Jake Roberts the cultist?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is something that I've always thought would be a neat idea, it would be some sort of play on the whole "Higher Power" angle all those years ago.

What if, instead of attempting to return at the rumble, Jake "The Snake" returns as the higher power of the Wyatt family. He can be positioned to being the father of Bray Wyatt (They can play on Husky Harris being a lost soul and Jake being the one to bring Bray Wyatt into the world)

Jake's current appearance, his experience and his overall ability to drop a promo would make him legendary for the role. They can build toward Mania with the Family abducting and converting superstars to their cause, ultimately putting themselves on the brink of taking over the WWE. This would see Vince McMahon fighting off the Wyatt family whilst HHH and Steph refuse to get involved as they feel that once this "war" is over they'll be able to pick up the scraps and gain total power.

So at Mania, Vince challenges the family to a match, a match for control of the company, The Wyatt Family with Jake Roberts vs. The Shield with Vince McMahon.

This would allow Roberts to come back into the fold and allow one of the greatest performers of all time to go out in style and later gain entry into the hall of fame.

Thoughts, ideas?
I wouldn't care about the McMahon stuff. But hell yeah Jake would be a damn good on screen father of Bray and mastermind of Brays cult. However I would hope the people who watched NXT and FCW would have forgotten all of the things Bray said about "his mean ol' daddy"
When I read the topic title I thought this was going to involve Jake pulling off a hood and telling Austin it was him all along. Why not? Their continued rivalry writes itself, with the added bonus that Roberts and Austin worship a similar "higher power" (glug glug).

This scenario would make for a pretty novel way to reintroduce Jake Roberts, though his current rehabilitated image does not fit with Wyatt's deranged preacher persona. Perhaps Roberts could be introduced as a formative role from Wyatt's past, met before both men "strayed from the righteous path" in their own separate ways. This could then lead to a trios tag match between the Wyatt Family and a newly reformed Jake the Snake with buddies Scott Hall and DDP. How about a DDT/Razor's Edge/Diamond Cutter triple finish to send the crowd into an epileptic orgasm?
This could then lead to a trios tag match between the Wyatt Family and a newly reformed Jake the Snake with buddies Scott Hall and DDP. How about a DDT/Razor's Edge/Diamond Cutter triple finish to send the crowd into an epileptic orgasm?

I don't know if Scott Hall could still pull off a Razors Edge Safely on those big guys. I think Jake would be a great addition- perfect. But not a father- thats crazy- i mean different last names- a stupid back story.
Jake Roberts suits them perfectly. I'm sure he has seen dollar signs for himself in that.

Putting him with them would be awesome. The father thing is good too cause they see themselves as a "Family" and he could be the Patriarch of the Family.

He would be able to tap into his late 1991 persona which was easily the most demonic and sick his character has ever been.

His recovery would work perfect for the role as well. No where is it that the Wyatts are drug addicts or alcoholics and presumably live a clean lifestyle and are simply just dedicated to a specific and unnamed cause.

Jake can be something that helps reveal yet add more to the mystery of the family.

Fantastic fucking idea.
I don't know if Scott Hall could still pull off a Razors Edge Safely on those big guys. I think Jake would be a great addition- perfect. But not a father- thats crazy- i mean different last names- a stupid back story.

Thats why I said that he will be a spiritual father, the one who turned husky harris into bray wyatt, not bound by blood but bound by a common cause, bound by a greater, "higher power"
Yes, I could see Jake Roberts involved in the Wyatt Family story, maybe a Godfather or Cult leader type for sure. Provided he keeps his health in check so he could be trusted to last the program. I mean the guy should be Hall of Famed, Jake is one of the greatest of all time.So any sort of role involving him being a slimy,dark, evil character with the verbal skill to do much more than any in-ring action, yes this is a great idea. Well done Zhaff2004
Granted it would be awesome. Jake Roberts on the road was his downfall from the beginning. He needs a home. Stability.
Jake truly is perfect for this role at this stage in his life.

he is down nearly 100 pounds, he recently had hair transplant surgery to get rid of his bald spot (legit go look on his twitter!!) and is clean and sober just itching to get back in the business.

However - I am afraid of what life on the road could do to Jake. There is a chance he has got past it now with the drugs and wouldn't relapse, but he hasn't really been tested since being with DDP. Sure Jake has actually wrestled a few little local matches, but that is no where near the spotlight or the exposure that WWE would give him.

The other problem could be once Jake is making serious money again, he could relapse.

But i'm for giving Jake one more chance, it would be the perfect end for his career. He could wrestle a little bit in tag matches and the occasional interference (Like Zeb Coulter), and then once he's done with that transition to a backstage role.

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