*IWC* Power 10- March 21


Hey guys! Its time for the IWC Power 1O again! Just to recap this is the IWC's way of putting the power 25 but instead in Power 1O. These are soley opinion and on how their promos/matches have been.

The last Power 1O was two weeks ago. And in the past few weeks we have seen a very good raw with the concerts and a very average raw this week. Here is my Power 1O first.

1. CM Punk- In the past few weeks we have seen a side of Punk that we havent seen. We have finally seen an emotional scene where Punk is against the wall and is Pissed off at Jericho. Jericho has given the promos but Punks Facial expressions have been great. Also worth mentioning is another great match by Punk against Miz 2 weeks ago.
2. Chris Jericho- The personal element was something needed in this angle and Jericho has been deleviering. Jericho had me sold this week when he was apoligizing to Punk, then took it all away and talked about his sister.
3. John Cena- John Cena is a close #3 this week. Love him or hate him...you cannot say that Cena hasnt stepped his game up recently. Let me first say that the match this week against Mark Henry was a GREAT match. I was for one shocked as I thought Cena was going to Squash Henry. And who didnt like the previous week coming out "old school"
4. Cody Rhodes- Rhodes takes a big leap to #4 this week soley because He has been selling me on the Big Show/Rhodes match.
5. Sheamus- Sheamus has been very impressive and was a close one for #4 this week. He has stepped his in-ring wrestling alot. He had a great match with Jericho on Smackdown and although the Bryan/Sheamus match isnt getting much steam, but Sheamus is doing what he can.
6. The Rock-Rocky makes it on the list this week as in my eyes, he has tied the score at Cena- 2 Rock-2 His segments in Boston were hilarious and the concert was fun although it stretched too long.
7. Randy Orton-I wasnt very sold on the Kane/Orton fued and I dont know how much I am right now but Orton has been giving some good promos to pick up steam.
8. Daniel Bryan- I do not like how much focus point there is on Daniel Bryan and AJ right now. The focus should be on Sheamus/Bryan. Im guessing AJ will cost Bryan the match at Mania
9. Big Show- Big Show has also helped in selling their match at Mania and had good acting this week on RAW.
1O. Kane-Kane has been pretty good in selling the fued. I like his monster mentality.

Honorable Mentions-
Triple H/HBK/Undertaker - They just have been dropping the ball with this match. The promos have been the same and bland and this week was the worst as it was a terrible bland ending to RAW

Teddy Long/Johnny Ace- The fued has intrigued me and I like how the teams are shaping out. Just couldnt make the cut this week.

This Weeks Drop Offs-
Primo & Epico- After being very impressive against two other teams in the triple threat tag match, they havent been seen. That was WWE's chance to make them a talked about team.

Johnny Ace/Teddy Long

Your Thoughts and your Power 1O Below!!
This feels wrong. Its not a bad idea, having the internet wrestling community rank people as a poll might work. But by having one person seem like they're in control of the situation bothers me. I don't like the idea of someone becoming a defacto leader in these situations, because I don't want anyone thinking they have a become a mouthpiece for all of us. Even someone like Jack-Hammer, who has well thought out arguments and excellent debating skills, has no right to step into a leadership role for the IWC. Without a poll or a factual system of keeping track of rank, I can't get behind this idea.

If the thread was "hey wrestlezone fans, whats your top ten for this week?" I could be interested, but the idea that the IWC is represented by this forum started by some random guy turns me sour.
I'l give it a shot here we go...

1. The Rock: Has really stepped it up over the last fortnight, his history lesson in Boston and Rock conert in Oklahoma were hilarious and his segment and Rock bototm this week added a deeper meaning and intensity to the fued.

2. Chris Jericho: His promos the last fortnight have been very well delievered and seem to be doing their job in actually turning the fans against him. Got the pin against unka and a good win over Sheamus to add to his resume as well.

