Is TNA Bound to be a "Short-Lived" Promotion?

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whoopin' ass

Championship Contender
This isn't meant to be another "TNA is going out of business next week" thread but after seeing somethings over the last few months, I started thinking. TNA doesn't have the name value or resources that wwe has and outside of tv TNA seems to be lacking everything. There is a new article today about a new TNA mobile game but what about one for home consoles? It has been over 5 years since the last and only one. wwe has a new game every year and are constantly pushing the envelope with it. Not only that but watch the video - "experience non-stop TNA action". Um, anyone remember what TNA stands for? Expand out the initials and their sentence is unintentionally funny. It is possible that TNA never saw that video yet and would correct it but that is the kind of mistake the video game company shouldn't make.

But it goes beyond that. Their toys are not in most stores in the States and I rarely see them in Canada at all. Their touring is very limited in both dates and locations. They are cutting talent and filming weeks worth of tv at once to save costs. Plus more.

My question is simple - was TNA bound to be a short lived promotion right from the start? Obviously that was never their intention but the way things are going, it is getting hard to see them making 15 years. Despite bringing in a lot of former wwe backstage talent over the years, TNA has never seemed to be able to put the pieces together. Do you think TNA's place is wrestling history will be to show that you could still have a national promotion even with wwe around but also to show what to do and what not to do for other companies? I mean Jeff Jarrett is forming a new promotion and people are already talking about all the former TNA talent he could use. Hope this makes some sense.
This is an obvious YES....followed by two friends....YES AND YES.

TNA is clueless and clown shoeish. Hogan is gone, Sting is gone. There is no NAME, no face, no hope. Which doesn't mean it can't be turned around, but it needs help and a shitload of it.

Starting from the top, Daniel Bryan vs MVP...oooo did I say Dbry...oh I meant EY. Now he is fighting v the boss....Shades of Triple H v Bryan. so they are just going to spew the same crap as the WWE. WWE is losing money, the rating are dropping YOU DON'T MIMIC BAD.

But what can TNA do. I have broken it down into steps......

1) STOP THE GODDAMN FLIP FLOPPING. every time a guy grabs the title he goes heel, now it is stupid....keep a face for a moment.
2) Build a show to PPV. Eric Young vs X then next week X then next week X. Seriously build a show going past 1 PPV for a change.
3) BUILD BUILD and BUILD. Tna is not building on or with anyone, everyone seems to be in the world title hunt. Once they lose all of the sudden they go away. Magnus has already been forgotten and Abyss is now a face puppet with Willow when 3 weeks ago he was a heel....( again with the flip flopping).

Here are some suggestions.
Roode held the TNA title longer than anyone else, how is he not in the top program. He has only had 1 title run. If you make him a face again you have to keep him as a face champion.

TNA needs to get the fans involved, You need to use some of the NWO/WCW tactics. Get a nasty heel, someone who is just bad...evil even. Abyss would be a good place to start, and here is how I book it.

The show starts with a Knockouts match, middle of the match Abyss music hits and he makes his way to the ring and plants 1 diva. The other diva tries to escape but he grabs her and plants her too. Then leaves with nothing said.

Later in the night same thing during X division match.....This leads to someone ( Anderson seem to the be the captain save a hoe right now) Anderson V Abyss which is only a 5 min match when Abyss just destroys Anderson, but lose due to DQ. Abyss terrorizes TNA doing whatever he wants.

Abyss is asked to see Dixie Carter, she says if he interferes with another match he will be fired. Abyss knocks her out and takes her to the back......

Next Week on TNA, Abyss is shown with Dixie gagged and tied in a dingy basement. He tells her with no tongue she can't fire anyone....and he leaves her screaming in the dark. Goes back to his way.

... *sigh*

A short lived promotion is MLW, which ran for two years (2002 - 2004). A short lived promotion is SMW, which ran for four years (1991 - 1995). A short lived promotion is WSX, which ran for ten episodes. Establishing a criteria of "15 years" takes out ECW, WCW, ROH, Chikara, PWG, etc... all companies which cannot be termed short-lived.

Ultimately, a company which runs for over a decade, expanded from a single state to national and international touring, cannot be called "short-lived."


@Mods: Can we just have one, unified consolidated thread for all these topics? I can't be the only one sick of reading them.
Nope. They aren't going away, to the chagrin of a lot of people who want it to go under to validate their twisted idea that they know something about running a wrestling company.

TNA has always had limited resources. The cutting we see today is because they are no longer in "Spend-money-to-make-money" mode like they were in the past. Now it looks like they are going to keep cutting until what they spend is on par with what they bring in, with the goal of making the promotion sustainable in the long term. This should be obvious to anyone if you just look at the moves TNA is making.
Nope. They aren't going away, to the chagrin of a lot of people who want it to go under to validate their twisted idea that they know something about running a wrestling company.

TNA has always had limited resources. The cutting we see today is because they are no longer in "Spend-money-to-make-money" mode like they were in the past. Now it looks like they are going to keep cutting until what they spend is on par with what they bring in, with the goal of making the promotion sustainable in the long term. This should be obvious to anyone if you just look at the moves TNA is making.

Do you know another company who had limited resources? ECW-that's who. Yet they were beloved by the IWC, and they weren't run down as "failures" all the time.

Furthermore, TNA has something that ECW doesn't have- a TV deal. As long as "Impact" is wanted by TV, it will survive.

Maybe a lot of people here want TNA to fail because they see them as a threat to WWE, otherwise, why would they care if TNA succeeded or not?
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