James Cameron's Avatar

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You Know It


James Camerons epic film return finally has a teaser and is reaching new release (December 18th). Cameron planned to create photo-realistic computer-generated characters by using motion capture animation technology, on which he had been doing work for the past 14 months. Unlike previous performance capture systems, where the digital environment is added after the actors' motions have been captured, Cameron's new virtual camera allows him to directly observe on a monitor how the actors' virtual counterparts interact with the movie's digital world in real time and adjust and direct the scenes just as if shooting live action. Other technological innovations include a performance-capture stage, called The Volume, which is six times larger than previously used and an improved method of capturing facial expressions. The tool is a small individually made skull cap with a tiny camera attached to it, located in front of the actors' face which collects information about their facial expressions and eyes, which is then transmitted to the computers. This way, Cameron intends to transfer about 95% of the actors' performances to their digital counterparts.

Sounds awesome, I know so check out the teaser above.
This film has been hyped so much that the teaser couldn't be anything other than a gigantic letdown, which it is. It looks simultaneously fantastic and fucking awful.

I've never been a big fan of CGI. I don't care how great the technology is, at the end of the day it's still fucking computer graphics and not real people. All this talk about it being "revolutionary" and how it's going to "change how movies are made" sounds to be a load of bullshit from the look of that teaser. A CGI movie? It's been done.

That said, it does look atleast entertaining for a popcorn flick. I get the feeling it's not going to be anywhere near as good as it's been hyped though.
Let me first say that I am a huge fan of James Cameron. T2 is my second favorite movie of all the times. That plus having True Lies, The Abyss, and Titanic under his belt... the man is spectacular. So, of course I've been looking forward to this new film, since it's the first he's done in over ten fucking years. And not only is he at the helm, but it looked to have a pretty damn good cast as well (I am a HUGE fan of Giovanni Ribisi).

But I have to say... I am extremely disappointed by this trailer. I mean, extremely extremely disappointed. The first 20 seconds of the trailer or so makes the film look to have serious potential, but then, all of the sudden, as Jake said in the Bar Room, it turns into a giant fucking video game. Seriously... :wtf:

This movie could've been made without all that damn CGI. I remember in King Kong they had the scariest motherfuckers I've ever seen in my life with those natives on the island in the beginning of the movie. Seriously, just paint those guys blue and there you go. Cameron is every bit as good of director as Peter Jackson is, so I'm sure he could've pulled something like that off. But instead, he went with this CGI, 3D crap. First of all, I hate the idea of 3D WAY more than I hate CGI. Why the fuck is 3D becoming so popular again anyway? The shit sucks.

Man, I literally want to cry. Been waiting for a movie from this man for years, and we get this garbage. The only way he could ever make this up to me is if he makes True Lies 2, which Tom Arnold said was in the works and was going into production right when Schwarzenegger's term as California Governor was over. Hopefully he was telling the truth.
I'm a bit convinced before viewing this trailer that you had no idea of the general plot of what this movie was going to be like to begin with. If you did, you wouldn't be surprised by the visual take with CGI nor with the fantasy world it takes place on. I don't see what's so wrong with anything, I'm in huge anticipation for this film and the new take on the technology looks awesome and will make a huge step for not just CGI films but live-action ones as well.
I'm a bit convinced before viewing this trailer that you had no idea of the general plot of what this movie was going to be like to begin with. If you did, you wouldn't be surprised by the visual take with CGI nor with the fantasy world it takes place on. I don't see what's so wrong with anything, I'm in huge anticipation for this film and the new take on the technology looks awesome and will make a huge step for not just CGI films but live-action ones as well.

You're right, I didn't. I saw a movie name Avatar and saw it was directed by James Cameron. That was all I knew about it, but James Cameron's name being attached to it was all I needed to know for me to get my hopes up about it.

But, as it is, so far James Cameron's comeback is turning out to be huge disappointment for me. Seriously, the original Toy Story looked more realistic than Avatar looks. The trailer looked hideous, man, end of story. I wouldn't care or post in this thread if this was directed by some no name back, but this is James Cameron we're talking about here. I don't expect this kind of stuff from him.
Seriously, the original Toy Story looked more realistic than Avatar looks. The trailer looked hideous, man, end of story. I wouldn't care or post in this thread if this was directed by some no name back, but this is James Cameron we're talking about here. I don't expect this kind of stuff from him.
A little exaggeration there, the new tech looks absolutely beautiful in motion. The ironic thing about what you said is that Cameron first wrote this back in 1995 he explained that the delay in producing the film since the 1990s had been to wait until the technology necessary to create his project was advanced enough.

To each his own though, I just think this new way of filming is stunning and will pave way for future films that will use the same tech.
Here's the "teaser":

This actually looks like a bad movie. Not a "Sam gave it 7/10, said it wasn't perfect, therefore fucking hates it" movie, but an actually bad movie. $200 million on "revolutionary effects" and what do we get? This:


If you think for a second I really give a fuck about effects, you'd be partially wrong. I mean, as long as it has a good story it'll be good, right?

Here's the story; the space marines from Aliens get inside giant blue kitty cat bodies to blend in with giant blue kitty cats. These are called - wait for it - avatars. It's basically World of Warcraft. One of the space-marines-who-is-now-giant-blue-cat falls in love with another gaint blue cat. Cue Romeo & Juliet. Fin.
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