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Is this the last big shot for Gail Kim, and will Vince pull the trigger?


Getting Noticed By Management
I picked Gail Kim because she came from TNA with some good promo's, and is mostly liked by the people in this forum who think she should be pushed.

After being irrelevant for a while now, she is is in the finals for the divas title. Now we all expect Maryse to win, but Gail did make it this far. They could of had Kelly Kelly or Eve go to finals, but they must believe this would be the best matchup. Maryse is ok in the ring, but doesn't look as good as she did before the injury. I think Gail winning would be unexpected and get some momentum behind her, and maybe finally get the fans behind her. They can build Maryse some more, and lert her win the title down the road, or maybe have Maryse cheat to win, have a rematch at a major PPV and have gail win it. I like Kim, with her abilities, she should get a run with the belt.

You don't take the Divas division seriously, so take a chance. What do you have to lose? Only good things will happen lol.
I think the only reason they're going with Maryse vs Gail is so Maryse's program with Gail can be kind of short. More than likely, they'll have this match and that might be it, while they use Kelly or Eve as the real "feud" (lol if you can call them that) until Melina comes back or the draft happens...whichever is first.

Gail has no shot in my mind at winning a title anymore. They clearly are not that into her - and the way she's been wrestling her past 15 or so matches, I kind of agree with them. Gail does know how to "wrestle" more so than many of the other women, but Gail's been a botch-factory lately. Granted, Gail Kim screwing up is still more believable than any of Maria's matches, or people acting as if Eve's one-legged dropkicks matter at all...but still, she's really been crap lately, and doesn't really deserve to be holding one of the two women's titles. I mean, the fans that care in the audience don't even pay attention to her. She gets about as much of a reaction as Cherry did, and that's saying a lot. Gail's popular amongst the wrestling fans that followed her in TNA, but other than that, she's nothing but a blip on the radar when it comes to the general populace.
I would be shocked if Gail won the title. Ever since Mayrse's return, WWE has done nothing but hint at the fact she will be the next Divas Champion. Had Melina not been injured, I don't think Mayrse would be the champion now.

Gail probably won't win this one. It's clear WWE doesn't have big plans for her because she was in a situation similar to this against Mickie a while ago, and nothing ever came of it. It wouldn't surprise me if Alicia Fox won the belt before Gail or they decide to make Jillian champion again, expect this time her reign would be longer than 2 minutes. Her glory days were in TNA, and anyone who is a fan of Gail should cherish those days because you might never see them again.
I loved Gail in TNA, and I was so excited for her to come over to WWE. What may have happened is that WWE simply overestimated Gail's popularity amongst the general population of wrestling fans. Sure, she was big in TNA, but she gets zero reaction when she comes out and wrestles now. One could claim that the lack of reaction results from a lack of exposure on TV, but she hasn't done much lately to warrant more TV time.

I think WWE creative not giving a shit about Gail has led to Gail not giving a shit about her botchtastic matches. If Gail doesn't step up her game and improve her ring work, her TV time will go to absolute zero.

Now if Gail were to actually go over Maryse for the title (which I highly doubt), I will mark out all over the place. Gotta rep my fellow Asians lol.
I think it's no big deal. I think Maryse is the way to go for when Melina comes back and have her go over Gail, Eve & Kelly Kelly then lose to Melina hopefully at WrestleMania if not later. And when Melina wins they can have her get a run then drop the title to Alicia in the Fall giving her a big push.

Either way if Gail wins she can drop the belt to Alicia making that come early cause Alicia should get a push before Eve anyway and then Melina would defeat Alicia in her comeback and Maryse would attack her after her triumphant victory.

But back to Gail. She's not bad in the ring, but not exciting on the mic. I wouldnt put the belt on her because I feel we'd only get a face version of Michelle's reign. A boring one. Michelle cant speak either and should get less time till she improves like Gail. And you may not like the new Divas, but 2010 is looking like the year of the younger stars and I dont care if ppl say this Diva's just eye candy or she's no wrestler just a model.

Anyone can be a wrestler, if ppl can see that with the men they need to damn well learn that with the females. So WWE should get over the new Divas. It's about time they pushed Alicia, Eve, Layla, etc. Gail had a run with the Womens title that wasnt that great and now she's less exciting than her first WWE run. She had a nice look back then, but still wasnt much on the mic and had no real gimmick to keep me interested
I doubt that Gail will get it, but I think it has more to do with the direction that WWE is going more than her inring talent or mic abilities. The Diva matches are usually two minute long botch fests and honestly I think Gail has come to ask why she came back. Maryse, who has a great look and gimmick had no offense in her last match untill the end when she hit the ddt. So alot isnt making sense in the diva division. I have gone to TNA for womens matches because honestly with the exception of Gail, the Divas have no real experiance or talent. They do look nice, but most of them couldnt wrestle their way out of a wet paper bag that was ripped down the middle. And maybe its not even the Divas faults completely. with the length of their matches it would be hard to showcase anything. Ultimately the "will Vince pull the trigger" question though comes down to this. Vince didn't bring Gail back because he loved her in ring work, he brought her back because her leadership in the Knockout locker room was making the Knockout division in TNA talked about and more exciting than the Diva division in the 'E. So no, he doesnt want her being a champion, but he doesnt want her with the competition either
I don't see Gail getting the belt. She really doesn't fit the diva mold. She really is more of a wrestler. Her last stint with WWE was her big push I would bet. I'm sure Maryse will hold the belt for a while. I like Eve's work as of late and can see her getting a shot down the road. Alisia Fox just doesn't do it for me as a wrestler OR diva!
I don't see Gail getting the belt. She really doesn't fit the diva mold. She really is more of a wrestler. Her last stint with WWE was her big push I would bet. I'm sure Maryse will hold the belt for a while. I like Eve's work as of late and can see her getting a shot down the road. Alisia Fox just doesn't do it for me as a wrestler OR diva!

