James Storm

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Whats everyones consensus on James Storm? Do you think he would ever make it as a believable singles star? or is he a doomed tag teamer for life? Is he world title capable? or is he the Marty Janetty of The Rockers. Eventually, if TNA is smart, they are gonna have Roode break off into the world title scene. What will happen to James Storm then? Any ideas? Will he find another partner? Who? or will he be a lost soul floating in mid card status forever.
I think Storm belongs in the main event. He is very over with the fans and his merch sells. If TNA is smart they'll get him into a couple of grudge feuds to solidify him as a solid singles competiter and than move into the main event! But I think TNA doesn't have much faith in him 'coz he still hasn't finished his MAIN EVENT feud with Sting from last year lol.
I think James Storm could definitely be in the main event in a few years. I like his promos and wrestling, I think he could be better then Robert Roode.
hmm james storm the thing with him is i do see him as a main event attraction but i only see that as a tag team heel i cant relly imagine him going for world title shots but i can see him becoming a main eventer
I personally like him a lot. I think he could be in a ME feud but I think it would be quite a while before the company would put the belt on him. He has the look, he is extremely comfortable on the mic, and is above average in the ring. I love both members of Beer Money. Though it may seem obvious that Roode has more potential, I am more fond of Storm.
I enjoy the guy, but i don't see him leaving the tag team division anytime soon, even if Roode does. If Roode does, perhaps a pairing with the other tag team lifer Trevor Murdoch/Jethro Holliday, and keep the southern thing going. They can always bring Chris Harris back too if they want. I don't know why they gave him the singles push, but who knows. I think if they do split Beer Money, it'll be Roode fed up with Storm's drinking which costed them their titles, or something like that. I think Storm will remain in a tag team, whatever the format, for the majority of his career. I wouldn't called it "doomed", but it's just a different path.
You See, The difference between TNA and WWE is that TNA will put anybody in the world title picture, We've seen Booker, Kurt, Sting, Foley, Jarrett, Samoa Joe,Styles, Daniels, Lethal, Hell we've even seen Consequences Creed in the M/E for a night.

Anyway, Once Roode does break away from Storm and head into the M/E picture, Storm wont be far behind. Both men are fairly young and can carry titles as we have seen in the past. Quote me on this, "Bound For Glory 6, Storm vs. Roode TNA World Title" Just watch, You'll see
i think storm can get over but tna needs to make him a more serious character than a drunkin redneck who rides a moterized cooler to the ring i like beer money as much as every other tna fan but they need to be more than the impact/ppv comic relief
I think Storm could hit the big time but he needs to get back into the shape he used to be in. He's let himself go a bit and it makes him look a bit less like a threat.

I don't see what the big deal is about Roode really....i think Storm has the upper hand on him. Roode i've always seen as a very solid mid/upper midcard guy....i can't see him carrying the company. He's just too bland and average in every way. Not that it's a bad thing....he's great at what he does and he's very well rounded. But that's it....nothing stands out really.

It seems in tag teams i think the opposite of the IWC usually......just like I thought Miz was better then Mr. Wooden Acting, John Morrison.

But back on topic....I think Storm could go far given the right luck and enough time in the gym.
James storm is in my top 5 wrestlers at the moment.He is such a brilliant talent.He pretty much has it all:

In ring work/Wrestling skill
Many would consider this the most important of all his traits.He is a very talented in ring worker.He can wrestle almost any style.He is an excellent brawler and a good technical wrestler,with a few power moves thrown in.He is also very fast.An example of his varied offence include powerbombs,super kicks and the eye of the storm.His tag team work is top notch,which you would expect from a multiple time tag champion,as part of America's most wanted and Beer Money.He is so fluid in his co-operation and double team moves,his tag team work rivals the motor city machine guns.Some of his matches have been incredible,namely America's Most wanted vs Triple X,Steel Cage;America's Most Wanted vs AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels;Storm vs Chris Harris,texas death match sacrifice 2007.

He is far and away the funniest wrestler there is in wrestling.He is such a natural entertainer.He really rocks the whole beer drinking,light hearted Tennessee cowboy that I have come to love.Whether it be his promos that always make me chuckle,or in the ring.The beer money chant,which I always join in with,and when he starts drinking during a match.When he runs away cowardly and Roode comforts him.Hilarious.His charisma is so great,that he is incredible as a heel and a face.He can make you love him or hate him,and that can also be bad occasionaly.AT the moment,noone knows if he is a face,heel or tweener.Probably the latter.

Eventually,Storm will be a main eventer.He will be the breakout star of the exceptional beer money.But if TNA go overboard with old timers and has beens who clog up the main event,he could be doomed to tag team and mid card obscurity for TNA's existence.Which will be short if they do that!
Storm is great....and has a real future bound to be in the Main Event picture
I think Roode is too....

The problem right now if they are so good at tag teams and have great matches/fueds with Team 3D.....also with the MEM around these guys will be stuck where they are....when the MEM starts to fade here is you next group of main eventers...
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