Is Triple H Done Winning Titles?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
If I'm not mistaken Triple H is sitting on 13 world titles which is three shy of Ric Flair's record. There was a time that it seemed inevitable that he would be the one to break that record. Now it's been almost three years since he's been champion and he's a part time in ring competitor to say the least. Instead of Triple H, guys like Cena and Orton are considered the favorites to break Flair's record. I'm not looking to turn this into a "who will break the record" discussion or a "the titles have been devalued" discussion. This is about Triple H and if he is likely to reign as champion again. What do you think? Is Triple H done winning titles or does he have another full time run as champion in him?
Personally, I don't think that Triple H is done winning titles. Having said that, I don't think he is going to win three or four more titles, so Flair's record, once considered a formality to be beaten by Triple H as you said, is safe from Triple H and will in fact fall to John Cena for sure, but that's another discussion for another day.

I think that Triple H is still in great shape physically and is still more than able to go in the ring. I think his days of competing on a full time basis are behind him as he transitions into a backstage authority figure both in reality and kayfabe. So he won't be front and centre in any title picture. But I do think he will want to taste the gold one final time. It may not be for long, and it may be brought on by unexpected circumstances such as injury or WP violations. I think the day will come that someone will be needed to step up and carry the ball for a short while due to circumstances, and Triple H will be ready, willing, and able to fill the niche one final time.

Triple H may have been enticed by the lure of beating Flair's record (possibly), but because this record will obviously be smashed by the better, more over, and younger Cena, the appeal of this is likely gone. Look for one final short token face title run for Triple H, the wrestler, before the eventual permanent transition to Triple H, the executive.
I think that HHH will only win the title if there is a lack of quality performers on Raw due to injury or something and as that seems unlikely, I believe that he has a very slim of chance of winning the title again. HHH has reached that stage of his career when he does not need to win the title in order to stay over much like Undertaker these days or HBK in his second run.

I think that he will continue performing on a part time basis like he is doing these days in order to give a rub to some deserving performer or to come back for some legendary match. He does not really need to win any more titles. He has given the rub to everybody he possibly could both as a heel( Cena, Batista) and as a face( Orton). The roster is at that state wherein wrestlers are getting over without even needing a rub from an Attitude Era star like HHH. In fact Orton and Cena are both moving into that zone where they will be used more to give people a rub than to carry a show. In such circumstances the services of HHH as an in ring performer are being required lesser by the day.
HHH is not done winning titles. I can see it now. Heel HHH winning the title as the COO of WWE and being the heel boss for some one like CM Punk to have to over come. Hes going to be like Vince but have credible in ring talents And not just be the boss of the company who takes steroids.
I would be very surprised if HHH ever won the world title again.

At this point in his career, a HHH match is a pretty big draw without any titles involved.

It wouldn't make much sense to give a semi-retired guy that type of push. The only way I can see HHH having another world title reign, is as the result of some type of storyline swerve, in which case his time as champion wouldn't last long.
I sure hope he is done winning titles. It does nothing for the future of the company if he does keep winning the belts. They have a problem with a lack of current main eventers and putting the belt on a guy on his way out does more to hurt that than help it.

He might have a few title matches from here on out, but he won't win them. It'll be to put other, more current dudes over to cement them in main event status. As he gets more into the business side of the industry, he'll finally see the value in that.
I think HHH would have loved to beat Flairs record...but too many people accused him of trying sleep his way to the he got tired and just said screw it...

if you notice he had 10 before 2006..the year he married her...( i think)...

now he's only got 13...

imagine what would have happened if HHH hadnt maried her...

he'd either be retired...
he'd be a 20 something time champion and Cena would be basically be in TNA...
I have a strong feeling that Triple H will win the WWE or the World Title again, but WWE World Title # 14 should be expected. A Heel COO stripping CM Punk and Daniel Bryan of their respective Championships and awarding himself the Undisputed WWE World Championship, giving him # 15 and # 16 simultaneously, now that would be a twist!! Then to spite Flair himself (storyline purposes), he goes and wins # 17 against the Undertaker at WM XXXI. Okay, that went a little too far.
I think he is done winning titles.

Being a Champion is a huge responsibility, you have to be the locker room leader, you have to represent the company, you do more PR work than anybody (except maybe Cena) With Triple H's backstage responsibilities, I don't think he could handle the schedule of a champion. Nevermind that he would have to be on the road full time at every house show.

I think he's content with mostly being an executive and spending time with his kids.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that Trips is never winning another title.... His career is certainly nearing its end when it comes to in-ring action though. He is no longer wrestling full time, and guys like Punk are being pushed into the championship scene as the mainstays. Trips will not be the one to break Flair's record. Cena is now right behind him in number of titles won, and is still wrestling on a weekly basis. I can see Cena or even Orton dethroning Flair, but no longer Trips. I used to be a huge supporter of Triple H breaking the record back in the day. It won't happen though and I am ok with that. Cena deserves it more anyway for his passion.

