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James Carter

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the Frog
Real Name: Walter Peterson

Gimmick Name: James Carter

Announced As: “The Aerial Assassin”

Height: 5’2

Weight: 178lbs

Hometown: Fort Jackson, South Carolina

Billed From: Rock Hill, South Carolina

Alignment: Face


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Black hair that’s either in cornrows down to his upper shoulder or in a pony tail to just below the top of his shoulder.

----------------Eye Colour: Dark Brown

----------------Facial Hair: Carter likes to keep a clean shaven “baby” like face.

----------------Ring attire: Same as Pic w/o the jacket

----------------Backstage Attire: Same as Pic

----------------Physical Features: Has a scar on his right cheek from a fight as a kid.

----------------Tattoos: “Cloud 9” written across the right breast, “Cassidy” written across the back of his neck (his daughter’s name)

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Highlight Reel

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

-A lot of Top Rope and aerial attacks are utilized a lot.
-Tends to be a calm guy without any disapprovals unless provoked.

Brief Bio/History: Walter Peterson was raised in a Military family ever since his mother remarried while he was in his second grade of Elementary School. This lifestyle has helped influence him into the man he is today, even after he was married and had a child of his own. At the age of 22, Walter decided that his life was going nowhere and he needed to do something to change it. After attending a local wrestling show with his buddies, he found that he wanted to accomplish this dream and become the greatest in ring performer to ever grace the squared circle.

Entrance Music: “Black or White” by Bleeding In Stereo

Entrance Description: The red strobe lights start up as “Black or White” starts up over the arena. The arena is quiet until James Carter explodes out from behind of the curtains and raises his arms in the air. He walks down the ramp, high fives the fans, and hops onto the apron. He goes around the post and stands back to the ring. He points to all the fans before turning around and hopping over the top rope, and in a single leap he lands on the middle turnbuckle of the post he just went around. He looks at the fans as the lights begin to slow down while the music quiets. He gets off the middle turnbuckle and everything stops instantly.

Fighting Style:
-High Flying
James Carter utilizes a lot of high risk and high impact moves to get the advantage of his opponents. His speed and agility help him in being able to pull off moves that others wouldn’t dream of doing, let alone attempt. Sometimes, Carter will pull out a ladder with the sole purpose of using such as an elevated platform rather than a weapon.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Carter likes to keep a calm mind in his everyday life and in the ring. Without being calm, Carter believes that you could mess up really terribly in the ring and suffer major injuries. James Carter does have one scar, almost in an X form, across his right cheek. This was achieved during a scuffle he had as a child.

Finishing Moves (2 max):
-Shooting Star Leg Drop
-Shiranui/Sliced Bread #2

Signature Moves (3 max):
-Welcome to Rock Hill – Discus Elbow from Swinging Neckbreaker Position
-Pandora’s Elbow - Pendulum Elbow
-Springboard Splash

12 Most Used Moves:
-Double Knee Face Breaker
-Sleeper Hold
-Asai Moonsault
-Standing Moonsault
-Argentine Neckbreaker
-Faking Suicide Dive
-Standing Moonsault Side Slam
-Missile Dropkick
-Corkscrew Plancha
-Tope con Hilo
-Springboard Shooting Star Drop Kick (to both inside and outside)

Sample RP.







He’s here!
Chapter 1
Detroit, Michigan
People Involved: Bryan Kennedy

*The camera comes in backstage at the Royce da 5’9 concert where Bryan Kennedy is seen standing in the corridors where the sounds of “Legendary” can be heard playing over the speakers. Bryan is in his suit, as usual, looking at the camera with his game face on as he is being interviewed by whomever is behind the camera, which from the sound can be determined as a male.*

Camera Guy
“You mind if I get your opinions on the current situation between the tag team champions? Do you think that there could be any tension between them?

Bryan Kennedy
”There’s always been tension between those two, and let’s face it, no matter if they win or lose at Bloodlust there’s still going to be tension. Those two men have made their marks as singles wrestlers over time, and when they were forced to team up, there were other singles wrestlers that they were also facing that didn’t help make matters mean anything. I mean sure, they’ve gelled over time with their tag matches, but the tension is still there and you can feel it. Hell, you could even hear it… Did you see Jakob’s last promo? He put Noah on blast for no reason. You tell me, what kind of a tag partner makes their own teammate look bad? Especially when that teammate is helping them retain the tag team titles?”

