Jake the Snake and The Big Bossman

These are two wrestlers who I feel that should be inducted into the Hall of Fame. During there time of there prime they were two of WWF biggest guys and they were two of my favorites. I mean with guys like Hacksaw Jim Duggan Koko B Ware Nikoli Volkolff and all your pointless celebrities that make your hall of fame look like a joke. With that being said do you think we will see these two get inducted one day. I think they both actually deserve a spot in there
Jake the Snake and the Bossman should be inducted without a doubt. Is Jakes personal problems getting in the way of that though? Always wondered if that's the reason why Razor isn't in/being considered.
I would say yes to Jake, no to Boss Man. For me, I look at ring work, promos, length of career as a regular performer, titles, and their impact on the business, how often did they main event, did their biggest feuds draw money, what major shows did they main event or have a significant under card match that was highly anticipated and contributed significantly to that event's success.

Jake Roberts was one of The Top 5 guys in WWE from 86-92. He didnt main event a lot with Hogan and Savage on the roster but his feuds were often in the top 3 in importance at any given time. He was easily one of the most memorable villains of his time, his promos and the python attacking his opponents was priceless. Great feuds with Savage, Rick Rude (rare face turn) & Undertaker. He also did good work in early 90s WCW.

Boss Man to me was the quintessential mid card guy, popular enough that beating him was important but not big enough to be a legit main event championship contender. Did Boss Man ever main event a WM, SS, RR, Starrcade, Great Am Bash, or even a Sat Nite Main Event or Clash of Champions ? How often was his feud of the moment big enough to be among the top 2 or 3 bouts on 1 of those shows ? Savage didnt main event WM3 but his bout vs Steamboat was huge for that show, same with Dusty Rhodes vs Tully Blanchard at GAB 85. I just dont remember Boss Man being in that league very often. Finally, did he ever run extensively vs any of the Top Guys of his time like Hogan, Savage, Flair, Sting, Luger, Hart, Taker, etc and how big were those moments ?

Jake yes to HOF, Boss Man not so much
Agreed with FlairFan2003. Yes to Jake Roberts, no to the Bossman. Jake the Snake Roberts was one of the most effective wrestlers I have ever seen at delivering a psychological promo. I didn't appreciate them as much when I was a kid, but looking back, some of his promos were flat out dark. That guy could legitimately scare people with a wrestling promo, he was that good at it.

The Big Boss Man was just a glorified midcarder to me. Limited mic skills, limited ring skills. He was big enough to stick around for a while, but at no point did I ever think he was any kind of legit star.
Bossman did compete against Hulk Hogan for the WCW Championship and after Hogan defeated him the debuting Lex Luger confronted Hogan. Granted he wasn't Bossman at the time, but he had a few matches with Hogan for the WCW title. Jake though is a given. Jake influenced and continues to influence some of the best mic workers in the industry. Many credit Jake to Raven's ability on the mic as many credit Raven for his work with the then young CM Punk. Essentially by extension if there had never been a Jake Roberts, wrestling would suck.

Jake really reinvented the dark gimmick, he created that unstable demented competitor. If not for Roberts the Viper character for Orton never would have been. Factor in Jake Roberts as a catalyst for Austin 3:16 and really the man deserves it. He was probably the best mic worker the company had ever seen and might ever see and he was present or involved in so many pivotal moments in WWE history that it's a given.

Despite never holding the big gold, Jake is one of the best to ever compete in a WWE ring, if he isn't deserving then no one really is.
Bossman did compete against Hulk Hogan for the WCW Championship and after Hogan defeated him the debuting Lex Luger confronted Hogan. Granted he wasn't Bossman at the time, but he had a few matches with Hogan for the WCW title. Jake though is a given. Jake influenced and continues to influence some of the best mic workers in the industry. Many credit Jake to Raven's ability on the mic as many credit Raven for his work with the then young CM Punk. Essentially by extension if there had never been a Jake Roberts, wrestling would suck.

Jake really reinvented the dark gimmick, he created that unstable demented competitor. If not for Roberts the Viper character for Orton never would have been. Factor in Jake Roberts as a catalyst for Austin 3:16 and really the man deserves it. He was probably the best mic worker the company had ever seen and might ever see and he was present or involved in so many pivotal moments in WWE history that it's a given.

