It's going to be a looong night.


Shawn Michaels ❤
I have to:

  • Finish my Robin costume.
  • Learn to sew, in order to do that.
  • Write an essay for history on why Mary Seacole was better than Florence Nightingale.
  • Write an essay for Literature on how the writers of Gatsby and Enduring Love make the endings exciting.
  • Work out why the ending of Enduring love is supposed to be exciting, in order to do that.
  • Stress about my exam results, which I get tomorrow.

The thing is, I'll probably spend a majority of time on WZ instead. What's the thing called where you say you have to do something but leave it until later? I have that really badly.

Oh and bulleted lists are amazing.

And I agree, watch the United v Inter game tonight, much more interesting than learning how to sew... infact everything is more interesting than learning how to sew.
Manners and Mr. Wrestlemania have it spot on. Cancel everything you have planned and watch England and Italy's finest square off.
I have to:

  • Finish my Robin costume.
  • Learn to sew, in order to do that.
  • Write an essay for history on why Mary Seacole was better than Florence Nightingale.
  • Write an essay for Literature on how the writers of Gatsby and Enduring Love make the endings exciting.
  • Work out why the ending of Enduring love is supposed to be exciting, in order to do that.
  • Stress about my exam results, which I get tomorrow.

The thing is, I'll probably spend a majority of time on WZ instead. What's the thing called where you say you have to do something but leave it until later? I have that really badly.

Oh and bulleted lists are amazing.

  • FTW
Unfortunate Leeds girl, I on the other hand have to Finsh off my music demo then go to a mates house to drink plenty of alcohol and probs stagger home about 4 am.
What did you do then? Learn how to sew or kick back with a few beers and watch a really good game of Football like I did?:icon_razz:
Unfortunate Leeds girl, I on the other hand have to Finsh off my music demo then go to a mates house to drink plenty of alcohol and probs stagger home about 4 am.

Leeds guy didn't invite me? :(

What did you do then? Learn how to sew or kick back with a few beers and watch a really good game of Football like I did?:icon_razz:

I did what every self-respecting woman does. Throw a tantrum until my mum does it for me. While I watch football and post on WZ.
My friend sewed his hands together once, well just the tips of his fingers, I bought him a turkey sandwich to show my appreciation.
I did sewing for three years... and never once learn't how to sew. Partly cause I didn't give a fuck. I still don't.

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