Why is it you split up the two as if Divas cant wrestle? That isnt very fair imo. There have been Divas who are the best of the best over any Knockout you can find and more hardcore and that's a fact, hell to be honest every Knockout isnt that great a wrestler.

I just dont see why you have to act as if every single Diva cant wrestle. To reference something I stated in another thread, at this time the WWE is going through a transitional period where they have a new generation of Divas, they have to have time to get better and you can see improvements here and there. When they get good enough the matches will be longer and when more get better on the mic they'll get more time.

I'm just sick of the constant disrespect to the women as a whole when you never treat the men like that. No one has ever gotten on them the same way and said oh, this guy is a wrestler but that guy is a superstar.

what's with that?

Why cant anyone allow their generation time to learn the ropes. You do learn and improve as you go along. Not every guy in WWE or TNA is great or good in the ring or on the mic. Can we be fair here and give the women our support on both shows and a break from the constant bashing ALL the time and show some respect as wrestling fans?
Gail kim was so much better in TNA. She was headlining the knockout division the time she left TNA. In wwe she is not doing anything. She is hardly been in a gud quality match what she constantly had in TNA. I think Vince simply wants to punish everyone in TNA thats y he is doin all this. Look at Christian what he is doing now. It clear that he is getting punished becoz of his decision to go to TNA. Gail kim will not be any different. I dont think she will be as gud ever as she was in TNA n i hardly think vince will ever push her dt much.
I think we win either way. Maryse is much better chasing the title than she is as champion. If Gail does not get the title, and somehow as earlier posted is let go, she will go to TNA and immediately give more credibility to the division she had a huge hand in building.

Unfortunately I see Gail losing, and feuding fruitlessly with Maryse for the title until the draft. There are just no faces on the Divas side but Gail and Kelly (the Bellas and Eve are not legitimate contenders).
Gail Kim hasn't really done anything of note since returning to the WWE. Is it her last title shot? No. I think just about every diva gets a shot at some point, but she is unlikely to win here. She was on Smackdown and didn't deliver there either. I'm not being funny, but when every single person is having more invested in them than she is, there is obviously some hidden issue with her. Maybe it's a simple case of Vince being unimpressed by her, but I doubt he'd have signed her in that case.

Any diva can come from the periphery and become a relatively big deal, we've seen it with Maryse. Kim just has to stop with the botches and I'm sure she'll get her chance. I'd be highly surprised if she wins tonight.
I wouldn't say this is Gail Kim's "last big shot", most people get multiple opportunities for pushes in their career unless something bad happens. She'll get more chances for a push. I also don't think she will get the title here because I'm beginning to wonder if she ever will. I have been thinking about it for a while now, and can't help but wonder if perhaps she only has her spot in WWE so that TNA won't have her. She hasn't received any huge pushes after returning to WWE and if she were to win this tournament then it would be more about shocking the fans rather than pushing Kim because Maryse has been the likely pick since before the tournament began.

They could easily have just put Kelly or Eve into the final, like others have said.... but Gail Kim does have better in-ring ability at the moment and in terms of the match itself this is the better option for a final. It will truly shock me if Maryse doesn't win though, they have been pushing her non-stop for a while.

An interesting trivial note is that Gail Kim would be the first woman to have held the Womens, Divas, AND the Knockouts Championships before if she wins the match against Maryse.... although Maryse still gets my vote because she was a great heel champion and can good be in that role again if/when she wins.
Well, whenever this match DOES take place i wouldnt be at all surprised to see Maryse walk away with the title. Its seemed to have been leading that way since she has returned, plus most storylines are kinda predicteable lol. If i did get it my way however, I would LOVE to see Gail Kim walk away with it. She was a good womens champ when she held the title in her first run with the wwe, and i think she STILL has what it takes, and if she did win, i do believe it would get her more over with the fans and she and Maryse could have a good feud, throw in Jillian and Katie Lea to the mix, and you have another gr8 divas story line on RAW. I hope Gail wins, but me thinks its going to be Maryse
i will be so furious if they give this title to maryse...she is crap yeah she might be more better on the mic then gail but gails wrestling abilities are incredible with melina gone they need to utilize gail to be the top face on raw for the divas divison i can go with maryse winning the tournament by cheating and cheating only but gail would eventually take the title from her in a rematch but gail has something that very few of the women in the wwe have and thats good wrestling ability im sure with more mic time they can work on her mouthpiece and as for a good gimmick well isn't that what creative is for??

im 100% for gail winning the title

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