It's A Doggone Shame! ( Warning: This is a long read)


Dark Match Jobber
I have been thinking lately on this and the more I think of it the angrier I become. I get so upset on the subject of the WWE Divas. As you go back to the WWF days and look at past divas you see a golden age of honor, integrity, and the utmost respect the divas then had for themselves and others. You begin to see great matches (for that time) memorable rivalries and the passion and the intensity spent for obtaining the Women’s Championship… Now years later and with a new name…all past accomplishments has went all down hill into a giant pile of crap. Stinking crap. I blame the WWE for this nonsense; somehow they’ve forgotten what exactly a WWE Diva is. The title WWE Diva nowadays is dirtied…soiled…meaningless.
It saddens me that the WWE wastes money, a lot of money on girls who have no talent and who aren’t familiar with the company. They (WWE) only buy them for their pretty faces, or perfect bodies, not for anything else. How long will they carry on this way? Will they ever change? Even when it comes to Women’s Championship matches things are straight stupid. The Women’s Championship doesn’t have the hype that the male dominated championships. Why? I believe that it is because the WWE doesn’t care about the Women’s Division and aren’t interested in working them. I think that they believe that the women’s division is not capable of competing on the level with men… that is true to some extent. Of course we girls cant take chair shots as well as a man and we’ll get injured the quickest. I understand that it’s just that they need to be challenged. Girls are not entirely weak. There are some really strong chicks in their business. They can do better. Sadly it’s a doggone shame that they have talent and are too lazy to use it. I mean really use it. Not put them in stupid bra and panties matches that doesn’t do a thing to display their talents or athleticism. Sure it’s excitement to you guys but to girls like me, they’re straight bogus. This shows me the opinion that the WWE holds toward their women. They believe I think that their girls are only good for showing their undies. Now I’m not saying that all the women’s matches are bad. That’s not true. Some are actually good. Sad thing is you only see them every now and then. There are some divas that I am impressed with. Really impressed with. They have a lot of potential. Sad thing again is the WWE is too lazy to use them; they aren’t challenging those girls enough.
I watch Smackdown! Mostly and when I see the diva matches there I just laugh. They’re a joke. Those new girls…(except Ashley) freaking suck. They have bad mic skills. Lack talent…they would get better if they had more practice. They wont get that practice unless they have a company that cares. Raw has better talent when it comes to the diva, but still needs improvement a lot of improvement. Now that Trish (who was really talented) is gone I think it’s soon to fall in the gutters.
I just think that the WWE needs to change its attitude towards the female wrestlers in their company. Or in future years, I almost hate to say it the WWE will not have any female wrestlers. I mean real female wrestlers. I just want to know you guys’ opinions on what I’ve stated here.
For the most part, people don't care about the women's division, and the WWE knows that. When there is a women's match thats when most people get their bathroom break in. I know that here and there theres people who are really interested in womens wrestling, but I would be willing to put money on it that they are a minority. They have some very talented female wrestlers right now in Lita, Mickie, and Victoria, and I agree that I would like to see them do something interesting with those 3, but from a business stand point WWE is better off hiring pretty women for cheap money to do skanky matches so that their testosterone charged audience stays watching even when they are in the ring.

I hope you just messed up when you posted this 3 different times, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.
I agree with you 100%, and it's something I've noticed and complained about for a long time. I wouldn't blame it on the WWE, but the fans of the WWE. They want to see T&A so WWE gives them that. Instead of pushing Victoria and Jazz, they have Extreme Strip Poker and Kelly Kelly- who is a waste of skin. They fire Francine and hire a DS girl to replace her. The list goes on and on. The Women's Championship is the oldest title in the WWE, but it's a minor title that can be decided through a bra and panties match. I mean the lack of respect is just astonishing.

Flames Out
I'm glad that two people see my point of view. It just ticks me off that there is potential in the womens division and that no attention is bieng paid to it. It's just plain stupid!
Victoria's a better wrestler than Cena so she'd be a more credible WWE champ...