Triple H is better off not chasing any more titles. He can always put over a few guys like he did for Punk last semester and come back to do more feuds like those. He'll be taking over for Vince in the future (in real life) someday, and it would be great to see him return from a kayfabe'd standpoint to the leadership role, get rid of JL and have Trips run the show again. I see one more world title run left in HHH, MAYBE two. That's pushing it though. He's more or less done now. It's time for a new group of guys to be at the top and Trips is not going to be winning titles again anytime soon because he is smart enough to realize that.
I can see Triple H having another run as champion, but I don't see him beating Flair's record unless he does a 180 and gets back into ring-action full-time. He's winding his career down, so when he does wrestle, he's not really close to the title hunt. But that's okay- he is one of the rare stars that doesn't need to be chasing the title in order to be very over. Instead, he's an asset that can be placed into any feud and give it immediate relevance. That's just his name power. Sort of like how HBK was after his last title reign- he didn't get that many titles matches afterward, but ALL of his feuds/matches were must-see and top-notch. HHH is a draw without being in the title hunt, and the WWE knows that and will utilize that fact.

However, as I said, I wouldn't rule him returning to the title hunt maybe one more time before he's officially done. I mean, his character was centered around winning titles and being "the king". I'd argue that him winning titles is practically a part of his character. However, the fact that he has 13 world titles and could get more will be argued away by the idiotic smarks that think he only got them because of who he's married to. I guess he got his in-ring ability from her as well.

But returning to the point, I wouldn't rule out him returning to the title hunt, but his character would have to be revamped a bit and return a little bit to what it once was. They'd have to do that first before he could get back into the hunt as a serious contender, because obviously his current character isn't concerned with winning titles, but keeping the corporate-side of things running as smoothly as possible. He's obviously still in great shape and is one of the best wrestlers they have in the company, so I think it would be a shame if he didn't get one last reign with the fans "knowing" that it will probably be his last. It really could go either way in terms of him winning more title(s).
I could see HHH winning one more title as a heel COO that has control over everything. Thereby "screwing over" the face guy that's going after the title. Other than that yes he's done winning titles.
If HHH turns heel this year (which looks quite likely), he will have at least one more run this year. But as far as beating Flair? Don't see it happening. But the ideas of some sort of conspiracy and screwjob does sound like a good storyline for the year at some point. Would love a Punk/HHH feud like last years but without Nash running slowly in the crowd and attacking both of them.
He's done winning championships, but he's not done challenging for them. I'm sure once he fully turns into the heel authority figure (whenever that may come to fruition), then sure. Actually, absolutely. He will challenge for the WWE Championship. I would definitely put money on Triple H challenging CM Punk and ultimately putting him over. Despite his reputation, HHH is a smart man. He (along w/ Vince & Creative) decided to put himself over Punk last fall in order to build to a bigger money match.

So, yes. Triple H will not capture another (World) Championship. He will challenge for it, though.
We can only hope that the answer is "no". But ego is hard to get rid of. And if there have been very few wrestlers with more ego, and spotlight stealing mentality than HHH.

Example: There is zero reason why HHH needs to take a spot at WrestleMania, and take on the Undertaker for a THIRD time. *yawwwwwwn*

Example: Plopping his irrelevant character into the hottest character in years, in CM Punk.

Triple H. Ohh poor old Triple H.- It is obvious that he isn't serious about his new CEO character and still holds on to the hope of being a wrestler. He looks so awkward in a suit, but still sports the long hair and groomed beard.

When i see him cut his hair and and look like an exexcutive, i may not expect HHH to come back and steal the limelight.
Example: There is zero reason why HHH needs to take a spot at WrestleMania, and take on the Undertaker for a THIRD time. *yawwwwwwn*

I don't want to see that match either, but I don't think it's a case of HHH stroking his own ego. I mean, he's going to lose. For the third time. He's actually putting the Undertaker and his streak over. Feasibly, who else would the Undertaker face? Kane again? Some up-and-comer that he's just going to beat anyway, like Barrett or Rhodes?

HHH/Undertaker might not be the match you or I want to see, but it's the best possible match they can offer for the Undertaker short of some made up scenario where Sting or someone comes aboard.

As for being done winning titles, well, I'd like to say he's finished, but I could see one last title run.
Triple H never said he wanted to break Flair's record. It's just something people assumed. Everyone knows if he wanted to win the title he could. No doubt about it. But right now, he's comfortable where he's at. I do believe he may hold another title one day, but not for the foreseeable future. He is trying to push younger stars, (NOT BURY THEM)
I would say most likely yes, Triple H is done winning titles.

