James Toney Calls Out Dana White

Turd Ferguson

If you hadn't heard, James Toney's UFC negotiations ended after he got a "laughable" offer from Dana White. What Dana probably offered him was what somebody with his level of MMA experience (none) and his age (40) should get... which is probably not that much. He hasn't been relevant in a long time. I can't even recall his last big fight. Toney was probably expecting to get millions. Dana's not going to pay a guy who is going to get taken down and beaten quite quickly much of anything. He's not a draw. Hell, Brock Lesnar, the company's biggest star, only makes $400,000 a fight. The fact that Toney went into negotiations expecting more than Lesnar is ludicrous.

There are rumors that he wants $5 MILLION A FIGHT.


In the first video, he calls Dana out saying that he's protecting Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, and Kimbo Slice (At least I think that's what he's doing. He's not a good speaker). He says that Kimbo got knocked out behind a Burger King. What he doesn't realize is that Dana isn't paying Kimbo loads of money. He's getting a base of $23,000 a fight in the UFC and he's expressing a desire to actually compete in the sport. He's also much further ahead skillwise than James Toney ever would be. Toney would probably think that is boxing would be enough to get him by on, which of course, it wouldn't.

I also like how he says that MMA is nowhere close to being as big as boxing is, yet he's the one who approached Dana about fighting in the UFC.

Here's his thoughts on getting taken down, by the way, which is what would happen almost instantly: "I ain't going to allow none of them boys to lay on me like a lil' ***, you know what I'm saying?"

Here's his second attempt at calling out Dana and the UFC.

He and his entourage are fucking idiots.


In all honesty I kind of view this as a work, or at least I hope it is. If James Toney is being serious about wanting that kind of money then he needs to get his head checked out because something is wrong. I could see this as a work and wouldn't put it past Dana to do something like this to build intrigue into a possible boxer vs. mma fight, but then again Dana doesn't want the UFC to look fixed at all so this is probably not a work.

I really wanted to see Toney come in and fight some guys, not because I thought he would win but because I think it would be good for business. People always try to compare boxing and mma and this would be a good way to shed some light on that. I mean Ray fuckin Mercer came into the ring and knocked Tim Sylvia out. That could be viewed as Boxing 1 and MMA 0. Toney could have been round two in the on going series of trying to determine which sport is better. Oh well, it won't keep me awake at night worrying about if James Toney is going to get a fight in the UFC or not.
Lol... the "Klitschko sisters"? Either Klitschko would fucking destroy that man. Absolutely destroy him.

How does this guy get off boasting that he's the best fighter in the World? I mean, really? When was the last time he beat anyone important? A 50-year-old Evander Holyfield back in, what, 2003/2004? Seriously?

The guy is a fucking joke. Kimbo Slice would beat this moron in an MMA fight. You guys ever see Kimbo vs. Ray Mercer? Yep, that's exactly how Kimbo vs. James Toney would go, same case for pretty much ANY Heavyweight/Light Heavyweight in the UFC vs. Toney.

All that said, I want to see the guy get his ass kicked now. Dana should sign him. I disagree Guy that it wouldn't be a draw. Toney, at the end of the day, while a chump, is still a highly known/regarded boxer, and I think "Boxing vs. MMA" with a name like that vs. a big name in MMA would draw really well.
The thing about Boxing vs MMA, how do you make it fair? When people talk about this match up, its always an MMA fight. The MMA fighter easily has the advantage in that one. Most of the time, the MMA fighter should win in a MMA fight against a Boxer and vice versa. I say have 3 fights, one boxing, one mma and to settle the score, one pro wrestling match. :)
This is my first post in the MMA Section so here it goes....

James "Lights On Cause I'm Afraid Of The Dark" Toney really needs to think about what he says before he says it. Firstly, you attempt to shit on some of the biggest names in MMA today. What's next Toney? You gonna call out Fedor? Do it, because you are just some old man trying to find one last payday even if it means sacrificing your dignity. You don't deserve any huge paycheck in MMA. You have had as many MMA fights as I have...NONE. You have to work your way from the ground up, the ways all those guys (well maybe not Brock) did through their careers. You want to be taken seriously in MMA, then stop stuttering, take whatever they offer you, and knock the bitch out (if you can), move on to bigger and better paydays.

What you guys think?

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