I'm irritated with all these "bra and panties" matches and all that other crap. What makes it worse is that the girlfriend-less and lowlife contingent of the audience goes crazy for them. I like women's wrestling as long as it's actually wrestling. The matches that Trish (too bad she's retired now), Mickie, Beth, Victoria, and Lita put on are much more interesting than some of the guys.

Women are definitely being used incorrectly in the WWE...and as long as young college kids and lowlifes show up at the events, pointless matches will continue to exist
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
I'm irritated with all these "bra and panties" matches and all that other crap. What makes it worse is that the girlfriend-less and lowlife contingent of the audience goes crazy for them. I like women's wrestling as long as it's actually wrestling. The matches that Trish (too bad she's retired now), Mickie, Beth, Victoria, and Lita put on are much more interesting than some of the guys.

McMahon has a mental picture in his head of the prototypical WWE fan. It is the person that gets all excited about the PG-13 T&A displayed on WWE programming (esp. on Raw), listens to mentally-challenged "dude rock" like Hinder & Nickelback, probably has a mullet haircut and has an IQ equal to their shoe size. They probably watch those matches and say something along the lines of "them girls sure is purdy!". And the commentators use the prosaic dialogue that these people can easily comprehend (esp. Joey Styles & Tazz - it seems like they're addressing 5th graders the way they speak).

As a wrestling fan, I often find the programming and broadcasting to be insulting to my intelligence, and I imagine many other fans feel the same. The fan I described in the first paragraph may represent a good part of the WWE fanbase, but it seems as if McMahon is forgetting about the rest of us. Not only this, but the focus on every WWE show seems to be more on the entertainment aspect of wrestling than the sports part, as the matches often seem secondary. If McMahon doesn't realize that we're not all a bunch of dopey, sexually-repressed rednecks, I'm going to have to give up on the WWE.
i love the females division. ladies like lita and trish and the lovely mickie james actually have talent. i usually take bathroom breaks during an umaga match. or something involving someone i dont really care for. other than that, i do enjoy the womens division. i love em all!
It's more than just Lita and Trish and Mickie, look at Victoria, Molly Holly, Beth Pheonix, Gail Kim, Ivory, Jazz, Jaqueline, Francine, Trinity, and so many more that are completely unused or let go for models. I'm sick and tired of seeing T&A every week when these women who have worked really hard to get to their level of talent are just thrown aside.

And Victoria is a better wrestler than John Cena. I have nothing against him but Victoria is wrestling genius.

Flames Out
I think the WWE should have like a training camp thing for women to go to where they can learn how to wrestle, have better mic skills, etc.

I hate it when the diva search comes around and those bitches get into the ring and think they know what it means to be a diva. Posing for Playboy does not make you a diva.
I know your thoughts said:
I think the WWE should have like a training camp thing for women to go to where they can learn how to wrestle, have better mic skills, etc.

They have the developmental territories but as we know, not every female employed is expected to wrestle in it's actual form. All of them however are clearly trained to take bumps, even if they don't execute moves.

Posing for Playboy does not make you a diva.

It does with WWE terminology.
I know I've being saying pretty much the same thing at almost every Diva search segment that was discussed on this forum. The WWE is corporation, and like every corporation they figure that sex sells and is a lot easier than delivering a good product so they take the easy and safe way out. What the WWe seems the fail to realise is that during the attitude era, the women's matches we're actually good, and that was their most popular period, which kind of bogles my mind at how the WWE can not seem to realises that they are shooting themselves in the foot.

oh and FYI, any time Cena is on(especially promos), that's when i take my bathroom break.
dx12 said:
WOmens divison sucks,the women matches are so boring!

Please add more to your posts... Add why its boring to you and etc.. I wont warn you this time bc it wasnt that bad of a spam, but take it under advisement.
I hope that one day that the wwe changes it's opinion on women. Sadly, that is faint hope, the day that happens Hell will freeze over.
I think Trish and Mickie James Victoria and Beth Pheonix I hope brought and will bring some Legitmacy to the title. Of course it not like the Chyna, Madusa, Bull Nakano, Bertha Faye

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