He is starting to transition to a backstage/authority role both in storyline and in real life. So unless something drastic changes, he's not going to be a full-time performer anymore, which is what is required of a titleholder. Plus he stated (kayfabe) on the last Raw that he has to think of what's good for business now. Having him be the champ over the younger guys they're trying to develop and while not being full-time would not be good for business. So I doubt it will happen.

There is always the possibility, though. He could regain control of Raw and/or Smackdown (again, kayfabe), and try to insert himself in the title picture that way. Or he may simply want one final title run before he hangs it up for good. Athough it's unlikely, things change pretty fast in the world of pro wrestling, so you never REALLY know.

Overall, I'd say 80% chance he is done winning titles.
Perfect example of HHH-Bashing. Listen, for one, Undertaker VS HHH last year at Mania, was THE match of the night. You can't tell me that when HHH tombstoned Taker, you didn't start thinking the streak was about to end. I would much rather see HHH and Taker 3 because of how Mania played out last year. And as for CM Punk, Triple H was NOT suppose to be brought in on that feud, but NASH was unable to compete that weekend, so they had to throw HHH in there against Punk, because he was the only other guy involved with that feud. Triple H is about pushing the younger guys right now. He's been trying to push Sin Cara, and HE is the one responsible for making SHEAMUS win the Rumble this year. If he was constantly trying to steal the spotlight, don't you think he would have already beat Flairs record? Or that he would be the TOP guy in WWE right now? Because he is married to the boss's daughter, so it's obviously he has power. So quit the HHH bashing and get your facts straight.
As a full time champion? He's done. No doubt in my mind. I wouldn't rule out a one time, short/transitional type reign just for nostalgia's sake, like Bob Backlund and Hulk Hogan did in their day. But I don't see him wrestling on a weekly or monthly basis, and I definitely don't see him breaking Flair's record.
He might have one last title run left in him but as a whole I generally think his 2008/09 runs (the two) were the final ones. You need to remember he went from 2005-2008 without winning any titles which would indicate his title runs are windling, I wouldn't mind seeing one finale run maybe say from Elimination Chamber to Wrestle Mania putting someone over on the big show just my opinion but I doubt it'll happen.
I think that Triple H is done winning titles.

Triple H has wrestled 3 matches since WM27 so its obvious the guy is done wrestling full time and because he doesn't wrestle full time they won't put the title on him when they have plenty of capable guys on the roster that can be champ and work full time.

It looks to me Triple H is moving towards the office end of things and after WM28 the appearances of Triple H will be few and far between. Rumor has it that Vince is taking a step back after WM28 and I think that more and more we will be seeing Steph and Paul run the show.

I could see Triple H wrestling from time to time, I don't think he's done wrestling for good but I do believe his full time wrestling days are behind him and with that, his titles are behind him too.
first off i think Trips knows it as does anyone b4 this era

Title's mean almost nothing the past 6yrs, it's just a token to say this is the person carrying the ship this week and a way to change who someone is fueding with, it certainly is not any indication of who's the best.

Secondly, Ric Flair has 21 world titles not 16, 5 were won as part of the ongoing we are part of NWA no we aren't saga that pre WCW had so only 16 were recognized by WWE/WCW but the fact remains he was given and won those titles and they were either the NWA or WCW world titles

Trips is a good friend of Ric i don't think he ever had any desire to surpass that Mark

but to the question, i do think he's done. He's got business to run now and that is far better for him physically in the long run then winning more titles and just copping more flak for no reason. He's already a HOF'er more titles isn't gonna change that and he's surpassed 98% of previous stars in the record books if ego was still on his agenda.

Why doesn't anyone talk about people trying to beat Hogan's near 4 year reign, Cena came close to 3yrs as world champ? or Jerry Lawlers over 100 titles in his career the highest of anyone in history Edge is the only one in WWE history that comes close to that (if memory serves me well).
HHH has a lot of respect for Ric Flair and I have heard he never wanted to break his record Championship. He will also hope to make sure that the record isn't broken by anybody else even if the Championship changes hands so often that it may be inevitable.
I don't believe so for the following reasons:

Triple H and Stephanie have three young daughters and I believe that they and Vince don't want him to be an absentee father, which would be the case if he had to operate as champ.

I suppose there could be the possibility of transitional reigns but, for all his criticisms through the years, I believe he has too much respect for the industry and Flair to want the record in any type of cheap fashion.

He has a history of muscular injuries going back to when he was a much younger man. Given that he is now 42, I doubt he has any great desire to have prolonged rehab at this stage in his life.

If I was to take a guess at the Games future, I imagine he will be a special attraction guy as far as being an onscreen character is concerned. His concentration will be backstage and raising his girls, he'll leave Championship reigns and breaking Naitch's record to the full time competitors.

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