Is this supposed WWE Youth Movement really working?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
In the last half of the year and more recently just the last few months, the WWE has seemed to switch gears to sort of youth movement in an effort to create new superstars and maineventers but upon reviewing their content, is this really working even? Are new guys getting over and being pushed?

Sure Sheamus is the WWE champion now but what has he done to really garner mainevent status, and without the belt would he even be viewed as over enough to be a solid maineventer in feuds with guys like Triple H, Undertaker, etc..He got little followup to his win and the spotlight is still on Cena predominantly. Then there is Legacy who have done nothing to get over since aligning with Orton? Where is their long tag title reign? Where is the strong stablity of a solid heel faction on Raw trying to take over? Nothing..., Kofi seems on the verge to breakout but was never given that one-on-one win over Orton to break the cusp, DX hasnt put anyone over EVER...when was the last time Michaels feuded with someone other than an established superstar? Triple H job to someone and have them pushed?

Look at all the superstars who could be really benefitting from this "movement": MVP, Miz, Morrison, Ziggler, Bourne, Carlito, R-Truth, Swagger, Kofi, etc.. and WWE never pulls the trigger on them when they have the chance. Each one of these guys has been in a situation where they were hot and could have broken through but either lost an important match, made to look stupid, or just given up on. This so called movement really reminds me more of late 2000 WCW than anything. Remember they had their youth movement with bringing in the Natural Born Thrillers, MIA, Filthy Animals, 3 Count, Yung Dragons, Air Raid, etc and tryed to mix them with established stars...Hell they even revisited old factions like nWo similiar to WWE with DX, and even had the horrible celebrity debuts and interactions; think Arquette, Kiss, etc.

Overall this youth movement might sound good on paper, but unless these guys are given situations and opportunities to advance all they are getting is wasted exposure and time. Vince complains about not being able to make new stars but how can he when the fans arent put into a postiion to believe that these guys have the crediblity to become stars?
Well, look at TNA. They strived on young stars for years.

But eventually the older stars have to be replaced, and the younger stars have to step up. With the new MNWs starting, the WWE is looking at a few key retirements in the next 2 years (HBK, Taker, Batista, Mysterio, Kane). Those are 5 names that have to be filled, most likely by Kofi, Morrison, Miz, Bourne, and DiBiase.

And quit complaining about these young stars not getting over as well as you hoped. They are competing against very talented older stars. Most of them have just debuted over the past year or two, not much you can do in that time span. While I agree that Legacy was a flop, it has helped DiBiase and Rhodes get there names out there. They don't need a long tag title reign to be successful. Their break up is going to be bigger than the faction itself.

And HBK, HHH, and Taker hardly job to anyone, yet still stars have been born over the past 10 years (Cena, Orton, Edge, Batista). This "movement" just started, give it time. These young stars aren't going to be main eventing WM this year, and maybe not for another 4 or 5 years.
You immediately became dull to me when you started your Sheamus rant. You went on about if you took things away then he'd have nothing to prove that WWE has a youth movement.


In that case, you're COMPLETELY right! If you take away Kofi's number one contender matches, Drew's IC title, The Miz and his US title, Sheamus and his WWE Title, The Hart Dynasty and there move to Smackdown (where they've been getting wins week in and week out), Trent & Caylen's record they are building on ECW, Ezekiel getting an ECW title shot, and all the young Diva's who are getting to hold their respective titles away from the Vets.... then yes, you're right.

The problem with post like these is that you're not mad that there isn't a youth movement, you're upset that it's not YOUR FAVORITE youth in the way you would push them.

MVP, Miz, Morrison, Ziggler, Bourne, Carlito, R-Truth, Swagger, Kofi,

The only thing I got from your post is that you want these guys to be in a main event push. Four of these guys are already in the upper-mid card, and the others are in the mid-card, and none of them are in the lower card. Yet, in the same post, you mentioned how weird it is to see Sheamus in the main-event so soon. You really have to make up your mind.

