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Jarrett's Return

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok this isn't necessarily about what will become of Jarrett but his actual physical return last night on Impact.

I thought it was completely boring. To me he basically walked in, hit AJ and left, all while repeating "five" over and over. It didn't even look like a save. I don't know if it was the camera angles or the timing but it just didn't look anything near exciting and had no energy.

Your thoughts?
I agree. There wasn't really a buildup to it. The audience were too distracted by the fighting at ringside
Yeah it was weird it would have made more sence if all of team angle were getting beat up then have jarrett come down to make the save and have joe win the match
Definately gotta agree, there was really no suspense or anything. He just came out and every single person even those who didn't read the spoiler last month, knew that he was joining Angle's team. Could it have been any more obvious? He just kinda strolled it, hit 'em with a chair, showed all five fingers up, then left. Plus, Jeff Jarrett is a terrible babyface, but easily one of the best heels there is.
Yeah, too bad it didn't get much hype, cause it could have been huge. However I like Jarrett's new look going on, and am glad to see him back as a wrestler (as long as he doesn't hold the NWA Title for the majority of the year to come like usual).
It was great to see JJ back. Yes I knew about it and was expecitng it.
But I agree it could have been done better, but JJ is back and thats great!!
I dont see him holding the title any time soon. but glad to see Jarrett back!
I'm curious to see what his face turn goes like. I cant remember him being a face. They need to play the will he wont he turn angle though. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.
He should turn on Team Angle at Lockdown. Then disappear again until I can think of anybody he'd be good fueding with. Knowing TNA, they'll make him do comedy routines with Kevin Nash to "boost ratings" and "be absolute shit". That last quote's mine by the way.
Jarrett as a face..., I'm not buying it, not yet anyway, and as for his return, I think it could've been better, they should've had a melee break out then have team Cage beating down on team Angle, then back in the ring Cage & Styles would attack Joe, and then Jarretts music would hit and he would walk down to the ring, showing no sign of who's side he would be on, and then he wind-up and look like he was going to hit Joe but then turn and hit Cage instead, then a shocked AJ would be left inthe ring with both Joe and Jarrett, Jarrett would hit him with the stroke and Joe would lock in his coheeda clutch, or sleeper, what ever it's called, then Jarrett would throw up the five and, then after the match the rest of team Angle would join them in the ring and they would all raise their hands in victory

or another good way to go about it would have, Joe lose the match then give Cage the entrance advantage going in to the match, then have Jarrett be the last entranent in the match
the funny thing is they edited in his theme, because it wasent played at the tapings, which is why there was such little crowd response. that was until people noticed him coming out of the tunnel. his theme was played after joe got the win. but they edited in joes theme for tv. TNAs production editing team sure is weird.
yea it had little no impact untill he hit AJ, and the post above explains why the crowd didnt react. i do think he was overly trying to be babyface, to fair though it worked... and he is back and over...as a babyface.

I cant remember JJ as a face in TNA or WWE or WCW...he plays a heel so well.
It wasn't planned well enough. He had what? 3 months to plan it out? And that was it? Ee..If that's how the rest of his face turn is going to be like, I'm not liking it. That whole thing was just Meh. I saw iMPACT just to see what they would do and it was a major let-down. Jarrett was one of the most hated men in Wrestling and it would take a LOT to turn him babyface. This just wasn't enough and the five fingers thing was too obvious.
I think the ball was dropped for the segment in the editing room, as well as out on the floor. First off, Jarrett's music shouldn't have been played until after the whole thing went down, if at all. I also would've preferred to have Jarrett display the "five" with his hands only once, and only to Joe. Also, he shouldn't have stalled on his way to the ring, but instead shot through the crowd (not the runway) and just ran up quickly and nailed Styles. Then he should've showed Joe the hand-sign without a smile and simply walked out. It would've made more sense to me without him trying to put his hand signal on display for everyone within city limits. I mean, we already got the gist of the situation the second he hit Styles with the friggin' guitar. Since he went that far with bleeding the hand gesture out, he may as well have been wearing an "I'm with Team Angle" sandwich board and ringing a bell to and from his way to the ring. They need to stop writing segments like all the people in the audience are ******ed. If I wanted that kind of scripting, there is always wrestling on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday to take care of that, damn it.
well... maybe he was just a lil off since this is his first face turn in tna and has been a heel for 4 years. but he should be use to hitting AJ with the guitar since they fueded several times before. lets see how this angle takes place
I marked out for his return. I didn't read spoilers for that week so it was totally unexpected. With the controversy he had with all of those men making there lives a living hell, who would of known he would return to help them. Also I didn't think he would give Sting the title shot. I was most suprised that he was Eric Youngs friend because in the past he treated Young like shit and also if I can recollect correctly threatened to fire him as well in kafaybe of course. Anyways, I like this new Jarrett. He has this special feeling to him. I mean that in a purely heterosexual way btw. I feel like he will keep himself away from the title instead of when he was always gunning for it as a heel.
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