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Pre-Show Stalwart
Most of the writers of Wrestlezone are not writing unbiased about TNA wrestling. The major majority of the writers never say anything good about TNA as a whole.

I have enjoyed the wrestlezone site for many, many years now, and have grown increasingly frustrated about how the majority of writers write or talk (CSR)trash about TNA wrestling as a whole instead of good honest unbiased writing.

Mark Madden is the very worst at spewing his personal feelings about TNA all the time. It's all just to ensure that TNA is not promoted in a healthy way and to ensure that TNA cannot flourish because of personal feelings.

Justin LaBar is the same. Another very biased writer that hates on TNA every time he opens his mouth.

Josh Isenberg can't say anything good about TNA. He does his weekly wrestling reaction for all the major wrestling shows, and I have read many of them where he rates TNA'S show higher than some of the WWE shows, but then I'll watch CSR and he just degrades and diminishes TNA in every aspect. I don't understand that.

Mike Killam is the only writer I respect, and expect to give an unbiased view of Wrestling in general. He is the true professional writer I have read on this site that wishes, and encourages everyone to support all wrestling organizations(good or bad) including TNA.

Chris Cash I'm not to sure on. I think he tries to be unbiased, but he get's caught up I think with peer pressure of what some of the other writers (see above) will think of him. I may be wrong, but he doesn't say all that many good things about TNA either.]

All I wish is that and their writers would put a little more effort into unbiased writing about TNA, instead of all the hate they try to spew on wrestling fans like me.

Whether I like it or not their are wrestling marks for people like LaBar, Isenberg, Madden, and Cash that hate TNA because of what these writers write about TNA. In the end I blame a lot of these writing journalist's for the struggle that TNA endures to become what the majority of these writers do not want them to be. **SUCCESSFUL**


Does anyone else here see this happening on this site? Not everyone is turning a blind eye to this are you?
While they are certainly biased toward TNA and tend to focus on the negative, they do it for the WWE as well. Granted, not as much, but they still do it.

Look, it's frustrating but you need to realize that journalism, of any kind, is always geared towards something negative. Granted, I'm using the term 'journalism' loosely here, but you get my point.

The goal of WZ is to make people click on stories. As it stands, negative stories and general criticisms are more appealing than some run of the mill news update.

The reason why TNA hate gets an edge and bias toward TNA is more prominent is because WZ's main audience are WWE fans. WWE fans, for the most part, would love to read something negative about TNA in order to scratch their ego and reaffirm the illusion that they like the better brand. If you don't believe me, check the PPV polls which are generally wrong, as well as any Disqus comment section for any story involving TNA. It's all hate. Thus, WZ's audience enjoys that and they cater to it.

However, there have been times when WZ has written good articles about TNA and that's usually when someone like you, or me, or more of US, raise a fuss about it since WZ also has a big TNA audience.

In the end, it's all catering to their users and there's no agenda behind it. They trash WWE, they trash TNA, they trash anything they can, they spin stories, they frame them in a different way - that's the drill.

That's why I stick to the TNA section of the forums and never dare to read the Disqus posts. Some of the biggest idiots on the Web 'live' there.

However, keep in mind that not all of it is blind TNA hate. Sometimes TNA fucks up and they highlight that. But the presence of some negative bias toward TNA is obvious. At the same time, TNA's been hated and shat on since day one, just because it's not the WWE. That's the price they pay for being number two. Anyone in their place would've been treated like this.

Problem is, we - TNA fans - have such a Napoleon complex going, it's ridiculious. We blow some of the hate out of proportion and wish TNA were treated like WWE. However, if you REALLY look into it, they really fuck with the WWE as well. They just seem to be a tad more expressive with TNA. Hell, a number of Madden's articles mention how TNA is the better product and his love for Bully Ray. However, they're overwritten by everything else he dislikes. I've never heard Madden say he thinks WWE is better.

It's just the way it is. Neither company will be treated objectively. Then the dirt sheets would be boring.
Zevon is dead on here. Ever heard the term "no news is good news"? Kinda fits here. Even though I haven't watched WWE in some time, I'll read an occasional column about it. They lean a lot towards the negative as well, though not as much as TNA. Now for Madden, yes he always seems to favor WWE's creative over TNA's, mainly due to his (IMO) disdain for Hulk Hogan. However, lately he has been praising the KO's, with some minor jabs thrown in. These writers are just doing what they're paid to do, write a head or byline to draw you in. It opinions, and at the end of the day all that matters is how you feel about what you're watching.
I've never liked Mark Madden. I'll admit I only heard of him because of his trying to make "Crotchgate" bigger than it was, but I've looked into his earlier stuff and I'd say he is very unfair to TNA.
Like ZZ pointed out, they do often focus on the negative. They do it to WWE as well, whether it's as much as TNA is debatable. I've seen various writers rake everyone from WWE to TNA to ROH over the coals. Sometimes, in my opinion, some of them do it to an absurd degree on many different sites.

However, as people have said in NUMEROUS posts when griping about what someone wrote about their favorite wrestling companies, quality is subjective. Whenever I read an editorial or a review of a wrestling ppv or television show, I can't expect an unbiased opinion. If you don't like what you're watching, then you just don't like it. Doesn't make you right or wrong, it's just your opinion. If I have any real problem in regards to what writers write in regards to TNA, WWE, ROH, etc. it's that some fans let these writings determine their opinions instead of trying to forge one of their own. If you watch WWE and hate it, more power to you. If you've given TNA a shot and you think it's crap, no problems here.

That's not to say that some of what we read isn't interesting or doesn't need to be told. The Austin Aries incident with Christy Hemme, for one thing, stirred up a lot of debate as to whether or not she was sexually harassed. While there are strong opinions on both sides, I do think that what happened did need to be pointed out and it did need talking about.

But as far as what they write affecting my enjoyment of the product, it has pretty much none. If you like what you watch and wanna talk about it, go for it. If you hate it, again, go for it but base it on your own opinion rather than based on something you read in a dirtsheet column.
When I come to the TNA section, I expect topics about TNA. Not topics about column writers' opinions on TNA. Send them emails if you feel they're so biased. Or post under their columns.
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