3. Cody Rhodes: Has been absolutely excellent in selling the fued against Big Show and has bene involved in some of the more entertaining elements of the show in recent weeks. His embrassing Big Show montages are hilarious, his humiliation of Show with the boxing gloves was pretty classic too.

4. Randy Orton: Very good promo on Smackdown, followed by another on Raw, completely in line with his character, eloquent, intense and to the point. He has really sold me on the match with Kane and piqued my interest.

5. Christian: Returned with an absolute bang on Smackdown and led a very interesting segment. Got a terrific crowd response, displayed his trademark wit on the mic and showed how much he has been missed.

6. John Cena: The past two weeks he has been a bit off the boil by his recent standards but in its own right the thuganomics rap promo was still pretty good, i just got overshadowed by the Rock concert. Facially sold the impact of the Rock-bottom to Henry very well.

7.CM Punk: In spite of losing out to Jericho in the war of word at the moment his promo opening Raw as pretty impressive. He managed to convey a good deal of emotion and made us believe that Jericho had really got personal, his rwaction after Y2J's mention of his sister was also very good.

8. John Laurinitis/Teddy Long: This is actually developing into one of the more entertaining fueds heading into mania. They are both so unintentionally bad that its funny and the reveal of one team member per show keeps things intersting if pretty predictable.

9. Miz: In spite of his horrendous losing streak, the Miz is actually doing very well on the mic. His segment this week was entertaining whilst paying tribute to manis great legacy, I'm finding him pretty interesting heading into it as he is the one character truly keeping us guessing.

10. Daniel Bryan: It seems his match with Sheamus has gotten lost in the shuffle but hes doing well wit what he has to work with. Liked his segment with AJ talking about becoming the WWE's next power couple and looked solid in his match against Ryder.
1.D. Bryan w/AJ- Amazing heel work as of late. DBD has amazed me each week. He continues to develop and that is what we need.

2. Bully Ray- Read above. He is the top heel in pro wresting IMO. I really love his recent work!

3.Chris Jericho- even if his segments on Raw have been taped, they have been great. Plus the match with Sheamus on SD. Jericho is stepping it up as well.

4. CM Punk- WWE Champion. Great ring work recently. Same for his promos.

5. Austin Aries- Heels are dominant on my list. A Double has been GOLD as of late. If you don't watch TNA, you should simply for AA.

6. Bobby Roode- TNA Champ. This could be solely for his Victory Road work. It pays to be Roode.

7. Cena- The rap was good. He is still one of the most solid guys in Pro Wrestling.

8. The Rock- At least he made the list. I think he does alright.

9. Joe and Magnus- Solid Tag Team. Fun to watch.

10. NXT- The whole show. I don't care. Go Watch It.

Honorable Mentions- Johnny and Teddy, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, David Otunga, James Storm, Santino

Fallen Out of My Spotlight- Ziggler, Barret, Eve
This feels wrong. Its not a bad idea, having the internet wrestling community rank people as a poll might work. But by having one person seem like they're in control of the situation bothers me. I don't like the idea of someone becoming a defacto leader in these situations, because I don't want anyone thinking they have a become a mouthpiece for all of us. Even someone like Jack-Hammer, who has well thought out arguments and excellent debating skills, has no right to step into a leadership role for the IWC. Without a poll or a factual system of keeping track of rank, I can't get behind this idea.

If the thread was "hey wrestlezone fans, whats your top ten for this week?" I could be interested, but the idea that the IWC is represented by this forum started by some random guy turns me sour.

This is not me giving the overall poll for everyone. I simply give mine and then ask for yours. Ill make it more clear next time. I simply wanna here your guys opionion. I just thought i would give my 2 cents also

It clearly says Heres mine before my Power 1O then Your thoughts and Power 1O below afterwords
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1 The Rock-He's finally brought a sense of urgency to his feud with Cena. By acknowledging his need to beat Cena, and by acknowledging not only his legacy in WWE, but those of Hogan, Austin and Flair, he's given a not so subtle rub to Cena, showing that in WWE's eyes, he is just as big as the names I've mentioned. His promo on Raw felt like The Rock we've been missing for most of the last year, at least in spirit.

