Is TNA the next WCW?

Doomsday Device

Pre-Show Stalwart
This topic may have been discussed before but I am still relatively new to this site and I want to know what you all think.

So TNA is about 7 years old right.

I remember it took WCW like 10 years to reach WWE and give it a run for its money and consider itself serious competition.

I dont have as much time as Id like to to follow WWE programming and even less time to watch TNA. I tune in to TNA 15 or 20 minutes a week when I get a chance. But we all see a trend here.

Wrestlers who have come up and made a name for themselves who either due to issues, or contract expirations, have joined TNA. The list has to be hitting well over 20 people by now.

So my thought is, is this going to be the next organization thats going to compete against WWE in such a way that it might threaten WWE's very own existence in the future? Is TNA going to be so financially stable that its going to just "buy off" superstars that are essential for WWE's survival like it happened in the 90's with the Monday Night Wars?

I know TNA doesnt have a Ted Turner behind them, but this organization I believe is already becoming a haven for "Hey, not happy with WWE? Come work for us!" kind of thing.
Yes tna is the next wcw, because it's the same story there that happened in wcw. Old guys that won't step down, young talent getting stepped on, and than vince russo guy who could be called the worst thing to happen to wrestling ever, plus the rehashing of wcw story lines, useing washed up wwe cast off aways rather than show caseing what was diffrent about them. so yea there next to be bought out and chopped up by vince and the wwe.
If TNA reaches a point where they can compete with the WWE head to head then it's certainly possible that we might see a ratings war. But in the immediate future it's very doubtful, WWE have way to much financial power for TNA to come close to them, as it is right now TNA's beating out WWE's #3 show in ratings but that really isn't saying much, considering their #1 and #2 show are doing far better than TNA.

As for the idea of TNA buying off WWE stars, whilst, as you pointed out, they don't have someone like Turner backing them, that can be seen as a benefit. A lot of TNA wrestlers work for TNA because they've been frustrated with the WWE, hell Jarret started TNA because he didn't want to work for Vince. So long as there are people in the business who feel they're being overlooked/misused/etc. Then there's going to be plenty of skilled workers to fill TNA's roster, whether they're ex-WWE or not is really up to the individual.
When I see the MEM storyline, images of the nWo do sometimes just pop up into my head. The nWo was obviously a major inspiration for the group in terms of their overall goal and that most of the members are made up of older guys, most of whom are well past their wrestling prime. I'm not a big fan of the MEM angle because I feel TNA's focus should be on building their young, homegrown talent instead of using them to put over the MEM. TNA felt that these big names were going to equal ratings when they signed them but that hasn't turned out to be the case, yet they still try and bring in these older WCW, WWE or ECW wrestlers. Of all the older guys TNA has, Kurt Angle and Booker T are really the only ones that can go at a physical pace that's comparable to what they were doing 10 years ago.

As to whether TNA will suffer the same fate as WCW, I'm not really certain. What it'll ultimately boil down to are the ratings. Seeing as how TNA is still one of Spike's highest rated shows, there's a good chance the company will remain with Spike provided that they're willing to sign another contract with the network that's pretty much the same as the one they have now. If TNA wants a little more come contract time, and they get it, Spike is going to want to see a little something more than low 1's in the Nielsen Ratings each week. If TNA doesn't deliver, then the ultimate future of the company could be in some jeopardy.
Hell naw TNA ain't the NEW WCW! Just think about! Sure they got the same formula by signing former WWF/E talent. And try to re-embelish those wrestlers if they were aren't in TNA go'in back to the recent "Legends" championship in TNA.

Are they or were any real legends in TNA? I know Piper was in TNA for a little bit with Harley Race. But since wrestlers came from over the WWE (and WCW & ECW at that) through the WWF/E, were there any REAL legends in TNA wrestling in there seven year history?
There's one way that TNA is similar to WCW, it's going to go out of business.

You think it can cope with how big the WWE is? Not a fucking chance. WCW came VERY close to putting the WWE out of business, but even then the WWE came right back up and eventually bought out WCW. You're forgetting the one main person, Vince McMahon. Backing someone against him in wrestling is idiotic. He's going to win. Enjoy TNA for a few more years, because McMahon is going to eat them whole.

TNA doesn't have close to the funding that WCW did. Their talent roster isn't better than WWE like WCW's was. They have one show a week and it is filmed in the same place each week. Spike TV is nowhere close to having the viewership capacity that TNT did (and still does). The product isn't entertaining to the mainstream like WCW was.

I'm sure there are more reasons that TNA isn't the next WCW...but the above reasons do plenty well to refute the OP.
No. WCW grew for two reasons. First of all, they gave Hulk Hogan a contract. Second of all, they had enough money to employ a load of other big named stars and make a produtin heavy show.

TNA, well it doesn't have the money to do that, and probably wouldn't anyway. Nash, Booker, Steiner etc. aren't even in the same stratosphere as Hogan, and won't be pay wise either. Sting will be on a lot of money, and is a huge name, but he's never going to draw significant enough numbers. Angle is the only one of them that has the option to do something else somewhere else, andthus TNA doesn't have the ability to draw big named wrestlers with a choice.

The biggest reason TNA isn't like WCW though is that it is catered for wrestling fans. Nobody on the product whatsoever appeals to fairweather fans, with the possible exception of Sting. TNA is aimed at wrestling fans, not ratings, and it will continue to have the small successes it does if it keeps doing that. WCW proved if nothing else, tht nobody beats Vince McMahon at sports entertainment.
No. TNA doesn't want to suceed. They have a six-sided ring. People don't look at that and go, "Hey, they're different! Let's watch this!". No, they go, "How in the hell did that clusterfuck get a TV deal?". TNA has the star-power to suceed, but they don't have the will. I will admit that they have been improving as of late, but I don't think they will catch up with the WWE. They make their characters jokes (Jay Lethal, Shark Boy, Curry Man, etc.) and they don't milk merchandise characters. Say what you will about Suicide, but he is a cash cow. Not as big as Cena, Hardy, or Mysterio, but a cash cow nonetheless. Now what TNA should do is make Suicide shirts, action figures, accessories, masks, etc. But no, they just give out a couple of t-shirts and call it a day.

They continue to film their shows from that piece of crap, "The Impact Zone". Now I understand that they have nowhere near the drawing power that the WWE has, but they could do some shows at colleges every once in a while. Get better screen graphics, too, because it makes you look more professional. Get someone to make entrance themes sound good, not sound like a Power Rangers theme. And charge for your shows. Charge admission prices. You could just start out charging half of WWE's ticket price, so people won't think it's too high. These are things that could make TNA suceed, but I don't think they want to. Hopefully I'm wrong.

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