It's Coming?


King Of The Ring
So, unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you've seen the Wyatt Family vignettes that have been alluding to both Luke Harper and Erick Rowan singles pushes. Now when I first witnessed the "It's Coming" message in Erick Rowan's vignette, I didn't think much about it. Seeing as we didn't see anything like that in the Luke Harper videos, I just assumed that it had something to do with an upgrade to Rowan's gimmick. Tonight however, we saw the first Bray Wyatt "set free" video and once again, the message "It's Coming" happened to pop up. Throw in the fact that Bray Wyatt recently said, "What comes next for Bray Wyatt will peel the skin back from everyone's forehead. This is nothing. It's a joke... Missing a PPV? Come on, you think I'd just miss a PPV for no reason? Come on..." and I think there's a BIG storyline on the way with these guys and possibly The Ascension, but I have absolutely no clue as to what it could be. Honestly... No clue.. I can't even speculate which is why I'll leave that up to you.

Long description for a simple question:

What is coming?
Either way, I'm not getting my hopes up too high. Maybe it is the Ascension. Obviously Rowan and Harper are going into the singles division, which kind of sucks because that means there's one less tag team, and until they start bringing teams up from NXT they only have basically 2 pure tag teams.
The gritty reboot of the gobbledy gooker.

In all seriousness I'm imagining is just a way to sorta of reboot the Wyatts since they were losing a whole lot, I don't think they'll add new wrestlers to the family.

A common thread seems to be smoke though, I don't know.
Didn't he say something about 'she'?

The Ascension are too small time to be Wyatt's. I'm sure I'm wrong but I'll stick with my guess that Karma or some other other large woman of African descent being revealed as Sister Abigail. She can be his muscle and he can be her voice.

Or not. I don't know. Maybe it is more hogwash like we have had from him over the past six months.
Didn't he say something about 'she'?

The Ascension are too small time to be Wyatt's. I'm sure I'm wrong but I'll stick with my guess that Karma or some other other large woman of African descent being revealed as Sister Abigail. She can be his muscle and he can be her voice.

Or not. I don't know. Maybe it is more hogwash like we have had from him over the past six months.

"she" should be sister abygail. I doubt we'll have anyone join him in that role since he mentioned she's dead in other promos.
"she" should be sister abygail. I doubt we'll have anyone join him in that role since he mentioned she's dead in other promos.

Shows how high of a tolerance I have for some of Wyatt's promos.

Then again, dead doesn't have to mean literally dead. Especially in professional wrestling.

So if I have to throw another wild stab out there I will say that he is going to reveal that his strings have been pulled by none other than Sting. But that sucks and I hope it doesn't happen.
Shows how high of a tolerance I have for some of Wyatt's promos.

Then again, dead doesn't have to mean literally dead. Especially in professional wrestling.

So if I have to throw another wild stab out there I will say that he is going to reveal that his strings have been pulled by none other than Sting. But that sucks and I hope it doesn't happen.

Sting would be a crazy reveal if that is what all this is about. Especially since Wyatt tweeted, touted, facebooked or whatever it was, the message about killing The Scorpion. (Something like that) It is WWE an wrestltainment so anything is possible.

I hope that they don't break up the Wyatt's at least not yet. As for what is coming, hopefully nothing disappointing.
I haven't seen it yet so going based off of what I've read I agree with GSB it could be Sister Abigail.

"Dead" could mean emotionally. "She" could be a "soulless" person kind of like what we've seen in the past with some characters like early Kane.

Although I'm not really sure who would fit that role right now. I'm not too familiar with the NXT roster but I can't think of anyone off hand that could be that person.
I got intrigued by that Bray Wyatt promo, and am looking forward to seeing what will happen with him and his family next.

Will the Ascension maybe, join the Wyatts?
Is there a Sister Abigail reveal coming up?
Maybe, just maybe, Sting is on his way...

Stay tuned.

All the above said; I stand by what I have posted multiple times before. Bray Wyatt has loads of untapped potential as a Top Heel, and it would be a travesty if his character was wasted with a rushed face turn, when there is so much left to do as a Heel.

Given Brock's contract will be finished by Mania 31 and he might Not renew, the prospects of Bray Wyatt and his family running wild as the Top Heel post-Mania is very much a tantalising prospect, given also, that HHH could finally be put out by a Reigns/Ambrose to 'finish' the Authority storyline that has been going on for way too long and needs an ending soon enough.
When he first started talking about Sister Abigail I thought it was his mother or grandmother. When you go back and listen to it though it's hard to make out what Sister Abigail is. Could be some sort of a Voodoo Priestess, a crazy woman who lived in the woods. He says "I was there when she drew her last breath. She pulled me close and told me that they chose me. Her touch could save the world, her kiss would burn it too the ground."

Could be bringing back Karma or debuting another female wrestler, although it doesn't explain why the Wyatts were split up just before that. Or it could be the ramblings of a madman.
Has anyone had any luck or tried to reverse what bray is saying at the end of that promo? Surely that's gotta be a huge hint to something?
I've reversed it and it's nothing. In fact, it sounds more messed up after it is reversed. I don't think what he says at the end is reversed - to me it sounds like he is speaking a foreign language like arabic or farsi, but sped up (my job is editing foreign languages so I'm quite used to hearing this sort of stuff).
you heard it here first folks, Sister Abigail will be revealed to be AJ LEE.

Once she drops the Womens title, she will be the missing piece to the oddball Wyatt family puzzle.
She has shown her mentally unstable side, she can handle the mic with anybody and having her side with the Wyatts, amazing potential
you heard it here first folks, Sister Abigail will be revealed to be AJ LEE.

Once she drops the Womens title, she will be the missing piece to the oddball Wyatt family puzzle.
She has shown her mentally unstable side, she can handle the mic with anybody and having her side with the Wyatts, amazing potential

While I would love this, the WWE would have screwed themselves in the corner(this is an expression right?). Didn't Bray say on one of the old Wyatt promos that Sister Abigail was dead and older than him? I checked and AJ is 2 months older than

Again though, I would love it xD I just don't see the E doing that
Please no actual Sister Abigail... I think that would be incredibly cheesy, especially if it was a female wrestler. I also think of it as a grandmother or mother figure from his promos.

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