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Jarret's time on TNA coming to an end?

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Getting Noticed By Management
From wrestlezone:

"The PWTorch Newsletter reports that some of the anti-Jeff Jarrett wrestlers in TNA are glad that there has been a drop in the iMPACT ratings lately. The feeling is that the poor ratings reflect on the decision to have Jeff Jarrett as the main star of the show with people like Eric Young and Larry Zbyszko at his side. Even usual Jarrett supporters are showing signs of going against him, realizing that he’s the wrong person to center the show around. The dip in ratings comes after weeks of TV without heavy X-Division air time or any Team 3D, with the main focus being on Jarrett.

"He's hard working and a good guy, but he's not the right person to lead this company on the air. Everybody should have known that a long time ago but at least now there's no denying it,” says one wrestler.

The chance of Jarrett losing his spot on top of the show is definitely something very real at this point. The people with the most to gain from this would be the wrestlers who are over with the fans but just aren’t getting enough TV time to capitalize on it. Among the names that stand out would be Konnan, who now with the LAX is said to be more intense and focused than he has been in years."

Finally. I really hope that they go through with getting rid of Jarrett in the main spotlight. That whole thing with Eric Young, Larry Zbysko, and Jim Cornette is reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaally getting old. I've been sick of it since day one, the only reason I still tune into TNA is the fact that the wrestling is so much better, but despite the fact that I care more about wrestling than I do about storylines, I still want decent storylines, and Jarrett is not the way to do that. I've said it ton's of times the fan's don't boo Jeff Jarrett because he's a good heel, they boo Jeff Jarrett because he is washed up and shouldn't be in the main event. I really hope that Jarrett v. Sting is the last main event Jarrett sees in a loooooooong time.
no one is disputing that he holds people back, but the real question is how big is his ego? cause it could be so big that even if ratings crash and burn he wont be willing to remove himself from the spotlight cause he feels that he deserves it. he has been getting legitimate heat from fans for forever and that hasnt made him wiling to walk away from the title, which is the biggest reason people legitimately dislike him, at least thats the biggest reason that i actually don't like him: he always has to be champ. i mean even HHH in WWE has been willing to walk away from the title scene for over half a year now, and everyone knows he could be in it if he wanted to.
jefferson411 said:
no one is disputing that he holds people back, but the real question is how big is his ego? cause it could be so big that even if ratings crash and burn he wont be willing to remove himself from the spotlight cause he feels that he deserves it. he has been getting legitimate heat from fans for forever and that hasnt made him wiling to walk away from the title, which is the biggest reason people legitimately dislike him, at least thats the biggest reason that i actually don't like him: he always has to be champ. i mean even HHH in WWE has been willing to walk away from the title scene for over half a year now, and everyone knows he could be in it if he wanted to.

Good thing is Jarrett doesn't have controling interest in the company.
Seriously I hope Russo wants to come in and just totally reconstruct the product from top to bottom. Take Jarrett and Sting out and put the younger people over. The job of Jarrett, Sting, Steiner and the like should be to put people over - they should be getting their asses handed to them at every opportunity. Although, I must admit I cannot hit on Steiner about this. Since day one he has done nothing but put people over - the guy is yet to win a match in TNA, yet still has the credibility to make his opponents in the eyes of casual fans. I am truly impressed by his professionalism on this, especially after years of hearing about him and his ego.

The X-Division has gone completely absent from TV since Joe left the division. This is SOOO wrong!!! especially when you have a guy in the same league as Joe as your champ. Low-Ki is a phenomenal athelete and the other guys in the division have enough to make a real go of it and produce some special stuff on TV. Russo really gave the division a lot of attention last time around, so hopefully he still feels the same way about it and breathes some much needed life back into it.

The tag-team division IMO has never been stronger. This LAX faction is just incredible. I dont care what you think of Konnan, but the man is definately onto something special and is doing an awesome job with this whole LAX concept he created. I cant believe TNA were so hesitant to give him the freedom to put this together earlier. He had been rallying creative with this idea for a year plus - wanting to bring in Homicide from February last year (from memory). The level of violence and brutality and just raw emotion that they have brought to TNA is just plain INSANE!!

My idea for TNA and Russo:
Have Joe beat the absolute shit out of Jarret at the PPV. Then have Joe come out and get pissed at Sting.

Saying, "what has Sting done to qualify himself as the number one contender?? NOTHING, I beat the shit out of the Jeff, I had him covered in his own blood, at my feet pleading for mercy, I made an example of the World Heavyweight Champion, and after last night I dont think he has the right to hold that title anymore. I DO!!"

And then have him attack Sting and Jarrett and then have him added to the match at Bound For Glory. At BFG, Samoa Joe beats not only Jeff Jarrett but Sting also (two of the best in the business and two former World Champions) at once to become NWA World Heavyeight Champion. And with that the era of Samoa Joe is born.

