It is their life/they are not their job


Pre-Show Stalwart
People do this with every type of celeb, they treat them like they can only do their job or define them by it. I know there are tons of CM Punk things probably and this may get moved or deleted but this is very important for some to read.

CM Punk is 35, he's been wrestling literally since he was 14, professional 18
he's straight edge so that means no pain killers and he's mentioned his insomnia a few times. 35 is pretty old already for wrestling. In my opinion I hate it when guys go to WWE and have just started wrestling at 30, the perfect age is 18 or even younger to get started. I hate to sound melodramatic but rings are not soft, I've been to wrestling school before and all rings are different.

Punk had been taking bumps since he was 14, no pain killers, not anything.

Now my second point is this is the perfect age for Punk to get married. If Punk
gets married, has kids and is happy going to sports events and concerts, why can't people be mature and deal with it, it's HIS life.

Punk is 35, if you honestly think he'll make a comeback at 40 when/if he has kids, that's just insane. Be happy for him or don't but seething for him to come back is not a win-win situation.
People are desperate for CM Punk to come back to the WWE because they miss seeing him on their tv, and enjoy watching him wrestle. Of course people realise he is a bit worn out and broken down at the moment, and obviously has just got married and wants to spend time with his family. Most people understand the reasons why he left WWE, but as a fan they are hoping he returns soon, thats all.

It's nothing to do with people being immature or not, they just miss their favourite wrestler.
In this situation, I think Triple Naitch is right for the most part. A lot of people are fans of CM Punk, hell I'm a fan of the guy, and would like to see him back in the ring. It's perfectly natural and if he feels he's willing, ready & able and does return soon, I'm all for it. If not, I hope he enjoys his life. One way or another, I doubt we've seen the last of Punk in pro wrestling altogether.

I'm sure some of it does come from a degree of immaturity, however, in some cases. Some fans, for whatever strange reason, either are unable or unwilling to wrap their heads around the notion that professional wrestlers are human beings every bit as much as they are. Punk may very well be physically worn out. He's been wrestling for, literally, his entire adult life and a job as physically demanding as pro wrestling is going to take its toll. A lot of these fans are the same ones that want to see guys set on fire, cracked across the skull a dozen times with metal folding chairs, bleed all over & get blood all over another wrestler while running the risk of catching or spreading an infectious disease, wrestle on barbed wire, get tossed off the tops of cages or balconies, etc. on a regular basis without regard to the trauma it causes.
Yes, we know. It's a community of selfish idiots wrestling tends to play to. They can't do the math or figure that not everyone likes having the shit beat of out of them for years on end even if it's for millions.

I don't hold anything against Punk for leaving. Whether it's due to unhappiness with his status or just his health, he chose to stand down quietly and respectfully rather than cause a fuss unlike his 2011 shoot promo. Why people make a big deal out of it is beyond me, but they make it sound like he deserted the fans and he apparently owed them something.
People do this with every type of celeb, they treat them like they can only do their job or define them by it. I know there are tons of CM Punk things probably and this may get moved or deleted but this is very important for some to read.

CM Punk is 35, he's been wrestling literally since he was 14, professional 18
he's straight edge so that means no pain killers and he's mentioned his insomnia a few times. 35 is pretty old already for wrestling. In my opinion I hate it when guys go to WWE and have just started wrestling at 30, the perfect age is 18 or even younger to get started. I hate to sound melodramatic but rings are not soft, I've been to wrestling school before and all rings are different.

Punk had been taking bumps since he was 14, no pain killers, not anything.

Now my second point is this is the perfect age for Punk to get married. If Punk
gets married, has kids and is happy going to sports events and concerts, why can't people be mature and deal with it, it's HIS life.

Punk is 35, if you honestly think he'll make a comeback at 40 when/if he has kids, that's just insane. Be happy for him or don't but seething for him to come back is not a win-win situation.

Punk is going a wonderful and arguably the best thing for "wrestlers" or as Vince calls them "Sports Entertainers".. but he's not doing it to benefit, but to be the guy "who got out and changed it".

Let's not BS... every WWE superstar is an actor... on a TV show... technically they should all be SAG registered. Same as Woody and Matt for True Detective, Mads, Hugh and Fishburne for Hannibal or Jimmy Kimmel for his show...

Somehow Vince gets away with them not being, arguably cos he pitches them as "stuntmen with acting ability". Yet everytime WWE makes a movie with Kane, they either have to work with SAG (recent films with bigger names) or like they did early doors, work outside that system..

Punk is the kind of guy who is not only gonna notice this but make a point of raising it not only with Vince but with SAG and the others... not directly but when Rock signs up for a stint, or Batista it's on the basis of it being "a role"... they comply with SAG requirements...When Punk talked about "Dwayne" it wasn't just the preferential treatment from Vince, it was the protection he gets that he (Punk) didn't... SAG mandates and rules made sure that any injury Dwayne faced at Mania (which he "did") would be covered, Batista now will have that cos Marvel will protect their investment in him... but it shows how little protection the real roster actually has. There is no union, no one to comment or decide but Vince... the last thing Vince wants is SAG involvment, but the reality is it should be there already... You never hear of "heat" on the set of the Walking Dead meaning Norman Reedus can sideline a new character... you never hear of "botches" on How I Met Your Mother or Breaking Bad ruining a storyline...cos it's not allowed by union rules... but it's the norm in WWE...

For all regular TV wrestlers, this is messed up... their life as the OP puts it is not equal to peers, yet they fight for the same ratings.

Those below that tier WANT to be in it.. to suffer...

Jesse Ventura got blackballed for proposing a union... it exists it's called SAG... and "Sorry"Vince, but EVERY performer you have should be subject to their rules... cos after all it's "not real" said so...
Yes, it's true the sun will still come up tomorrow regardless of whether or not CM Punk resumes his wrestling career, but while there's no cause to damn him for walking off the job, I see no reason to praise him, either.

Forbes says Punk has assets of $7 million? Bully for him, but the reason he has lots of money is because he's chosen a profession in which people follow what he does; people want to watch him do it. When a plumber comes to fix the pipes in your home, he doesn't draw a crowd of people hollering as he turns the wrench, right? When the toll collector at a bridge takes your money as you drive through in your car, there aren't people standing next to the tollbooth, cheering him on as he does it, are there?

No, but when Punk wrestles, there are thousands in attendance and millions at home anxious to watch him perform; it's the reason he earns more money in a year than any of us will see in our lifetimes. He picked his profession. Yes, he can abandon it, but folks who loyally followed him might feel betrayed; it goes with the territory.

Personally, I could care less what he does with his life, but I have no problem with folks who are bitter about Punk leaving. We may laugh at them for actually considering it important to concern themselves with the comings & goings of this guy, but isn't loyalty among wrestling fans what Phil Brooks wanted to inspire in the first they would become fans of his and want him around to entertain them? That's what made him all this money, after all.

One thing that keeps coming up in all these Punk posts: many folks are presuming that WWE is still paying him as he sits on the sidelines. But is it so? After all, the guy is in breach of contract; surely the company doesn't have to pay him while he sits out, do they?

From a professional standpoint, that is of more interest to me than whether he performs in the ring or not, 'cause if I can find a way to stop working at my job while still getting paid by my employer, I need Punk to let me in on how to arrange it.

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