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Jack Swagger Is The *NEW* United States Champion! - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!


Occasional Pre-Show
So Jack Swagger is the new United States champion!

What's everybody else's thoughts on this?

Personally, as soon as I read earlier that Ryder was "injured" and not cleared to compete, I knew this was going to happen, but I'm pumped, none the less. This could spell big things in the future for Jack if booked well.
Big things for Jack... if he doesn't blow another push. He's a former WHC. He's held both the US and IC titles, wasn't he also an ECW Champion?

Swaggers got talent, and I'm surprised the title was taken off of Ryder so soon. I figured he would hold on to it going into WM28
ryder wasnt doing it for me i just dont like him in the ring i think hes entertaining but not as champ plus to the person above swagger was never IC champion
Swagger is fine in the ring, but can't talk and has never been over. Plus it doesn't help when you immediatley have Super Cena totally destroy him. Ryder looks even weaker after
Time for the ALL AMERICAN..... AMERICAN!! to dominate. This guy has the potential to be a star. The WWE should give him a sustained push as a dominating heel. I liked how he attacked Ryder's injury in a vicious manner to take the title.

P.S. Bring back the Swagger Soaring Eagle!!!
Interesting development. At first, I was kinda disappointed but I didn't take into account that the WWE selling the Ryder "injury" angle and the follow up after the match. Ryder sold his "injuries" well and established himself as a gutsy guy going out there for a title match when he shouldn't have. Ryder being "injured" also protects him and gives him a reason for not going over Swagger tonight.

I look for Swagger to have a quick reign before ultimately dropping the title back to Ryder. I'm thinking that this entire angle is mainly going to be used to establish Ryder as someone who can be a tough, serious minded competitor when it comes down to it. In the long run, that could lead to him being taken & viewed a little more seriously and that could help him out further down the line.

Overall, really good storytelling even if the match wasn't much to talk about.
Big things for Jack... if he doesn't blow another push. He's a former WHC. He's held both the US and IC titles, wasn't he also an ECW champion?

He was thrown into the main-event scene and given the title when he had absolutely no previous momentum building up to it, and they spent the entire reign booking him poorly and making fun of his slight speech impediment. That title run was never going to end well.

Yes, he was a former Ecw Champion, but that doesn't exactly mean much. C'mon, Matt hardy and Chavo Geurrero are former Ecw champions for fuck sake. And he has never won Intercontinental Championship.
this is absolutely ridiculous that Swagger has it, and it will be short lived at that.

This is WWE thinking that fans hate Ryder, when really they just hate him being associated with Cena.

Swagger doesn't gain anything from the US Title, except punishment from oh wait.... Cena.

Poor move on the part of the WWE on this one imo.
well im shocked that there isnt a massive uproar going on in the IWC. i mean the golden boy of the iwc just lost his US championship belt. and nothing..... well anyways, good luck to swagger, hopefully he doesnt blow it again, though he didnt blow his first run he just couldnt get enough heat.... of course thats just my own opinion.
I'm sure people are going to complain about Ryder dropping the strap so quickly ... in fact, I'm sure that wrestling fans will complain about anything that happens on Raw, SmackDown or a pay-per view. But that doesn't change the fact that Ryder dropping the title tonight managed to make multiple story lines even better.

1) John Laurinaitis screwed Ryder out of the title tonight, allowing a Vickie Guerrero client to win the gold. There are obvious parallels to the Royal Rumble match where Laurinaitis will try to screw CM Punk out of the title and allow another Vickie Guerrero client to win the gold.

The Laurinaitis screw-up also created a little havoc in his office tonight as he was disrespected by more stars than usual. Even Eve was getting in on the action, disrespecting the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations. This all played a part in him completely losing his cool tonight at the end of Raw and snapping ... giving us a side of Laurinaitis that we hadn't seen before.

2) John Cena showed a nasty violent streak to redeem Ryder. Seriously. His attack on Swagger was just brutal - and as Kane said, showed that Cena was finally beginning to embrace hate. "Embrace hate" is no longer just words; it's starting to become actions.

3) It made Ryder look good. By fighting tonight - despite being injured enough not to gain medical clearance - Ryder showed guts. It's the first time he has shown any semblance of guts or courage - or really done anything to get the crowd to embrace him - since his current push began.

Really think about that for a second. What has Ryder done to get the crowd behind him in the past few months? Keep in mind, there's a big difference between cheering for a guy - or even chanting his name - and being behind him. For example, Evan Bourne gets cheered, but very few people are actually upset that he and Kofi dropped the tag titles.

Since Ryder's push began, the WWE has tabbed him as an underdog that has overcome obstacles. Will someone tell me what obstacle he overcame on WWE TV?

He lost a US Title match to Ziggler at Survivor Series --- then he lobbied for a re-match, only to be turned down by John Laurinaitis. He then received the title match - not because of anything he did - but because John Cena sacrificed his own title shot to make it happen. That's hardly overcoming an obstacle ... He then spent the past few weeks running away from Kane.