I agree that the x division being off tv is stupid. Its their strongest aspect! But LAX...I hate them and hope Russo dumps the idea, I got sick of them this past episode.
DeathIsARight said:
I agree that the x division being off tv is stupid. Its their strongest aspect! But LAX...I hate them and hope Russo dumps the idea, I got sick of them this past episode.

Really?? Gotta admit was not expecting that, lol.
Sorry, but i gotta ask why. Please let me know why you think that. Im interested to understand your viewpoint on it.
I think that after Bound for Glory the main storyline in the company should be Sting v. Christain Cage for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Cage can eventually win the title, and become the franchise heel that Jarrett could never be because of his backstage power. This of course is if Sting beats Jarrett for the title.

For Samoa Joe, I don't think he deserves the NWA title yet. His undefeated streak needs to be stopped. It is just like what happened to Goldberg's second streak at the end of WCW. It makes him predicatble, and Joe isn't even squashing people. It kind of kills his opponents credibility when tey fight back but always lose. Also, what exactly is Joe. He was a heel when he turned on Sting after Sacrifice, but a face fighting Scott Steiner.

As for LAX, I think that they get all the TV time they need, and they are entertaining for all the time they're on TV. I don't seee how they could progress past the NWA Tag Titles when the team itself is a couple of new guys, but they give the tag titles the prestige it lost during AMW's never ending run. LAZ should feud with Team 3D next. THAT willl be a good, intense feud with great matches.

Someone in this forum said that Scott Steiner has not won a match, is putting people over in all his matches, and being completely professional about it. That is so true. Scott has had to deal with a lot of bullshit since WCW closed down. The closest he came to anything like the WCW World Title was the WWA World Title, and not many people have heard of that. Sure, he got a shot at Triple H at twp pay-per-views, but who thought he would win? If he did win, he probably would have to turn into King Steiner or something. In TNA, he has put Joe over in his first heavyweight division feud. I think the Big Bad Booty Daddy deserves a shot at the NWA Title, and he should win. Joe and Styles will be going for 10 more years, but this is one of Steiner's last. Give the title to your most charismatic guy, and let him run with it.
Joe is like Kane. Not in technical ability, but in reaction. He destroys people, sometimes the Fans Cheer, sometimes the Fans Boo. Its totally Random.

Makaveli, thats quite intelligent, Stiener deserves a title run.
makaveli said:
I think that after Bound for Glory the main storyline in the company should be Sting v. Christain Cage for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Cage can eventually win the title, and become the franchise heel that Jarrett could never be because of his backstage power. This of course is if Sting beats Jarrett for the title.

For Samoa Joe, I don't think he deserves the NWA title yet. His undefeated streak needs to be stopped. It is just like what happened to Goldberg's second streak at the end of WCW. It makes him predicatble, and Joe isn't even squashing people. It kind of kills his opponents credibility when tey fight back but always lose. Also, what exactly is Joe. He was a heel when he turned on Sting after Sacrifice, but a face fighting Scott Steiner.

As for LAX, I think that they get all the TV time they need, and they are entertaining for all the time they're on TV. I don't seee how they could progress past the NWA Tag Titles when the team itself is a couple of new guys, but they give the tag titles the prestige it lost during AMW's never ending run. LAZ should feud with Team 3D next. THAT willl be a good, intense feud with great matches.

Someone in this forum said that Scott Steiner has not won a match, is putting people over in all his matches, and being completely professional about it. That is so true. Scott has had to deal with a lot of bullshit since WCW closed down. The closest he came to anything like the WCW World Title was the WWA World Title, and not many people have heard of that. Sure, he got a shot at Triple H at twp pay-per-views, but who thought he would win? If he did win, he probably would have to turn into King Steiner or something. In TNA, he has put Joe over in his first heavyweight division feud. I think the Big Bad Booty Daddy deserves a shot at the NWA Title, and he should win. Joe and Styles will be going for 10 more years, but this is one of Steiner's last. Give the title to your most charismatic guy, and let him run with it.

Damn I made that comment about Steiner and your already getting credit for it, lol. But seriously, he has surprised me with his professionalism. As far as giving him the title I dunno if I would take it that far, but he should be doing a little more. Where is he? He hasn't been on Impact! since the last PPV.

Anyway, back to business. I agree with evrything you said except about Joe. How does him being in and winning competitive matches make his oppopnents look inferior. He is able to just put together a win evrytime. If Joe came out and squashed his opponents, then they would look inferior. The fact that he is having competitive matches as an undefeated wrestler is a good thing. It means that, woah! we have this undefeated guy yet his opponent is really giving him a run for his money. If it were squash matches we would see everyone falling before him and evryone looks shit except him. I think TNA is doing a decent job of booking Joe.
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