Despite never holding the big gold, Jake is one of the best to ever compete in a WWE ring, if he isn't deserving then no one really is.

This is an excellent post. Jake Roberts on the microphone was phenomenal. He rarely raised his voice, but got across his point in such a way that he captivated you with his words. He was a master of the twisted, pscycologically promos, and he had a huge impact on the way guys like Raven and CM Punk work the mic.

He is definitely worthy of the HOF, as he was a major player in the WWE for quite a few years. I think its pretty bad that he never held a single title in WWE, I know that belts changed hands alot less back then, but still...Jake deserved it.

It's a shame his personal life and career plummeted so low over the last 10-15 years or so, and I do think that is a stumbling block over his entry to the HOF, same as with Scott Hall.

However, in my opinion the HOF is not complete without Jake The Snake.
used to love Jake the Snake back in the day, what wrestlemania was it where he had the blind fold match with Rick the Model Martell
as for the Big Boss Man, used to think he was good but by no means top draw deserves to be in the HoF at some stage, although i enjoyed his feud with the Mountie but that was as good as it got for me with the Boss Man.
It's arguable that most people Hulk Hogan feuded with during his main run in WWE deserve a place in the Hall Of Fame. Boss Man & Hogan had a decent feud and had a very good match at SummerSlam. Also his partnership with Akeem in The Twin Towers, his feud with The Mountie and the first few months of his return in WWE saw him as a pretty important and invaluable member of the roster. More than HOF worthy.
Y2 Jake I just noticed your comment. I used Jim Duggan as a example because if he can get in the hall of fame I think that Big Bossman can to. I'm not insulting Jim Duggan in anyway Ive always liked him. It's just I look at him no different then Big Bossman. In the 90s both of them were two of WWF's biggest draws. They both didn't hold any titles but were established names that got over with the fans. It's that i think that when you compare the two's careers I don't think think there much of a differnce in acomplishments. I like Jim Duggan I never really thought of him as a hall of famer but I'm not agaisnt him getting inducted. I think he dserved it I was just saying if Jim Duggan is a hall of famer than why can't The Big Bossman be in the Hall of fame
I think that just about everyone here is really selling the Big Boss Man short.

For one he did have a period in his career where he was a main eventer. And I'm not talking about that short series of matches with Hogan in WCW like that poster alluded to. If everyone remembers right, for a short period the top heels in the WWF were Akeem and the Big Boss Man as the Twin Towers. Once Hogan and Savage wrapped up their feud with Dibiase and Andre, it was the Twin Towers who moved in and became the top foils to the Mega Powers. In fact, even after the "Mega Powers exploded", Hogan had an excellent steel cage match with the Big Boss Man on Saturday Night's Main Event. The two even did a superplex off the cage that was a tremendous spot, especially for two big guys.

Then when he turned face he was hands down one of the top mid-card babyfaces in the company. I'd say besides the big four faces of the early 1990's, Hogan, Warrior, Piper, and Savage when he was a babyface, the top mid-card babyfaces were Jake Roberts, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and the Big Boss Man.

He feuded with the Heenan family who were the biggest heels in the company along with Dibiase and Savage (when he was a heel). He had memorable feuds with the Mountie and Nailz.

I don't subscribe to the idea that only main event, headlining world champions should be in the HOF like another person alluded to. You don't have to be the World Champion and a superstar with the likes of Hogan, Stone Cold, Flair, Rock, Taker, etc. to have had a memorable career. There were tons of great, successful and influential wrestlers that weren't ever world champion or even were permanent main eventers.

So with that said, I feel that the Big Boss Man was one of the best mid-carders of his era. He was extremely over, he was underrated in the ring by fans (though his fellow wrestlers have praised him in interviews I've seen which is more important anyway), and yeah, I think he deserves in.

