It Pays To Have Booze


Lord And Master
Staff member
For one, I don't drink alcohol. It's been a enemy my whole life. But lately, I've realized just what people would do around here for some beer. We've used beer as currency in my household for ages and it's gotten us:

+ Two constructed houses

+ A painted and repaired car following a major accident.

+ Shit cleaned out of the horse stable.

+ Horsebreeding

I ask. What would you do for free, unlimited beer?
Try and use it to get you smuggled out that 3rd world country you call home and get on the next midnight canoe to the land of the free, how much beer would that cost you??
Try and use it to get you smuggled out that 3rd world country you call home and get on the next midnight canoe to the land of the free, how much beer would that cost you??

Immature and ignorant on your part. you don't see me taking shots at wherever you're from.
Fuck Frankie Boyle on Mock The Week! All he did was hammer the Scots. That's fine for a little while but when you make a name for yourself pissing all over your own countrymen, it becomes pretty repetitive.

That being said, I saw his last live show and it was utterly brilliant.

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