I've seen a lot of pro wrestling in my day...


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... but The Young Bucks vs. The World's Cutest Couple (Joey Ryan and Candice Lerae) from PWG's "Eleven" show from this year could very well be the craziest match I've ever seen.


It's a must watch. You'll either really, really love it, or you'll downright hate it. Either way, it'll awe you and leave you there shocked; some appalled, some mind-blown.

Personally, I loved it. The Young Bucks have had the best heel act going the past year or so with the whole cocky "I don't give a fuck, I'll do all the flips and superkicks I want" proud spot monkey shtick. And Candice Lerae makes Ronda Rousey look like Janay Rice (too soon?). Definitely seek this match out. The DVD is only $15 at PWG's website if you want to be an upstanding citizen and support the pro wrestling business such as myself, but there are other means of viewing it as well. Give it a shot.
Yup. Taker/Michaels from Wrestlemania 25 and 26 pales in comparison.

One is retired, the other is still nursing injuries he got from one of three matches he wrestled last year. WWE can't give you that match. Try again.

As for ELEVEN, it's a pretty good show from top to bottom, but the main event really is all that. It's the best example in a long time of typical indie wrestling, flips, superkicks, spots, creativity, insanity, spot monkeys, but meshed with amazing psychology from Candice and a great story from all of them. Just to give an insight into how good the story was, Dave Meltzer summed it up perfectly.

You can fill a room with writers, give them hours of time and they won't produce such a well layered wrestling match as they did. Whether it was Super Dragon or any combination of the four involved, from start to finish their match told the story of what two tag teams should be, looking out for one another, helping one another and in Joey Ryan's case taking a near deadly blow to protect his partner. The gore may be senseless but the story is powerful, dramatic and pure entertainment.

He gave it **** by the way.
The Steen\Lee match was fun but when Kevin filled in at the announcers table- that was great.
The Steen\Lee match was fun but when Kevin filled in at the announcers table- that was great.

Excalibur: "I'm going to miss Kevin when he starts his new job at the GAP."

Chris Hero: "Yeah, I hope his job at the GAP goes better then mine did."

Excalibur: "I heard you got fired for eating on the job."

Excalibur loses it and takes off his headset, silence for nearly a minute.

Chris Hero: "Fuck."
I absolutely loved everything about this match.

Candice is a fucking star, and the Bucks are consistently phenomenal(and this is coming from someone that 3-4 years ago was a vocal hater of their act).

PWG's anniversary shows have now become synonymous with bat shit crazy tag title main events that deliver to stupid levels.

I can't wait to watch BOLA.
Excalibur: "I'm going to miss Kevin when he starts his new job at the GAP."

Chris Hero: "Yeah, I hope his job at the GAP goes better then mine did."

Excalibur: "I heard you got fired for eating on the job."

Excalibur loses it and takes off his headset, silence for nearly a minute.

Chris Hero: "Fuck."

That was hilarious. Between the 3 of them, commentary for the night was very entertaining.

Plus the fact the main event had not only gummi bears, but some nice action as well. I mean, putting the tacks in Ryan's mouth before kicking him? That was hardcore & I have never seen that done before. Also you have to give a round of applause to Candice Le Rae for kicking ass.
One is retired, the other is still nursing injuries he got from one of three matches he wrestled last year. WWE can't give you that match. Try again.

As for ELEVEN, it's a pretty good show from top to bottom, but the main event really is all that. It's the best example in a long time of typical indie wrestling, flips, superkicks, spots, creativity, insanity, spot monkeys, but meshed with amazing psychology from Candice and a great story from all of them. Just to give an insight into how good the story was, Dave Meltzer summed it up perfectly.

^^^^ I would rep you but I can't give anymore for 24 hours.
The gore may be senseless but the story is powerful, dramatic and pure entertainment.

I would disagree to some extent with virtually all of that sentence from Meltzer. It certainly was entertaining. But powerful? Dramatic? I'm not so sure. Certainly not in a wa the complimented a large section of the match. I would almost say that given how it was produced, the gore was almost necessary - what would have been the point of the tacked shoe without it?

While I enjoyed the hell out of the match and Candice certainly took one hell of a beating, there was nowhere near the "amazing" level of psychology in it that is being attributed to it. Indeed, from what I could see, there was very little psychology involved at all. Of course, some of it might be lost on someone like myself who has not followed the feud as a whole.

But as for in-ring psychology, Ryan was not sacrificing himself for Candice - the only example of sacrifice was the other way around; there really was little selling of any kind - Ryan wasn't bleeding from the mouth despite being forced to eat tacks, a Young Buck was not bleeding from the tacked superkick, while Candice was grated like cabbage after getting up from a spike tombstone on the floor for Christ's sake.

The treatment of Candice is the reason I find it difficult to call it truly powerful. From the outset, she was treated as just another wrestler rather than a woman in a man's match, which was perfectly fine. Admirable even and she proven she could hang. But after having got a serious beating and been on the receiving end of a move that should have killed her, to then play to the fact she is a woman with the tacked superkick was inconsistent. Not to mention a step down in kayfabe threat from a springboard spike tombstone on the floor.

Dramatic I will give it for Candice's revival, sacrifice and the finish but for that drama, it itself sacrificed match psychology.

It was a spotfest brawl and there is nothing wrong with it being just that.

Would you look at that, I managed to overthink the whole thing.
I would watch more PWG if they had a streaming service like ROH & others, it's not that I have a problem paying $15 to see the show, it more the lack of space to store all the DVDs, most of which I'm likely only going to watch 2-3 times tops. That said if they made more compilation DVDs, that would be awesome, I'm a huge fan of compilation DVDs.
I would watch more PWG if they had a streaming service like ROH & others, it's not that I have a problem paying $15 to see the show, it more the lack of space to store all the DVDs, most of which I'm likely only going to watch 2-3 times tops. That said if they made more compilation DVDs, that would be awesome, I'm a huge fan of compilation DVDs.

Барбоса;4995907 said:
While I enjoyed the hell out of the match and Candice certainly took one hell of a beating, there was nowhere near the "amazing" level of psychology in it that is being attributed to it. Indeed, from what I could see, there was very little psychology involved at all. Of course, some of it might be lost on someone like myself who has not followed the feud as a whole.

But as for in-ring psychology, Ryan was not sacrificing himself for Candice - the only example of sacrifice was the other way around; there really was little selling of any kind - Ryan wasn't bleeding from the mouth despite being forced to eat tacks, a Young Buck was not bleeding from the tacked superkick, while Candice was grated like cabbage after getting up from a spike tombstone on the floor for Christ's sake.

Pretty much this. It doesn't make sense that Candice was bleeding. If her skull was caved it, it would've made much more sense. It was a tombstone on a smooth surface. And no one else was bleeding, despite the chair shots and the thumbtacks and the thumbtack superkicks. So yeah, no.

But it was entertaining for what it was. And the gummy bear spot genuinely made me laugh.

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