Camera Guy
“So you’re against bashing your partner from behind?”

Bryan Kennedy
”Indeed I am, because when I go to that ring for a tag match, I don’t want to be stuck with someone who might have reason to be bitter about what I said concerning them. I don’t want to have to look over my shoulder wondering if my partner is worth my time. No, I want a tag partner I can trust. I mean let’s put things in the perspective of our current tag champions… Jakob went in his rant to claim that he’s always had to look after Noah because their opponents always seem to attack them. Well let’s stop for a second and find out why that is. How often during those attacks does Jakob even attempt to come out to the ring to help him? Absolutely zero. It’s a strategically based game that Jakob loses in every week. That’s why people attack Noah because they know his partner won’t help him… It’s amazing how Noah hasn’t flipped on Jakob as it is.”

Camera Guy
“So does that mean you don’t support your own bashings of Gemini?”

Bryan Kennedy
”I’ve never once bashed Gemini… at least not behind his back. Every time I’ve had something to say to or about him, I said it to him or around him so he could respond. See, people have this assumption that I have it out to make Gemini look weak. That’s not true at all. I respect Gemini with the utmost decency, and I want Gemini to be my tag team partner… but not if he’s going to cost me my title shot. Face it, Keegan Ryan and Lance Harris last week were as close to a big threat as there ever will be for those two thus far… and if they couldn’t get the job done as an oiled tag team, what chance do I have if my partner can’t win a match? Because in the end, I DO want Gemini as my parent… he’s worth aligning yourself with, with him being a former world champion. But in the end, if he can’t commit then I’m going to have to replace him.”

Camera Guy
“Do you have a replacement if he loses?”

Bryan Kennedy
”I do… and he’ll make his presence known this week on Evolution. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a speech to prepare for.”

*Bryan says as he fixes his tie and heads to the stage as the camera pans off.*

He’s here!
Chapter 2
Rosemont, Illinois
People Involved: Bryan Kennedy

*The cameras come in to view inside of the Bryan Kennedy Presidential tour bus where everything is scattered and destroyed inside of an upside down bus. The camera slowly backs out and makes its way out as it shows the entire bus has been flipped over to the side in a pile up due to poor road conditions. Surrounding the bus are Bryan Kennedy and his entire campaign colleagues. Bryan isn’t sweating anything too much it seems as he turns and walks off. His Vice President candidate, Kelsie McNair, spots him walking and she quickly follows him as the ambulances and fire trucks come to the scene.*

Kelsie McNair
”Hey! You doing okay?”

*Bryan looked over his shoulder to see Kelsie as he shook his head no and took off through the cornfield that was in front of him. With his hands in his pockets, Bryan walks through the cornfield before finally stopping midstride when he looks behind him and sees Kelsie still following him. For some reason, she seems to be ignoring the fact that they’re in dirt and she’s messing up her designer clothes, and is more focused on talking. Bryan sighs as he looks at her and softly speaks.*

Bryan Kennedy
”I just put nine other human beings besides myself in danger back there when that bus tipped over… I could’ve been responsible for a lot of injuries, or worse, a lot of deaths. All this time, I thought that this run for President was going to be an experience worth enduring… but as it turns out, it’s one that’s really just turned out to be a bad decision. I mean let’s face it, I have no idea how to run a country. Yes, I have plans and I can sit here talking about those plans, but in the end every President has had plans. I don’t want to be ‘another President’… I want to be up there with Presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln who’ve helped this country conform to a better country. But let’s face it, if I can’t protect a handful of people from an obvious foreseeable event, then how can I run a coutry?”

Kelsie McNair
”No… no… Bryan, you’re NOT going to do this to me. You don’t have the right to. This entire Political Party is done because of the ideas YOU’VE brought up. It’s done because YOU saw the ability in us to be something for this country. YOU have kept the confidence in us, and even gave faith to citizens who believe that you can make a difference. If you drop out now, then you won’t have to worry about being a country’s letdown because you’ll be the biggest one ever. Bryan, without you, there is no FAN Party… you’ve put all this together and YOU made it happen.”

Bryan Kennedy
”But how can I keep going if I’m not focused. How can I keep campaigning when I have a wrestling career to manage, have multiple franchises to look after, have sponsorships and investments to handle… how can I continue to pretend to be a Politian when it’s obvious that I’m not?”

