Isn't Justin Credible apart of the kliq?

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CM Steel

A REAL American
The kliq. The infamous backstage faction that included the likes of Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Triple H, Sean Waltman (the kid), and Justin Credible. We all remember and followed the career of Justin Crdible in the WWF/E & ECW.

While Justin Credible wrestled in the WWF as Aldo Montoya ( in a mask). He was in the lower mid-card ranks wrestling & tag teaming with members of the kliq. But it was later on in ECW where P.J. Walker aka Justin Credible made a name for himself in that promotion by winning the ECW tag team title's with Lance Storm, and won the ECW heavyweight title. So Justin Credible is the only member of the kliq who wrestled in ECW.

And after ECW folded in 2001, it was more of the same back in the WWF/E as a wrestler with being in the lower mis-card ranks. Even though he was in a faction with X-Pac & Albert.

So why doesn't anybody during this wrestling era reconize Justin Credible as a member of the kliq? Because he didn't appear at this years WWE hall of famer during the kliq curtain call after HBK Shawn Michaels was inducted into this years class?
No one recognises him as part of The Kliq because he was never a member of it.

Sure, he's Waltman's cousin but even so, that relation to a member of it doesn't automatically make Credible a member. It'd be like Horace Boulder becoming a major star because of his famous uncle, did it happen? Nope.
Because he's an insignificant factor? I don't get it, he was in the WWF for all of what, 2 or 3 years? Why should we acknowledge that he was in the Kliq when nothing ever came of it?

In reality, Justin was a member of the Kliq in the same way that Vincent was a part of the NWO. He was friends with the other members. He never used it to get higher bookings, like he could have anyway, and he never amounted to anything. Why should we acknowledge someone who was lower than fucking Waltman on the Totem Pole?
Credible was the "bag boy" of the Kliq. Nothing more, nothing less. And it's not like there was an official membership list anyway.
Yes, Justin Credible is part of "The Kliq." And also, Justin's not the only one to wrestle in ECW.. towards the end of ECW, Scott Hall made an appearance and I believe he wrestled Credible.. :)

I think there's a video of it on youtube..
I guess he wasnt as close to the guys as the others were. You have other guys like Kipp James and Billy Gunn who also teamed with DX but arent part of that inner circle. Who knows, maybe they all keep in touch, but a family relation doesnt mean you automatically get along with you're relative's acquaintances.
So Justin Credible is the only member of the kliq who wrestled in ECW.

So why doesn't anybody during this wrestling era reconize Justin Credible as a member of the kliq?

Actually Scott Hall wrestled a few matches there while suspended from WCW. However, I think you just made your point. The thing that makes the Kliq so famous is what the members did. Half of them went to WCW and started the NWO. The other half stayed in WWE and started DX. Hell, Waltman did both. Thats why people remember them. They were giving shots out to each other on RAW and Nitro while Credible was wrestling in ECW.

While he was a member of the Kliq, (HBK says so in a shoot from 2000), he just never really did anything. The Kliq is remembered as a group of friends that stuck together and made it to the top of the wrestling world. Credible just wasn't on the level of Hall, Nash, Triple H, or HBK, and wasn't as talented in the ring as Pac. He didn't have the pull to demand higher pay. Moreover, it's probably like every clique of friends people have in high school. There are four or five guys that are always together, and one or two that are around sometimes. Like others said, he was a fringe member.
The sad part about Credible is this, he was a big player in Ecw during his time. I do remember seeing him as a kid when I watched the show. But more so now that I've looked up alot of his shit. His match with Shane Douglas was brutal, he beat the shit out of Shane. Really to this day outside of him fucking over two great tallents in Tna, that's all I can really remember from him. He also broke the leg of Mikey Whipwreck, and had a small great series with Sasuke.

Justin was a great tag wrestler with Storm to, fuck he trained in the dungeon with him and Stu Heart. That should give him some cred, he was a good wrestler. But I guess he just let the indi's get to him. I know he still wrestles for Icp's shit promotion, but I have only seen one thing from him, along with his lackluster match aganst Richards in Tna.

All in all I'm not sure if he was being mentored by the Kliq, or just one of their friends. I'm not sure if he was or wasn't. But I guess if he was Trips and Co. get free breadsticks when they see him.
I was completely unaware of Credible having any links to The Kliq, so this surprises me. I am going to have to read up more on this.

If he was friends with Waltman, HHH etc in his early days in WWE as Aldo Montoya then he surely cannot have had alot of influence in the group, as he was never pushed in any form in WWE, and knowing the Kliq's backstage influence that must signify something.

I always rated Credible, but although he may have been friends with guys in the Kliq, he must have only been around the fringes of it, rather than in their inner circle. If he had been, then he would have certainly been a more prominant figure in WW after doing well in ECW and returning to the company as a faily well known name.
I never understood this as well..yes he was in the kliq but for some reason didn't get much out of it, all the other guys were getting pushed to the moon and he was barley a mid carder. Hopefully somebody here knows why cuz im curious.
Sad to say but the only thing Credible stands out to me for is the one DX promo where the dressed up as The Corperation (i think is what they were called, someone can correct me if im wrong)...
Originally posted by Heartbreak_Kid_707

Sad to say but the only thing Credible stands out to me for is the one DX promo where the dressed up as The Corperation (i think is what they were called, someone can correct me if im wrong)...

Yeah I'll correct you because you are wrong;) You are getting confused there buddy, I would say you are thinking of comedian Jason Sensation dressed up as Owen Hart (who was in The Nation at the time). DX did dress up as The Corporation also, but it didnt include Justin Credible, he was in ECW at the time.

I remember in Bret Hart's book he says that he was offered membership in the Kliq on a tour of Europe, crazy stuff. I've also heard Sid was tight with them too. Would I consider Credible a member? Hmmm. Associate maybe....
LOL..thanks for correcting me, yup..i was getting the guys mixed up but i clearly remember Jason Sensation now after you mentioned it...i guess i just needed my memory jogged a
The Kliq is just a group of people who are friends in real life, there is no official membership or anything. The reason people don't associate him with them is that he never had any memorable on-screen connection to any of them. You can point to X-Factor but I said memorable.
Justin Credible a member of the Kliq? You have got to be kidding me. No where in any shoot interviews was Credible's name ever mentioned. It was also well known that if anybody was supposedly the "lowest ranked" in the group it was Triple H. He was the last member to "join" the group on the road according to Kevin Nash. Sure Credible was an acquaintance even going as far as performing for HBK's promotion T.W.A. down in San Antonio on several occasions but nothing more.
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