Is TNA turning into WCW and will they learn?

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In Waylon Mercy's Hands
Both WCW and TNA had shows on Thursday. TNA wants a show on Monday which WCW had. In WCW Ferrera and Russo were in charge during a down period and tried pushing new talent only to have the "established" stop progress. I don't understand how a company who gets lower tv ratings, lower attendance and lower PPV buys afford to spend on Hogan and maybe soon Flair. I guarantee they won't be working for cheap.

Does anyone see how TNA is turning into WCW? My vibe of WCW is a failing company that tried to be hip but really wasn't.
I been saying for 2 years TNA Is WCW look at all the people who were in WCW who are in TNA now Mike Tenay David Penzer Jeremy Borash Jeff Jarrett Big Poppa Pump Kevin Nash Sting now Hogan and Bichoff so yeah TNA Is WCW
It's too early to tell that. Maybe TNA does have some of the former WCW stars and the same creative team from the past, but it is no way shape or form the same thing. I guess you could even say WWE has turned into WCW a bit with their celebrity hosts and crazy gimmicks in the past. I don't think TNA is anything like WCW. Impact has been on a roll lately, despite ratings.

I know it isn't a huge accomplishment, but the last few months Impact usually comes out on top in the ratings over ECW and Superstars. I think Russo, Ferrera, Bischoff, and Hogan have learned from their mistakes. At least Russo has. Unless TNA has gimmicks like The Booty Man and That 70's Guy, or Hogan going over the young guys, I don't think for now we have anything to worry about.
The real question is not whether TNA is turning into WCW, its whether the guys from WCW have learned from WCW and can avoid making the same mistakes as WCW and can make TNA better.

Look if the WCW crew can change and get there super-ego's to coexist then no TNA will not be and is not WCW, but if they can't then in no time TNA will turn into WCW.

In my opinion look for Bischoff, Hogan, Russo, Ferrera and the rest of the WCW guys to find a way to fuck TNA up... I hope I'm wrong and TNA can be steady competition to WWE.

So to answer your question... No TNA is NOT WCW... But it could be very soon.

P.S No matter what TNA does WWE will always rule. WWE Forever.
Of course TNA isn't WCW. I mean, the letters aren't the same, first of all. Secondly, does TNA have a few talents from Atlanta? Sure, but they also have some guys who came from Stamford and Philly, as well as a generous number of "homegrown" talent. Is the creative team eerily similar? I'll give you that one, as well.

The difference is, through thick and thin, TNA has consistently went back to what brought them to the dance. And that, my "friends", is the younger guys. The X-Division. A superior tag division. The list is endless. Hell, maybe all your wet dreams will come true if/when Ken "Overrated" Anderson appears. I truly feel Russo, Ferrara, The Bisch, and Hogan all learned their lessons from WCW. I also like to think they'd be professional enough to put their personal feelings aside, for the good of the company.

So, no, TNA is NOT WCW version 2.0. They are TNA version 1.0.
Probaly. Sadly.....Tna isnt gonna be a wcw unless they accutually decide to start taping in many other places.
But right now i dont think tna is wcw Tna is probaly just Influenced off Wcw but no way or they attempting to be wcw.
Oh my many times is this argument going to be tossed around!? How do you guys keep getting away with making threads like this?

Anyway, it's easily to draw parallels between WCW and TNA. You can do the same with the religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, etc. Just because they have some things in common doesn't mean they're the same damn thing. Get over it already.
I been saying for 2 years TNA Is WCW look at all the people who were in WCW who are in TNA now Mike Tenay David Penzer Jeremy Borash Jeff Jarrett Big Poppa Pump Kevin Nash Sting now Hogan and Bichoff so yeah TNA Is WCW

holy shit are you blind or something TNA is nothing like WCW okay TNA has been making new stars and pushing alot of them like AJ, Joe, Eric Young, and countless others now just because that got a few people from the old WCW there are the same bullshit, WWE has a lot of WCW guys so is WWE turning into WCW listen bro just because they were in a different place that failed doesn't mean they are turning it into the same thing
holy shit are you blind or something TNA is nothing like WCW okay TNA has been making new stars and pushing alot of them like AJ, Joe, Eric Young, and countless others now just because that got a few people from the old WCW there are the same bullshit, WWE has a lot of WCW guys so is WWE turning into WCW listen bro just because they were in a different place that failed doesn't mean they are turning it into the same thing

I would really like to know who these wcw guys in the wwe are? All i can think of is Rey mysterio. Whereas tna has sting, nash, steiner, booker although a couple of these will be laid off... and now hogan... WWe definitely isn't turning into wcw because they actually have focused completely on younger talent except for their ppv main events while tna is and will promote with hogan and sting & flair.... they have a lot of people in the main event spotlight that will only last a couple of years whereas wwe is starting to push younger stars.... Tna is gonna have a huge problem because flair and hogan will either not at all or effectively push younger stars and they will hog the spotlight... I think Tna is turning into wcw for sure and i think that even if they know, they can't do anything because every main level star is too old... after sting, foley, steiner, booker, nash, hogan, flair & angle, it only leaves aj & samoa joe as real contenders

