It Would NEVER Happen....

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
But with the WWE on the verge of getting it's own network, it could. It's no secret that WWE is scripted, so why the hush hush ? I'm a big fan of "reality" t.v, and it would be amazing if a camera crew followed around WWE's top writers. How awesome would it be to get a first hand look on what it takes for an idea to become a full fledged angle. How many times does it need to be turned around ? How far in advance does a superstar know what they'll have to do ? How terrifying is it to present and idea to Mr. McMahon ?

Any real wrestling fan would love this, right ? Or is this to big of a gamble ? Obviously if this were to EVER happen we would see the work put into a storyline or an angle months after it's already happened. But is that still too much information ? Will the WWE lose it's "shine" ? Will it seem more predictable ? Will FANS start to get caught up in the politics of suits, will we start to favor one angle over the other because we simply prefer a writer over the other ?

I think that a move this ballsy, though it's so unlikely, since higher ups don't even want their workers breaking character off screen, could benefit the WWE. Fans would tune in, well, because they're fans, but new viewers as well just out of pure curiosity.

I know it'll never happen, but it could, right ? Would you be interested in an idea like this ?
But with the WWE on the verge of getting it's own network, it could. It's no secret that WWE is scripted, so why the hush hush ? I'm a big fan of "reality" t.v, and it would be amazing if a camera crew followed around WWE's top writers. How awesome would it be to get a first hand look on what it takes for an idea to become a full fledged angle. How many times does it need to be turned around ? How far in advance does a superstar know what they'll have to do ? How terrifying is it to present and idea to Mr. McMahon ?

Any real wrestling fan would love this, right ? Or is this to big of a gamble ? Obviously if this were to EVER happen we would see the work put into a storyline or an angle months after it's already happened. But is that still too much information ? Will the WWE lose it's "shine" ? Will it seem more predictable ? Will FANS start to get caught up in the politics of suits, will we start to favor one angle over the other because we simply prefer a writer over the other ?

I think that a move this ballsy, though it's so unlikely, since higher ups don't even want their workers breaking character off screen, could benefit the WWE. Fans would tune in, well, because they're fans, but new viewers as well just out of pure curiosity.

I know it'll never happen, but it could, right ? Would you be interested in an idea like this ?

A lot of ideas get thrown around that may get shot down at the time but end up being used later. If fans were to see one of these storylines show up on RAW down the road after watching the idea get pitched on a reality show it would be a bit of an issue. There are some things you just can't show.
You've literally pitched a reality show idea about writers writing another show. That sounds incredibly boring. I'm gonna watch some middle aged dude write something down, then nervously hand it to McMahon.... and that's the show? Half the crap they write is terrible anyways, so now we wanna watch bad TV about writers coming up with bad TV?

If people barely watched Tough Enough, this show would get cancelled "quicker than a hiccup," to quote Good Ol' JR.
There is a lot of reason that this can't happen, One was mentioned above but a few more are out there.

1) You can't see how little work is really put into the scripting. I know they want you to think that there is a room full of guys sitting around talking out ideas but I don't see it that way. I see a few guys sitting there talking about the numbers when a write comes in and says hey I got this idea. It gets shot down then the small group take the idea to Vince and says hey we got and idea. Vince is to busy with other crap and says sure run with it. Show it to Triple H and tell him I said okay. Triple H shoots it down, and says "Having Heath Slater win a title is dumb try again". Yes the idea is that simple.

2) to see where the ideas really came from would ruin the creativity of the WWE. Scott Hall is Scar face, Repo man is what comes after most wrestlers once they have fallen off. Now a days there is nothing. Lets compare....

Just look at how the wwe once had creative idea and gimmicks now they are crap

Then and Now
Macho Man Funkasuarus
Mr. Perfect Damian Sandow
Takanka Sheamus
Hunter Triple H ( once he was a gimmick now just a man)
HBK Dashing
Narcissist Sin Cara
DiBiasie Alberto Del rio
Virgil Ricardo
Nation of Dom PTP

Not only are we just vomiting the same old crap up but the gimmicks are far worse. look at the the top guys CM Punk, Cena, Orton, Taker, Big show, all these guys are just names with no real gimmick to them at all. Event eh taker doesn't bury people, sit straight up or even enter like the dead man of old.
I love the idea. Although it would be improved if it had more to do with the overall production of the show. Show the crew setting the ring/ stage up. Insight from producers, ect.

You've literally pitched a reality show idea about writers writing another show. That sounds incredibly boring. I'm gonna watch some middle aged dude write something down, then nervously hand it to McMahon.... and that's the show? Half the crap they write is terrible anyways, so now we wanna watch bad TV about writers coming up with bad TV?