2-Austin Aries-Victory Road just proved yet again, that Austin Aries can carry the entire X Division on his back without a worry. His match with Zema Ion was the most entertaining match of the night, and his slow building babyface turn will open unlimited doors for him in TNA.

3-Chris Jericho-Jericho has made his feud with Punk personal, and in the process finally made the match feel important, rather than a pissing contest. He has proven to be better in small doses over the last two weeks than he has been in almost all his appearances since returning. His subtle, arrogant, yet vindictive promo on Raw finally gives fans a real reason to want to see him lose to Punk, and gives Punk a sympathetic edge he's been missing.

4-Bully Ray-Simply put, he is the best heel in wrestling today. He's able to draw heat from even the most pedestrian of Impact Zone crowds, and his inclusion in the World Title picture serves as a great distraction and wild card in the ongoing Rood/Storm saga. His mic work is on par with some of the best heels there have been, and he's doing wonders to put over Storm as the babyface, face of the company.

5-Bobby Roode-His match at Victory Road with Sting was forgettable at best, but the angle that followed was fantastic. By going over Sting, and taking the feud in a new direction with Dixie Carter, he's finally living up the despicable heel nature TNA has been putting him over as for months. He may finally be able to get the heat he needs to really make his title reign memorable, without the help of Bully Ray.

6-Cody Rhoades-Cody's cameo on Raw as played to perfection. He's created a feud with Big Show than now transcends the David vs Goliath nature, and actually makes Big Show seem vulnerable. He continues to be a classic heel, and even though there hasn't been enough emphasis put on the IC Title in the feud, his continued one ups of Big Show make this match at WM feel like the biggest of Show's WM appearances.

7-Daniel Bryan-He has embraced his heel role so well, it's hard to picture his as a babyface. His emotional abuse of AJ continues to build him up as a manipulative, opportunistic heel, and gives him the heat he needs going in to WM.

8-James Storm-His quick match at Victory Road wasn't much for those hoping to see him in action, but it's easy to see just how over he is with the TNA crowd these days. He's transcending the redneck stigma of his character, and continues to be the credible, young threat to Roode's title that is needed at this point in time.

9-Miz-He's managing to do something unique this WM season, he's creating interest in something out of nothing. While he continued his streak of jobs this week on Raw, he continued to set the stage for something big, either at WM or following. While I don't think he will be involved in Rock/Cena, I could see a big moment in the GM Battle.

10-Gail Kim/Madison Rayne-Not a typo. Kim and Rayne had a great match at Victory Road, and highlighted just how good TNA's Knockout Division can be when given time to build a cohesive story, and to to have a lengthy match without interference. Rayne in particular came across as impressive. She seemed to be at the her best in the ring that she has been in some time, and managed to win over some of the TNA fans in attendance, all the the while playing her heel role to perfection. Not sure where TNA plans to go from here, but they've shown that women wrestlers can entertain just as well as the men, and have laid the foundation for Madison Rayne babyface turn...even if the don't realize it.
1. The Rock- The Rock made an impression on RAW and isn't taking Wrestlemania as a joke. The Rock Bottom to Mark Henry was the first physical contact The Rock has made since Survivor Series and the match at Wrestlemania is going to epic.
2. Chris Jericho- Chris Jericho has made his match with CM Punk personal and has had great promos since his return. Y2J is winning the war with CM Punk leading into Wrestlemania
3. John Cena- He had a good match with Mark Henry on RAW, is beating The Rock lately in the war and is about to go the biggest match of his career and work his ass off.
4. Shawn Micheals- When your retired and still are one the best superstars of the week, you know your ne of the best wrestlers ever. Nobody knows what the showstealer is going to do at Wrestlemana but whatever he does will be talked about for years
5. CM Punk- The WWE Champion is consistent as always with good promo and in ring work. About to enter the most important match of his career.
6. Sheamus- The royal rumble winner is doing everything great going into mania, getting the crowd behind him and putting on good matches. The only problem: nobody cares about the World Title match.
7. Randy Orton- Putting on good matches and promo. Seem to like the pressure being off him at this years mania and is thriving from it, putting on a pretty good feud with Kane.
8. The Undertaker- Everytime The Undertaker is about the streak on the line, we get great television
9. Cody Rhodes- Good as always, making the feud with The Big Show a very good feud as well. the Big Show and Cody Rhodes are both working hard and Cody Rhodes has the potential to beat a legend for the second Wrestlemania in a row.
10. The Miz- I am liking the no mania match storyline, as long as he does something at Wrestlemania!
1. Austin Aries - could he be the most talented guy in wrestling right now? He can talk about, what he is about to talk about and it is the most entertaining promo on any show. And he is hands down having the best matches on tv and ppv.