Kofi is doing fine, grappling with Cena and Orton. His push isn't "over," he still competes in these great matches in the main event. Swagger is hovering at the moment because the people he's likely to feud right now are off doing other things. You know when someone's floating when they're doing comedy segments with Santino at the moment. Just be patient, he'll be in a storyline by the Royal Rumble. Morrison, MVP, and R-Truth are all doing fine. Ziggler and Bourne are doing shitty right now, and they both need to be tailored a bit.
The WWE has had piss poor ratings for quite a while now so I image Mcmahon and co are trying new things in attempt to gain them back, I despise this kiddie shit myself though it takes me back to 1995 and isnt much better then that dark age of cartoons and terrible gimmicks. The Wrestling overall is better no doubt but in WWE gimmicks/storylines ect are vital in order to maintain a audience. Is this youth movement working? Im not sure but I know I get sick turning on WWE and seeing kids/families and just casual fans who go yay good guy boo bad guy chanting "you suck" at Wrestlers who are great, it's just very off putting for me personally. Im sure merchandise is booming which is good but the product as a overall is turning away hardcore fans who are adverting to TNA/ROH and other places. Asides from occasional ppv's and dvd compilations I really dont give a shit about The E nomore.
BigGintheCG16 I see your point and I assume that this does jus sound like a thread about me bitching that I dont liek the way things are going with this youth movement. Honestly, I am all for what events have been happening within the WWe with Sheamus' title win and Kofis push. I am merely saying that within the idea of having a youth movement the WWE have seemed to drop the ball and missed out on some perfect opportunities such as MVPs followup to his match with Orton and with Swaggers debut on Raw. I just wish there was more of a spotlight on Sheamus following his title win and not so much on Cena, as well as guys like HBK and Triple H doing more to put over guys like Legacy, etc.

However, thinking about it and looking at the roster I see the point of what is there to do with Swagger really with the other top faces being occumpied in feuds already so he is forced to "hover" for the time being. Guys like Miz and Morrison are doing great in their work right now as well and are finally in solid feuds with some direction. My main point was that WWE has had some opportunities that they missed and what everyones thoughts were on this overall youth movement and/or how would you handle the movement.
I think the movement is working fine. Just because somebody gets a quick push doesn't mean that they should be given the World title right away. Miz and Morrison were tag champs. Now they hold the US and the IC title. DX put Legacy over HUGE a few months ago, making HBK tap at a PPV. Triple H doesn't job?? He tapped to John Cena at Mania, the previous year lost to Batista for the belt and the year before that, he tapped to Benoit!

It took Cena years to find his niche. Same with Orton. They both got owned by Lesnar, who by the way, got a HUGE push to the top and then fizzled.

In a year or two, the young guys that you mentioned that should be champs WILL be champs. Patience.
This thread is a perfect example of the WWE being criticized no matter what they try. Kofi Kingston, the Miz, CM Punk, John Morrison, Sheamus and Drew McIntyre are examples of young guys that have come out within this past year, or at least the past several months in the cases of some of them, anve have made an impression. Now, the fact that some of these guys might not be your favorites and that some of your favorites aren't getting pushed the way you want them to doesn't mean that this youth movement isn't working.

I know that some people criticize the WWE for Sheamus and some have praised the company for doing something that was both unpredictable and kind of risky. I'm one of the latter and, no matter what, Sheamus is a fresh face in the WWE title scene and people are interested in what's happening with it. Since winning the title, Sheamus has gotten a bit of a slow and steady build up, has cut some good heel promos and comes across as a strategic schemer of sorts rather than the typical musclebound monster that it looked as though he was going to be. His match with Orton will only further serve to elevate him. Orton did wonders with Kofi Kingston and Sheamus could come out looking like a good heel champion after the Rumble.

Do I think that the WWE has missed some potential opportunities? Of course they have. Hell, every company misses out on pushing guys that could potentially be great. Ziggler, Bourne and Jack Swagger have lost momentum but they're still very young and a lot can still happen with them. Ziggler has had three good matches against Kane in as many weeks, he's looking very solid and maybe something could happen. MVP is someone whose sails may have caught some wind after Raw this week. For the first time since becoming a face, MVP cut a promo with Miz Monday that made him interesting.