Uh huh...mhmm...Ok...NO.
If that's as creative as you get, I definitely wouldn't recommend a career of designing Hallmark cards for you. Do you honestly think that WWE or any reputable producer would consider that good television? The writing process would be the least featured element of the show! The majority of it would include conferences between creative, producers and Vince; this would include arguments and insightful looks at what WWE truely thinks of certain talents and how they'd like to push them. There could be transitional segments where talents discuss there thoughts about how the previous show went and either disagree or express satisfaction with their storyline. Another transitional segment would be fans from live events give their opinions of the shows quality. There are many possibilities, the best of which, WWE would exploit and make the show worthwhile and quite entertaining. Don't be so closeminded.
1) You can't see how little work is really put into the scripting. I know they want you to think that there is a room full of guys sitting around talking out ideas but I don't see it that way.

Every single person who has ever worked for the WWE -- wrestler, writer or agent -- in the past 30 years have talked about how much work goes into the stories, even the guys that get fired or leave with grievances. "How you see it" is completely irrelevant and your entire paragraph here is nothing but crap you pulled out of your ass.

Just look at how the wwe once had creative idea and gimmicks now they are crap

No, not at all, and half your examples are pretty awful. I suggest you do some actual research into gimmicks and understand that a person being themselves (or an exaggerated version of themselves) has always been much easier for fans to relate to than the awful gimmicks of the 70s, 80s and 90s.

all these guys are just names with no real gimmick to them at all.

The only way you could think this at all is if you have literally never watched a single minute of current or past wrestling in your life and you only ever read about it. All those games have their own style and personality they present on-screen, along with skills they present in the ring. They are far from "just names."
There is a lot of reason that this can't happen, One was mentioned above but a few more are out there.

1) You can't see how little work is really put into the scripting. I know they want you to think that there is a room full of guys sitting around talking out ideas but I don't see it that way. I see a few guys sitting there talking about the numbers when a write comes in and says hey I got this idea. It gets shot down then the small group take the idea to Vince and says hey we got and idea. Vince is to busy with other crap and says sure run with it. Show it to Triple H and tell him I said okay. Triple H shoots it down, and says "Having Heath Slater win a title is dumb try again". Yes the idea is that simple.

2) to see where the ideas really came from would ruin the creativity of the WWE. Scott Hall is Scar face, Repo man is what comes after most wrestlers once they have fallen off. Now a days there is nothing. Lets compare....

Just look at how the wwe once had creative idea and gimmicks now they are crap

Then and Now
Macho Man Funkasuarus
Mr. Perfect Damian Sandow
Takanka Sheamus
Hunter Triple H ( once he was a gimmick now just a man)
HBK Dashing
Narcissist Sin Cara
DiBiasie Alberto Del rio
Virgil Ricardo
Nation of Dom PTP

Not only are we just vomiting the same old crap up but the gimmicks are far worse. look at the the top guys CM Punk, Cena, Orton, Taker, Big show, all these guys are just names with no real gimmick to them at all. Event eh taker doesn't bury people, sit straight up or even enter like the dead man of old.

It's so easy to talk about how wonderful the gimmicks of the past are but that's only because we forget all the awful gimmicks from the late 80's and 90's. Gobbledy Gooker? Bastion Booger? Giant Gonzalez? Can you honestly tell me with a straight face that those gimmicks aren't as bad as some of the gimmicks we have today? Yeah, overall, we're in a pretty average period in terms of gimmicks. But at least we're not in the cartoon era of the early 90's.

And secondly, reusing the same ideas is what the entertainment industry is built on. 9 out of 10 ideas for TV shows, films, books (and yes, wrestling angles and gimmicks) are either completely ripped off from past media or modified. The vast majority of WWE gimmicks now are modified. Del Rio takes advantage of the 1% stuff as well as the immigration of Mexicans coming into America and becoming successful. That's far more evolved than Ted Dibiase, who was just a mean rich guy. But your nostalgia makes you think that the olden days were so much better when really the characters were a lot more simple and one dimensional.

Anyway, the idea of the show about writers is an interesting one and could be very interesting for wrestling fans if done properly. But I'm guessing there would need to be a lot of editing involved. A lot of shot down ideas, a lot of meetings that don't really go anywhere. But if you throw in some of the more interesting meetings, some footage of people getting shouted at by Vince, their interaction with the wrestlers, parts about how and when the scripts and show plans change suddenly, it could indeed be interesting.
There is a lot of reason that this can't happen, One was mentioned above but a few more are out there.

1) You can't see how little work is really put into the scripting. I know they want you to think that there is a room full of guys sitting around talking out ideas but I don't see it that way. I see a few guys sitting there talking about the numbers when a write comes in and says hey I got this idea. It gets shot down then the small group take the idea to Vince and says hey we got and idea. Vince is to busy with other crap and says sure run with it. Show it to Triple H and tell him I said okay. Triple H shoots it down, and says "Having Heath Slater win a title is dumb try again". Yes the idea is that simple.

2) to see where the ideas really came from would ruin the creativity of the WWE. Scott Hall is Scar face, Repo man is what comes after most wrestlers once they have fallen off. Now a days there is nothing. Lets compare....