Tonight - in the eyes of the fans - he showed a ton of heart, guts and courage by facing Swagger despite the injuries ... and he has gained sympathy in that he was screwed by John Laurinaitis. These wrinkles will help get Ryder even more over as he begins his chase to regain the title.
I have mixed feelings towards this. I'm glad but at the same time I am also a bit disappointed.

I am glad they are keeping Swagger out of the main event because I personally don't think he has what it takes to be there. His in ring skills are good, but I just think he doesn't have the charisma to be in the main event. His mic skills are also far from great. So I am happy that he has stayed outside of the main event.

At the same time though I am also a little disappointed that they let Ryder drop the title already. I reckon despite his "injuries" he should keep it. Some might say that it would make Kane look weaker if he were to do that. I think though that it would make Ryder actually look more of a champion. It would make him look stronger and not just a wrestler who goes over with the fans very well.

It is definately a win/lose and not a win/win for myself.
i actullay think jack swagger could be a good united states champion IF hes given a long run his gimmick is the all american american...so why not have him cut promos saying that the title was made for him nobody else is good enough to be champion and doing things like refusing to defend the title against anybody whos not an american born citzen? it could lead to fueds with guys like drew mcintyre and sheamus down the road and it would be something different but i think by wrestlemania zack ryder gets the title back
He was thrown into the main-event scene and given the title when he had absolutely no previous momentum building up to it, and they spent the entire reign booking him poorly and making fun of his slight speech impediment. That title run was never going to end well.

Yes, he was a former Ecw Champion, but that doesn't exactly mean much. C'mon, Matt hardy and Chavo Geurrero are former Ecw champions for fuck sake. And he has never won Intercontinental Championship.

As for his WHC run, he got the same stellar chance with the WHC as Danial Bryan is currently getting. Pretty sure Swagger was involved in a story line with the Big Show.

Sorry my bad, I get my middle card titles and runs mixed up. Either way, if he doesn't blow his push it could be good, but chances are he'll drop the title right back to Ryder at the Rumble
I don't think it's a bad thing.

Jack Swagger was unfortunately booked to win the world title waaaaaay before he way ready. But that it not his fault, it's the writer's.

Swagger has done a good job the last year getting over a heal. Likewise, Zack Ryder has gone out of his way to gain fan support as a face.

The fact that they only let Swagger beat Ryder while he was obviously injured suggests they want the feud to gain alot of heat, and at the very least lead to Ryder getting an anticipated rematch when he is healthy again (probably the PPV after RR in wrestling time).

I think it indicates faith in both guys.
I actually expected Swagger to capture the title after the hype of the Ryder injury. And when Ryder said he was gonna compete it pretty much sealed the deal for me. I'm a Ryder fan for sure, but I was pretty happy to see Swagger get the win and in decisive fashion. Swagger has the in ring skill and he has what it takes to be a champion. Sure his WHC reign wasn't successful, but I credit that to poor booking and the fact he wasn't ready. Swagger will hopefully be given some strong booking as champion, though Cena's whooping tonight didn't exactly help that matter. But it's been one day, I'll give it time.

As for Ryder, I think it is ok for him to drop the belt in this fashion. They are clearly going to play up this injury angle and eventually Ryder is going to get his rematch. Maybe at Wrestlemania, earning his way onto the big stage or at Elimination Chamber. I expect Ryder to be out and return at the Rumble and throw out Swagger in some fashion to further the feud. Either way I'm interested in seeing where this goes and hopefully this title run for Swagger is better than his WHC run, which I expect.
well im shocked that there isnt a massive uproar going on in the IWC. i mean the golden boy of the iwc just lost his US championship belt. and nothing..... well anyways, good luck to swagger, hopefully he doesnt blow it again, though he didnt blow his first run he just couldnt get enough heat.... of course thats just my own opinion.

Because the WWE is actually pushing him and he has become a regular on Raw... So Ryder kind of lost some of his iwc charm. Its actually amazing how quickly that happened.

They probably moved on to wondering why someone like Curt Hawkins is not being pushed.
Contrary to what others believe, I actually found Jack Swagger's reign and post reign of the WHC to be quite entertaining. Swagger proved that he could hang with the likes of the Big Show and Rey Mysterio, and also proved that he was a very well suited main eventer. His demeanor went from joking around to being down right serious and destructive... I loved his reign. For fucks sake, he was given a storyline where he injured the Big Show. But of course, to some people that's just not amazing I guess. :shrug:

As for his current reign as US Champion, I will honestly say that I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. Swagger has the "All-American American" gimmick to perfection, and the fact that he hasn't been given proper TV time to show sheer desire for a title named for the US and that initializes his gimmick just shows how off the creative team can be. I will say that I'm glad Swagger has the title now, but I'm more willing to bet that this was moreso done to fill up the undercard at Royal Rumble.
This is an interesting move by the WWE and accomplishes two things. Firstly, Swagger can be something other than a jobber to the stars and Ryder can go back to chasing the title, which he is better at than holding it.

