Is WWE Dropping the Ball on CM Punk?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so I was watching smackdown on youtube today and when I read one of the comments He said the WWE Dropped the Ball on CM Punk. And I disagree on that comment. I think isn't dropping the ball on Punk. yes it sucks that he is not in the wwe title picture. But I think he is in a Bigger storyline.

I think his feud with Nash and hopefully soon with HHH will get him to be the next top dog on Raw. I think his storyline right now will get him up there. I know this topic maybe over done but do you think WWE is dropping the ball on Punk?
how the fuck are they dropping the ball?

O, I know, CM Punk marks think he should have won the title clean. Newsflash, you can't be a charcter fighting the man and held down by the man with the fucking title.

He TRIED to get the title back but Nash keeps fucking with him. They're doing fine with his character and, in all likelihood, Punk has a LOT of input on the story and his character.
No, WWE are dropping the ball on Nash.
Nash pretty much made himself look like a jackass being lead to the slaughter with Punk a couple of weeks back. And 99% of the crowd knew it.
Punk is over, Del Rio was long over due his title run steaming from Rumble to Mania then to Extreme Rules, plus WWE are in Mexico next month or October so having Rio win the belt at SummerSlam and defend it against Cena gets him over with some cred leading to Mexico.

Rumors are come Survivor Series, we'll have HHH and Punk do battle, rumors say HHH will go over who knows?
By the looks of things Punk is going to be a staple of Main Eventing RAW and PPV's in the future months, so no WWE hasn't dropped the ball on Punk, I truly expect him to get the belt back around TLC-Rumble.
Clearly WWE is not "dropping the ball" with CM Punk. You do have to give Punk a lot of credit for what he has done over the past couple of months. He has been phenomenal as of late and easily one of the most enjoyable parts of wrestling. Still, WWE has allowed all of this to happen. Every single thing we have seen on television has been given the green light. CM Punk has been put into a very prominent role and given a world title. There simply isn't any way to argue he isn't being used correctly. Just this past Monday Punk was featured in 3 different segments, all of which portrayed him as a major force. Punk is firmly entrenched in the main event scene now, even if he isn't champion. WWE hasn't dropped the ball, they have given it to Punk and told him to run with it.
Just because he is not champion, doesn't mean the "ball is being dropped." CM Punk is now a made man. He is in that upper elite echelon of performers that surpassed the need for golden props to draw money. It can't hurt if and when he has the belt, for he has proven of being capable to carry the company, but he doesn't need it. That's where guys like Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Triple H and John Cena have been residing those last couple of years. Punk is the new guy in that club.

Instead he is given the big returning celebrity to work with, a special perk for special guys. We cannot expect an exceptional match between the two, but it will definitely be interesting and fun. And make no mistake about it, THAT is the current top storyline on Raw, not Del Rio and Cena.
cm punk is the new "man." who kicks out of the aa? yet punk does it all the time. the guy is over. he got screwed over by nash, and now nash is going to put him over. he may not be what he use to, but nash was part of the biggest angle in wrestling history. the wwe is building cm punk up huge, not dropping the ball on him.
I would like to ask why you read the youtube comments? Those posters are ******ed. They're the worst of the worst. It's constant WWE bitching....yet you see the same people post on each part of the video every week. They are still in the "I just found out wrestling is fake so I'm going to bash the mainstream WWE and jerk off to indy wrestling" phase.

Like most people on here (and me) have said, they aren't dropping the ball on him. People who think he should have the title are marks who don't understand Punk's character and only know that they like it.

Anyone know how much influence Punk has on his stories and character? It seems like he's been given a lot of freedom with all this (so really if the ball ever is dropped it'd probably be Punk's own doing).
I honestly can't see how anyone could seriously believe that the WWE is "dropping the ball" when it comes to CM Punk. For months now, CM Punk has been the single hottest wrestler in the world and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon.

Punk is more over now than he's ever been and it's not at all hard to understand why. His promo work, while consistently top notch over the past few years, has been pure gold as of late and his matches are must see events. His feud with Cena has been extremely interesting and it's led to tons of questions and general intrigue regarding both wrestlers and the future of the WWE Championship.

I can understand some of the frustration with Punk not being WWE Champion but his brief time as champion has only been part of a much bigger, more complex story that could ultimately make him an even bigger star. It looks as if the Punk vs. Nash program could be part of something in which Punk winds up feuding with the power structure of the WWE, or at least part of it. Did Triple H "text" Nash? Did JL make some sort if power move on his own? Did Stephanie do it and is she the mastermind behind it all? Maybe Vince himself will return soon and be the one? Look at what a feud between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon did for Austin back in 1998. The WWE has cast Punk as this rebel that's raging against the establishment and generally trying to buck the system. It's a natural fit for Punk as it goes hand in hand with many of his own personal beliefs in life.

