struts down the ramp. He jaws with the fans as he walks toward the ring steps. Jason then climbs the ring steps and motions for Bobby to open up the ring ropes for him. Bobby sits on the middle rope and Jason enters the ring. He then does a few struts in the ring and walks towards Paul.

Paul: Jason Webb alot of people do not like the attitude...

Jason cuts off Paul by grabbing the mic towards him.

Jason: You think I give a shit about other people, jackass! I was being treated like shit in that fucking place that I wasted three and a half years of my blood, sweat, and tears. However, I don't want to be treated like shit and that's why I am here! See, pal, the easy going, laid back, Jason Webb has hit the fucking bricks! The real Jason Webb is here! Frankly my dear, I don't give a fuck what the morons out here, the jabronies in the back, or the dumbasses that run this company think, the Baddest Motherfucker in the World is back and he is here in the WZCW to raise some hell!

Jason walks towards the fans and flips them the finger.

Paul: Bobby Lewis, in all the years I've known you I don't expect you to go around with a man like this!

Bobby: Paul, it's about time that the real Jason Webb has appeared here in the WZCW. You have the greatest wrestler in the world today, a man that was held down because of politics in the BQWA. A man that works harder than anyone else in this industry, and this man had to go through the personal hell that sapped all of his confidence just because some rookie was jealous of the man that is Jason Webb. After months of being screwed, and passed over, Jason finally came to realization that if he is going to go anywhere in this industry, he is doing at as himself. Paul, you are looking at the real Jason Webb, the man that can return this busines to the level of the old days. You are looking at the only man that can carry the mantle that Ric Flair and Steve Austin established.

Jason grabs the mic towards him.

Jason: The past is the past, and I hope the jackasses from that other place are watching now and seeing that their foundation is on another show!

Jason flips the camera the finger.

Jason: Let's get to tonight's match! They have booked me in a tournament match against Jeff Smulan! Pal, I have no respect for you! For you not to even bother to promo because you are scared of facing me, you are a pussy! I am here in WZCW for one reason, and one reason only, and that is to win the World Heavyweight Championship! Tonight, is the first step to making that into reality! So, Jeff, you have to walk down that aisle, the referee will call for the bell, I will kick your fucking ass, get the one, two, three, and that's the bottom line because the Bad Ass said so!

"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC starts to play loudly in the arena as Jason and Bobby start to exit the ring. Jason jaws with the fans as they make their way up the ramp and Bobby has a smilie on his face as he sees this. The camera fades to black.
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