Just look at how the wwe once had creative idea and gimmicks now they are crap

Then and Now
Macho Man Funkasuarus
Mr. Perfect Damian Sandow
Takanka Sheamus
Hunter Triple H ( once he was a gimmick now just a man)
HBK Dashing
Narcissist Sin Cara
DiBiasie Alberto Del rio
Virgil Ricardo
Nation of Dom PTP

Not only are we just vomiting the same old crap up but the gimmicks are far worse. look at the the top guys CM Punk, Cena, Orton, Taker, Big show, all these guys are just names with no real gimmick to them at all. Event eh taker doesn't bury people, sit straight up or even enter like the dead man of old.

Wait... are you comparing the list on the left to the list on the right? Macho Man/Funkasaurus? Narcissist/Sin Cara!? Nation of Domination/Primetime Players??? Really? I'm really confused.

& to JSmizzy... what you're describing sounds more like a total behind the scenes look at the WWE and the way it works. If you're familiar with HBO's "Hard Knocks" series where they follow a football team throughout their training camp, or similarly the way Showtime follows a baseball team during spring training in "The Franchise," then a show similar to that based on the WWE would indeed probably be entertaining to fans like you and I.

That show has a more broad venue whereas this thread mentioned a show focused on solely the creative team. I would much rather see a show where we get to see the way wrestlers work behind the scenes before and after Raw,SD, house shows, & PPVs. I'd be much more interested in the cameras following around the wrestlers as they travel from house show to Raw to SD! to house show etc.
I think your idea sounds EPIC! I would love that show!

Only problem, that some brought up already, is that "reality" based TV shows are always written and have a script.

So it would essentially be the writers getting forced to write a show about writers!
That is ALOT or WRITING!

If they kept is an "actual" reality show(obviously some stuff would still be written) and let the writers just live & come up with ideas, and the audience just really saw how ideas were created and came forth to television, that could be an amazing program that wrestling fans, ESPECIALLY hardcore fans, would love!

But that sounds basically like a documentry and it would probably only attract people who are ALREADY really dedicated fans.

And Vince is all about "Big Hollywood" not real life documentries and about creating New fans, not catering to the old ones.
Not only can this be done - but in a lot of ways it HAS been done. Go back and watch the E-360 on WrestleMania from a few years ago. It was brilliant and showed a lot of planning that went on behind the scenes, including storylines and such. There's no reason WWE can't incorporate that into a show.

I'd like to address two reasons people have stated for this not being a viable idea:

1) Too much writing with writers writing about writers. They'd hire different writers for this show. There's little chance that the WWE is going to start a network, host new original shows and not have a writing staff separate from Raw/Smackdown.

2) It gives away future plans. Not necessarily. If the WWE were to run the show from September - January, then they could conceivably do all the filming from January through September. In essence, we'd be seeing everything well after it aired on Raw/Smackdown.

Lastly, I just want to break down some this list ... because... well it's F'ing awful.

Then and Now

Macho Man Funkasuarus
... I don't remember the Macho Man EVER dancing. I'd have accepted D. Bryan in place of Brodus Clay or even Rikishi in place of the Macho Man

Mr. Perfect Damian Sandow
...Really? Sandow? Really? I'd accept Ziggler here - but that still wouldn't be the same gimmick.

Takanka Sheamus
...An actual Native American and a self-proclaimed Celtic Warrior aren't even in the same ballpark. There is ZERO similarity.

Hunter Triple H ( once he was a gimmick now just a man)
... So in a list to say how they've re-hashed gimmicks, you're saying that Triple H changed his gimmick? How does that even fit into your argument?

Narcissist Sin Cara
... WTF?!
It could work if it was part of a bigger program. An entire series just of writing a program would be boring, but say they filmed interviews with all the writers, showed wrestlers being given their gimmicks and how they respond to them, showed guys backstage working out spots for their match later that evening, they could make it interesting. At least it'd be better than maybe half of the other reality shows on TV.
They'd have to limit it though, they couldn't show every angle. They'd have to wait like a year to broadcast the footage as well in case they wanted to revisit the feud, but I could see it being interesting in the way that "The Making Of" features on DVDs are interesting.
I think that the whole angle of having a show showing some of the backstage stuff could work, like we know that like HHH/Taker discussed spots for their match at WM 28. They could do something like that, show 2 wrestlers that may not necessarily in a match on TV discussing the spots in a particular match they are to work together, etc
I think a lot of it is they don't want to end up spoiling atorylines already in progress or stuff they're coming up with. There's a reason why Brodus Clay got in big trouble for telling people on twitter that he was going to be beating up John Morrison. yes people know it's scripted. We also know movies, sitcoms, cartoons, and soap operas are scripted too. The thing is the fun in watching is seeing how it's going to play out and what direction the story's gonna go.

And yes we know it's scripted but we don't wanna be beaten over the head with it. We want to see the characters. People watch wrestling for the spectacle, the larger than life personalities. We want to see The Undertaker not Mark Calloway. Sometimes there needs to be a fourth wall in our entertainment. Not everything needs to be all Meta all the time.

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