Plus, look at it this way: CM Punk has two huge title wins over John Cena. Cena took his eye off the ball at MITB and paid the consequences for being the ultimate good guy. Punk pinned Cena legitimately at SummerSlam and it's not his fault that Triple H "made a mistake" by not seeing Cena's foot on the ropes. On Raw this week, Punk looked to have Cena where he wanted him yet again and a distraction from Kevin Nash allowed Cena to recover and get the win. Maybe Cena is going to be in cahoots with someone.

Punk & Cena can resume their feud at a later point without any loss of momentum. One huge reason why that's so is because CM Punk looks like he consistently has Cena's number. Punk is definitely on the winning side of this feud at this point, his matches with Cena have been great, the ones at MITB & SummerSlam were epic encounters, and the WWE Championship will be waiting for Punk later on.

So no, the WWE isn't messing anything up with CM Punk. All they're doing right now is cementing his place, finally, as one of the top guys, and eventually maybe THE top guy, in the company.
CM Punk is now a made man. He is in that upper elite echelon of performers that surpassed the need for golden props to draw money.

Well said. It's ironic how so many people on this forum complain that everything revolves around Cena and that he's used as the top man in every angle in which he's involved. Others claim that Cena is unselfish because he's put so many other people over.

Okay, so now we've got a guy who's as over as Cena (well, almost). Punk has risen to the top echelon and can also be used to elevate others.

So why keep Punk and Cena fighting only each other? There's plenty of time for that and nothing has happened to suggest their feud has ended. In fact, the degree of intrigue that's been established as to exactly how they feel about each other adds spice to the weekly proceedings.

Now we're seeing the new programs form: We thought it would be Punk who dealt with Del Rio, since Alberto is the guy who "briefcased" the title away from him. Instead, Cena is going after Alberto.

We're also seeing Kevin Nash finally in a program. I figured he would have a beef with the top guy in the company: Cena. Instead, he's got a bug up his butt about Punk. Honestly, while Cena could put Nash over, it's Punk who could use his technical excellence to most likely have a better match with the old guy.

Okay, so after Cena-Del Rio and Punk-Nash ends, they may switch "partners" and start fresh angles. Or, they might go back to Punk-Cena at that time.

Eventually, it's going to come to that, anyway. Punk just signed a new contract and Cena is a WWE-lifer; there's no urgency to completing their involvement with each other.

The ball is still in the air on C.M. Punk........not to worry.
How can WWE be considered to have dropped the ball if CM Punk is currently one of the hottest stars in professional wrestling. He is either in action or in some segment for at least 10-20 mins on every RAW and is in one of the most intriguing storyline for a long time.

Also, now his T-Shirt sales are quite high. If the ball was dropped on him, the WWE would not stock that many of his T-Shirts.

Finally, this week on RAW, Cena himself said that Punk is the only superstar that he considers his equal. That is quite some praise.
"Not Over", "Dropping the Ball" no way, WWE is pushing him to an Austin level. They officially broke the fourth wall for Punk, having him feud with HHH and the Clique members, and Laurinitis is paraded out as the big shot he is trying to screw punk. He is being given a chance bigger than the belt which was a place reserved for Hogan in the day, AUstin, The Rock, and Taker.
Just becuase he dosent have the tittle dosent mean the ball was dropped. He's in a bigger story line now bigger than cena's! CM punk was being build JUST IMAGINE he lost the tittle due to cheating and cena won by distraction. THats not dropping the ball. Cm punk is in something bigger, better. He will be in the tittle picture again eventually right now i can say hes on the right path. Hope cena dosent win the tittle.....
Is WWE dropping the ball on CM Punk?


But here's why.

CM Punk is on the top of his game right now, he is in perhaps the best feud we have seen in years. Punk vs Nashs/clique is a fresh change of pace compared to the same old same old, Cena vs the flavor of the month. Punk doesn't need the WWE title to get over with the fans now. He is currently in the club house with guys like Stone Cold, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and The Undertaker, they only won the world title 3-6 times in their careers. But when they won the title they stole the show and when they didn't have the strap, those guys still performed at a top-tier level.

Besides that CM Punk is dominating merch sales of his "Best in the World" T-Shirt. Hell, even I bought a shirt from their website as soon as I could. Punks new fresh shirt helps with his image, being the "Snark, arrogant asshole" who isn't afraid to rock the boat to get what he wants. No way in hell do I see the WWE dropping the ball with CM Punk, if anything. CM Punk was the best thing to happen to the WWE in a very, very long time.
First the posters on youtube know nothing lol,but no WWE are certainly not dropping the ball on CM Punk.The fued he is in at the moment is bigger than the WWE title fued and will get more air time in the weeks to come.CM Punk's new character is a badass personal and i personally dont think he even needs the title,he is good enough without it and dont need it at all.Obviously he will be a multiple champ in the future after his current fued is over and they are also building up Del Rio so they use Cena to put him over,WWE will not drop the ball with Punk when he is the hottest thing in the WWE in years and his merchandise sales have gone up massivly.
It depends - where did you think the ball was going to end up?