Good time for tna to get a monday show... hogan will definitely draw and good to have his popularity on a new show... don't follow tna that much but will watch the debut for sure... Even if it is not successful, i'm sure that tna has now caught wwe's attention and wwe will now elevate their product
I think you might possibly be grabbing at straws. I mean, TNA has things in common with WCW like WWE has things in common with WCW. I mean... WCW had ridiculous gimmicks, WWE has ridiculous gimmicks. WCW had a strong cruiserweight division, WWE once upon a time had a strong cruiserweight division... only because they bought it from WWE, but I digress. WCW had Chris Jericho, Big Show, Triple H, Steve Austin, so on and so forth, WWE has those same wrestlers. I could go on and on about the similarities between WWE and WCW to debunk your theory.

TNA stands out for several reasons. I shall list a few because I'm feeling listy.
  1. The X Division - No other wrestling organization has banked on the high-flying, aerial assault, fast-paced type wrestlers like TNA has. There have been PPVs where the X Division's title match is the main event instead of the Heavyweight title match. AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe built that division from the ground up, and I can't think of any wrestling organization that has come close to its excellence.
  2. The Amazing Tag Division - Although WCW had some great tag teams, they were all mostly part of factions. Natural Born Thrillers, Filthy Animals, The Outsiders, etc. There are only two strong tag teams I can think of off the top of my head who held the the titles that weren't part of a faction, and that's the Steiner Brothers and Harlem Heat. TNA has a strong tag team division that continues growing and thriving. Beer Money, Lethal Consequences, Motor City Machine Guns, British Invasion, Team 3D, so on and so forth because there's so many great teams that have been made at TNA. Their tag division is fresh and thriving, and I personally enjoy tuning in each week to see what's new.
  3. The Women's Division - WCW's Women's division was a joke. TNA's Knockout division, however, is bar none the BEST women's wrestling I've ever witnessed. There are so many talented female athletes on the TNA roster. What did WCW have? Oh. Right. The Nitro Girls. Cheerleaders. How professional.
  4. The Heavyweight Division - I might as well throw this in here to wrap it up. Near the end of WCW's tenure, the main eventers ran the show. I was too young to see it then, but I was watching an old episode of Nitro recently and definitely saw the power the main eventers has. With TNA, it's different. Although Kurt Angle had a strong reign with the title and is leader of the Main Event Mafia, look at the title now. Mick Foley has had his hands on it, as well as Sting and the current champion AJ Styles. Look at the title picture for next month. Angle isn't in it.

I could go on, but I'm sleepy. TNA keeps things changing, keeps them fresh, even though they have quite a few ex-WWE/WCW/ECW wrestlers. If their roster is the only thing people judge TNA on, I pity them because there's so much more going on with TNA than just "OMG WHICH WASHED UP WRESTLER IS GOING TO TNA OMG THEY WANNA RIDE COATTAILS CUZ THEY SUUUUUUUCK OMG." That talk is completely false.

Long story short - TNA isn't WCW. Stop making parallels. It's dumb.
So because Hogan (and maybe Flair) will be in TNA, and have shows on Thursday (and maybe Monday), and WCW had Hogan, Flair, and M&Th. shows, they are suddenly WCW? That could be the worst, dumbest, and most nonsensical argument I've ever heard.

Ok... so I have a cucumber, it's long, it's green, it's a vegetable... it must be celery too? I have a food. It's a tomato. It's round, it's red, it has seeds... so it's also an apple?

In no way, shape, form, or any parallel whatsoever is TNA anything like WCW. Stop trying to make a controversial thread about something that doesn't even make sense to garner attention and make you look smart in the process. It actually makes you look stupider. I can't even support my argument to how TNA and WCW are nothing alike because... well... they're nothing alike.
If TNA is anything like WCW, they will be beat WWE atleast 84 weeks in a row. TNA can barely beat the ECW brand. TNA is WCW, lol. Dont insult WCW.
If TNA is anything like WCW, they will be beat WWE atleast 84 weeks in a row. TNA can barely beat the ECW brand. TNA is WCW, lol. Dont insult WCW.

See, Now I do agree here, I mean, TNA has some great stars, but that prgram still seems very week and small everytime I watch it...I have yet to see the hype about it. It seems very fake, in comparison to the WWE who even though scripted, it does not seem fake. Now, WCW really pushed the line, as a result really measuring up with the WWE. With that being said, TNA really, needs to spread the wings with the Venue Size in my opinion. So just off of these comments, I don't think TNA is looking to be WCW, I think they want to be bigger!
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