Is TNA More ECW then ECW ???

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The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
I'm a few days behind with all the damn wrestling shows that are on TV these days, but I just finished watching this past Thursday's Impact and I think TNA may be headed down an ECW or Attitude Era-type road.

While I don't think they have a chance in hell of duplicating the Attitude Era, I believe duplicating the original ECW would be pretty simple.

Based on this past Impact, we saw Matt Morgan hit the ring with an ax handle and threaten to beat the brains of Angle all over the Impact zone. We had a no holds barred street fight (which never left the ring BTW) which saw all kinds of foreign objects used and a legit bleeding. We also saw a tables match to end the show.

If I didn't tell you it was TNA, you may think I was watching an ECW rerun.

So... it's obvious that TNA is more ECW then ECW, but is it a good idea for them to head in this direction ??
I honestly don’t see how TNA is like ECW just because of the matches they had on Impact. They have a history of putting gimmicks on matches for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Really, they will use almost all types of matches on Impact for some reason which I have yet to understand. That wasn’t the first time they’ve done it and it probably won’t be the last time we see it happen. I don’t know why they feel it’s necessary but they apparently they think/feel that they should continue doing it so they will continue doing just that. So no, I don’t think TNA is like the original ECW just because they had those matches and had Morgan come out with an Ax Handle and threatening Kurt Angle.

I don’t think they are being more like the original ECW or trying to duplicate in any way, shape, or form. I think that what they are trying to offer/attempt is giving more of an edgy type of product that might get fans interested in watching them if they like what they see. But that’s the only thing I see that is remotely comparable to the original ECW.

I honestly don’t like comparing TNA to any other company. Have they done some of the things that other companies have done? Yes. Have they made some mistakes other companies have made in the past? Yes. However that doesn’t mean that they are like them. TNA is TNA, they may do some things that other companies have done but it doesn’t mean they should be compared to them.
Is it edgier than new ecw and wwe? Obviously (and thankfully) yes.

Is it as edgy as old ecw? no. Maybe someday if the adult audience takes off for them.

This last show reminded me of an attitude era raw, and I enjoyed it a lot.
Yeah I'm not sure where you're getting this idea ztwhite. Have you seen old ECW? This week's Impact was nothing like an old episode of Hardcore TV, at all. I highly doubt TNA is going in any "new attitude" kind of direction, Russo has been using the same booking style for over a decade now. If he's on his way out along with Jarrett though, then who knows what happens with TNA creatively.

As of right now though...not very similar. The fact that you say TNA is more "ECW than ECW" is pretty fuckin' ridiculous as well, I don't remember seeing any barbed wire or flaming tables on Impact this week. That and to be honest TNA has completely gone away from it's roots in the X-Division and showcasing styles like lucha libre, something that ECW utilized greatly in it's heyday.

Nothing going on in TNA right now is very controversial. Not Sandman being crucified kind of controversial, that's for sure. Not Tommy Dreamer, Beulah and Kimona having a threesome kind of controversial.

Sorry, I'm just not seeing what you're talking about here ZT.
The old ECW was one of a kind and IMO never to be duplicated again. The story lines, great wrestling and fan interaction were second to none back in the day. In order to see some of the stuff you saw in ECW you would have to import some Japanese stuff or find a good Japanese video store in your town.

I really don't see TNA in that light. I see them more as a mixture of AE Raw and a bit of Nitro. Or at least trying to be. Nothing is/was more ECW than the original ECW was. Not even close.
I have to agree with ZT to a degree. I'm not talking about ECW in the 90s god no. I'm talking about todays ECW, and I think ZT was referring to them as well. TNA has a golden oppurtunity here, and as a lifelong WWE fan I notice this. Of course I'm talking about the "Children's Century" thats going on in WWE as of late, with the whole PG Rating that is laughable because wrestling is SUPPOSED to be violent....sorry to change the subject up a bit. My point is TNA can gain a lot of fans that WWE used to have back in the days of Stone Cold and Mankind. A more edgier booking by...russo...or someone who can actually carry the ball could be what TNA needs to get in the same limelight as WWE. ECW had a cult following, the whole hardcore style that many fans of wrestling dug into. Now Raven today may not brainwash kids anymore but I believe TNA is gaining that ECW style just a bit. So is TNA more ECW then ECW? In today's standard I have to say yes. In ECW today I'm expecting Doink the Clown to make a return :wtf:

TNAs hardcore matches are much more brutal than any on ecw so yeah i think so. Also TNA has more ECW originals.
I don't think that TNA is very similar to the original ECW. The original ECW seemed almost all about the hardcore stuff and blood in every match. TNA may have a lot of gimmick matches, but that alone doesn't make them like the old school ECW. Their gimmick matches are nowhere as extreme as ECW either. A Keys on a Pole match likely would never be seen in the old ECW, more than likely it would be a Flamethrower on a Pole match. TNA and ECW can't really be compared.
I like that you don't hardly ever see disqualifications in TNA matches. It could be outside interference, falls count anywhere, and no one will be disqualified. I understand how someone could see TNA being like ECW with tables matches every other week, but they're not ECW. TNA isn't WCW either just because of the MEM. There are many similarities to WCW and ECW in the past but TNA as a whole are their own company. TNA takes their own styles and mix it up with previous wrestling from yesterday to bring something new and refreshing to the table.

I wouldn't say WWE is going back to the Attitude Era just because of DX forming on Raw, and TLC/Cage matches with Hardy and Punk. I'm glad TNA isn't a mirror image of ECW because if they were, they wouldn't be in business.
This is the reason why I watch TNA. WWE has got so PG in the past few years, soon it'll be just G. Look back to Hard Justice I think, the Steel Asylum with the X-Division. That match in my opinion is right now the match of the year. That huge brawl with trash cans, signs, lights, 2 by 4s, and not to mention tables.
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