I do believe that Ryder will eventually win the title back, probably at or by Wrestlemania. Hopefully, this feud will last for a few months, and give both a chance to showcase their abilities.
The All American American with the US Championship....sounds very fitting. With that being said, I have always been a fan of Mr. Swagger. I know not many people are but the guy does have the wrestling skills....and somewhat of.....uniqueness on the mic. If WWE had more confidence in this guy and stuck to it the guy could have an amazing career. Always been a fan of Swagger, lets hope the US Championship can work it's magic on this guy like it did with The Miz, MVP & Dolph Ziggler.
Zack Rtder has no business being on the Wrestlemania card, hell Im finsing ti hard to find a spot for Ted DiBIASE, Drew McIntyre,, Jinder Mahal, the tag champs and thats with 12 matches.
Jack Swagger is awesome, and needs to get away from Vicki and Ziggler. Personally Id like to see a face turn,. try and be taken seriously instead of a funny sidekick to Ziggler.
I dont see him defending the title at Wrestlemania, I see him competing in MITB.
The All American American with the US Championship....sounds very fitting. With that being said, I have always been a fan of Mr. Swagger. I know not many people are but the guy does have the wrestling skills....and somewhat of.....uniqueness on the mic. If WWE had more confidence in this guy and stuck to it the guy could have an amazing career. Always been a fan of Swagger, lets hope the US Championship can work it's magic on this guy like it did with The Miz, MVP & Dolph Ziggler.

+1 for Scofield, man, I think you have it on the money! I applaud you recognizing Swagger's "uniqueness" on the mic. Its not a handicap, its a challenge!

I thought this was where they were going when Guerrero first started managing Swagger. I still have high hopes for Swagger, but this has the early feel of a Ryder injury angle, not a Swagger Revolution.

Good luck, Swaggs.
Swagger will end up bombing this push just like the World title one so expect someone else to have the US title soon. I don't understand what people see in him. He can't talk on the mic AT ALL, his wrestling skills are good enough but he's nothing special. He's just like everyone else except he makes me want to stab my eyes out whenever he talks. It doesn't help that Swagger took the title from Ryder (who is the definition of the ultimate underdog and a fan favorite), Swagger can't compete with Ryder's fanbase and Ryder brings more uniqueness than Swagger ever will.
The United States Championship and Jack Swagger is almost a match made in heaven. It seems like a perfect fit for Jack Swagger, however the US title could easily turn into a gimmick, like Ryder's Internet Championship, than rather a real title because of Jack Swagger's All American person. What can WWE do to stop this? Have Swagger to have a lengthy fued against Zack Ryder and make sure Swagger does over use the "All American" in mentioning his US title run.
I've been waiting for this for A LONG TIME!
I was a Swagger fan when he first debuted even before any ECW championship or anything. And After the basically dropped the ball on his world title reign, I was hoping atleast they would let the ALL-AMERICAN AMERICAN be the U.S. CHAMP! AND THEY DID!!!

But not like this!!! first off while I like title changes not always being at ppv's the Ryder story was so hot for awhile and he has had such good matches with Ziggler and other RAW guys I would have thought they would stleast change the belt at the rumble or something. Also this match was just sad anyways.

Also I completely agree that they only wanted to take the belt off Ryder this early and give him a lackluster reign is cause he hasnt been delivering ratings or his popularity has gone down?? Because the only two stories he has been involved w/since winning the title is a crappy story w/EVE and as a side part to CENA!!! No wonder he has gone down since Survivor Series!!! You put him in crappy mixed tag matches(side note: my least favorite kind of match ever considering the men and women cant fight each other anyways so why even have them team up?) and make him butt buddies with the only guy in the company that they make ANTI shirts for and is considered a face even though he gets booed all the time. WTF are they thinking?? If Cena is closer to a heel than ever before why make Ryder team with him constantly and depend on his suppourt to win matches????

And that all just leads to Swagger getting his ass beat. I really hope they dont blow this title reign anymore than they already have cause I think swagger could be an even better U.S. CHAMP than Ziggler!!
At first I thought it was a good idea to make Swagger the United States Champion. The All American American United States Champion. This could have been a move that helped Swagger re-establish himself and redeem the bad booking that ruined his World Heavyweight Championship run. Here we are, a month later, and I bet many of you even forgot that Swagger was United States Champion. I almost did, due to him having done nothing of relevance while holding the belt. They never should have taken it off Ryder if this was going to be the result.

This isn't helping him. He has done absolutely nothing since winning the belt. Why put a belt on someone if they are not going to get a push worthy of being champion? It really makes no sense. Swagger needs to be having great matches and strong title defenses each week in order to help him get some more heel heat. His next push will fail and people will wonder why he got nowhere. Maybe if you actually had him do SOMETHING as champion then more people will care. I'm sure posters will come in saying Swagger's US title reign sucked and blame it all on him just like they did with his World Championship reign. It's creative's fault now just as it was then.

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