Did you believe this was the beginning of a new era? If so, did you believe CM Punk was going to become the face of the WWE? If that's what you thought was going to happen, sure, they've dropped the ball... in your opinion.

Did you think this was just another angle? A way to get Punk more over than he was before? If so, no, they've done a great job with it.

The real problem is expectations. Every Cena hater on the planet (myself excluded :)) seemingly went insane. We have a new face! Cena'z finished! In all honesty, you have no one to blame but yourself. Cena was never giving up his spot. Vince never wanted Cena to give up his spot. Punk isn't taking his spot.

If you don't like being disappointed, keep your expectations at a realistic level.
No. How would they be dropping the ball with him? The WWE have been pushing for a Del Rio/Cena feud for months now they needed Punk out of the title picture for a while. And it was smart that they put him in a very interesting program with one of the most recognizable names in wrestling history.

Just think about it Kevin Nash doesn't have anything left to prove. I think he's gonna put over Punk eventually. And then after the Cena/Del Rio feud Punk can get back in the title picture.

Punk is still very credible and is the best thing going on in the WWE. I can't imagine how many fans the WWE would lose if they actually drop the ball on Punk. He's too populat now. Even the kids are getting into him. I think he's finally on the same level as Cena and Orton. One of the top faces of the company.
I made a thread on here that asked if Punk was bigger than the WWE title (which eventually was merged in like 8 other threads) and I explained the exact thing the OP did - Punk is in a bigger feud, with a bigger purpose and more entertainment value than Cena vs. Del Rio. WWE isn't dropping the ball on Punk whatsoever, he had three segments on RAW this week (more than anyone else besides Triple H) and has been in the main event for every event he's been a part of since July. Who cares if he's champion? It's just a prop that gets tossed around these days anyway.

Once the title gets taken seriously by creative I'll take it seriously but until then Punk is the biggest thing on RAW and I don't see that changing soon.
You dumb CM Punk bandwaggoner. I hate kids like this who have no idea what wrestling terms mean. CM Punk does not NEED the WWE Title to be a ' big playa ' in the WWE. What CM Punk needs is a healthy feud away believe it or not from the WWE Title scene whilst Cena is still there. Those two have put on a couple of classics and so by giving them time away if they somehow meet in the future they can once again take the Wrestling scene ablaze.

Chill, Punk from here on out is going to be a commodity and is now on par with the likes of Orton, Cena and Mysterio in terms of faces. Wait till the text turns out to be from Jericho or something shocking, then you'll have to eat your words.
Punk has made it as a guy who does not need a title to become relevant and popular. The Punk/HHH/Nash storyline is going to shadow any and every WWE title storyline over and the next few months.

They aren't dropping the ball. Unlike the old days, a wrestler doesn't need a title in order to be over with the crowd.
As much as I would've liked to see CM Punk have a lengthy title reign, I'll throw in another vote for the "Punk doesn't need the title" idea. I see the current CM Punk storyline like Stone Cold in late 1998. Like Punk, Austin got screwed out of the title, but remained a fixture in the main-event because of his red-hot feuds with the Undertaker and Mr. McMahon. That was arguably the best work of Austin's career and he didn't have the belt. Even though Punk doesn't have the belt, feuding with the corporate brass will continue to keep him high on the match cards. I haven't seen an episodic storyline this engaging in years. And Punk is over enough that he can jump right back into the title picture when he is needed, although I'm still skeptical about the WWE's faith in him.
The only way they may be dropping the ball with Punk is that by feuding with Nash (and maybe HHH down the road), he's not in the title picture. Punk has finally managed to break through into the top tier, so I hardly think they've dropped the ball with him.
I can't see how they are dropping the ball with him. I look forward to seeing whats happening in terms of the storyline each week. I think it's good that they are letting something slowly unravel rather than rushing it through. Should pay off well in the end hopefully whichever direction the storyline goes in.
how the hell is punk getting buried? just because hes out of the title picture doesnt mean hes getting buried! he beat cena 2 ppvs in a row and then del rio cashed in (which i still think was a mistake as i think punk should have been fighting against triple h,nash and whoever else is with them with the wwe title around his waist) but even without the title hes not getting buried hes in a fued with nash and there gonna have a match possibly as soon as night of champions bottom line is no CM Punk is NOT being buried and the ball has not been dropped one bit
they are far from dropping the ball with punk. punk is in the hottest storyline in professional wrestling right now. he doesnt need to be in the title picture. alot of people complain about the smallest things and frankly im getting tired of it.
I find it amusing that the insant someone loses a title it makes so many people automatically think that WWE dropped the ball with that wrestler. It's like Nick said.... Those who thought Punk was the new face of WWE starting a new era were destined to be disappointed. The guy got a great push and is still in it. Going over Nash and standing up to Trips is helping Punk in his push. They did not drop the ball with Punk because they instead are merely trying to further the storyline without the world title being involved so that it can be used to build up Del Rio at the same time.

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