I think the WWE's youth movement is working just fine overall. Some young guys are being put into some hot feuds, some are showing themselves to be good champions, some are involved with programs with veterans and are being elevated because of it.
I think WWE is definitely testing the waters with a lot of these young guys to see if there are any potential stars in the group.

Like some already said, theres gonna be some big name retirements in the near future and they will have to be replaced by the younger guys.

I could be wrong about this, but maybe there is some concern in the locker room and the office with the actual potential of the young guys. I know both Batista and Big Show have both made public comments regarding this. Even though you guys might not like Batista or Show for whatever reason, these are two seasoned veterans and it might be a good way to gage the attitude of the back.

Personally, I dont think that any of the young guys are ready to carry the torch at this point. But the same could have been said about The Ringmaster and Rocky Miavia. But right now the WWE has no one to replace HHH, HBK, Taker, Show, Jericho, etc...

I think the WWE is going to go through a transition period for a few year similar to the mid 90's. I think TNA has a huge opportunity to capitalize on this and actually become legitimate competition. Strong competition will be good for the WWE because it will allow the wrestlers to speak their mind and developer their character on their own like Austin and Rock did. Until then, these new guys will not be manufactured into superstars. might hurt that two of their biggest young prospects have heavy Irish accents. I know it seems dumb, but American fans might not attach to those characters as well as they would American characters.
To me the Youth Movement is hit or miss. Yes Sheamus is WWE champion, and that is a good thing. Sheamus represents the youth movement in WWE as the champion and makes it believable that other young talents can become WWE champion. Has he actually wreslte anyone and tear down the house on TV?? No.

Overall WWE is trying to make new stars, and that is a good thing even though they may not be pushing the correct younger stars. I still think that Matt Hardy, Christian, R-Truth, JoMo and Swagger need to be pushed as Main Eventers as soon as possible. Reasons for that is the fans love them, they can wrestle, and if gvien the Main Event spotlight could perform.

Last thing; WWE needs to pull he trigger on Benjamin and solidify him as the best athlete in wrestling. Remember when Edge first won the WWE title and how everyone wanted to know how that would play out?? Well giving Shelton the WWE title would be a great thing for long time WWE/wrestling fans.
i don't think it is working wwe are bringing in all these new wrestlers and putting and giving them titles and feuds with top stars left and right in my opinion the problem is people don't care about them because most of them just aren't that interesting take for example rhodes and dibiase sure there in legacy but there's nothing that makes them stand out there just another two guys in underpants who don't seem to have a personality they haven't done anything that makes you think i cant wait to see what happens next or what they'll do in the future its the same with stars like the miz jack swagger and dolph ziggler.

kofi is different though in his feud with randy orton when he destroyed randy orton's car and put him through that table that was fun to watch and made you interested in the feud and therefore interested in kofi's character which makes you want to see him wrestle.

the wwe just seems to think that if they throw a title at someone he will be an instant mega star but thats not the case they need things like storylines gimmicks backstage interaction stunts ect to build there characters and make them interesting and unique because they can be brilliant wrestlers but you need to care about them before you want to watch them in a match
The WWE is damned if they do and damned if they don't when it comes to pushing young guys. In the same post Sheamus being world champion and young people not being pushed are seemingly criticized, and they are simultaneously berated for doing the opposite things.

My challenge to you is this. Look at the people with less than two years WWE experience on the card for TLC in 2009: Drew McIntyre, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus. Look at the people with less than two years' experience on the Armageddon card in 2008: Nobody. Or nobody male anyway. The process o building guys up is a slow one, but even so it's clearly happening now.
The youth movement is overall looking good. I do think some tweeks are needed though. Put over some established superstars like Shelton, MVP, and Matt Hardy into the main event scene as well. Also Christian and re insert Kane into the mix. McIntyre, Morrison, Sheamus, and Miz were good starts as well as Kofi's. More can be done with involving veterans, but it's what Vince and creative wants to do with them all right now. We need to sit back and wait. So far progress is being made.
Triple H doesn't job?? He tapped to John Cena at Mania, the previous year lost to Batista for the belt and the year before that, he tapped to Benoit!

Cena was already an established star, as was Benoit. And he was basically passing the torch down to Batista.

I didn't mean to say that he has never jobbed before in his life. But let's face it, The Miz will never beat him.

