Jack Kevorkian is Totally Rad

Not enough people today are like Jack Kevorkian it’s been almost a year since he died and it’s sad because we lost a brilliant man who we could have learned a lot from. Jack Kevorkian help assist the suicide of many very ill patients who were suffering. I strongly believe in euthanasia and I believe that we all should have the right to our own lives. It’s terrible how so many people are suffering and just aren’t going to get better and just want to end it. Trust me I know a lot about seeing people suffering I worked at a nursering home for 5 years where I would have residents ask me to kill them and tell me how they want to die. It’s a tough thing for anyone to see and hear I wish I could have helped them out and end their life for them because when you get Alzheimer your body and mind just slowly rot and your left to suffer. These people should have a right to their own lives and these people all lived long great lives and shouldn’t have to end with them not being able to remember anything. I had to put two cats that I grew up with my whole life with to sleep last year it wasn’t a hard decision to make because both of them were clearly starting to suffer but it was one of the saddest decisions I had to make, both cats didn’t deserve to suffer so we had them put down before things got really bad. If don’t want our pets to suffer which most people consider family then why do we let the people we love the most suffer?

What I don’t get is what people said what Jack Kevorkian did was wrong when he helped end the lives of sick suffering people but it’s Ok to have thousands and thousands of people killed in Iraq over a pointless war. Jack Kevorkian sacrificed himself for our rights, the real crime is that they actually locked Jack Kevorkian in prison for helping people. Death is something that too many people don’t seem to understand that it’s just a part of life I’ve lost friends and family it was tough to handle but I know that is just a part of life and I remember the good times we had. We shouldn’t just let people become human vegetables who are hooked to a machine. Two of my biggest fears are my parents getting Alzheimer and watching them slowly suffer or happening to me when I’m old. I never want to suffer I never want to be on any plugged I’m human not machine so I never want my life to be me brain dead hooked to a machine. Freedom in america is the biggest joke in the world. We shouldn’t let people suffer people should end their lives with pride and we should have control of our lives. Jack Kevorkian believed that we all should have a right to or own lives
Lee my man, can you do a report on this Jack fellow, that would be much more of an entertaining read.
The only thing that would have been better then him dying is if he was suffering and forced to live on for years even if he wanted someone to help him off himself.
LOL, I got the following in my rep from him...

Wrestlezone's biggest dumbass said:
Lets have a lemon party men love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sportsmen love sports

I told him to go fuck himself.
Jack Kevorkian is not a saint by any means, Todd. Jack assisted the suicide of patients that were not terminally ill. In fact, in this fancy little article I dug up, 60% of his patients were not terminally ill and some of them were not even suffering.

Detroit Press said:
In a 1992 article setting out his rules for physician- assisted suicides, Kevorkian wrote it is always mandatory to bring in a psychiatrist because a person's "mental state is . . . of paramount importance." But the Free Press found at least 19 cases in which Kevorkian did not contact psychiatrists.

You suck. I want you to disappear and said disappearance to be never explained so i can assume the worst things happen.
Kevorkian comments aside if someone is suffering they should have the right to end their life on their terms. If I get to a point where I am not functioning but merely existing in a bed I'd rather someone just end it for me.

As for Euthanasia, I am favor. If I ever get to the point where I am in pain 24/7 with no hope...Just kill me.

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