*Kelsie couldn’t believe that Bryan was beginning to have doubts about his campaign. She shook her head as she crossed her arms and finally stood her ground.*

Kelsie McNair
”Bryan! Look around you! Wake up, smell the coffee! You have supporters who believe in you. Your visions are worth bringing to a reality. You’ve gone on and on your entire life accomplishing goal after goal. You’ve made a name for yourself by earning your spot in your father’s company before buying it out and expanding it. You’ve become one of the greatest business entrepreneurs in today’s world, and if you look put your effort into it, you’ll be able to turn this country around just as you would for a falling business investment. You can do this Bryan, I believe in you… otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here, letting mud and insects ruin my 3,000 dollar outfit and telling you that you’ll do fine. Now come on Bryan, get your head in the game and let’s go get back on track.”

*Kelsie said as she slowly backed off before turning and heading back to the bus while Bryan stood in the cornfield with his hands in his pockets while the scene went out.*

He’s here!
Chapter 3
Chicago, Illinois
People Involved: Bryan Kennedy

*There wasn’t a dry seat in the house, tears were falling, and the crowd was applauding like it was the last thing they’d ever see. The students of Amundsen High in Chicago, Illinois just finished their Repo Genetic Opera school play, and it was leaving everyone with tears. Bryan Kennedy was in the back of the applauding as well as he stood and gave the children the standing ovation they needed. It was a fantastic play, done just how the original cast suggested it be done, and the execution was perfection for a group of high school kids. No, Repo wasn’t the typical happy go lucky play most high schools put on, but it was a deep one and that’s what made the crowd applaud it. As the cast left the stage and went to their wardrobe area, Bryan Kennedy followed along with the rest of the crowd out of the auditorium and into the guest parking lot. Bryan stopped at the edge of the pavement while he spoke up.*

Bryan Kennedy
”Censorship… to an American, being censored is the worst thing you can give a man. When you take away the rights to speak one’s mind, to wear what one wishes to wear, or even express yourself in a play as dark as the one I just witnessed; it lights a fire under people. This high school specifically faced the censorship of their school board when they banned this play from being done years ago, and these students stood and fought for the right to put on the play this year… and they did a great execution of the play. They fought for their right of freedom of expression, and they earned it… and after it was all said and done, they were applauded for their efforts.

And that’s something many of us can admire. It’s something that we all could hope to aspire to be… someone who’s not game for letting someone walk all over them. Someone who won’t back down from a Presidential election just because they’re insecure about being a mediocre person in life. Someone like Vincent Matthews who sits around on their ass all day playing video games and crying about how the ‘government takes his freedom’ when he’s sitting behind a computer and illegally obtaining his entire music library. People who whine and moan until they get what they want instead of working for it. And people who want to point fingers and ridicule you as a “silver spoon” just because your parents were rich, not daring to find out what you actually went through before any of that money was spent on you or given to you.

But you know, that’s what people like Vincent Matthews do. They sit back and complain about their rights being taken away while people like these young adults here tonight actually take their voices and make them heard. You see, I’m not a fan of people who just sit around playing the latest Playstation game instead of getting business and more important stuff done. I’m not a fan of someone who bad mouths a competitor because there’s no chance in truly defeating her. I’m not a fan of someone who sexually harasses a fellow employee and tries to play the “innocent victim” game.

Let me guess, your argument is going to be ‘she deserved it because of what she was wearing’ am I right? Yeah, you’re about as honest as a Peewee football participation trophy… and twice as pathetic. And as a gentleman, Vincent, I’m not going to let you get away with how you treated Ms. Mayberry like she’s a piece of meat. I’m going to teach you a lesson in respect, and make a gentleman out of you. Even if I have to take you to the woodshed once or twice just to make sure you learn your lesson, I’ll make sure you never speak to another lady like that again.

And then, just for good measures, this week I’m going to make you realize something. I’m going to make you realize that there is no future in the world title scene for you because I’m going to pin you in that ring this week. I’m going to take you down faster than Royce da 5’9 takes down his competitors. I’m going to make you realize that the only way you’ll ever succeed is if you decide to trade in your Goodwill wrestling gear for a new controller and become a professional video gamer, like the rest of those pathetic nerds who do nothing with their lives. I’m going to open you to a world of reality and send you on your way. Vincent Matthews, this Tuesday, I will welcome you to bankruptcy!”

*Bryan finishes his speech as a limousine comes to him and he enters it, taking off as the camera fades to pitch black.*
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