James Mitchell


Championship Contender
i have been watching a lot of old tna stuff as of late and the one person i kind of miss is james mitchell. i know not everybody liked him but i'm starting to think that it might be time for tna to bring him back and with the aces and eights storyline at the moment james mitchell would kind of be a good fit in my opinion. he would have the right look for a biker group stable and has always been good on the mic. i mean it can't be any worse then bringing back bishoff
I've always enjoyed James Mitchell, and I'm not quite sure why he left TNA, or why TNA let him go/fired him, but he was a fantastic manager and made a lot of the Abyss story lines in TNA that much better.

I can tell you right now, no one would have cared at all about Judas Mesias had he not been managed by Mitchell.

I haven't seen or heard from him since he left TNA, but I'd imagine a little hair dye and maybe a suit fitting would be enough to bring him up to speed.
I have always liked James Mitchell as well and IDR was right no one would have cared at all about Judis Messisas if it wasn't for Mitchell. I think he would fit well in Aces and Eights due to him just kid of disappearing from TNA. I myself would love to see him back.
Yeah he was great. Played as a good heel and a good manager, one of the best in TNA. His experience comes from his time in WCW. Anyway, his storyline with Abyss was cool and was probably one of the best things Abyss was involved in.

Apparently James and some other "dark" gimmick people were set as the original "they" group, it would have been cool with him as the manager. But because it didn't happen, he could come back for the Aces and 8's but I don't think they have the "dark" gimmick so it probably wouldn't fit.

Good thread though, made me remember him!
I can tell you right now, no one would have cared at all about Judas Mesias had he not been managed by Mitchell.

Given how well Ricky Banderas is doing for himself in Mexico, I'd say slapping Abyss and James Mitchel on him did far more harm than anything.

But as for Mitchel, he's always been good on the mic, but honestly, where would he fit today in TNA? Feuding with Abyss? Again? A Newer Church? I can't see it, quite honestly.
I've always been a fan of Mitchell's, dating back to him days in WCW (as James Vandenberg) and in ECW. Honestly, I'd love to see WWE bring him in manage the FCW/NXT group of The Ascension. Many people within WWE are really high on this tag team and I think many fans are looking forward to their debut as well. Everything about them is good, but I think having a manager would be the proverbial cherry on top. If that manager is James Mitchell.... you've got a home run.


I always liked his character too, especially when he was The Sinister Minister in ECW. His backstage segments with Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck were always funny. TNA should bring him back. We need more managers like him. Guys who they didn't just bring heat, they brought character to the wrestlers they managed.
It was a stupid move for TNA to let him go. It was an even dumber move for TNA to humanize Abyss. Sure they could have taken off his make eventually, but they should have kept him as a monster. Instead we have Joeseph Parks... ugh!

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