2. Daniel Bryan - the fact that his mic work has been overshadowing his in ring is a testement to how good this "indy god" has become. He has been a revelation as a heel and is leaving Sheamus in his dust right now.

3. The Rock - never was a fan of his but just like he says, he is bringing it. His last few weeks he has been indeed electrifying and can do anything and the crowd eats it up. The Cena fans have no choice but to laugh along with his jokes and singa long with the People's Champ. IMO Cena is getting eaten alive.

4. Robert Roode - it seems he just keeps getting better every week. He seems to be pacing his awesomeness moving towards the second biggest ppv on the TNA calendar, Lockdown. His showdown with James Storm is coming and he is giving the fans everything in his heel bag of tricks.

5. David Otunga - this guy has come along way since Nexus. He is getting the most perfect push for his character from WWE creative. The intelligent second in command to Johnny Ace. He is working to his strengths in the ring and hiding his weaknesses. He has come into his own and loses when he needs to and wins when he needs to. Great stuff from the man who everyone thought was one of the worst out of NXT S1.

6. CM Punk - very strong promo from Punk on Raw this week brings him into the top 10. He has been floundering in this feud with Jericho and the build has been less than expected, but he turned it on with some strong and obviosly from the heart mic work. His matches have been average but solid.

7. Mark Henry - Got me to watch an R-Truth match. That's talent. Seriously though he looks absolutely dominant when he is in the ring and has improved so much this last 12 months. Due to the Rock/Cena feud it was a shame he had to be the punching bag for both guys, but he brought it to Cena in that Sting/Vader way...

8. Bully Ray - although I'm not a fan I've got to give the douche his due. He continues to hog the spotlight like he has most of his career and it's working for him. Can't support his main event booking but he is making the most of his time there.

9. James Storm - his promos could be a little more polished but he is coming into Lockdown with momentum.

10. Cody Rhodes - his attack on Big Show was really great stuff. He has this air of confidence about him, that he just knows that on WM night that he has the advantage over the 500 pound Big Show.. It's really an interesting storyline he has developed for himself as he has made Show the under dog!

This feels wrong. Its not a bad idea, having the internet wrestling community rank people as a poll might work. But by having one person seem like they're in control of the situation bothers me. I don't like the idea of someone becoming a defacto leader in these situations, because I don't want anyone thinking they have a become a mouthpiece for all of us. Even someone like Jack-Hammer, who has well thought out arguments and excellent debating skills, has no right to step into a leadership role for the IWC. Without a poll or a factual system of keeping track of rank, I can't get behind this idea.

If the thread was "hey wrestlezone fans, whats your top ten for this week?" I could be interested, but the idea that the IWC is represented by this forum started by some random guy turns me sour.

Reading fail. Look at the post and read the whole thing before you attempt to change the world.

I actually just agree with the OP's idea in general. HHH/HBK/Undertaker sucked and the buildup is failing massively. Everything else is running alright, but I just hope that they can bounce back next Sunday.

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