Obviously not as much as Jake Roberts, but I think the Boss Man is a worthy HOFer if you ask me.
jake has to go he is one of, if not my favorite, that man did so much for the business, his feuds were classic, against people like andre, rick martel, warrior, savage undertaker, honky tonk man, all of the feuds had there highlights, and were one of the most talked about feuds, oh lets not forget his mic skills
I feel both are very deseriving of being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Bossman's initial run in WWF was great! He was one of my favorite Superstars growing up - the feud with Nailz really solidified the realness to me as a little kid. Jake was always a great wrestler and very underutilized. I feel like I'm eulogizing him.
Well if we're talking the WWE HOF of course both do, people tend to forget that the big bossman was big bubba rogers and was an amazing talent in the UWF, he was one of the best big men ever during that run. That said his run in WWE was lackluster, and Jake the Snake as well was an amazing talent.

But if we're on topic and talking about the wrestlezone hall of fame? Neither deserve it honestly.
WWE both do, Wrestlezone, only Jake, I love Bossman but he had moments of glory, where as Jake.... pretty much was glory (until it all fell apart ofcourse) Jake deserves in any wrestling HoF based on his promos ALONE, what his career could have been is the saddest thing considering what is already was, the fact he never held a belt is damnable he should at least get the HoF
Jake is one of the three great gaping omissions from the HOF: Savage, Bruno, and Jake. It's ridiculous that he's not in.

Bossman's underrated. His SNME cage match with Hogan was first-rate, and he had a lot of other excellent big man matches. Not to mention that he deserves to be in the HOF for Pepper and Big Show's dad alone. :)
if there is anybody who should already be in the hall of fame its jake. the guys a legend. it never mattered who he was facing in the ring because at the end of the night jakes match was always the best. weather he was a face or a heel he always new how to work the crowd. and there has never been anyone else around like him since. not even randy orton comes close.
I am admittedly the number one fan of Jake "The Snake" Roberts, I follow everything I can about him, I think he was the best promo guy ever, he had the coolest character ever and his in-ring psychology was (you can guess) the best ever!

He had is share of demons in his entire life, a second generation superstar. A fucked up father and a fucked up sister. His parents could care less about him, his grandma died, his sister died, his father molested his sister, his step-mother molested him so you could guess when he was just a kid the problems that he was going to have as an adult. In fact I'm surprised he is even breathing right now.

As a young athlete at NWA he showed everybody he was the total package. The creation of the DDT is probably the number one reason for his success, but he had the talent to make it. In the WWF his rivalries are all epic, Ricky Steamboat, Ted DiBiase, Andre The Giant, Randy Savage, The Undertaker, Rick Rude, Jerry Lawler, man he was great and the fact that a guy that never won a championship is remembered today is the proof that he deserves the Hall of Fame. I hope he gets cleaned and inducted while alive, I really do. I also want to "see" him working in the developmental area of the WWE, he would be the best teacher for them and the talent would vastly improve, and that's a guarantee
Jake deserves to be in the Hall. Great promo's. He made the best move in the business, The DDT. Someone said, they want to see Razor Ramon/Scott Hall in the HOF, I would love to see that, Razor is one of my favorites. I read a rumor on another wrestling site, they are thinking about putting the Brooklyn Brawler in the 2013 HOF.
I think both of these guys are more or less no-brainers to get in the Hall of Fame.

Bossman and Snake were central to quite a number of feuds and they are easily recognizable names from the 80's and beyond.

I will always remember Bossman as the BIGGEST heel ever. Dude fed a guy his own dog and tortured a guy over his dead father, including attacking the mother and dragging the dead father's coffin around. Seriously, that is some dickish shit right there.

Both deserve a spot in the Hall.
"Bossman did compete against Hulk Hogan for the WCW Championship and after Hogan defeated him the debuting Lex Luger confronted Hogan. Granted he wasn't Bossman at the time, but he had a few matches with Hogan for the WCW title. Jake though is a given. Jake influenced and continues to influence some of the best mic workers in the industry."

Bossman will most likely and Jake is definitely.
They both should be in the Hall of fame. Jake was one of the best all around wrestlers, ever. His promos were the best and he always got the people behind him. Bossman is underrated. I think, he always put on a good show. I have to admit, I liked him best, when he was with the midnight express, as the bodyguard.

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