Yes, he did let Hardy beat him for #1 contendership a few years ago, but i believe he just wanted to say he had a part in Hardy's dream coming true.

My point being, most of these young stars won't get their breaks until HHH, HBK, Taker, and Batista retire.

Oh and Tastycles, you might want to look at the Armageddon 2008 card again. Punk and Koslov were on that card. Punk debuted in 2006, and Koslov in late 2007. They had less than 2 years' experience (Punk can be debatable).
Cena was already an established star, as was Benoit. And he was basically passing the torch down to Batista.

I didn't mean to say that he has never jobbed before in his life. But let's face it, The Miz will never beat him.

Why not? You're forgetting about how HHH jobbed to Jeff Hardy a couple of times too. HHH jobs plenty, people just hate on him because he doesn't job to their favorite star. Often times, it would be stupid for HHH to do the job anyway. Just because someone is exciting while they chase the title, that doesn't mean they can carry the torch for the company. Jeff Hardy was superover for like two years before he got the belt.

This is why Kofi is still struggling up. He has to remain over and prove that he can be the guy. That is the problem for most of the young guys. They may be exciting midcarders, but can they carry a segment and a match, keep the crowd hot and draw. That is completely different than getting over.

Yes, he did let Hardy beat him for #1 contendership a few years ago, but i believe he just wanted to say he had a part in Hardy's dream coming true.

And I believe that you are making an assumption based on your hate of HHH and zero facts and less logic.
My point being, most of these young stars won't get their breaks until HHH, HBK, Taker, and Batista retire.

Of course not. Sheamus will never be world champion until all of those guys retire.
In the last half of the year and more recently just the last few months, the WWE has seemed to switch gears to sort of youth movement in an effort to create new superstars and maineventers but upon reviewing their content, is this really working even? Are new guys getting over and being pushed?

Sure Sheamus is the WWE champion now but what has he done to really garner mainevent status, and without the belt would he even be viewed as over enough to be a solid maineventer in feuds with guys like Triple H, Undertaker, etc..He got little followup to his win and the spotlight is still on Cena predominantly. Then there is Legacy who have done nothing to get over since aligning with Orton? Where is their long tag title reign? Where is the strong stablity of a solid heel faction on Raw trying to take over? Nothing..., Kofi seems on the verge to breakout but was never given that one-on-one win over Orton to break the cusp, DX hasnt put anyone over EVER...when was the last time Michaels feuded with someone other than an established superstar? Triple H job to someone and have them pushed?

Look at all the superstars who could be really benefitting from this "movement": MVP, Miz, Morrison, Ziggler, Bourne, Carlito, R-Truth, Swagger, Kofi, etc.. and WWE never pulls the trigger on them when they have the chance. Each one of these guys has been in a situation where they were hot and could have broken through but either lost an important match, made to look stupid, or just given up on. This so called movement really reminds me more of late 2000 WCW than anything. Remember they had their youth movement with bringing in the Natural Born Thrillers, MIA, Filthy Animals, 3 Count, Yung Dragons, Air Raid, etc and tryed to mix them with established stars...Hell they even revisited old factions like nWo similiar to WWE with DX, and even had the horrible celebrity debuts and interactions; think Arquette, Kiss, etc.

Overall this youth movement might sound good on paper, but unless these guys are given situations and opportunities to advance all they are getting is wasted exposure and time. Vince complains about not being able to make new stars but how can he when the fans arent put into a postiion to believe that these guys have the crediblity to become stars?

I agree with alot of what you are saying but we all need to remember that stars aren't made overnight and that it takes time.
I'll go through a ME talent;
Cena - First WWE title after 3 years.
HHH - Not sure, but it took him quite a few years.
Michaels - 7 years?
Jeff Hardy - Over 10 years
Edge - 7/8 years?

I can't be arsed finding exact dates, but that gives you a rough indication that it takes time to break through the top. Kofi/Swagger/Miz/Morrison just need time to develop and become credible. But I do agree that one week Swagger is pushing Cena all the way, the next he loses to Santino. You need to follow up and keep momentum going rather than make him lose all credibility so you have to start over.
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